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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Miranda's fist clenched before relaxing. "Imbecile. Buffoon. You whoring bastard, I would kill you, but I feel like I'd be euthanizing a mentally handicapped child. I almost don't want to go on because I feel like you don't understand anything I'm saying." Miranda reached into a nearby pond and quickly grabbed for one of the fish.

"You dunce!" She slapped him with the fish before throwing it back into the pond.

"Approach me again and you will find your d!ck shoved down the business end of an Ogris!"


((God damn you Tucker, and your ninja'ing! I worked decently hard on that insult))

Edited by Alad_VI
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Miranda squinted as she began to gesticulate wildly. "What? What do you mean meet me halfway?" She shoved Rodney out of the way with surprising strength. "Did you not get my message? We're done!" Miranda grabbed the bicep of Crimson's blade-arm and forced it down. 

"When I say we're done, I mean we're done, now go! Leave!"

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Miranda ignored the message and dusted herself off, adjusting any bits of her hair or suit that became messed up. She continued on her planned path and arrived at the hotel shortly after, where she began to collect her belongings into cases and bags.

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Droben chuckled a bit. "Yeah, well my thought-roommates would say otherwise." He was about to say something when he caught himself and paused. "How'd you recognize it?"

She looked at him for a moment and worked her jaw before answering.

"I used to take them, before I was able to get a Nyx and a Trinity to fix me. If I didn't, I'd see my Infested sister trying to choke me." She gave a short, hollow chuckle as her eyes teared up. "The wonders of PTSD, eh?"

She brought the e-cig to her mouth and took a short drag. "Nicotine calms my nerves. Doc gave me nic-patches; I just switched to a better method of administering the drug."

She looked at the cylinder with a mix of disgust and gratefulness. "I never wanted this thing."

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Droben didn't appear to be looking at anything in particular, his eyes out of focus.

"So much for a treat..." Still not making eye contact, he paused for a moment before a stuttering hand made it's way to Kate's back.


"If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your sister?"





After gathering her belongings and compressing them into just two suitcases and a backpack, Miranda headed for reception where she checked out. As she headed back to her Liset, she went through the gardens, passing a familiar looking Excalibur. "Echo," she addressed him, continuing on her way. The trailing kubrow was graceful in its step, it's gaze focused on the passerby as the two headed back home.

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Feeling that the tune was a bit old, he switched for another song. "I carved my own path,"

The docking clamps engaged.

"You follow your wrath,"

He got up and brushed himself off.

"But maybe we're both the same..."

Strumming an invisible bass, he was oblivious to the fact that anyone could see him get in his groove.

"The world has turned, and so many were burned,"

He power walked to the door.

"But nobody is to BLAAAAME!!!"

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"But staring across this barren wasted land,"

Abrá-alixerni kept headbanging to unhearable drums.

"I feel new life will be born, beneath the BLOODSTAINED SAAAAND!!!"

He crashed headfirst with the passive aggressive Zephyr.

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Catching her assailant by the head, Miranda redirected the figure into the open space of the garden. As she squinted and focused on the figure, the kubrow's ears perked up. "Watch where you're going," she said through her teeth before going on her way.

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Abra was about to apologize when her Kubrow - a Sahasa - pounced on him and started to lick at his face enthusiastically. Against his better judgement, he started to laugh.

"Oh gods... Sorry!" He tried to say between happy Kubrow barks.

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((Sigh... I mean, the kubrow would really never do that, but whatever boats your float I suppose.



Don't call me son))


Miranda grimaced at the sight. With a stomp of her heel, the beast was back to its feet with a dignified look about its face. Opening her mouth to say something, she thought better of it and dropped a simple, "Dumb@ss," before entering the hangar.

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Abra wondered wether he should say anything, but the fire in her eyes convinced him to stay quiet.

Also, he was still sitting on the ground like a newborn child. Grumbling to himself as he dusted his clothes, Abra realized that his prosthetic arm was glitching, making spastic movements.

With a sigh, he disconnected it from the stump.

Kate clicked off the e-cig. "Infestation, somewhere around Eris. Abra, Sophia and I went in; we really thought it was just another extermination run."

"Things got ugly when a... pack? Murder? Herd? of Ancients ambushed us. Two of them got a hold of Sophia and pulled in opposing directions." A tear ran down her cheek, and she wiped it away. "The f*ckers took what was left of her away with them. But I butchered them as soon as I was free from their grip."

