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Killing. It's all I've known for years. My rescuer, who calls herself the Lotus, awakened me from a cryopod. She gave me a name. Excalibur. She warned me of enemies, forces that sought to take control of the solar system. If they had their way, they would strip every planet of its resources and either slaughter or enslave its inhabitants. She promised me safe haven, provided I do one thing. Stop them.



At first, my task proved difficult. The weapons I was asked to use proved cumbersome after my long sleep in the cryopod, but in a short time I was able to relearn my skills and utilize them with overwhelming results. As I grew stronger, I was able to wipe out a ship's complement in a matter of minutes.  And yet, all the while, the question burned in the back of my mind...who was I before I was put in a cryopod?



In addition to killing the Corpus and Grineer, I searched for resources. I found many things in the containers and the lockers, but the black orbs interested me the most. After analyzing them, I learned that they contained coordinates to ships left behind by the Orokin, an ancient alien race. Once I was able to triangulate the exact location of one ship, I volunteered to investigate it, hoping I would find answers.



The vessel was unlike anything I had ever seen. The signs of aging and discoloration suggested it had long been abandoned. Once I boarded it however, it became clear that it was not. It was dimly lit, but I could still make out the magnificent architecture that had been overtaken by foliage running up and down the once ivory columns and obscuring the intricate embossments on the walls. In the shadows, I started to notice small glowing lights, and as they drew closer I realized they were eyes, hundreds of them. As the eyes drew closer, the dim light gave shape to their horrific bodies; grotesque mutations of what I gathered to be the remnants of Grineer and Corpus soldiers.



They proved susceptible to my gun and blade, and after clearing them I scoured the vessel. Before I embarked on this mission, the Lotus told me the vessel might contain a vault, for which she gave me what she believed to be a key. I found a wall with some strange markings inscribed on it. On it, I saw where the key fit on the wall and inserted it. After a brief pause, the wall separated to reveal a small room adorned with gold, some storage containers, and a glowing object in the center. I was almost too distracted by the object in the center to realize what was towering above it: an immense statue of me. My mind raced. After a long pause, the voice of the Lotus instructed me to collect the glowing object and extract. Disconcerted, I left without the answers I came to find, only more questions.

Edited by R4D10
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  With Honor


It was about mid-day, the sun was high and the trees around loomed above like high walls. They provided shade. Darkness which was perfect, perfect for an assassin such as myself. I was wearing my ash warframe, I Had spent months training with it in preparation for this and this was my first mission, to take down the newly discovered arms dealer, located a on Earth. He had been dealing with the Grineer for some time, supplying them with resources and weapons. He was a crucial column to the structure of the Grineer empire, and if that column fell, it would cripple the foundation. Finishing at the top of the charts, I was assigned this mission, to take him out, quietly and with as little difficulty as possible. They sent in one warframe so as to minimize the possibility of the mission being compromised. I took my most silent weapon, my dread which I had taken from the body of a dead stalker. No one besides the stalkers new how these bows were made, and no stalker would ever say. They would rather die than unveil the long sought after secrets of their weapons. They only way to obtain one, was to kill a stalker, and the only way to find a stalker, was for him to find you.

Anyways, there I was in the shadows, cloaked, waiting for him to appear, Varl Jarken the recently discovered Grineer arms dealer. I had my bow drawn, ready for the kill. Troopers wandered the area, oblivious to the danger lying in in the shadows. I was caught up in the moment, thinking about how I had come here, about the mission, about the unreal smoothness of how the mission was going, then it happened. A clumsy Frontier Lancer had walked up behind me, without seeing me, and had kicked a rock which had sat in his path. The rock hit my back and fell to the ground. Now I was cloaked so he couldn't see me, but the rock had bounced off of me and hit the ground, and he definitely saw that. I was not quick enough, he ran to the console and sounded the alarm before I could slit his throat, everyone in the room saw his body fall to the ground next to the console, the silence was deafening, everyone’s eyes searching for me, trying to find what they sought for. BANG..........BANG BANG BANG! they had open fired. I ran as fast as I could to the door, but they had locked it, and the console to unlock it was on the other side of the room, I was trapped. I immediately started dropping Grineer infantry, one by one, with my bow, death in my hands. Suddenly my cloak ran out, I was out of energy! They all turned and open fired at me. Time stopped, the mission was over, I was a dead man. All I could do was think about how much of a failure I was. The Tenno are centered on honor, and I now had none. Then my mind returned to reality, I saw a rocket fired from a bombard headed right at me. It would be my death, I had no mods in my frame for shields or health, I had taken those out and replaced them with mods to assist stealth, well that had worked... I impulsively jumped to avoid the missile, as I looked down I froze, all I saw below me were dozens...upon dozens...upon dozens of Grineer Butchers, waiting for me.

GASP, I sat up in bed. The mission did not happen until tomorrow, it was early morning, they day before. It was all a dream. I was scared out of my mind. The mission was tomorrow. If I succeeded, I would be greatly honored. But if I failed, I would likely never be sent on a mission of this importance ever again. I went to the conclave to practice with my bow, I also brought my despair with me, my favorite side-arm. Throughout the match I took the approach of staying hidden and seeing everything, while being unseen by everything. I was not trying to win the match, but only to practice the skills that would be required in the upcoming mission. I stood hidden in a high corner, waiting for the opportune time to shoot. Tenno ran back and forth. Gun shots from Somas and various other fire-arms rang throughout the arena. I started worrying about the mission, would I be able to succeed, what if my nerves got to me like they had in my dream? Doubts ran through my mind like a stampede.

An alarm rang and the match was over, I had taken too long. I had failed twice. Even though both were not real, I had still failed. Would I be able to succeed in the real thing? Would my nerves get to me as they had the last two times? I could not stop thinking about this, and time flew by throughout the day as a result and before I knew it, it was time to sleep. Pshh if I could. That night I did not sleep even once for dread of the next morning, and for fear of falling asleep only to have that same nightmare. It seemed like hours and hours, but finally at 0300 the officer came in and told me to get ready. I swung my dread over my shoulder, strapped my despair to my legs, and my quiver to my back. I charged my suite, and stored a few energy resupplies. I walked out my door and down the hall, the quietness of everything was deafening and ominous. Once again thoughts raced through my head. Eventually I found myself at the docking bay, a transport ship was there ready to go. I stepped into the ship and took hold of the handles, this was the point of no return, once these doors closed there was no going back, no return. It was either succeed and be praised, or fail and have your honor die with you. The mother-ship was positioned just outside the reach of Earth's radar. I steered my ship quickly down through the atmosphere without being seen by the patrolling guard vessels. The Tenno ship I was in was designed for stealth, and was fantastic at it. I hope that I would be just as good on the ground.

