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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Me" Endymion said as he walked out of the connector tube, in his Oberon frame with an oryx helm and full edo armor, flanked by a frost on his left and a rhino on his right. Endymion had the signature black primary coloring, but with a gold overlay instead of a green. Both of the frames at his side had silver overlays. "I'm just making sure that there are no possible threats within the area. I would hate to fail my mission almost immediately after I finished it."

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"I assure you this is one of the most secure safe havens in all the system for Tenno, a dozen Galleons would fall before this stations defenses. I am Enderius, chief of security on this station and right hand to this Clans master. *He motions to the Valkyr at one side* Beside me is Fae, a lady of many talents, primarily our chief historian, *He motions to a Mirage* and her sister Shyla, head of Kubrow training currently. *The two sisters bow respectfully before Enderius continues* "I understand you have dangerous cargo aboard your vessel. I must examine it to ensure that it does not pose a threat to this station and it's inhabitants"

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"Alright, I'll trust you, Enderius," he said before motioning back towards the ship. "Bring Them out," he ordered, and a pair of Trinities walked out, carrying two jury-rigged cryopods (The ODD kind). The pods had been hacked off the dual stand, their shells showing signs of damage from blaster fire and charger scratches. They had been welded to a lev-tray, which allowed them to float about a foot in the air and move silently. The Tenno inside the cryopods did not have their hands across their chest like normal, but they were restrained at their sides. in fact their entire bodies were retrained, with braces holding their arms, legs, torso and head. The one on the right, a male, wore a frame unlike any other that came before it. It was sleek in design, much like the Excalibur, but the helmet exuded a more feline feel to it, like a tiger. additionally, each of the fingers had silver blades attached, extending almost six inches from the fingertips. The frame also had a black and orange stripe pattern to it. The one on the left sported a female, and her frame was just as odd. her body was just as restrained as the one before. the helmet had eight small hexagonal mirrors arranged on the front, with a mouthpiece jutting out like a spider's mandible. Additionally, her waist had six three-segmented "legs" attached to it, all of them terminating in a wicked blade. her colour scheme was totally black, with a red hourglass-like-shape on her front.

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*Enderius examines the Tenno* "Hmm...I've never seen frames like these..." *He looks to the other two with him and Fae is the first to speak* 

"I don't like the looks of them, the suits bear signs of being compromised, the virus composing their base components might have mutated."

*Shyla speaks up next* "Maybe their just new? I mean you guys didn't find me until last week"

*Enderius considers the two of them before addressing the captain* "I'm afraid if you intended to awaken these Tenno here you must either wait until we subject them to a test or awaken them outside the boundaries of this facility*

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"actually," Endymion said, glancing at the time function on his UI, "The drug we put on this one should wear off right about now." As if on cue the right one, the male, awoke, immediately beginning to thrash around the pod, his movements stopped by the restraints. the blades on his fingers tearing into the plush material lining the pod. Primal screams erupted from him, as if he were a caged bear attempting to break free. Endymion somberly stared at the frame inside the pod as he pressed a series of switches, injecting a powerful sedative. After a moment the frame, code named "Bengal", calmed down, his head finally listing to the left as he fell asleep. "They were failed test subjects inside a rogue facility," Endymion said quietly to the group before him. "I just couldn't have sat there and let them die." Now that that's over, shall we talk about business?" He asked. 

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"actually," Endymion said, glancing at the time function on his UI, "The drug we put on this one should wear off right about now." As if on cue the right one, the male, awoke, immediately beginning to thrash around the pod, his movements stopped by the restraints. the blades on his fingers tearing into the plush material lining the pod. Primal screams erupted from him, as if he were a caged bear attempting to break free. Endymion somberly stared at the frame inside the pod as he pressed a series of switches, injecting a powerful sedative. After a moment the frame, code named "Bengal", calmed down, his head finally listing to the left as he fell asleep. "They were failed test subjects inside a rogue facility," Endymion said quietly to the group before him. "I just couldn't have sat there and let them die." Now that that's over, shall we talk about business?" He asked. 

