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You Can Buy Everything With $$!


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When I introduced this game to people before they would often be suspicious of the cash shop, but I always used to be able to say, "Yeah, you can buy all of the basic equipment with money, but for the best stuff you actually have to play the game." I didn't expect Prime items to be purchasable with platinum, but I guess when they threw up Prime Access I should have seen this coming. Oh well - it doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the game anymore, but it does seem like Warframe is sliding a bit more to the evil side of F2P, especially with all the new weapons coming out as Clantech + Market.

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Can you buy items that give you an unfair advantage with platinum? No.


Can you buy items that are cosmetically different from a DE owned cash shop? No. You have to buy them from other players, so currency is traded about between users.


We're not even close to the evil side of Pay 2 Win. When Warframe gets cases that can only be opened using $$$, then, we can talk.


You can do everything exactly the same as before.

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You want to boycott Prime sales and trading? Use regular Ember and regular Frost instead of the prime version.


You want to boycott clan tech? Don't build them. That's what I do.

I'm not boycotting anything. I already have almost all the prime items farmed out, and I probably won't build the new clan tech items for a long time (and when I do it won't be with plat). It doesn't really affect me, but when I look at a F2P game and notice that everything in it can be bought with cash, it's generally a red flag.


Hey look another thread

I appreciate your contribution. I'm sure it took you a lot of thought to come up with that.

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Oh well - it doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the game anymore, but it does seem like Warframe is sliding a bit more to the evil side of F2P, especially with all the new weapons coming out as Clantech + Market.

A. I agree.

B. That's garbage. The only thing that shouldn't be clan tech is Tenno stuff. Maybe. Everything else should be, logically.

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seriously guys, i don't know what is your problem, you can still farm for the primes for FREE , you don't need to spend a dime


second , you do understand that someone had to actually spend hours on making the clantech weapons, they don't just appear from thin air, so its only understandable that these weapons are on market, so that someone actually can get paid for his/hers work

And again, you still can get them for FREE!

Seriously wth is your problem? Idk if you are 12 year old brat that will forever leech on parents, but normal people go to work and expecting to be paid for theyr work

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How is it a bad thing that you can waste money on free things if you choose.


I think a lot of people want to be the guy that has something they worked "hard" for and not be shown up by someone that had a bit of disposable income.


Personally, I don't feel that way - but some of my friends have expressed that feeling.  Kind of silly, but games are serious business to some.

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I think a lot of people want to be the guy that has something they worked "hard" for and not be shown up by someone that had a bit of disposable income.


Personally, I don't feel that way - but some of my friends have expressed that feeling.  Kind of silly, but games are serious business to some.


Pretty much.


But this is humanity doing what it does best: telling others off for doing something they don't agree with, even when it doesn't hurt them. I worked for my maxed mods, but you don't see me whining like someone shot my dog. If people want to pay money for Prime gear, let them. IDGAF.

Edited by Kahruvel
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That...that .....that made my day I've been sayin that up and down these forums


Pretty much.


But this is humanity doing what it does best: telling others off for doing something they don't agree with, even when it doesn't hurt them. I worked for my maxed mods, but you don't see me whining like someone shot my dog. If people want to pay money for Prime gear, let them. IDGAF.

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There is going to be so much captain-save-a-tenno in this thread....


but yeah I wouldn't call it Play2Win just yet...........................................

Look up in da sky. It's a bird... it's a plane...


That song is stuck in my head now.


On Topic:


I don't see it as P2W yet. It's still insanely easy to make a solo dojo if you aren't a joiner.

I would like to see a subscription option offered though.

Pay $9.99 USD or equivalent monthly and get a monthly stipend of Platinum or the weekly Tenno Reinforcments and all Prime Access packs.

It would create a steady revenue stream for DE and reduce sticker shock on the prime access packs.

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I think a lot of people want to be the guy that has something they worked "hard" for and not be shown up by someone that had a bit of disposable income.

Personally, I don't feel that way - but some of my friends have expressed that feeling. Kind of silly, but games are serious business to some.

You're definitely right to put the "hard" in quote marks there. You can invest time or invest money. It's your choice. Or it might not be your choice if you have no time, or have no money, but there's still an option available to you. If you have no time or money, you might be better off writing to your elected government representative than playing this game, because that's just wrong.

I tend to think Prime parts should be tradeable, since that is quite a simple way to decrease the RNG hell everyone's been complaining about. That's not unequivocal, but broadly speaking. Got a Sicarus Prime Receiver but wanted a Latron Prime Receiver? Chances are someone got a Latron Prime Receiver but wanted a Sicarus Prime Receiver. That's no justification for trading them for plat, but there's (a) an assumption in there that trading them for plat needs a justification, and (b) an assumption that people will really buy plat over just running towers to find prime parts to trade.

Edited by thegooseking
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You're definitely right to put the "hard" in quote marks there. You can invest time or invest money. It's your choice. Or it might not be your choice if you have no time, or have no money, but there's still an option available to you. If you have no time or money, you might be better off writing to your elected government representative than playing this game, because that's just wrong.

I tend to think Prime parts should be tradeable, since that is quite a simple way to decrease the RNG hell everyone's been complaining about. That's not unequivocal, but broadly speaking. Got a Sicarus Prime Receiver but wanted a Latron Prime Receiver? Chances are someone got a Latron Prime Receiver but wanted a Sicarus Prime Receiver. That's no justification for trading them for plat, but there's (a) an assumption in there that trading them for plat needs a justification, and (b) an assumption that people will really buy plat over just running towers to find prime parts to trade.




You just blew my mind.

Edited by (PS4)munkt0r
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pay2win =/=pay2benefit.


For the most part, it is pay 2 benefit. Given the free players spend their time grinding, they can be just as well off and they can earn plat through their hard work too (though the market is saturated as corn candy). HOWEVER, I do agree it's kinda unfair for low levels to be roaming around with rank 5-10 mods early...and don't get me started on the mastery rank requirements for the prime weapons.

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I can honestly say, if PVP was something that was shoved in my face then I would have a problem with it.

Being someone who has in fact spent money in the shop I have to say. It feels a lot better to be the one that builds it and puts time and effort into an item than somebody who didn't!


I can also say that I've probably only spent money to get the cosmetic items, stuff like avatars, colours and Syandana's with the exception of my sister buying me the Prime Access Pack because she liked Ember Prime.

Like I said, if I had to PVP with people like in any typical F2P korean mmo. One such example being F2P aion... then yes it would be a huge problem. One of the reasons I've vowed never to play any Gameforge run server again. If you want an example of some serious BS when it comes to free to play games, I'd gladly present you some of the stuff you can find in the Metin2 Item Shop!







In an mmo where PvP is forced, that's where I draw the line.

Edited by Sutherland
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