I quickly reached the thick treeline of Earths forests which provided dense cover. I reached the border of the Grineer outpost where Varl Jarken was located. I hit the eject button, the doors opened and I fell to the ground. The ship sailed off under the auto-pilot, to the extraction point where I was to meet it. I was alone. The only noise was the wind through the trees. I paused, there it was, the distant sound of the polluting Grineer machinery, the sound of destruction. These forests were too beautiful, the Grineer ignored them and instead sought to tear them down. They had no respect for anything and instead sought to dominate everything. I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. I immediately set about getting to a vantage point without being seen. I began to run, my mind became clear, I was one with the trees and the shadows, I was a shadow, my ash was black lined with green, prefect for the environment. I evaded the sentries and made my way to the main building where He would be located. As I made my way there, I slowed down and looked around, the sun and the trees all looked too familiar, they were the exact same as my dream. How was that possible? I shook my head and refocused on the mission. I soon reached the vantage point, I chose a small platform where I could see the whole area. Everything was going well so far. This time I checked my back regularly, making sure there was no clumsy grunt on patrol kicking rocks. I cloaked myself and kept an eye on my energy levels. Hours went by, the sun made it's way across the sky. More hours passed. My energy levels began to run low, I was running out of time. If to much more time passed I would have to get to extraction and leave, thereby not completing the mission and failing. That was not an option, I decided to wait 30 more minutes and then make my way down into the the buildings. I could not return without completing my mission. 10 minutes passed, 15, and then 20. No sign of him. I was starting to get angry. This guy was going to be responsible for my shame. I was not going to let him get away.

Finally a door opened and out walked the man himself, all alone, seemingly taunting me. I drew my bow. To me there were only three things in the world, myself, my bow, and Mr. Varl Jarken. My HUD's reticule was directly above him, adjusting for the slope of the arrow. My fingers began to loosen to let the harbinger of death fly. I was so excited, I was going to finish the mission, I would be praised and honored for completing the mission successfully. Then I froze, Varl Jarken sat down on the ground and it looked as though he was crying. My curiosity got the best of me and I placed the arrow back in the quiver. I made my way down and got as close as I dared. I could hear him mumbling about something, and I could understand him. “What ill fate has brought me here, to be oppressed by the cruel tyrants and be forced to help them in their ventures full of hubris and destruction. I cannot oppose them for sake of my life. There is no way out of this mess. AGH! Why, Why!?” I then realized, he was not willingly aiding the war mongering Grineer, but was only doing so because they would kill him if he didn't. I then decided that I had to help him. He would be an extremely valuable asset just as Darvo was. He would have insight into the Grineer just as Darvo did with the Corpus. I moved closer to him and risked compromising the mission. “Do not move Varl, I am here to help. I am a Tenno, do not be afraid. I can get you out of here and free you from the Grineer.” He looked around in bewilderment, searching for the voice which spoke to him. He then moved towards the console to sound the alarm “Stop, Stay calm, I am trying to help you. The Grinner cannot know I am here.” He froze and whispered, “If you are a Tenno, I know I can trust you. I have long sought freedom from them. What am I to do?” “Casually move to an outer border of the boundary, and from there I can get you to an escape ship.” He walked slowly to a side of the encampment and I sent a message for another ship to be sent to extraction. He arrived at the position. I quickly uncloaked myself and revealed myself to him. I realized I was out of energy, from then on I would have to run. I motioned for him silently to follow me. We began to run as fast as we could to the extraction point. Alarms flared and bullets whizzed by. Over fallen trees through the brush and out into an open area we ran. The two ships rose out of cover and waited for us. I told him to go on while I stayed back to give us some more time. I Whipped out my knives and began to drop infantry. I had no more energy so I could not activate Blade Storm. As soon as there was a slight gap in the pounding waves of the Grineer, I rushed to my ship. I jumped in and closed the doors. I could hear bullets bouncing off of the hull, I had just made it. I had not only survived the mission, but had gained for the Tenno cause a valuable ally. It was not because of me that we had gained this ally, but because of who the Tenno are. We seek to rid the world of the corrupt and evil. We base or morals on honor and good, that is what makes us different than the Grineer and that is why Varl Jarken did not sound the alarm. Cum honore et cum bonitate pugnabimus [both with honor and with goodness we will fight.]





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                                                                                                           Brothers of Combat




The Ash and Loki stood firm. They had been in many battles before this. Brothers in combat. A family forged in blood, steel, and bullets. The Grineer patrolled through earth and found a family, a family that survived the jungle, and lived in peace. The Grineer wanted them as slaves, or dead. The Lotus had sent the Ash and Loki to that planet to exterminate the Grineer, and that's when they found the Grineer trying to abduct the family. They couldn't allow innocence to die by the hands of the Grineer. The Ash and Loki knew what to do. They knew they had to protect them. Ash cloaked and ran at the enemy as he drew his Orthos, ready for blood. Loki teleported the innocence to safety, then joined his brother in combat. He took his Snipetron off his back, found a perch, and began to snipe....





One, then two, then twenty, the Grineer fell to Ash's blade. Grineer butchers ran at him furiously, only the get cut into ribbons. A squad of heavy gunners approached Ash from behind, but Loki sniped them before they could begin to open fire. More Grineer units flooded out of the jungle with merciless fire. The Ash back flipped and rolled as enemy bullets flew past him, deflecting them as he did so. The Loki sniped countless Grineer heads from there shoulders. A Grineer napalm approached firing at Ash. The Loki looked down from the massive cliff he was on, and jumped into the air switching places with the napalm, who fell to his death. He drew his kunai flung them furiously at the faces of there enemies. All Grineer who approached were cut in two, and all Grineer who shot were filled with Loki's kunai.



Loki did what he does best, and disarmed everything on the battlefield. Enraged, the dis-army ran at them with there puny stun sticks. Ash jumped in front of Loki, and twirled his Orthos faster than the eye can see, cutting the entire dis-army down as limbs and blood flew through the air.


It was done. That was the last of them. They had saved a family, and this brought new questions to mind. Were there more? Had the Grineer slaughtered others like this on earth? Why had the Lotus not told them of this? Nevertheless, the deed was done, and it was time to go home. Ash cleaned his blade, and Loki reloaded his Snipetron, as they both walked to extraction....

Edited by Nuparu92
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"Did you know, a Dera's heat sink smells something like roast Desertskate, Tenno?"

Darvo's com line crackled slightly, as he adjusted the signal to hear the Tenno's response. "Oh, wait, that's right; you don't come out of your weapon, Tenno, I almost forgot." He replied to the stony silence that greeted him. He knew he was talking to the Tenno because, unlike any other frequency, there was never any background chatter in the communication filtering through. Even his signal, which he had spent almost a decade perfecting, still had other Corpus merchants' wavelengths crossing his signal slightly, whispering in the background, claiming better prices than his to customers best left unseen. However, this was his line, and the Tenno knew to radio in to him to find out the best of deals. Not the Tenno frequency though. A silence more terrifying than an Orkin ship's stillness. Even they hum slightly, he should know, he had spent enough time hiding out in their Vaults. The notion that something once human was contained within those suits was foreign to him. He saw what was inside one; he came by a part of the Zanuka product once and immediately sold it on, it wouldn't do to destroy good relations with his best customers.

