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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Halcyon looked back, remembering something,

"Just a second," He said, walking over to Gynx on the way to the Dojo's hospital type area.

"Hey Gynx, take five alright? We can get back to training a little later, get some rest, or do whatever it is you do when you're on your own, and stay safe alright? I'll find you later and we can get back to it." He said, looking back at the Excalibur and continuing towards where he was pretty sure he could find someone to help him.

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"Halcyon. Great to meet you, I'm always interested in meeting a fellow oddity of existence." He chuckled, "No shortage of them around here." He added quietly, checking through the rooms for Elith. ((I'm pretty sure that's the name of Soundwave's trinity))

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"Interesting, I am one of tenno created in the Orokin labs, not the original Frost Prime, far from it, but to this day I might say I'm the oldest living one," He chuckled, "The orokin forced all of us through the same process, I'm the only one who turned out to survive the longest. They were trying to get the void phasing just right, and figured that it would be easier to repeat the process over and over again. Those it didn't work on? Let's just say they didn't survive as long as I have. Multiple personality huh? Yea, I've got a couple voices too," he ended on a light note, tapping his helm and bringing up a holographic representation of each of his AI, "Alpha through Omega, they keep me walking and talking, otherwise, I'd be quite insane," he shrugged, letting the hologram fade.

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"Therapy through combat was how I was taught. Which was why you found myself and that Oberon in the training area. My symptoms have "triggers" as the Corpus put it who poked and prodded at me. Everyday of my capture from when I first awoke. When I suffer from severe blows that draw blood, my vicious melee personality takes control. The Corpus profiled that persona as "Carnage". The second is a tad more random. I grow silent, but my skill with ranged weapons is greatly increased, so does my stealth ability. The Corpus were never able to profile that one."

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The Oberon cocks his head to the side slightly, the merchant now in the corner of his eye, his shoulders slouch ever so slightly. "I hope those suits are more sturdy then they look..."


The Oberon turns towards Halycon, nodding humbly as he stowed his Dex Furis. He would gesture towards the Proto-Excalibur. "He was disguised as a Vauban, it would of have been less disturbing were it not for the coloration of his suit and his weapon of choice." He would gesture towards the Hate the Proto-excalibur is holding/on his back/ on the floor ((forgot where the scythe went in all this bro-ha-ha)). "Were it not for those factors, I would of been less alarmed."


(( I hate it when you have to sleep and 25+ notifications happen ;-; ))


For a while in this conversation, and after Halcyon and Orlock left together, the merchant had remained quiet. Now, he finally looked at the Oberon,

"What was that all about?" He asked quietly.

Edited by Y0she
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The Oberon would shrug, looking back at the Corpus Merchant. "I am not entierly certain." A pause. "Or if it was even your fault." The Oberon would adjust the Paris Prime on his back idly. "But it is not within my power to judge, only to hope that he regains his grasp of The Balance."

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The Oberon would shrug, looking back at the Corpus Merchant. "I am not entierly certain." A pause. "Or if it was even your fault." The Oberon would adjust the Paris Prime on his back idly. "But it is not within my power to judge, only to hope that he regains his grasp of The Balance."


"Let's hope so." The merchant remarked, glancing one more time into the decimated target room before walking back out.

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The Oberon stood there a moment, a sense of unease overtaking him as he observed the damage of the targets, so savagely cut down. To see something like this from an Excalibur is something that's quite disturbing, since it would take a lot to sink them into such a pit of insanity, atleast by judging some of the Excaliburs he's met. He bows his head slightly as he makes his way out of the room. He made a note to himself to check up on that Excalibur later.


