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[Suggestion] Male And Female Models For Every Warframe


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Peace everyone,
First , i don't care if the moderators said that they are not going to do this . Because they might think again if the idea got enough support from the community , so please just say if u support the suggestion or not and don't say that they are not going to do it .

I just want to be able to play as a male mag or male zephyr .. but there are only female models -_- .. and i feel #$$ when playing with a female character . So that's it .. i want to suggest adding male and female models for all warframes so players can choose between female and male when choosing their first warframe ( when starting a new account ) or choose male or female model of the warframe they want to craft at the foundry .

Edited by Atreedee
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Actually they didn't. they said maybe but no nearsighted plans for this. Chin up Tenno! There is still hope.


They specifically said that making new, opposite sex warframes with similar themes was the most likely scenario.


Outright gender-switching is not on the table.

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Peace everyone,

I just want to be able to play as a male mag or male zephyr .. but there are only female models -_- .. and i feel #$$ when playing with a female character . So that's it .. i want to suggest adding male and female models for all warframes so players can choose between female and male when choosing their first warframe ( when starting a new account ) or choose male or female model of the warframe they want to craft at the foundry .

Honestly if you feel your sexuality is in danger because of a video game then there are bigger problems here.

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There are different models and with different skills. The only way to do this implementation if fans try to modeling the alternative genders from a finished model and change somewhere parts. Other is which needed change the lack lore to handle the frames not unique armors then we can implement the gender swap succesfuly.

The main problem is they doesn't want spend time to make two work in same time because they want fast money and that's easier to make some fancy weapon copy and 1 new frame per month or 2 max. The lore is still a big hole without any mention we are our armors or we are individual tenno's who can wear these armors without any restrictions. Like i wear skirt but i can wear also panties.

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Actually I'm surprised no one mentioned this, Nyx was originally planned to be Fem-Excal, but they realized half-way though, "Hey, since I'm making a new model, why not make a new frame entirely!", thus no true gender-swaps.


(To anyone who says this is a Cash-Shop reason, I'd seriously wish you'd stop that S#&$ by now, DE is actually very fair in their cash shop, try playing Mech-Warrior Online, Neverwinter, or practically any other F2P game and tell me you think Warframe's grind time is unfair/P2W.)

Edited by un1337ninj4
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There are different models and with different skills. The only way to do this implementation if fans try to modeling the alternative genders from a finished model and change somewhere parts. Other is which needed change the lack lore to handle the frames not unique armors then we can implement the gender swap succesfuly.

The main problem is they doesn't want spend time to make two work in same time because they want fast money and that's easier to make some fancy weapon copy and 1 new frame per month or 2 max. The lore is still a big hole without any mention we are our armors or we are individual tenno's who can wear these armors without any restrictions. Like i wear skirt but i can wear also panties.

See this is where people are mistaken.

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they said if they ever want to do frames with existing themes, it would be the opposite gender. for instance, if DE wanted to make another frame with fire theme, it would have different abilities and stats to ember. it's basically their opportunity to make 2 frames with 1 theme.

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They have said that the closest thing they might do to a gender swap is making similar themed frames; ie, female ember, male blaze (just example name) and both are themed around fire but with slightly different powers. 

However, true gender swap will not be available. If they do at some point in time decide to go ahead and do it though, it'll be a long long time before it actually happens.

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Real gender swaps just would be like the most mmo games options when you create a character after you can add a role how to play like mage, warrior etc. Something similar would be good here and you can try that "specific" skills as other gender with the alternative model.


Nyx was a half breed idea then they thought that way would be good but they stop and said no thanks. Maybe would be good change the nyx looks or just add more customization options to this game.

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Notice the similarities between Nyx and Excal. The reason for this is that she was being worked on at the high time of the "male and female variants of each warframe! make it happen DE!" movement back in closed beta. As you can tell, they didn't NOT to go with this idea. 


Pretty sure they explicitly stated several live streams ago that they wouldn't do this. Sorry :/


EDIT: As others have said, they're not opposed to warframes centered around a specific theme being of different gender... So Frost and then some sort of Aquatic frame for instance.

Edited by michaelwii
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Devs have argued this among themselves for over a year, lol. Used to talk about in the live streams. It likely will never happen, because each Warframe is a unique individual in the lore. They won't make male/female skins of each one, because they all have a background story. Will never happen.

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Well this is obviously a case of DE having transgender phobia. Being a tri-gendered-multisystemed-lesbian who identifies as straight with bisexual tendencies & trapped in man's body....I can't help but be offended that DE is withholding from its loyal players the right to choose the gender they identify with at the moment. It is high time that gender swapping be the default in all games as it is now in popular society. Get with the program DE!!!

I encourage my fellow special snowflakes to join forces & create a blizzard of discontent for this blatant display of corporate transgender phobia oppression.

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Honestly if they implement this then they will earn more money from cash shop and increased player base because of improved option of customization. The lore of this game is very lack and they try to defend with their ideas but in reality it's lazyness because if they can finish a work ease and earn money with it then why they should do more? So many option miss from this game which is standard but if they improve the lore and characterize their frames then i can say it's okay but the restrict to not try an ability just because a frame have it is simply selfish. 


Colors and attachments aren't real customization things and they just leach your money bag and nothing happen. Maybe in the near far future they will implement this and they already implemented something what they said before never and never. Remember one thing dear tennos, innovation without profit is not good innovation...


Ps: The simpliest thing they not want spend more time to do this before they need change some terms.

Edited by Wzhou30
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Isn't Oberon just the male version of Trinity, and Zephyr the female version of Volt?

Still needs a female version of Loki !


Honestly if you feel your sexuality is in danger because of a video game then there are bigger problems here.

Stop wasting time on useless replies >.<


All i wanted is to give players freedom to choose what they want to look like .. i don't think it will harm anybody .


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Now its not a thing anymore sorry


DE wants to give every frame a backstory/name now and with them not being alone with the powers it would work against this.


It would also remove even more of the little character the warframes have right now.


Characters we have so far


Valkyr is pissed

Ember got hurt

Volt is fabulous 



But to be fair, i would enjoy to play a female Rhino or male Valkyr.

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