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Tenno Personalities


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I always imagine them using their powers for odd things.


Oberon walks in to the cafeteria. He declares, "THIS POTATOSALAD IS HOLY!" and casts hallowed ground on it, so anyone nearing it is burned horribly.


Excalibur looks at his now glowing plate, and says, "Dude, that was totally my potatosalad."


Oberon begins eating the holy potato salad, and starts wandering off with it.


Excal super jumps up, slashdashs past Oberon, radial blinds him, and when Oberon can see again, he realizes he is standing there with a mysteriously empty plate.

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Fighting over a ps4 controller, ember has fireblast keeping anyone from taking her controller away.

Nyx: It's my turn!

Ember: Nuh-uh!

Nyx: Uh-huh!

Ember: Nuh-uh.

Nyx *mindcontrol*

Ember: Uh-huh!

Ember walks out of the fireblast and hands Nyx the controller so she can take a turn.

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Trinity walks up to Ember, who's mysteriously given up her turn playing the PS4, but got the second controller out.

Trinity *poke*

Ember: What do you want?

Trinity *poke*

Ember: It's my turn to be player 2, so bug off.

Trinity *poke*

Ember: NO!

Trinity *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke*

Ember *world on fire*

Trinity *Link*

Ember *falls over twitching as she burns*

Trinity *picks up controller, casts blessing, and goes to join Nyx playing PS4*

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Nekros strolls up to Oberon's Bansai tree.

Nekros: I'm hungry.

Oberon: *points at his work* Bonsai!

Nekros: You ate the potatosalad.

Oberon: *points at his work, disgruntled* Bonsai time!

Nekros *terrify*

Oberon *freaks out and runs away.*

Nekros *stabs the bonsai tree, killing it.*

Oberon *stands in a corner, his back turned, panicking.*

Nekros *desecrates the bonsai, eats the red orb it produces, and then casts shadows of the dead to produce a perfect copy in it's place*

Oberon *recovers, goes back to tending his bonsai*

Nekros *wanders off*

Oberon *clips at the leaf furiously, unable to cut it, until he slams his fist down in anger. The bonsai wilts to nothing and vanishes. Oberon cries.*

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Vauban: Trolly gentleman. (What I mean is that gentleman but trolls time to time)

Loki: Educated, trolls a lot and extremely wise.

Trinity: same as nurse on somewhere.

Excalibur: standard man but works on his body a lot.

Mag: about 16 years old girl well educated and standard girl.

Ember: Casual and maybe a but dozing off time to time.

Zephyr: All the time head on the clouds (aka always off the ground)

Frost: Nerve is cold as tundra ice and all around cool & normal guy.

Valkyr: Easily gets angry but has worked on her body what it is currently also good at unarmed combat.

Oberon: Standard man but extremely well educated and believes on different religions.

Volt: all the time on the run never stops moving and speaks fast. Good at electronics.

Banshee: Best musician, at science part voice and noise waves excellent at them. Then lastly listens a lot of music.

Ash: Time to time pranks pulling standard man but mostly talented at hidden blades.

Nyx: Doozy's fan art thing. That should explain well.

Nova: About 17 years old young woman, good knowledge about antimatter and matter. Also girly time to time.

Nekros: Shady, Time to time stubborn and scares a bit everybody time to time. Also good at light bending knowledge.

Rhino: Really keen on body bodybuilding, extremely good coach and leader. Expert knowledge about muscles and highest strength. Stubborn as hell.


That should be pretty much how I see them.

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You guys are missing the point! >.<


Speculate on how you think each frame would act outside of missions and stuff! :D

Oh. In that case:


-Nyx would be the type that gets everyone to do stuff for her by sorta handing it off to them and walking away, then using mind control on them if they try to object


-Excalibur would be one of the more level-headed of the group and probably more dedicated about his weapons training than most of the rest.


-Nekros would spend most of his spare time alone in his quarters. Nobody has seen what's inside, nobody wants to know.


-Mag I imagine would be one of the more shy ones and would probably be about as devoted to her training as Excalibur


-Ash would be the team's "cool but serious" guy


-Loki would probably be one of the less serious ones, occasionally using his doubles or invisibility to annoy the others


-Ember would definitely be the cool tough girl


-Vaubann might be a sort of "team grandpa"


-Frost would be one of the more serious guys in the group


-Valkyr would be very withdrawn with an almost cat-like ferality to her; would respond to kindness in turn but more often than not just wants to be left by herself where it's quiet.


and that's all I can think of for my team.

Edited by Cobalt313
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I think Ash would be one of two ways. 