Edited by Achaix
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(Well. Power-leveling my multiplayer classes in Transformers FoC is taking longer than I figured. A lot has happened here, this I see. Miranda seems pissed about something, and - for that matter, a lot of interesting things are happening... Welp! Time to bring in Nylocke. . . Jesus, I use that name too much... Tapedeck here may be the only one who'd know that though.)

A Liset, normal aside from the black paint-job and red Lotus symbol on the front, flew into the dojo-space, transmitting ID codes to the dojo before requesting permission to land. As everything checks out, she gets the okay and docks, a Saryn exits the ship, and meets a patrolling Rael, she approaches her.

"Excuse me, would you happen to know where the Kennel is?"

Rael's attention caught, she turns her head to the Saryn.

"Kennel? Hold up a tick."

Bringing up her codex, she sends out a map-route to the Saryn as the Saryn nods a thank you and sets off, Rael giving off a casual salute-wave of her hand before she continues her route.

Reaching the Kennel door, she stops to adjust her own dark Blonde hair, brushing some out of her face, she looks like an older, matured version of Nyrvynai, one who definitely has seen her share of battle.

She opens the kennel door and walks in, warranting a squeal of excitement from her younger sister who runs up to her to tackle her in a hug.

"Heh, hello sis. Working a kennel now?"

She looks at the Mirage tending the pups.

"She doin' a good job?"

Her voice is calm and soft, with a hint of playfulness to it.

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((Eh, we're just moving on, regardless of how preposterous the situation is.))


Upon reaching her ship, Miranda dropped her stuff on the floor and sat in the pilot seat, not turning on any systems or caring to unpack, but rather to simply sit and think, scratching Leviathan's head as she did so.


((Also sorry, earlier somewhere I called the kubrow Cerberus because that's the name of my kubrow in-game, though since Enderius already has a, "Cerberus," I revised it. Just a slip up. Sorry.))




Droben reached over to the torso section of his warframe and produced what appeared to be a transparent rectangular prism with glowing green edges, no bigger than the size of his hand.

"That's one of the thing's that you just don't really know how to respond to." He patted the side of the prism and when nothing happened, he hit it again harder, causing it to collapse into many slices, each still with the glowing edges.

"I remember when I first woke up there was another guy there, a Rhino. Weird glowing red skin. Woke me up and got me to my feet." Droben took the slice of technology that was on top, one with a greenish glow rather than blue, and placed it on the bed separate from the others, which he began to shuffle.


"'S when a couple walls blew up and a whole bunch o' Corpus poured in. Shot up Rhino pretty good. Got a few off on me. I ran, jumped outta cracked window. Unfortunately for me," Droben began to divide the slices between himself and Kate, "I didn't really know that we were in the Void. Couple seconds later I got pulled in by some magnetic magic practically boiling. 'M frame took the worst of it, but it still stung pretty damn bad." Droben then took two cards that had been separated from the rest and tapped them against the green card, their edges glowing a new shade of white. He handed one to Kate.

"Woke up in a medical bay with m' Rhino buddy, we were doin' pretty well. 'Course, my skin got all f*cked up but hey, that's what happens when you screw up in the Void. Undha and I became pretty good friends. Few weeks later he got deported for further research on Rubedo, and I got sent off for Void Particle Research." Droben tapped his white card, and while it couldn't be seen from the other side, Droben could see all of the numbers of his pile of cards.


"The white one let's you see what you have, like a sort of AR lens. You play any card games?"

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White patted both of his Kubrows then removed his frame via the Arsenal, lying down on his bunk afterwards.  Pulling up his Codex, he scanned through all the notes and information he has gathered over the last three years about his now 9 targets, 4 already eliminated by his hands. Sighing, he closed down his Codex and pulled out his locket, turning it on and setting it next to him as a deep, shuddering breath escaped him. Rolling onto his side, he watched the image sadly, then closed his eyes as a lone, silent stream of tears ran down his face.

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"It was both of us. You don't need to look like lesser than what I am. Even if I am wearing a prime frame" Damascus said putted the helmet hang on his right thigh and took light grip from Rota's hands "You seem to be bothered by something" Damascus said as looked on Rota's eyes. He wasn't really amazed by the color of eyes he actually likes it.

"its nothing really....." *she didnt face him* "maybe you just see something that isnt there?"

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"Those who are lying looks down. Those who are speaking truth watches on the speaker" Damascus said and looked on Rota still. He wondered why is Rota being so away and secretive.

"it really is nothing ok?...*this time she looked directly at him but it was obvious she was lying*

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