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[Rant] De Screwed This One Up...


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Sorry for the rant, just need to get my opinion on this topic and share with others why its ruining the game.


DE, you're one of my favorite gaming companies. I appreciate the work you do every day and continue to develop the amazing game.


But you've goofed this one up...


Trading tab is havoc. People who spend weeks and even months farming prime BP's now have wasted your time since you can trade prime parts now. For example. I know people that get WAYY to much money from overly rich parents. What they going to do with that money? Well they play this game, nothings stopping them from buying plat. Now those people with insane buying power don't have to even lift a finger to get a Reaper Prime or Paris Prime. They can just go and buy the prime parts. This is one of the worst changes since I have been a member. Its ruining the game. I feel its another step in the direction of a PAY2WIN game. If you only made the parts prime trading only, prime for prime, that would be fine. But the prime market (and trading tab) are wrecked. The new weapon is nice and all, and steel charge isn't the best choice, but 4/5th's of the people I have talked to haven't even gotten their legendary cores yet. 


Sorry for the rant. I just find this was a really bad mess up on DE's end.


Remember, DE, you are on my list for most community friendly company. Most companies don't have that trait. Its what makes a game stand out.


Rant over, feel free to discuss down below. I would love to hear your guys opinion.

Edited by Letter13
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I really don't think this is an issue. I've spent money to get plat, but I've never used it to buy a weapon on Warframe. If I wanted to, I could spend plat to get prime parts right now. Instead, I just traded prime parts for other prime parts. If I really want something, I'll go farm for it. Feels more rewarding if I farm for it, and it gives me a goal to go towards. 


Even if people waste a bunch of money to get prime gear, who cares? It's not like they affect you directly. Next thing is, people have to be willing to give prime parts for plat. I'm only trading prime parts for other prime parts, that's my choice, if other people choose to get plat-rich off prime parts, then good for them. If people decide to spend a bunch of money getting plat to get prime parts, then that's their choice.


If you ask me, they're the ones that lose. Gives them less to work towards in the long run. 

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I would like to say this game isn't pay to win. It's pay to win faster, and it still is. Primes were a nice way of showing others that you worked for your stuff, and now, anyone can get them in less than 2 minutes. They didn't even ask us our opinion before doing this, we could've gave some really helpful insight probably. Now, they can never take it back, because of the S#&$storm it would cause.

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how have they wasted time now they have parts to trade, the parts still have to be obtained before they can be traded its not like there in the market place. is there problem with how they spend it. how else is de suppose to make money if no one puts anything into this game

Edited by kennylagenz
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I agree with the trading only Prime for Prime thing. Actually that's what I was hoping it was going to be. Trade tab to me is now Player Market tab.


For the Cores thing I downloaded WF off of steam so after I found out I didn't get my cores I verified the cache and sure enough was missing 83 game files. Hopefully these missing files were the cause of the problem.

Edited by Exinanis
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The whole point of primes is that you CAN'T buy them using intermediate resources like plat. If they could why make them a complete separated bunch of weapons at all?! Might as well put everything up in the store. Go figure.

Edited by newnar
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I'm oddly iin favour of this: I'm missing several parts for various primes, despite having literally HUNDREDS of parts I don't need.

Your saying that because you got lucky with RNG that you want to punish those of us who burned out farming already ?


I'll keep trying to farm some bits, but if I see anyone trading the bits I'm missing, you can bet I'll be all over them.

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Relax. Take a deep breath. Apply hurt soothing cream to your but.



Horrible! I just say, it is horrible! Demons are rising from the depths of Hell just because DE added Prime trade to this game! Call the Inquisition, they must be burned at the stake!



In general, all i see are people who cannot accept that other people can get same weapons as them, faster than them. It is F2P game, you should be happy as you get more options to earn some platinum. F2P players should be happy about that, and paying customers also. First can earn platinum without spending any RL money, and second ones can use their platinum to get something faster.

Edited by RoboDoge
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I agree with the trading only Prime for Prime thing. Actually that's what I was hoping it was going to be. Trade tab to me is now Player Market tab.


For the Cores thing I downloaded WF off of steam so after I found out I didn't get my cores I verified the cache and sure enough was missing 83 game files. Hopefully these missing files were the cause of the problem.


This game has bad memory leak issues, so that could be anything honestly. I'm often missing 116 files myself.


Anyway I agree with restricted prime-for-prime trading.