The screen in front of him lit up. The Tenno had made their choices. "Ah, a very good choice, Tenno. The Paris can be rather effective against the Grineer. Just be sure to conserve your ammo as finding extra can be hard; the bolts are not easily mutated in the field." As Darvos prepared the transmission of the Blueprint, he watched as the collected credits of the Tenno cycled into his account. "Profit from the Tenno, Alad?" he thought to himself, "Hah! You have a good idea, but you have it all the wrong way around. That's something of my father's business model I intend to copy." the transmission successful, Davos moved to the next item. He knew its significance as soon as his 80,000 credit visual enhancers decrypted the request. No words were necessary, but they slipped out anyway; ".... Derelict? Madness, no profit in going there at all, Tenno.....". However, he was raised a salesman, and as all good salesmen know; never form a bond with the customer, just gain their trust so they come back.

The transaction over, Davos returned to cataloguing his goods. The Tenno may have been one of his best customers, that didn't mean they were the only customers.


In a heavily modified Orkin Ship near the outer reaches of the System, the forge sparked with unnatural light. The process nearly over, four figures sat, awaiting the completion of the key. When the key would be finished, it would allow passage to another like ship, still of Orkin origin, however changed in a different way. Changed by madness.


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It was a chore but work is work. Lotus had given us a Codex and no means to share it due to the many sub types of enemies, meaning its best to force us to update ourselves that to spoonfeed a already existing Codex that could be outdated quickly. 




Nekros and Zephyr had teamed up accidentaly on a node occupied by the grineer, with the personal task to scan the clones used there. The node was a facility made to store and deploy toxins used by the enemy, perfect to disrupt and analyze the grineer. With care the new tenno cell disabled the grineer squads after scanning, using kunais and silenced latrons to quickly mop up the forest and hide. The chat was minimal, everything was fine and nice, until Zephyr mentioned she needed the money for her incoming marriage.




A spark on Nekros lit the conversation. Nekros dsicuss why grineer women shouldnt tolerate their work conditions. As they killed heavy gunners and scorpions it was obvious that many of their implants were rusty, in need of maintenance, flat out broken or just poorly crafted. Zephyr whispers for a bit more of decency when looting the dead, but Nekros pays no attention as he rummages trhu whatevers left of their implants. Then a golden oportunity camed up the room.




A Ballista, possibly the only one on the node as they had not seen one in ages. Zephyr quickly slides to behind a chest, but nekros reacts quickly and takes a swing at her with his ether reaper, destroying the vulkar she was holding and mangling her arms. While she was clearly triple disarmed, Nekros mumbles if he could take her home himself, to at least care to whatever life left theres on her. Zephyr remembers him that it could be done, as lotus has allowed many corpus and grineer units to extract with the excuse that they were seeking asylum, not really expecting Nekros to do such thing. Meanwhile the ballista was screaming at them as she could not understand them, but the forest was dense and still filled with life that muffled her commands to her allies.




Nekros surprises Zephyr by deciding to rescue her. Both finishes her scan and knock the Ballista unconsious since she could clearly not understand what was going on. Nekros stash the scanner and prepares himself to lob her body above his shoulder when Zephyr tells him to wait. Neither of them would belive on it, but it was clear the scanner had detected her as infested. Nekros takes a look at the face implant under the mask and notices orange glowing callouses hidden within the skin. A quick shot barely echoated on the forest, leaving them with nothing to ponder and talk about. Both decided they got what they wanted and quickly worked on the sabotage of the storage to extract without a word being spoken. As they extracted, Zephyr and Nekros exchanged contacts, despite planning to never again meet each other.

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                One more mission, simple and easy, go in, get the data, get out. All fine until there, when we were extracting…that’s when it hit the fan. Somehow a grineer squad followed us there, I should’ve known…While in mid-air they blew an engine and we fell in the jungle, they had an entire ambush set up, just for us…


                The entire squad survived the crash but there we were, out in the open, all banged up, shields mal-functioning, low on ammo, grineer operatives coming from every side and only the wreckage as cover. We were all hurting a lot, although rhino didn’t want to admit it, but in the middle of that entire army of goons I could swear I saw this…guy with a warframe that kind of looked like excalibur’s but it was smoking. I heard about him, “The Stalker” they called him, here to make us pay for our sins. After a tough fight we defeated him and his companion kubro. But what sins was he making us pay for? Lotus told us nothing about this. We are the balance of the system right? Was she hiding something from us? How did the Stalker know? Did he tell the grineer where we were to extract? If so, how did he know that too?



                All those doubts haven’t been answered so far but I’m grateful for the support given by an attentive fellow clan that sent a squad of their own to help and extract us from there. As always Nekros didn’t want to leave his shadows but he entered the ship really fast when the dead started hitting the floor again.



                Well Warlord, this is my report on the events that happened two moons ago on Earth’s 8th region. You should receive the other members of the squad reports soon. On a final note, I think that we should request a sitting with Lotus so that we can discuss all the mentioned questions, finally meet who gives orders to the tenno.




With all my respect,


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To Serve and Protect


Every single soldier in solar system come here for a battle, everyone fighting for their own thoughts and reasons, but the main goal is... to serve and protect. Like Tenno defending balance, in the same way Corpus and Grineer protecting something in their way, someone trying to take control under the whole solar system, other trying to protect what they already claim.




When our Tenno Ghost Squad got their next mission, no one was expecting something unusual on common artifact defense mission, but we saw pretty interesting picture, one of the soldier was trying to defend another one from grenade with his own body during the battle. After pocket checking, we found that both of them got family and they was neighbors. They was trying to protect their family from intruders, from us.




Another mission show us another story, when we was running through the mission, we found some strange room with dead Grineer soldier, he got killed by someone.




Near the body we found damaged Grineer flag and from notes that was under that flag, we found out that this guy was a revolutionizer who tried to change Grineers, he was hoping for peace, he wanted to clean whole solar system from infested and tried to found cure from that disease, because his wife and childrens become infested. But as far as we can see no one was care about his thoughts and he was killed with his own mates.




