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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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I've been trying to avoid this whole controversy because, frankly, I've been absolutely disgusted by the sentiments expressed by my fellow veterans.


We talk about reducing grind. DE introduces something that cuts a lot of grind off at the knees. Suddenly we complain about this because we had to grind so by God those newbies should have to grind just as bad as we did.


That's simply not true. All of us want to reduce the grind. I didn't enjoy spending 140 runs to get Ember Prime and I don't believe others should have to do 140 runs to get the Ember Prime. DE took the laziest option available to fix the grind issue and simultaneously made the most money out of the problem they could.

It was the kind of actions we would expect from EA not DE and every month that passes, DE becomes more like EA and less like the design studios we knew that actually interacted with the community.



I am for reducing grind and increasing the fun elements of the game, but why give so many core to people that only by luck had the mods in position ahead of time to take advantage of it?


Personally, I would rather had DE unveiled these new cores in some type of event or alert, so it would have been an equal opportunity to acquire them.


I have 4 L-cores and do not have any mods left that I want to max out. Also, I could careless if new player got better mods, because how this was handled inevitable gave the most mods to older player with stock piles, and to rich players buying in that 4-hour window.


7 hour window and some people have 38 legendary cores. Certain community managers even encouraged hoarding of steel charge.



I made another graph that you might like too. Click to expand.




That time invested can also be converted into plat. Which was roughly priced at 400 plat each legendary core. So DE handed out 800 plat to each player and potentially 16,000 plat to a single player.


Converting that into real money, 4300 plat at a cost of £129.99 by four which is 17200 (a little over) would mean they would have to spend £519.96 or $865.58 us dollars to get that plat. Don't worry though, it's not an exploit. DE intended to hand out nearly a thousand dollars worth of plat.


People exploited the announcement by DE and took a goodwill gesture to the community and wiped their backsides, threw it back in DE's face and had a good laugh at them. Had people received 2 or a max of 4 cores, I would of reacted like numerous other players. Thinking it was a little excessive but at least a good gesture from DE and not kicked up a fuss.

However what happened is indefensible and they need to roll back anybody who received more than 4 legendary cores.

Edited by Blowfist
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This is a game and you act like DE punched you in the stomach and stole your purse swallow your pride & grow up.


Just because it is a game doesn't mean we don't have the right to cry foul when the devs do something so completely ridiculous. You've now decended to insults in an attempt to cover the fact that you have no argument and yet I'm the one who is supposed to grow up?

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"de_steve: Terr: I think we're going to roll with it, which sucks totally. The 40 exploit is sad day. I am thinking about it."


Staggering. They genuinely didn't see this exploit coming?


Steve, why would anyone have more than one steel charge? Furthermore, why would anyone ask if they got the reward (I refuse to use compensation) for more than one steel charge? The answer is pretty obvious that they fully intended to abuse this decision.


Quoting myself:



Why didn't DE come on here and say, "Hey guys, we've been having a chat and decided that the mod points in the new steel charge are just too high and imbalancing auras and builds. We're happy with where the melee effect is but not with the mod value. We'd like to reduce it but appreciate that the cost of getting the aura to rank 10 is significant so need to come up with some sort of compensation. This thread is for your feedback on this change in general and how we can go about compensating people who have leveled the aura. You must understand that we won't be able to do everything and maybe the best option will be too complicated, time consuming or even impossible but we want to do right by our players and make this as fair as can be on all concerned"?


It's not that hard guys. We'd have come up with a better solution in about 5 minutes.

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What the F***. They just moved my entire thread and all the posts into it into this thread. Seriously?


Let's bury posts deep in megathreads where nobody important will see them. I am beyond disappointed. 


Be thankful they moved yours because they outright deleted my thread when I made a suggestion topic yesterday.


Are you actually implying that the community managers are purposely burying threads inside a mega thread because nobody will jump to page 45 of 57 and read valid posts? That's absurd! Absurd I tell you!

Edited by Blowfist
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I spend more than 1000 in game hours to maxed out all of the mod that exist and collect every prime parts.

and suddenly BOOM . even 10hour player can get more than i have..

what a waste of time. im so freaking mad

Why do you play the game then ? To show off ?


Ive played 1000 hours so I can slay grineer left and right with super power weapons, I don't care what other people have, that is childish imo


So what if he buys everything for 1000$ why do you care ? No one has answered the question.

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What the F***. They just moved my entire thread and all the posts into it into this thread. Seriously?


Let's bury posts deep in megathreads where nobody important will see them. I am beyond disappointed. 

Several moved threads didn't even get a "This was moved" notification, so we've got a plethora of semi-related issues sporadically throughout the thread causing it to be a mess of opinions and replies in a patchwork timeline. Additionally, when the threads are merged you lose the notification status you had on the previous thread, so often you are left wondering wtf just happened to the conversation. I edited or deleted my replies to those as they happened, no point in one off responses when the intended recipient will probably no longer see it.

Edited by Elvang
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Give 2 these to everyone who didn't get the chance to abuse this imo. Fair is fair, right?


Oh and make them UNTRADEABLE. And I mean all of them.


Haha, as if!


I look forward to missing out on the next wave of these that will be handed out to exploiters. 

Edited by fizbit
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What the F***. They just moved my entire thread and all the posts into it into this thread. Seriously?


Let's bury posts deep in megathreads where nobody important will see them. I am beyond disappointed. 