1: He is an anti-hero. He has a rough, I don't care demeanor. Basically like wolverine from x-men. Like the way Mogamu portrays him on his youtube channel.


2: He would be the Warframe equivalent to Shinobi. A quiet, respectful, fully dedicated practitioner of the martial arts. The greatest student of the greatest master kinda deal, or basically Snake Eyes from GI Joe.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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Here's my take on them ^.^


Excalibur: Japanese samurai dude with a ponytail.

Mag: A nerdy, well-read teenage girl.

Loki: Very wise, but he keeps to himself.

Volt: Flamboyant, extremely happy, and energetic

Ember: Kind person, accidentally sets things on fire sometimes.

Banshee: DJ girl person thingy.

Valkyr: Troubled past, takes it out on everyone else.

Frost: Mysterious and cryptic.

Ash: Not very talkative, yet shows up at every social event. Really into martial arts like kung fu.

Nova: Sarcastic teenager who loves blowing things up. Not a punk, but "fireworks are nice."

Oberon: Religious, honor-bound, and very serious. Also a nature-lover.

Zephyr: Tribal spirit warrior.

Nekros: Emo kid. oWo

Vauban: The funny old wise man.

Nyx: Shy but cheerful.

Trinity: Kind, caring, sweet individual.

Saryn: Sassy. Very sassy.

Rhino: Bodybuilder manly man of manliness and large codpieces.

Edited by SpellMatrix
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the best way to describe them would be to match them to voices and personalities of other characters.


Ash: Personality and Voice of Emile from Halo: Reach

Banshee: Personality of Princess Leia from Star Wars, Voice of Ripley from Aliens

Ember: Personality of Cass from Fallout: New Vegas, Voice of Tex from Red Vs. Blue

Excalibur: Personality of Louis from Left 4 Dead, Voice of Male Shepard from Mass Effect

Frost: Personality and Voice of Carter from Halo: Reach

Loki: Personality of Tony Stark from Iron Man movies, Voice of Jun from Halo: Reach

Mag: Personality and Voice of Tali from Mass Effect

Nekros: Personality and Voice of Dr. Facilier from The Princess and The Frog

Nyx: Personality of Raven from Teen Titans, Voice of Zoey from Left 4 Dead

Oberon: Personality and Voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars

Rhino: Personality of Cyborg from Teen Titans, Voice of Jorge from Halo: Reach

Saryn: Personality of Carolina from Red Vs. Blue, Voice of Jack from Mass Effect

Trinity: Personality of Catherine Halsey from Halo, Voice of Nicole Brennan from Dead Space

Valkyr: Personality of Jack from Mass Effect, Voice of Ellie Langford from Dead Space

Vauban: Personality of Engineer from TF2, Voice of Bill from Left 4 Dead

Volt: Personality of Simmons from Red Vs. Blue, Voice of Nick from Left 4 Dead

Zephyr: Personality of Boone from Fallout: New Vegas, Voice of Liara from Mass Effect


Bear in mind, these are just similar personalities, not cut and paste copies of them. This is just who I think they would be similar to.

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Ash: Rebellious

Banshee: quiet(ironically) 

Ember: loud and obnoxious

Excalibur: stoic

Frost: Relaxed

Loki: Witty

Mag: Sociable

Nekros: Sadistic

Nova: Raver and giggly

Nyx: Smug

Oberon: always doing the right thing

Rhino: all bout them muscles

Saryn: Kinky, but also sadistic

Trinity: Selfless

Valkyr: Violent and loud

Vauban: Russian

Volt: Childish

Zephyr: Stoner 

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The girls:


Trinity: Caring and motherly figure

Mag: Cheerish and cute (in fact she is the shortest warframe and my selfish opinion that she is my favorite female warframe)

Ember:  Wild and following punk style (as the appearance of her default helmet)

Zephyr: Light-headed (yes, this is a pun)

Valkyr: Just a girl that (always) on period

Banshee: silent but always watching (she use sonar and silence ^-^)

Nyx: Never ask anything so stupid or expensive because she always understand the other (counterpart of the real life one)

Nova: YEAH, science bietch girl

Saryn: Mid-age cougar (just look at her armor)


The boys:

Ash: Pokemon trainer

Excalibur: New kid on the block (we use him for tutorial)

Loki: Asgardian natural troller

Frost: Never get drunk, always chill

Nekros: Street gang leader

Oberon: Holy knight (he described as palladin, LOL)

Rhino: Has strong will and never cry (getting used to "yo Rhino so fat" joke)

Vauban: Eccentric smart-&amp;#&#33; uncle

Volt: SOOOO SHOCKING (get it?)

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