And what about me... Ive got bored from killing people and getting a break while im trying to tell you about my thoughts, if there a way to do your mission without blood, do it, because you will never know, whos father defending his children or maybe someone just trying to get some credits for food, before you shoot him. Do not forget our main goals Tenno, to Serve and Protect balance


p.s.: sr about grammar =P not my native =P


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Project: Leverage

Orokin Development Lab
Subject: "Old Man"


Subject Acquirement: Subject was found at Medical Station 3-A in the ███████ District. Analysis confirms that his son was stricken with ██████, upon research it was revealed that it was a variation of the Technocyte Virus which would continue to degrade the host's body until complete decomposition. Subject wished to have his son cured but it was not within bounds of public service. Captain ███████ suggested to use the subject's emotions towards his son for our advantage. Subject was convinced that Dark Sector would provide care/a cure for his son if he participated in the Leverage Project. He volunteered for experimentation and augmentation.


Subject Augmentation: Subject was a carrier of the varied Technocyte Virus. It seems that he was unaware of the positive side effects that it had on his son. Traces of ██████ were very faint in the subject for the subject showed no signs of possessing any significant abilities. DNA acquired from [DATA REDACTED] were infused with the subject in hopes of catalyzing the virus' effects.

Within ███ weeks, the subject began creating spherical devices that could stick on various surfaces. On many instances these devices would emit a low electric shock, and would cease to function after █ seconds. No fatalities were recorded during subject's augmentation.


Void Exposure: The subject referred to himself multiple instances as "Vauban". We believe that this is a reference to ████████████, a French military engineer in Earth's history. After much negotiation the subject was to be placed in void chamber ███ for ███ days.

When the subject was released he showed no signs of traumatization. He continued to experiment in the Sector's labs for increased periods of time. In one instance a soldier was about to escort him back to his room when a "sticky shocker" was activated, knocking the soldier out. This was the first aggressive incident involving subject "Vauban's" devices. At this point, Captain █████ believed "Old Man Vauban", as many soldiers joked of the subject's old appearance, was ready for field testing.


Feels Field Testing: Overseers of "Vauban's" equipment asked what design he would prefer for his suit which would allow him more agile movement and increased durability. He sketched his own unique concept which was then fabricated by the best Orokin Crafters in the Sector. Upon relaying to him that his son had been cured but also entered into the Leverage Project, the subject displayed and acted extremely aggressively and brutally destroyed nearly all simulator enemies. Further analysis shows that "Vauban's" gadgets had varied since Void Exposure. In both lethality and creativity. Examples of changes include, a sphere that created a stasis field that would suspend targets in the air, and a sphere that [DATA EXPUNGED] which would [DATA EXPUNGED] targets towards itself.


Note: "Vauban's" son volunteered as a subject as well. Analysis on his abilities reflect that of his father's and he on many occasions had referred to himself as "Loki" (Norse God of Mischief).



Author's Note: Spent roughly 2 hours working on this with my best friend (awesome critic btw). We had to cut some "fat" from the end story but I really liked writing this, hoped you guys enjoyed!

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Lore Title: Wait what


                I see that you're awake. Good, very good. Can you walk? Intriguing. I guess countless centuries of cryosleep does not hinder you. What's the matter? You seem confused. But I should have known. Amnesia is a common happening of cryosleep. Really very tragic if you ask me. A true pity upon those who wake up afterward. They can't remember anything before they entered the stasis. Ah well. The past is the past. That is over now; we live today to see tomorrow.


                Ah, so you've noticed? This is the first and largest of the gas giants. An atmosphere of anything but breathable air. Anyone would not think to settle here. There is not a sliver of possibility of living here. And yet here we are, standing, breathing in the air around us; as I am not just anyone. I, even knowing I wouldn't last on my own, have made it here, the hell of the solar system, and survived. Beautiful scenery is it not? Did you know I designed each of those towers myself? I do have quite an artistic mind.


                It seems we have guests. Well not guests per say. Betrayers are a more fitting name for them. Do you see them? Sharp eyes you have. Over there? Thank you. I never understood why they always come after me. It's as if I've done something wrong. All I am is experimenting with foreign technology. Is it not wise to open your mind to the knowledge that others may have and you, yet to achieve? I simply strive for knowledge; Am I wrong in that?


                Ah, they are but amateurs amongst themselves. They carry such simple weapons with them. If you'll excuse me I must give our guests a welcoming ceremony. You are free to stay here if you wish. Enjoy the scenery; it really is very nice. I will return to you shortly.




                Hello? Can you hear me? Good. I saw one of the cryopods release an inhabitant around here but for some reason I couldn't contact you. Someone must have shut off your Warframe. I've dispatched a team to your location to come and retrieve you. I have much explaining to do but first things first.



Edited by P1NK13P13
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The purpose

A tale told in haiku


Asleep for so long.

Awoken to be murdered!

Escaped to freedom.



Divided system.

Fighting over lost riches.

Power or profit?



Remnants of the past.

Not unlike my current form.

A purpose was found.



What lurks the shadows?

Derelicts housing this plague.

Using the dead flesh.



It has been foretold.

We cleanse the infested husks.

The Tenno must fight.


*screenshots and verses by Ragan42*

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The appearance of Vor's Apprentice


          I was contacted by Lotus to join a Cell on mission. I found it kind of odd that 5 tenno where being deployed for a spy mission. Never the less I went on the mission. During transit, the Cell and I got caught in a meteor shower above earth. I landed somewhere in the Mantle sector along with several meteors from the atmosphere, not sure about the Cell though.
          Upon arriving, I received new orders from Lotus. Details where minimal, only stating that I had to wait. I tried to make contact with Lotus but the comms where dead. So I waited pondering the message, then a grineer squad hobbled by, not knowing of my existence. I began to slink threw the forest, following the war-mongers to their destination. From that moment on I began to record all grineer activity. I recorded on one Grineer in extreme detail, a Butcher I call "Vor's Apprentice".
          I don’t know what but he and Vor have been in contact quite a bit, talking only when communications to Vay Hek are down and quote "cannot be tapped", Vor's words not mine. The Apprentice only makes contact with Vor in his personal quarters.
          He and his group of gallivanting clones seem to be up to something. I have seen shipments coming in at night, under the radar of Vay Hek's vision.
          Is Vor's Apprentice planning on moving up in the ranks by having an "accident" happen to Vay Hek, or is this something more nefarious involving what Darvo's father, Frohd Bek, commented in an earlier account as "Project Tethra". Could this be the birth place of Project Tethra or merely a coincidence? Further observation is required for a better analysis. Until I am evacuated from Earth's surface I will continue to observe the Butcher and his squadron.
Vor's Apprentice
     Entry End
          Frost Prime's Field Log
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I see the Ancient before it sees me.  All muscle and sinew and glowing tentacles, it shuffles across the ruined courtyard.  I knock an arrow, drawing the bowstring as far as it will go, its filament thin as a whisper.  If my arrow doesn’t kill the beast, it will call for reinforcements.  I pause, remembering our conversation before I left.


Why the derelicts? she asks, less a voice than a physical presence in my mind.  A fair question; one I would ask if our positions were reversed.




