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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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((Has any of Crimson's characters NOT murdered a fellow Tenno? That sure as hell should be on the records.

These guys are goddamned war criminals!))


(( "How can you be so blind and trust a kin who can just as easily like Grineer or Corpus stab you in the back?" Would Damascus ask. "Tenno are much as friends and kindred to each other much as threat. They can keep secrets like what I were once. I was once a human and I have kept so many secrets and I still hold them. Secrets of my own dark world and from world around us" Damascus))

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Agatha hissed a little as she slipped into the steaming hot bath water, completely nude and towel lying behind her head. She could feel her muscles, tight and tired from a day's work in the engineering corps, relax and uncoil. As she slid deeper into the water, now in a sitting position with only her head poking out, she began to doze off, the last thing she heard was the sounds of her kubrow pup doggie paddling through the hot spring.

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Droben smiled to himself. "Yeah, you win, except... no. You still want to keep your cards hidden because if neither of us folds there's one more thing. I forget what it's called but..." Droben put one more card down with the other three - the remaining queen. His smile widened. "At the end you put one more card down.




((Just going off of what Soundwave told me, Winged))

Edited by Alad_VI
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The Frost Prime woke, cold, as always, and stood, grumbling at the freezing temperatures resulting from his warframe. He'd woken from Cryosleep with it, and could never understand why he'd used it before, his memories utterly destroyed with his sudden awakening. Dual Zorens in his hands, legions of Grineer befroe him, between him, and true freedom. Unfortunately, the lotus herself had had to save him, sending operatives as he fell, crumpling under a dog pile of lancers. He woke later, freezing, there had been a breach in his frame, and it had been resealed before inspected, as a result, he was stuck in his warframe, and cold was constanly leaking in, not enough to be fatal, but enough to be lethal if an ability was activated, this was the reason why he was so angry, he was stuck, crippled, useless. Now, he had heard of an Oberon scientist, one who specialized in cadavers, one who seemed to speacialize in cutting. Too many Nekros dealt only with the dead, Oberons, most often worked with the living, he had to find this scientist, he needed his help, and set course, for a certain, very special Dojo apparently. Sigma, his Raksa kubrow, loved his Frost Prime, and growled as plans were made to get rid of it. He disregarded Sigma, requesting landing permissions.




"I, am Halcyon, requisitioning a landing pad for, medical, purposes, does anyone read?" He asked, talking into the comms on his ship.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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After getting his arm fixed, Abra strolled around the Dojo, surprised at the sudden inflow of Tenno with the marks of war.

"Strange..." He said to no one in particular.

* Some time later...*

The dark and gold Oberon arrived at his destination; the baths.

With a sigh, Abra took off his Warframe and left it at a bench, along with his under robes.

For a moment, he thought he smelled the musky scent of a Kubrow, but ignored it and lowered himself into the steamy waters.

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Agatha was dreaming. She could smell it, the acrid gun-smoke, the smell of filtrated air being sucked out into the vacuum of space.


"Snap out of it, Comrade!" she heard from beside her. A Volt shook her to a state of alertness from behind their shared cover of a low wall. She readjusted the red armband on her frame's right bicep as the Volt emptied a soma clip into an oncoming Excalibur specter, the shadow dropping to the floor in seconds. "We need to make it to the children downstairs! The gas is being released down there, HURRY!" She heard from the intercom in her brand new Mirage helm.


      The two of them charged across the hallway, shooting the drones and turrets on the facility ship. Suddenly a Penta grenade landed on the floor by their feet as they attempted to shoot the laser plates guarding the room ahead. she threw it back towards the defending tenno as it exploded, clearing away an opening for the red armband-wearing tenno. as they crossed the deadly expanse of laser fire and warframe abilities, another grenade landed near her and the volt, and the explosive had no time left. The stranger Volt immediately leaped onto it with an electric shield as it exploded, sending him flying and smashing him against a wall. Agatha ran over to her fallen comrade, his mask broken and revealing blood matted brown hair, and his warframe torn open, revealing his shattered chest cavity. She immediately tried to use an Heal restore, but he weakly waved it away.


      "I'll be with my sister soon," his voice was nearly a whisper, and would have been unnoticeable in the chaotic conflict around them if it weren't for their comm links. "I guess this is what we get," the Volt said as he expired, his unfocused eyes rolling into his head and his mouth releasing one last, bloody, breath.

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the little kubrow pup had sensed the strange person enter his master's baths. He immediately recognized the figure as a male. Putting two and two together he used his minimal Huras training to envelop himself in a fairly weak cloak. he approached the weird male from behind and tackled his head into the water.

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((I would like to get back to the IC stuff so im just gonna start it bakc up))


Agatha grumbled out of her dream as she heard splashing around and the yelp of her kubrow pup. She rubbed her eyes, her blurry vision compounded by the large amount of steam, but she could make out a large stocky figure with a deformed arm and her kubrow leaping on them from the side.

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