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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Krelon heard the loud thud. "What the hell was that?" He said and walked in the direction of the thud.

*Enderius looks back and sighs* "Those are private rooms, can't go in." *Enderius says as he walks towards the direction of Nyrs room* "You okay?" *He asks as he enters*

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She was found standing and rubbing her sore hind.

"Owww... This floor is hard... Yeah, I'm okay... Not so sure my butt is, but I'm fine."

The door opens out to the kennel as she kneels by two awake, but lounging pups.

"Well at least you're both soft."

She giggles and hugs the pups gently.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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*Enderius entered the Kennel about the same time as Shyla to train the Kubrows, Shyla training a majority, Enderius there to check on his mammoth of a Kubrow Fenrir, who eagerly approaches his master. Enderius responds by giving him a quick scratch on the head and bringing him along for patrol today*

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Droben woke up, rolled out of bed onto the floor, and after getting up immediately began his trek to the restaurant. He waved hello to his boss. "What's the plan today?"

*The breakfast hours seem to be much slower than dinner* "Nice of you to join us" *The chef says sarcastically* "For right now you are not needed, dinner hours are usually when we are hit the worst, so come back around then and we'll see if you're needed once more"

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Droben sighed as he inquired, "You sure? Nothing I could do just to get used to this particular place's... style?" Frankly he just didn't want to waste more time, possibly having to interact with Enderius or Elith if he was unlucky. Droben was often unlucky.


Miranda rolled over. "Hmm." She opened her eyes. "Hmm?" She lifted the covers and looked down. "Hmm!" Suddenly sitting up, she looked over. "Wait what? Ooooh, right," she said, remembering the night prior. "Well then." 

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Miranda buried her face in the pillow for a moment before resurfacing. "I don't know, maybe. Not entirely sure if I'd be able to cope with that. I also should probably head out for employment, I had quite the financial reserves from all the money I got outta my friends' wills, but now that I actually have a house I should find a steady way to make more."

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*Shyla nodded to Krelon* "The pups can play after their training." *She explained calmly before letting out a sharp two noted whistle. The pups scrambled about the kennel and gathered infront of Shyla, all of them sitting and staring with eager looks* "Alright pups, today we're gonna see who's the best at hide and go seek" *She holds up a red ball, the look on the pups face seems to be one of understanding, like they know every word she's saying* "I hid a bunch of these balls in this kennel,* She leans down holding the ball tightly* "Everyone get a smell of it, and whoever brings the most balls back wins, but there's also blue balls *She holds up a blue ball* "They smell the same, do -not- bring back the blue ones. Bring me the red ones. Ready?* The pups all let out an affirmative bark, all of them sanding eagerly* "Go find them!" *She shouts, tossing the ball behind her, the pups scramble out and begin sniffing around and digging up any part they suspect has the coveted balls. Some pups are successful right away, bringing back a red ball, others being young and confused, bring back the blue ones, and several others don't have any luck at all*

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Droben spoke up a bit louder to his boss. "Sir? Can I, or can I not cook? Just because I'm not needed doesn't mean I can't try to help."




After a brief sigh, Miranda let out a quiet, "Nothing," before rolling out of the bed. After getting on a simple pair of jeans and a blouse, paired with a set of normal running shoes, she headed to the kitchen.

Edited by Alad_VI
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"I don't know," said Miranda, gathering an assortment of tomato, olives, and assorted spices such as basil and parsley. "Something good. Something strong." After she finished gathering foodstuffs, Miranda began to dice the tomatoes.





After a sigh, Droben left to wander the dojo. Seeing the kennel, he was reminded of the kubrow from the day prior. As he entered, he noted several kubrow pups searching for small, red and blue balls. "Ah, if only I had some red paint," he said, holding a bounce in hand. He continued in and snuck up behind Krelon, nudging him hard in the arm. "Hey buddy!"

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Droben took a rotational step so that he was in front of Krelon, looking up. He threw a quick wave to Nyrvynai before whipping back around and placing his thumb by the lip of Krelon's helmet that separated his jawline from the helmet. "Is that so..." He began to peel upwards. "Peek-a-boo..."




Miranda continued to organize ingredients, now and then stepping to the pantry again to gather more. A notable divide was on the counter, one one side of it was a chaotic mix of tomatoes and spices, while on the other a pool of baking ingredients had accumulated, which she began to mix together in the order of making a baguette.

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*After a few minutes all the pups line up. Some did great, others did okay, but more didn't even bring balls back. But Shyla smiles* "Good job everyone. Those of you who found balls, you've got futures tracking and finding. The rest of you don't feel bad, cuz it just means you're good at something else!" *Her cheery nature seemed to perk up all the pups, even the ones who failed their task* "Alright recess time!" *The pups bark happily as they start to go about the kennel having fun*

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