“I don’t know,” I respond. “But somewhere amidst those twisted grey trunks, the information I need is waiting.”  I don’t tell her the rest of it.  I don’t tell her that from the first time I set foot in the derelicts, I have felt the trees speaking to me.  I don’t tell her that even now, I can feel the Void pulling at me.  Calling me home.




But the danger—


“I’m aware of the danger,” I say softly, interrupting her.  Many of our brothers and sisters have been lost in that deep, otherworldly dark.


Then why—


“Because I have to!” I say, cutting her off again.  “I don’t know why.  I just feel it.  As powerfully as I have ever felt anything.  The answers are in the derelicts.  Who I am—“


You know who you are, she insists.


“Who I was . . . before you found me.  Where do I come from?” I leave unspoken that final question each Tenno must ask, that question no Tenno can answer: “What did I do?”  Now and then, the memories come in flashes.  A massive stadium filled with golden light.  Long silken streamers snapping in the wind.  Shouts of joy turning to screams of terror.  Bodies.  Silence.


You will be careful.


“Of course I will.”


It wasn’t a question.


I smile, remembering the way her voice felt inside my head – firm as steel, warm as sunlight.


A growling sound across the courtyard brings me out of my memories and back into the cold, dark interior of this ancient ghost ship.  A second monstrosity has joined the first.


I release the bowstring, sending a golden arrow streaking across the chamber.  It buries itself up to the fletching in the head of the nearer of the two Ancients.  It collapses to the floor, and the second beast fixes its gaze on me.  It howls, and I know its voice will carry through these abandoned halls.




I sling my bow and pull out my polearm, its silver-edged blades flashing in the dim light.  I can see the Ancient’s brethren spilling out of hallways to either side.  This will be a long battle, but in the end I will be victorious.  I will find my answers.  Or I will die trying.

Edited by (PS4)eternal_quiet
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In truth, I pity the Infested, even as I hunt them down to the last across the system. Grineer or Corpus, it is as the Lotus says. Nobody deserves the Infestation. In purging them, I release the tormented and maybe save someone else from that fate. While the Corpus and Grineer push and pull across the stars, the Infested are the true threat to the tenuous balance of power. Unchecked, all would be consumed by them. While I will happily accompany my comrades on any mission to heal them and see them return safely home, the Infested are my true calling. I can never rest, not while the Technocyte virus continues to ravage entire sectors.




After countless ships burned clean, my comrades and I found an abomination at the heart of an ancient Orokin vessel. The Lotus told us of its age, of its use in the Old War by the Orokin. Its history mattered little to me; all I saw was a twisted mass of flesh, perpetuating the spread of Technocyte corruption. I am not fool enough to believe its death ended the infestation, but I can hope the outbreaks will lessen in severity. At the very least, it will no longer harm anyone else. A small step, but better than nothing.




And then the news reached me. A man of the Corpus, using the Infested as a weapon against his own people, abducting Tenno and carving them into pieces for his war machines. I could not allow this affront to go unanswered. Justice, not just the Lotus, demanded his head. For once, I was eager to deploy alongside my clan mates, instead of feeling apprehension for their safety. I swore to see those horrors end then and there, for the sake of my fellow Tenno and yes, even the Grineer who would have been mowed down by tides of Zanuka proxies.




In the end, I felt not the exhilaration my comrades did. I simply saw a criminal executed for his deeds. The Corpus would not march on the Grineer now, and by averting such bloodshed, I choose to believe I aided in creating a modicum of peace, if only for a brief time.




Yet the mission did not end with Alad. We found a Tenno in those labs; disfigured, angry, volatile. But she was still one of us. We have brought her home, and though the others keep their distance, I cannot give up on her. Maintaining balance in the hearts of my clan mates is as important as the balance of the system. She was hostile at first, but now she only seems cautious, perhaps confused. She may not have known compassion since before her long sleep, before Alad found her. I will remind her what it means to have a family, as will the others once I have made them understand. The galaxy is a cold, chaotic place. I cannot let any of our brethren face it alone.



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I haven't seen it mentioned, but is cropping allowed? For it was very hard for me to get the screen shots just right, at the perfect angle and before bodies disappeared... only to discover that it had not saved my UI/HUD settings from my last session! Now my UI is in all my screen shots. :/


In fact, just a while ago I turn the UI off in screenshots once again, made sure I saved it, and still the UI shows up!

Edited by Vanth
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Log Entry: Aladeath

By the time I was awakened by the large Tenno covered in moss, I found ourselves stationed in a cave. The pod I slept in for so long was bent and torn open by what appeared to be the man's insanely strong hands. I mused over that, a lone Tenno, a rhino by the looks of it, had salvaged my pod. The warm glow of the his colors illuminated what little light we had and he had already called in an extraction. Hopefully my rude savior would introduce himself eventually.


We found ourselves charging through a forest of earth. He proudly proclaimed "Extraction is that way" as he snapped a sickly soldier's neck. I was still only armed with the Scindo that was left in the weapon storage of my cryopod and I was still having serious concerns about this Rhino's sanity, was he insane to come and salvage my pod before these sickly soldier's could find it or was he just badass enough to come out here by himself and save a fellow Tenno from the Orokin Era. I tagged along with him regardless, since he knew what he was doing.


While we charged slowly through the, what he called Grineer forces. He told me his name was Garland and that he was trying to defend and rescue the remaining Tenno Cryopods left on Earth. I was the first to be saved and make it this far alive, which possibly means others have died trying to extract with him. Eventually, we found ourselves in the snowy region of the northern pole of the planet, which was stationed by the Corpus, oddly enough, the Grineer hadn't tried venturing out this far.


After Garland punched through some of the Corpus storage crates, my primary and secondary weapons flew out of the crate on to the chrome-steel floor. They were stolen from my pod and the Scindo was too heavy for the Corpus to carry back to sell off to who knows what. With my familiar weapons in hand we shot, punched, and sliced our way through the Corpus Outpost to extraction. Garland took advantage of one of the Grineer prisoners on the outpost and used him as a snow sled down the hill to extraction. The prisoner was screaming the whole way down and died when we reached the elevator, probably from the weight of Garland had crushed the prisoner's spine and killed him. I couldn't help but laugh the entire time the prisoner screamed down the hill.


We had reached extraction and I determined that this was no ordinary Rhino, but a badass leader for what came to be the clan, Project EDEN. But the story doesn't end here because we saved many more leader capable Tenno that were stuck in the forests of Earth that have their own story to tell. I was only the first of many to be saved by Garland, Leader of Project EDEN.

Edited by Aladeath
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(Im going under the assumption from lore supplied that each warframe is its own person, not just a model of equipment many ppl use)


SUCH A B----


It had all gone FUBAR so fast.  Enemies dead, they thought they were home free.   Then the traps came alive. Lasers everywhere.  Allies were dropping and Saryn couldnt save them all. Hell, she wasnt even sure she could get herself out of this mess.