After a few minutes, the Oberon would find himself in the hangar. Navigating his way past Tenno and docked Lisets, the Oberon would make his way towards his own. When his Liset is in sight, his suit automatically forms a comm link to the ships cephalon, Justice. "Justice, disengage Archwing, no weapons." As he came to the bow of the Liset, his cephalon responded. "Right away, operator." It answered calmly. The compartment above his deployment pod hissed open, his Archwing popping out, before falling to the ground. The jets activated as soon as it disengaged, keeping it from slamming into the ground. The Oberon would stand in front of the dormant Archwing, his suit automatically sending a signal to it. The Archwing would then quickly respond by engaging its afterburners, flying around the Oberon, and clamping down onto his waist. The Oberon would visibly struggle as the weight of the Archwing would put pressure on his back and torso, even with the afterburners compensating for most of the weight. Luckily he left the Archwing weapons on his ship, or else the weight in a regular-G environment would send him toppling over. He would then walk to the side of his Liset, standing between his and another, anonymous Liset. In front of him lay a strip of Lisets, lined behind one another to form almost a runway, but this was not the intent of the hangar's design, only to allow safe passage to passing Tenno. Nearby Tenno would watch from the sidelines as the afterburners on his Archwing began to glow, already knowing what the Oberon had in mind. The Oberon digs his hooves into the ground as the Archwing surges with power. He leaps forward, aiming upward as his Archwing points backward, engines firing. The Archwing propels him forward, a trail of green Archwing residue following in his wake. The Oberon would stiffen his body as much as possible, depending on the velocity of the Archwing to propel him forward rather then into the ground, the regular-G environment causing him to nose down slightly. As the Oberon passes through the stasis field separating the hangar and the cold vacuum of space, the Oberon would do a barrel roll as he regains the freedom of mobility.


Forcing full forward thrust, the Oberon would slacken his body slightly, being in zero-G, he could just let the Archwing practically carry him. The Oberon would bob and weave between Lisets that were hoping to dock, but instead have to wait for an air traffic controller. He would surge upwards, freeing himself from the school of Lisets, the large Dojo filling his vision. The Oberon would then fly at daring speeds towards the Dojo, banking right as he got closer to the exterior wall. He would fly along the wall, hoping that there wasn't any windows for him to fly by. As he flew, he would begin to angle his Archwing slightly upwards, so that he would be making a swirl around the Dojo going up. As the Dojo thinned out at the top, the Oberon would slow his ascent, coasting towards the very tippy top of the Dojo. He would slowly place his hands on the base of the tip, just as it begin to curve up to form it. He would turn himself around with his hands, before reaching back and pulling himself back against the base. The engines of his Archwing would rest on the sides of the tip as the Oberon rested against it. He calmly watched the in-and-out traffic of the Lisets below, clearing his mind. The Archwing provided indefinite life support, so he had the time. 

Edited by Darkshifter98
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"Abra? I'm taking the Elytron for a spin."

"Don't destroy the Dojo?"

"... no promises."


Orange light trailing behind the animesque device, Kate laughed as she was feeling the adrenalin high. That was the amazing thing about the Archwings; the scale. She was a tiny speck in the immensity of space, but she could destroy entire fleets with nary a thought.

Of course, dual-wielding max-damage Imperator machine guns helped. No such thing as too much dakka, that's what she liked to say.

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Kuranaii's eyes fluttered opened behind her helmet and stared up at the ceiling, slowly opening her mouth to let out a big yawn. Her muscles tensed and she stretched out each limb while led down. She glanced to each of her sides; just a little bit of sadness coming to her by discovering the absense of Halcyon.

Must be still up, she thought, so, she sat up in bed, leant her back against the wall and brought up her left palm, which activated a wide, transparent menu before her. She used her right hand to select the Communications tab then attempt to send a text message to Halcyon.


Hey, you still awake? :3 ' She texted with a faint smile behind the helmet, closing the menu afterwards. Then she laid her back against the wall, squirmed her legs into a comfy position beneath the covers and waited for a response.

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"OK then." Gynx replied, sheathing the dual fang primes in her gauntlet and following Halcyon.

"Good for you. Treasure that, the fact you can be with a person without anything to fear." Vale almost spat as he laid his hand on his side, where the tumour was.

"Well, whaddya do around here?"

Vale was questioned.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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*Fae and Elith continue their reading and music playing until Orlock passes by from the windows of the med-bay, the two stop dead suddenly and watch him pass by, looks of disbelief struck onto their faces 'How could someone...be so asinine to wear that in a place like this' is what either of them thought. After the disbelief faded Elith nodded to Fae as she grabbed her Lato and Fae grabbed a pair of Kronen tonftas. Fae quickly trailed behind him and shouted* "Hey! What in the Void do you think you're doing?!" *She neglected to bring her helmet so a look of anger could be seen on her face, both her blades in hand and ready to be used*

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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