*Fae clentches her fist she watches the Tenno inside go insane. Enderius turns his attention back to Endymion* "Yes....business." Another Tenno arrives on scene, this one wearing a Vauban warframe as he approaches the ship and assess the damage* "Our head Technician will begin assessing and repairing the damage...you may not want to approach him, he doesn't speak a lick of Basic (English I imagine is the word no longer used to describe english) Just some dead language that, records show, was the base for Grineer language (He speaks Russian)

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"Of course, I'm thankful for your hospitality and I'm sorry for the display earlier," Endymion replies. "Just in case, I'll have my engineer work with him, just to make sure nothing goes wrong. PETYA! GET YOUR SENTINEL, YES THE ONE WITH THE TRANSLATOR!" he yelled back towards the ship. moments later a Vauban with a Gambit helmet waddled out of the ship and began conversing with the other vauban, his shade translating for him. Endymion took this time to stare at the other cryopod, the one with the female, and his mind quickly filled with memories and mourning.

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"Of course, I'm thankful for your hospitality and I'm sorry for the display earlier," Endymion replies. "Just in case, I'll have my engineer work with him, just to make sure nothing goes wrong. PETYA! GET YOUR SENTINEL, YES THE ONE WITH THE TRANSLATOR!" he yelled back towards the ship. moments later a Vauban with a Gambit helmet waddled out of the ship and began conversing with the other vauban, his shade translating for him. Endymion took this time to stare at the other cryopod, the one with the female, and his mind quickly filled with memories and mourning.

((The shade would have a had time seeing as how he's speaking a dead language))

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((I'm bored, so this is happening))


Finding herself in a sleep deeper than anticipated, Miranda did the thing that she hated doing most of all. This was worse than submission, pacifism, amiability or mercy.


Miranda dreamt.




The Liset was larger than most, modified with several extra nodes on the interior to form living quarters, a dining area, a kitchen, an engineering area, and several other appliances. A maroon and black Vauban lay reclining on a couch, his helmet removed to show a middle aged face of a man clearly of European dissent. He had a medium length goatee forming along his face, accentuating the mischievous yet wise smile creeping across his face. While his right side was facing the backing of the couch, his left was exposed, showing a Tribal image of an arrow traveling through a hole cut into an axe. Laying with him was a Mag Prime, clad in a myriad of beige, brown, and white hues. Her face, also revealed by the absence of a helmet, was young, not much older than 23 at most. Blonde hair flowed down the left side of her face, while shorter black adorned the right. As she pulled herself closer to the Vauban, the tattoo on her cheek showed through her hair. An image, again tribal in style, though this time of a cyclops. With her arm slung across the chest of the Vauban, the Mag began to drift off on the couch, while the Vauban's eyes remained open - though absent from reality.


A man wearing a pitch black Loki warframe entered the room, two glasses containing a sparkling golden liquid in hand. He sat at a table for two, placing one of the glasses at the other end. Carved over the left portion of his chest was the image of an old style scale, held in a state of balance between a symbol of fish and one of water. His face was clean - practically shimmering - his hazel eyes piercing in a mysterious manner. He spoke. "Aren't you going to drink?" At the opposing end of the table sat a woman of confusing ethnic origin. Her skin tone would suggest Latina, though features about her also hinted at European and Mediterranean origins, possible some African as well. Her eyes though, a sharp and screaming green, were unmistakably unique. The color, more vibrant than any other. There was a degree of intensity held in them, though it served only as a mask for what the keen eye would see to be sensitivity, humor, wisdom, playfulness, and above all loneliness. She smirked as she picked up the glass of bubbly liquid, taking a modest sip before placing it down again. Quiet big band music could be heard in the background.