"Looks like heavy activity ahead," Lotus chimed in helpfully as Saryn hopped and dived around lasers.




"Reinforcements are coming," Lotus added.


"Reinforcements? Who?" Saryn asked her hopes rising.




Saryn's heart plummeted along with her dignity, "Cant you just let us die in peace?"


The plea was too late, however, as Rhino came charging in.  If he was aware there were lasers shooting him, he didnt let on.




With no time for revives, the burly warframe scooped the fallen over his broad shoulders and led the way out.



Later in the Dojo...


Trinity and Saryn worked side by side, chatting while repairing laser damage.


"I dont understand what you're mad about," Trinity mused, "He saved our lives.  You should be thanking him."


"Did you see him flexing the entire way back?  He's a pig," Saryn tried to justify.


"He was a complete gentleman.. and I think his muscles just twitch like that."


"Hes an arrogant fool who thinks he can do anything!" Saryn complained.


"Then you two should have a lot in common," Trinity quipped back.


Saryn rolled her eyes.   Why couldnt Trinity just be a normal friend and agree with her.


"...besides, I think you're just jealous."


"Jealous! Of Rhino?!?" Saryn exclaimed.


"Yep, suddenly Saryn isnt the toughest sexiest thing..."


"Hah, I knew you thought he was sexy.  Trinity and Rhino sittin..." Saryn sang


Trinity sighed, "What are we, seven?  Just stop being a tool and thank the guy."


"Fine.  I'll meet you afterwards for dinner."



Later On...


Saryn never showed up for dinner, but clues to her whereabouts arrived in the form of a crowd heading to the rec room.  Trinity followed the voyuers to find Saryn and Rhino in an arm wrestling match.  Before she could intervene, Ember reached out and held her back, "Uh huh, there's cake on the line.  Also want to place a bet?  Odds 5 to 1 in Rhinos favor. "


"Cake?" queried a puzzled Trinity.


"Yeah, loser has to bake the winner a cake," Ember stated with sadistic glee.


Saryns hand hit the table and the crowd cheered Rhino for his victory.  Rhino rushed past the crowd and gunned for the bathroom.  As the crowd dispersed Trinity glanced at the glistening "sweat" on Saryn's palm and cornered her friend, " What did you do?"


Saryn grinned, "Nothing.. man just had to use the bathroom."


From the bathroom came a loud shout, "WHY DOES IT BURN!?!"


Trinity stared Saryn down till she spilled, "Look if he'd given in to the muscle relaxant, I would've used the antidote."


Trinity through her hands to the heavens, "You're probably going to poison the cake too."


"The cake is a lie."


"You're such a B---,"



(I had to chop this down by about 500 words to get it to fit.  I used 3 different word counters to check.  Whats in parenthesis at the start and end of this post is not part of my submission.)

Edited by Raileks
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I haven't seen it mentioned, but is cropping allowed? For it was very hard for me to get the screen shots just right, at the perfect angle and before bodies disappeared... only to discover that it had not saved my UI/HUD settings from my last session! Now my UI is in all my screen shots. :/


In fact, just a while ago I turn the UI off in screenshots once again, made sure I saved it, and still the UI shows up!


Cropping is allowed provided you don't otherwise edit the images, from what I understand.

Also, if you're using the Steam screenshot function, you won't be able to use the "Hide UI in screenshots" feature. You need to use Warframe's built-in screenshot function, which I believe is bound to F6. The screenshots I took using that button were saved in My Pictures > Warframe for me. Good luck!

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QUICK NOTE before my 500 words starts please! Click here to follow along with the original track
"my favorite track ever from METHOD MAN- 'Fall Out' to hear the flow and rap the words I have written below to yourself if you like! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N5CLek8bwQ The instrumental is easily found on youtube as well.

My Official Entry:

-"Ashes to Ashes": A Tenno Lore Rap-

"Thi *scratching* This is brought to YOU... By the Lotus from the Orokin Throne Official Broadcast System...
In the Event of an actual Corpus Invasion, The Lotus has given strict orders to... "Scratch" fall back.... and brinnnnng....


ASH OUT! - ASH OUT! (Echo) X2

*Rhino transmits to Ash from outside CP19-S - The Corpus ship where Alad V had been detected according to Lotus* -

Verse 1
"Ash! come in quick, this ship's about to split and Corpus are Wreckin it!/
Banshee's Detectin it!, "Pewm" so many Lasers! My shields aren't deflectin it!/
Threw my Glaive extra quick/
Alad V's Neck is slit!/

*Ash Transmits back to Rhino while looking at a distance from Grineer Battleship 087D*

"Rhino what was that? Alad what? Where is Lotus?!/,
Man I knew shoulda told ya/
to just Grin, then Lock n' Load it/
ALAD!!!! I'm here now and now its over/
Consider Alad dead as soon as I get a holda/
....wait-- wheres my holster?/
Ah, Who cares I don't even really need it/
I'm gon' make these Corpus Eat it/,
Rhino-- you shoulda brought me you stubborn Boulder!/
You already know! Ash is a one man SOLDIER!"

*End of Verse 1*


ASH OUT!!!! X4

"Ash Teleports to CP19-S and procedes to dissect the Corpus with lightning fast precision Strikes"


*Rhino Watching in awe and talking to Banshee*

Begin Verse 2
"There he go again! Ash movin' fast as the wind/
Corpus chasin and they want to Harvest him/
But I won't lie though, It's lookin kinda grim-/
Ash just severed every limb off of every one of them!/


*Ash yelling to Alad*

"Alad! I ain't playing, hope your in there on your knees prayin!/
My squad are all in position now -- its Nathan!/
All we gon' do is aim and start Sprayin'/
Cause tonight's the night and me and My Tenno ain't playin!/

Ya'll done did it now-- another shot and we gonna nuka ya!/
now you mad, so you gonna try to send out Zanuka?!/

*Rhino Talking to the Squad*

"Ash, Let me put my foot down!/
"BOOM BOOM-- Hear that sound?/
Cause when Rhino stomps the ground/
Yall gon feel the difference now!/

*Ash Talking to the Squad*

"Hah! Zanuka's suspended in stasis/
Let's show him where the door to outer space is!/

"Lotus Transmission Incoming"

"This is not an act, Alad V!, It is all actual fact.
Ash is back, do not EVER underestimate his attack
it seems Alad has caught a panic attack, and forced the Corpus to retract!"
Good Job Tenno -- Mission EXTRACT!"



Ashes to Ashes
Song by- Method Man
Original Lyrics by- Method man
Warframe Version Lyrics by-
~Ryan Kelly
PSN ID: Crackle 2012
PC ID: Quatto87


Total Words- Roughly 450  -- not including <--- this or the Intro note telling you where to go to hear the music.

Total Paragraphs - Well it is in Bar song form so lets say a paragraph is what is above the first picture and under each picture after that =  5 paragraphs.