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I would like to say this game isn't pay to win. It's pay to win faster, and it still is. Primes were a nice way of showing others that you worked for your stuff, and now, anyone can get them in less than 2 minutes. They didn't even ask us our opinion before doing this, we could've gave some really helpful insight probably. Now, they can never take it back, because of the S#&$storm it would cause.


Not true. What about Excalibur Prime?

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I don't buy anything off trade, or sell anything. I still pretend it doesn't exist, like the good old days. And regardless, you can buy most of what you want anyway regardless of trading. I have Ex Prime and Nova Prime both, because I liked the packages they were sold in.


It's good for DE if people are buying prime parts for plat on trade, because that means people are buying plat from DE in the first place. I will farm a prime if I want just because it's fun to me, and I want at least one of my primes to be from hard work, but I couldn't care less about being 'better' than someone else who wasn't able to farm their prime. Some players have time to play this every day, and some like me can only play here and there around work. I don't see the point in telling someone that wants to support DE but doesn't have much time they can't have some cool things, because they didn't put 100 hours into farming for it.


I play the game how I like, buy or farm how I feel like, and don't give a crud what anyone else is doing with their time and platinum. 

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I really don't think this is an issue. I've spent money to get plat, but I've never used it to buy a weapon on Warframe. If I wanted to, I could spend plat to get prime parts right now. Instead, I just traded prime parts for other prime parts. If I really want something, I'll go farm for it. Feels more rewarding if I farm for it, and it gives me a goal to go towards. 


Even if people waste a bunch of money to get prime gear, who cares? It's not like they affect you directly. Next thing is, people have to be willing to give prime parts for plat. I'm only trading prime parts for other prime parts, that's my choice, if other people choose to get plat-rich off prime parts, then good for them. If people decide to spend a bunch of money getting plat to get prime parts, then that's their choice.


If you ask me, they're the ones that lose. Gives them less to work towards in the long run. 

I understand your view point here, but I can agree with that. But the problem is, it makes older players say to themselves, "Wow, all that prime farming is a waste now." People who are lazy as all get up, don't feel like farming and have ton of money can just buy them now. When I see a player with a prime part i say to myself, "Wow, that player spent time to get that." Now we will see 200% increase in players with prime parts now. Now I will just think, "Jee, did you just buy those parts or did you actually try to get them."


I love your idea for not spending plat, but when people WANT plat and people HAVE plat to spend, why trade prime parts when you have all this plat lying around and you can just buy it. It makes the game too easy. Its becoming worse and worse, you can just blow through missions without even trying. Now this has made is 20x easier to just get what you want fast. No effort required.


How is a CO-OP game P2W? seriously.

Look at World Of Tanks, half the people you see have obvoiusly spent way too much money on the game. And that's a Co-Op game too.


I would like to say this game isn't pay to win. It's pay to win faster, and it still is. Primes were a nice way of showing others that you worked for your stuff, and now, anyone can get them in less than 2 minutes. They didn't even ask us our opinion before doing this, we could've gave some really helpful insight probably. Now, they can never take it back, because of the S#&$storm it would cause.

Exactly, you won't even to be able to sell or buy mods now because of the insane spam in trading. And its not going to go away either. I 100% agree with you.


I'm personally ok with people buying everything, gives more money to DE which means they make more cool stuff for us pretty much free since we only farmed the parts :)

But it moves the game into a P2W game... Why try to actually get the parts when you can just buy it in the trading tab?



I do, its destroying a once good game now in a down-spiral into the realm of P2W.


Yea, who cares about your personal problems. In the long run, this is better.


They didn't F*** up anything. You're just mad.

Yes, Im very enraged about this change. And you are quite rude. Its not a personal problem. I think this is my opinion and I will not bash anyone else's opinion on the change.


there are already about 15 of these threads.

Why... please explain to me why it is necessary to make another one?

Enough... soon I'll make a Thread against Threads that are all about baaaawing over the prime bp trading.

We all have a right to voice our opinion on this. I feel its wrong. I will not bash any one else's opinion on this because everybody can have their own opinions.

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Hey OP...


but you shouldn't be. One day trading will be handy for you when you're tired of grinding 100 missions and RNG doesn't give you that one part you're after.

For those why want to rob themselves of the hunt and use platinum (which is the developer's income and what keeps this game free BTW) why not let them? Free to play players can also get platinum now without paying a single penny. It's a win-win situation.

Don't be mad. XD

Edited by sushidubya
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