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Akmagnus Vs. Akvasto



I'm running a little low on Orokin Cells.


Any point building the Akmagnus? Seems like Akvastos but more crit, with slower reload and a little less base dmg/shot.


The extra status chance make it superior?


Just asking for opinions I guess. Worth the 6 cells? (I already sold the base Magnus I leveled to 30 for Mastery for a slot so gotta build it again :*( )

Edited by Darzk
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The AkMagnus are pretty good due to their higher impact damage, but what killed it for me was the reload speed. I shoot pretty fast with semi automatic guns so  I like to have something that can reload quickly. The AkVastos hit hard, have a good critical chance and a fast reload so they're always going to win in my book.


The AkMagnus are still good, though. Great status and critical chance for sure if that's what you're looking for over anything else.

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it's my favorite sidearm. pretty strong, accurate at long ranges, and the status and crit chance are great. some status procs are better than others, so if you need them, akmags are the ones you want. viral is generally excellent on akmags, but magnetic damage will easily remove shields from high-level corpus and corrupted. and if you need some crowd control, blast has a good knockdown effect, and gas can take out groups of enemies. so if you want to take advantage of status effects like that, or even just the slow from cold or DoT from heat/poison/slash, they're a great sidearm for that. I think of the three (aklex, akvasto, akmagnus) the akmagnus are the best. but my recommendation would be get whichever one complements your loadout. if your primary does mainly impact damage, stick with akvasto. if you have a puncture-based primary, akmagnus are the ones for you. and if you use the flux rifle, then you don't need any more slash damage (it's not the best damage type), so go with akmags

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Hows the AkLex hold up then? Double damage/shot, but around 1/2 the dps overall due to low RoF and reload.


Lotsa piercing damage tho, good for Grineer?


Generally I use Corrosive/Cold for void, so dont care about the status all that much. Grineer is the only time I'd like that Corrosive proc. Corpus melt from toxin damage anyways so not too interested in the magnetic proc.


Personally If I wanted a status sidearm thats why I keep the Tysis in my inv, or one of the shotty pistols.


Or just designate them as specific faction weapons? Magnus for Corpus, Lex for Grineer, Vastos for Infested?

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I'm torn on which of the two I should focus on, also. 

On the one hand my Vastos have higher damage and better reload speed while on the other, my Akmagnus have a status chance of 80% with stunning speed and pistol pestilence (according to arsenal, not sure if this is accurate or not?). Not only that but they can easily reach around 50% crit chance and still fit an elemental combo. That seems pretty potent considering they have a larger mag size than the Vastos and stunning speed also brings down the reload to 2.1 (while the Akvasto is 1.8). 


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Or just designate them as specific faction weapons? Magnus for Corpus, Lex for Grineer, Vastos for Infested?

Each of them bring more than enough firepower to gun down any faction. 

I prefer to see it more so Magnus for general use. Kind of the most balanced of the three, while the Lex are more of a pocket sniper, best at the longer end of range but not good for close up encounters, while the Vasto are the best in close ranges due to the superior reload speed while still perfomingly decently at long range but at long range 2 extra shots or a more controlled firing rate will let the other two perform a little better. 

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Built em anyways as we had a bunch of cells from invasions.


The reload is LOOOONG.

Damage isn't bad but nothing special.


Kinda fun with Crit mods, one of the few pistols you can build for crit, so got that going for it.


Status chance is mostly wasted. Decent enough that you're gonna see procs in a few shots, but not every shot. IMO status is more valuable on weapons with slash damage, as thats an actually useful proc. Knockback aint so impressive.


Edit: The problem comes from basically REQUIRING the 2 crit mods and a reload mod. That doesnt leave a lot of space for elementals.


http://goo.gl/EzjtFe for example would take advantage of high proc chance, using the cicero toxin mod and Stunning Speed. Problem is it loses a considerable 85% burst DPS over a pure damage build with 3x elementals, like http://goo.gl/Vk8Fuo

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Guest Shibboleet

You'll see higher damage per shot out of the akmagnus, but possibly higher dps out of the akvasto due to the reload speed.

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If you check out the DPS information for both, they both fall around 12k dps.  Akvasto slightly under and Akmagnus slightly over. 


I keep reading in the forums that slash damage is preferred for all factions and my Akvasto doesn't have any issues with any of them.  If don't think you can go wrong with either of them, mod with the correct elements for whom you are facing.


I generally just run my Akvasto with corrosive and cold though I do have set up for Grineer and Corpus.  I could run just a viral setup also to cover both.

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It's a decent enough weapon out of the box and fun to use, but if you're low on cells and/or have the Akvastos, then you're not missing anything.


It's worth it for the fun factor and the mastery alone, but if you're short on resources, I wouldn't bother. At least not yet.

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