I raised this yesterday. It's ridiculous how many threads get merged on these forums. The result is a completely unreadable mess of 15 different threads. Sure, some of those overlapped heavily but there are multiple issues and many good posts now buried in these pages. As someone said earlier, much easier to ignore one thread than an entire forum full.


I wouldn't mind so much if they just closed the threads they feel are duplicates and directed people to come here. At least then we'd have a thread with some sense of order to it. There are little pockets where this thread makes sense as nothing was merged into that timeframe but they are very small and impossible to find.


Forum moderation at it's worst.

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Yea, I was aware of this thread when I made my thread. I made that one separate because I specifically wanted to start a conversation on the direction DE was trying to head in with all of the changes they did yesterday, not just the LCore stuff even though that was a big part of it. But yea, it's a complete mess of ten different conversations in here. Ridiculous. There's no point in trying to give the devs any feedback if it's buried somewhere they'll never @(*()$ read it. 

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Be thankful they moved yours because they outright deleted my thread when I made a suggestion topic yesterday.


Are you actually implying that the community managers are purposely burying threads inside a mega thread because nobody will jump to page 45 of 57 and read valid posts? That's absurd! Absurd I tell you!

It's sad how many good ideas I've seen get ignored because they got enough positive attention in the General Discussion  section to be moved to something like the feedback section, where the stream of positive and productive/creative posts abruptly dies. Not good for warframe imo.

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Solution people who didn't receive the cores gets an average of the total cores given out.



I'm gonad guess 5 per player.

That would be the same as removing the damn mod ranking system.

No one would ever bother with mod collecting and leveling.

That is pure boredom and the end of warframe :P

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Why do you play the game then ? To show off ?


Ive played 1000 hours so I can slay grineer left and right with super power weapons, I don't care what other people have, that is childish imo


So what if he buys everything for 1000$ why do you care ? No one has answered the question.

who said anything about showing off

u dont see what problem is

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We can stay on the forum an argue all we want.

Legendary cores arent going away

The guy that got 38 isnt getting his taken away

This is a pointless thread.

With people that are mad that he got more, in all honesty if he had that many steel charges hats off to you.

People of warframe want more while others get less, it plauged with these mean selfish people.

That guy getting those cores doesnt effect your gameplay.

So what just because he has 38 cores you cant login or stand to play anymore?

Thats a comical joke it doesnt effect you or anybody else he might have a super crutch but, thats him not you.

Learn to soak things up and learn thst DE cant make all of you happy your just children that want more candy.

Edited by LoGicMoTion
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We can stay on the forum an argue all we want.

Legendary cores arent going away

The guy that got 38 isnt getting his taken away

This is a pointless thread.

With people that are mad that he got more, in all honesty if he had that many steel charges hats off to you.

People of warframe want more while others get less, it plauged with these mean selfish people.

That guy getting those cores doesnt effect your gameplay.

So what just because he has 38 cores you cant login or stand to play anymore?

Thats a comical joke it doesnt effect you or anybody else he might have a super crutch but, thats him not you.

Learn to soak things up and learn thst DE cant make all of you happy your just children that want more candy.

Hmm... Before you tell people to learn to soak things up, learn to preach what you teach. Go soak up the 58 pages of this thread before making a comment like this.

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We can stay on the forum an argue all we want.

Legendary cores arent going away

The guy that got 38 isnt getting his taken away

This is a pointless thread.

With people that are mad that he got more, in all honesty if he had that many steel charges hats off to you.

People of warframe want more while others get less, it plauged with these mean selfish people.

That guy getting those cores doesnt effect your gameplay.

So what just because he has 38 cores you cant login or stand to play anymore?

Thats a comical joke it doesnt effect you or anybody else he might have a super crutch but, thats him not you.

Learn to soak things up and learn thst DE cant make all of you happy your just children that want more candy.

It does affect me.


Imagine playing WoW or Everquest and everyone was able to create free high tier Raid gear because they were lucky to see an announcement on a certain day? Every post you make is nothing but "Don't take my cores away", because you have not made a single good point that warrants them staying in.

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It does affect me.


Imagine playing WoW or Everquest and everyone was able to create free high tier Raid gear because they were lucky to see an announcement on a certain day? Every post you make is nothing but "Don't take my cores away", because you have not made a single good point that warrants them staying in.

Are you kidding?

i have serration max

i have blind rage max

i have narrow minded max

i have hornet strike maxed i have all those mods maxed and you think i could care about some legendary cores that i got because i decided to max my steel charge.

i'll sell my legendary cores if anything and i don't plan on doing it anytime soon.

free plat for me 

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Are you kidding?

i have serration max

i have blind rage max

i have narrow minded max

i have hornet strike maxed i have all those mods maxed and you think i could care about some legendary cores that i got because i decided to max my steel charge.

i'll sell my legendary cores if anything and i don't plan on doing it anytime soon.

free plat for me 


You've yet to come up with a sensible argument why you think this is fair. Turns out that's because it simply isn't fair but you don;t want to lose your cores free platinum.

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Are you kidding?

i have serration max

i have blind rage max

i have narrow minded max

i have hornet strike maxed i have all those mods maxed and you think i could care about some legendary cores that i got because i decided to max my steel charge.

i'll sell my legendary cores if anything and i don't plan on doing it anytime soon.

free plat for me 

Thanks for proving my point.

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