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
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Cropping is allowed provided you don't otherwise edit the images, from what I understand.

Also, if you're using the Steam screenshot function, you won't be able to use the "Hide UI in screenshots" feature. You need to use Warframe's built-in screenshot function, which I believe is bound to F6. The screenshots I took using that button were saved in My Pictures > Warframe for me. Good luck!

 Much thanks. Alas, I don't think I'll be trying to take all those screenshots again, so hopefully the UI won't count against me.

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Just another Warframe



Part 1:

Just another warframe. Most slippery of all. Ash, Loki, Banshee... they are just hiding in shadow, sneakily making their path to enemy... but not him! A Vauban - the master of unexpected. He never hides himself. Not because he can't, but because he don't needs to. Vauban just outsmarts his foes, using trapping tricks and converting normal area to extremely deadly enviroment within seconds. He is excelled in combat tactics like no other frame. And here is one of them. Moving on the Grineer's outpost as if it's his own dojo.


Killing these pathetic exemplars of degenerated humanity. Without pity, without pleasure. Methodically collecting miserable prey.


Always with tesla grenades around him. Always in readiness. Always prepared for combat, holding unbelievable amount of tactical variations in his mind.


After a few minutes whole outpost was cleared. Every life-form was exterminated with ease, and Vauban already moves to extraction point... but suddenly lights started to shimmer...


Part 2:

The light went out and lighted up once again... The Harvester has come! But I had enough time to prepare a proper meeting. Tesla grenades were all over around me.


The Harvester jumped and knocked me down. But after that he was shocked for a couple of seconds by one of my Teslas. I climbed on the crates before Harvester led his systems in order and shook himself. I've made two shots from my Brakk and throwed Bastille to brake Harvester off and buy some time for myself, but next moment something strange happened: Harvester has used dispelling impulse and all my Tesla-grenades just were discharged as well as Bastille was. I already had encounter with Zanuka when i fought against Alad V, but Zanuka never discharged my teslas before. These thoughts took like 15 milliseconds, but Harvester already was preparing to deploy rocket attack on me... Then i used Bounce pad and jumped on the platform which was above me, still shooting while airborne...

I realized that my Brakk was just polarized with Forma not so far and my Burston even has no Orokin Reactor inside... i just had no enough damage to deal with Harvester without my teslas... But I have an idea...


Part 3:

Alad was staring at the cyber-com display - another log has been submitted to his private server. It was log from his new Zanuka [Hrvr.0.532] prototype:

>Executing target locating algorithm... FINISHED - target found

>Starting coordinates checking routine... SUCCESS - faraway location

>Setting up location for dimensional rift creation... OK //todo: add more result info-codes

>Starting dimensional rift creation... SUCCESS - rift created

>Flushing pre-log to main server... ER7284 - connection timed out

>Performing dimensional rift jump... OK - target location reached

>Loading coordination data-base... OK

>Searching location name-tag via coordinates... ER0404 - not found //todo: expand location name-space

>RAW_ouput: currentCoords=43F6.346{s263}/81D3.786{s914}

>Starting void-energy scanning routine... SUCCESS - scanning done

>Retrieving scan results... OK - 1 entry found

>Comparing bio parameters... OK - target approved

>Starting combat-mode routine... SUCCESS - selected combat-alghoritm with code VBN-2E8

CM>Performing jump knocking attack... SUCCESS

$#*Q%#%H26*D&4EYVE#KL B<S...

[backup processor activated]

CM>Starting restoration routine... SUCCESS - system restored

[maincore processor activated]

CM>Performing dispel impulse... SUCCESS

CM>Performing rocket launch... MISS

CM>Starting coordinates checking routine... SUCCESS - reachable location


[backup processor activated]

CM>Starting restoration routine... FAILED - maincore not responding

>Recoding log-data... OK

>Executing self-destruction algorithm... FINISHED - 5 seconds timeout started

>Submitting log to main server... ER7284 - connection timed out

>Submitting log to backup server... OK

Alad V just realized that main log-server went down a couple hours ago... And another Harvester went down as well...


Part 4:

Just another warframe... most slippery of all... A Vauban! But in this case it wasn't simply Vauban, it was Tenno in which i was interested for a long time. This Tenno used many warframes, and was versed with all of them. But for now he is wounded, and he has no energy after long fight with Alad's Harvester. His tactical skills willn't help him at this time. With not improved weapons - he will become easy victim for me now.

And I stepped from the shadows behind him...




Part 5:

When Stalker appeared behind my back - it was kinda unexpected. I guess he already was here or he came with Harvester at the same moment. So I had no time to prepare. No energy to use my skills, no ammo, and no time to think... I've did the only thing that i could - I've used energy overload on my last Tesla. When overloaded Tesla blowed out, some volatile stuff like barrels, which were there, exploded too...

Next moment I realized that I was thrown off a bridge by shock wave. So i was flying down to uncertainty...


Even if my Vauban frame will be destroyed, I hope that i'll meet Stalker again... Just another day... Just another warframe...





P.S. Yep I know some phrases sounds crappy)) I guess i just still failing to write in English properly =)

Edited by Markus13
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Estimated time of incident: 4:12pm


Image within file



File 1 4:04

            Tenno A "Okay, the extractor should be around here somewhere, mayb-" *click* "what are you doing?"

            Tenno B "Capturing the moment."

            A "You mean the moment where I keep getting pestered by these bugs?"

            B "Oh come on, you know there will be a time when we will look back on all of this and smile.  In fact with these pictures it'll surely help us remember."


File 2 4:06

            B "Here it is!"

            A "Wow, it looks in better shape than I thought it would be."

            *seconds of silence*


            A "Well...... looks like we can't salvage this."

            B "What is it?"

            A "The power supply has taken a few bullet holes, meaning someone didn't take a liking to this thing."

            B "Meaning this someone could be near."

            A "Eh... don't worry about him, I'll make a new one and set it somewhere that is NOT, here."


File 3 4:09

            B "How goes the storage lid?"

            A "JUST..... A.... LITTLE.... MORE....."

            B "Allow me to help."


            A "OHFFF!"

            B "That was easy."

            A "j-.... shut up......."

            B "Hahaha..... well looks like we aren't totally out of luck."

            A "lets see...... AH! Rubedo."


File 4 4:11

            B "Is the air getting heavier?"

            A "hmm?.... Yeah, what's going on?"


File 5 4:13

            A "What the hell are these things doing here?"


            A "Alright, Alright!"


File 6 4:15

            A "They seem to be thinni-" *CLANG*

            B "Laurence!"

            A "Damn... Disruptors."

            B "It's going to get loud, hold on!"

            A "Wait, don't, STO#####G###AB######EL###


            Isaac slowly stops the playback and looks to Lotus. She leans back and says, "so they never called each other by their warframe, unfortunate that this had happened to them."