"Thank you. It's good." The woman's voice was calm, friendly, sincere. She looked over at the couple on the couch, and a look of appreciation and happiness swept across her face, gentle yet apparent. She turned her head back to the champagne glass, picking it up and swirling the beverage. "You all right?" spoke the Loki once more.  The woman merely nodded. She put the glass down. "Roe? Gah..." the woman paused for a moment, "Marc. What are we doing?" The Loki chuckled. "We're enjoying some champagne before our romantic, candlelit dinner is ready." His voice was pleasant and joking. Comfortable. "You know what I mean," the woman said in a teasing way, "I mean, we're just... weapons. This is what we were born to do and so we do it. We can't even remember our pasts, it's just been, 'wake up, kill Grineer, talk to Lotus, kill Corpus, exterminate Infested, talk to Lotus, kill more Grineer,' do you ever think that we'll be able to do... more? Make an actual difference in the system and bring long-lasting peace?" The woman put the glass down again, having picked it up while she was speaking. She then looked at it, and picked it up again to take a sip - somewhat larger than the last - before putting it down again. The Loki laughed a nervous laugh. "Some day, Rosaline, some day. Until then, even if we are just weapons, we have a job to do." He stood up, pushing in his chair. "But, right now, we don't have to think about that. Ordis is on autopilot and we're gonna be out here for a while. Just... have some food, have some fun, okay?" The woman looked concerned. The Loki grinned. "C'mon, can you say no to this face?" The woman chuckled as the Loki leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'll go get the food, should be ready by now." The Loki looked over to the two on the couch, noting that now the Vauban was asleep as well. "Oh, and we'd better be careful not to get too loud. You know how Poly is when she wakes up." The Loki paused in the hallway for a moment, laughing to himself. "What is it?" inquired the woman. "Oh nothing, just thinking about the irony. Polyphemus and Odysseus. Never would have seen it coming. Oh Lotus, ever so creative with your naming." As the Loki disappeared into the kitchen, the woman looked at the two on the couch. Her lips pulled into a smile, though her eyes contained the slightest tinge of sadness as minuscule tears began to well. She placed her head into her hands.


Rael's ship docks within the Dojo after receiving her 10,000 creds.
"Well Miranda, if you'd want, I know how to strip your ship clean of its lockdown."

Miranda was jolted awake. "What? Marc?" She blinked once, then twice. "Oh, it's you. Right. Where are we?"

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Miranda shook her head violently, rubbing her eyes. "What? No... Only a little bit." She looked outside.  "Oh, we're home." She got to her feet and stretched. "Thanks for the trip." She started for the door before paused and wheeling about. She extended her hand, palm facing up.

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"Eh, I like Ordis how he is. Good bloke. And if I ever want to leave again, I make a good stowaway." Miranda perked up. "Oh! Money. 50/50 you said."







She has returned, sir. Based on her past routines I expect her to return to the ship soon.


The Oberon grinned from behind his helmet, Braton sitting in his lap as he sat upright and proper, energy pulsing a faint lavender.

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Miranda gratefully took the money and started back to her ship. Noting that the door had been blown off, she stormed up the stairs. "Crimson, I swear to God I'll..." She paused. The figure rose. "Let's go Rosaline. It's time you came home." His gun was loaded and his finger grazed the trigger, but it was not raised.


"O...Ordis? Who is this?" The AI was unresponsive. The figure approached Miranda. "Rosaline, we have an appointment that we'd best not be late for." He reached out to grab her wrist. In response, Miranda send forth a gust of wind, which while he was able to resist, Spade had to brace himself against the gust, allowing Miranda time to escape. She began to run out into the hangar. A bullet hit her in the leg, then another, then one straight into her back. She fell. "Ry... RAEL?!" she screamed. The figure walked towards her.

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"What the hell?"

Rael dashed out the ramp of her Scrambler in a blaze of fire with her Vectis and Aegis, a bullet bouncing off the floor to just graize a scratch through his helmet from the ballistics.

"No clue who you are, but I don't like you already."

Rael pulls back on her Vectis lever.

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Spade flicked his hand, releasing a burst of violent purple energy from Rael's torso which sent out bolts of destructive energy which proceeded to bounce harmlessly off of the local ships and cargo. He then picked up a crawling Miranda by the arms, hoisting her off back towards her ship silently and unfeelingly.


"Don't fight this Rosaline, this is what is right. You must understand. Return to your mother."


Weakly, Miranda managed a sentence. "My name... is Miranda." She unholstered her pistol and slowly raised it, riddling Spade's face with a burst of bullets before being disarmed and beat across the face, disorienting her as Spade continued to carry her.

Edited by Alad_VI
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