            Scratching his head, Isaac questions, "if you don't mind me asking, is it true by the evidence presented, that these two are the only Tennos you witnessed that showed actual emotions to each other?"

            Lotus then replied, "yes, in fact, I wish the other Tenno did the same to each other."

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I am Nekros, the “Voidwalker”, master of the void and its dark powers. The power to manipulate with “dread, despair our hated enemies, both living and dead” are mine to command.


I was once one of the low Guardians, a Clan especially adept to hunt does with the "death mark", rogue Tenno:


Excalibur, our “War God” and as always the first one to cut opens our path, yet in secret, the “savior” that day.

Ash, the “Silent Death”, like the choking smoke that kills you as silent and quiet as you were falling sleep.

Nyx, our “Twilight Wisp”, hypnotic like a willow wisp in the night luring our enemies to their own demise.


AND YOU, now hunt with our Clans Shroud to cover your face, who call its self now the STALKER, dividing our numbers forsaking your true purpose.

Watching from that dark place, cataloging our sins, YOUR OWN SINS.

You who were the weakest yet at the same time the strongest among us who could end any battle before it even started, what held you that day?

Yes, I am not innocent, I have not forgotten. I know your secret and the darkness that held you that day. The Shadows of the Dead whispers it to me, you love HER, but could not have her, for her heart belong to another…  Breathless was she as she bathed HIM in savior's silk.

I was there, I remember what was done. I remember that day. I watched from the distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. I heard your, strangled whisper that escaped; it came to me like an echo from the void, those deeds, the torrent of bloods and the forever silence of the Empire, the forever silence from her. In rage you turn on us when there was nothing to be done.

You who turn yourself into the ghost of retribution.


You who use your gift to Dispel our powers and take them as your own in the name of Vengeance, leaving us for dead, like a Warlock desperate for power, forsaking, sacrificing all bows just to satisfy your own thirst for blood, for jealousy, for vengeance.


Your actions have consequences, for you may have named your weapons with the feelings in your heart from that day: DREAD, DESPAIR and HATE, to turn yourself into the WAR DEMON that would slay the WAR GOD. But you your self do not know what REAL DREAD, DESPAIR and HATE is, I cannot let you destroy what she is trying to build, you do not know the whole story of what really transpire that day.

She is our flower of hope, just as she have save us I shall save you from yourself, and bring you back to use this DEMON you have created against the real threat our real enemy the SENTIENTS.  By my oath this debt must be paid, we will bring you back at any cost this is our fate, our sin!


Edited by Ngeluz
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I stepped into the world, and he stepped out. I remember the thud as his lifeless body collapsed against my cryopod. I remember the fear in his comrade's eyes as they lit up the room in a desperate barrage of laser fire. I remember the growing crimson calm that followed as I laid them down one-by-one, broken on the floor. Though I struck with precision and clarity, my mind was lost in confusion. Who was I? What was my purpose? My instincts, though they had saved me from my would-be captors, had only martial answers.


Lotus...Her voice came to me like an angel, echoing across the Void. She greeted me as Tenno, an honor I was unable to fully appreciate at the time. The fog of centuries began to clear as my new mentor explained the forgotten history of the Sol System, my people, and our connection to the Warframes. It was a connection she stressed as absolutely vital to develop if I wanted to survive. The enemies of the Tenno are many, and not all would be defeated on instinct alone.


Action is the best teacher. The tyrannical stranglehold of the Grineer and the greedy attacks the Corpus made against my kin fueled the fury of my lessons as I swept through their holdings, slaughtering them on mass. With each victory my power grew, and each liberated Frame of Tenno legend offered more understanding. Wearing one of my ancestor's Frames was almost like stepping into the persona of the original Tenno, each one a treasure trove of knowledge that opened up the more you gave yourself over to it. I did so eagerly.


In time, the connection between myself, the Frames, and the Lotus became almost tangible. I began to look to the symbol of the open lotus for strength and wisdom. I understood that each Frame was a petal on that flower of enlightenment, and that my efforts had helped it to bloom. I could feel the energy of the universe flowing over me - through me - and I knew my rebirth was finally complete.

I no longer wonder who I am.

I am the Loki, the Nekros, the Banshee, the Ash - The long shadows cast by my enemies are a refuge as I orchestrate their downfall.

I am the Oberon, the Frost, the Trinity, the Nyx - Divine guardian of both the balance and my clanmates.

I am the Rhino, the Nova, the Valkyr, the Ember - My body is an avatar through which I channel my ancestor's rage.

But there's one name used by those who fear me that I am more proud of than any other: I am Tenno, and I bring purpose to destruction.


Edited by LostAlgorithm
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Ash's journal

Entry 1:

On board my ship I heard a rattling coming from deep within the engine core chamber, I went to have a look and to my surprise the rattling stops every time I am within 10 Meters of the door. I drew my blade waiting for any enemy lurking with the halls of my ship, I took a step back, the rattling resumed, I took a step forward and it stopped again. I had heard this sound before, on Earth I was facing A Grineer General by the name of Tyl Regor. Deception Was it strong point, being able to make 2 copies of himself at will with no indication of either one being a hologram or a clone. They all looked real but to the trained eye, you can pick apart the copies and see through the lie.


I approached the door to the engine chamber and the rattling got ever louder with each step I took, I placed my hand on the door, and the rattling stopped. The dead silence crept over me like a blanket, I crouch down to my knees and softly whispered to myself "I am a silent killer, a shadow in the night, a grain of salt in the ocean, you can't catch nor kill me and I, am your end" I rose up and teleported through to the other side of the door Blades in hand ready for anything that might be waiting on the other side..... so I thought.


Electrified chains wrapped around me like pythons sapping my energy and depleting my shields, I couldn't escape this one, I closed my eyes and accepted my fate for I was unable to send an emergency broadcast to the Lotus, I passed out. I woke up in a Cryogenic pod in what seemed to be a lab of some sort, people were talking outside and though the sound was muffled I could hear these few words " is it ready?, Regor.... be pleased,  with ash's abilities.... Regor will rule" I had to get out and stop Them from taking my power from my frame, in the right hands it can be all you need to topple empires and rule planets.


Inside Each Cryogenic pod there are panic buttons for the being inside to utilize if something went wrong inside the pod so the being can escape from within. I dug my hands deep into the pods wiring and found the button, Pressed it and it ejected me outwards towards a Grineer soldier by the door of the room, as I flew past him I grabbed and twisted his neck and he fell to the floor. I saw Regor standing a few meters away, he panicked and fled, I focused, time dilated as I grabbed a bone saw, teleported in front of him and with one clean slash of the jagged edges of the blade he fell to the floor


(488 words)


hopefully you enjoy reading this, i decided to give it a shot since i have nothing to lose :)


I decided to keep just words and let the imagination run for those who read it

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