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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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To his credit, Abra kept looking at her face and sunk back into the water, hiding his "equipment".

"Well, this is unexpected. I mean, the baths are unisex mostly." He coughed and looked away. "I think I'll fetch my under robes."

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Agatha immediately followed suit and sank to her collarbone, allowing her kubrow to swim into her arms. "I think I'm in the wrong bath then, I'll leave," She said, grabbing her towel, wrapping it around her "assets" and quickly walking out of the room. Once outside she let out a scream and punched the nearest hard object before leaving for her hotel room, now changed into her olive green uniform with red beret on her short hair.


((I'm gonna retire for the night you guys can keep going BTW Achaix Are u on tomorrow morning?))

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White nodded once the shopkeep told him he'd have to find a staff member who are ID'd by purple emblems on their shoulders, then turned and walked away quietly as he thought. "This will turn some tides in this galactic war zone, but it'll all be sorted out quickly." He said to no one, wandering around as he watched for a purple emblem.

Edited by WhiteTimberwolf
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Droben chuckled as he reshuffled the cards. "Now, I do have some chips if you want to introduce some skill into this. We don't have to use actual currency, just the bragging rights of victory." He paused. "Maybe loser's on top next time?"




Waking up with a sudden gasp, Miranda smiled and swept her hair off to her side. Good dream. The fresh taste of nonexistent champagne still lingering in her mouth, she prepared herself a modestly sized omlet. After ravaging the egg pancake and giving some food to her kubrow, it was brought to Miranda's attention that she had no idea what time it actually was. With a nonchalant shrug, she left the ship, helmet at her side and kubrow trailing feet behind. After a quick self inspection, she drew her face back in disgust as her nose was overloaded with unpleasant odors and made her way to the bathhouse, too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice which room she was entering. With no mind to those around her, she disrobed and hopped into the water, disappearing under the rippling surface.

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Agatha immediately followed suit and sank to her collarbone, allowing her kubrow to swim into her arms. "I think I'm in the wrong bath then, I'll leave," She said, grabbing her towel, wrapping it around her "assets" and quickly walking out of the room. Once outside she let out a scream and punched the nearest hard object before leaving for her hotel room, now changed into her olive green uniform with red beret on her short hair.


((I'm gonna retire for the night you guys can keep going BTW Achaix Are u on tomorrow morning?))


Abra heard the sudden howl of rage and a crashing sound.

Wisely, he chose to remain underwater.

Droben chuckled as he reshuffled the cards. "Now, I do have some chips if you want to introduce some skill into this. We don't have to use actual currency, just the bragging rights of victory." He paused. "Maybe loser's on top next time?"




Waking up with a sudden gasp, Miranda smiled and swept her hair off to her side. Good dream. The fresh taste of nonexistent champagne still lingering in her mouth, she prepared herself a modestly sized omlet. After ravaging the egg pancake and giving some food to her kubrow, it was brought to Miranda's attention that she had no idea what time it actually was. With a nonchalant shrug, she left the ship, helmet at her side and kubrow trailing feet behind. After a quick self inspection, she drew her face back in disgust as her nose was overloaded with unpleasant odors and made her way to the bathhouse, too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice which room she was entering. With no mind to those around her, she disrobed and hopped into the water, disappearing under the rippling surface.

Kate smiled mischievously. "What do you mean, losers on top next time?"

Abra saw that irritable Zephyr again. For a moment, he considered trying to talk, but they weren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment.

Silently, he went to the opposite side of the bath.

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Agatha rolled awake, constantly pestered by the alarm setting on her wyrm prime. After carefully rolling out of the bed not to wake up her kubrow and making the bed to regulation, one of her quirks, she stepped out of her room clad in a hoodie and sweats for a morning jog around the Dojo, hoping to keep her mind off of the incident yesterday.

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Damascus happened to see Agatha as he was mostly focused on controlling his phone. He had raised to look on Agatha closely then tilted his head back on the phone after few more clicks he pocketed it and as Agatha ran past Damascus his helmet fold back revealing the four colored eyes. Green, Red, Black and Blue colored.

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Damascus turned to Abra and his eye color turned in to blue "Natural and few tricks included they are classified" Damascus said as he observed Abra a bit looking from up and down. "Gene mods are highly unpredictable, How did you know that I were human once? I have only once visited at Void" Damascus finished.

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Damascus chuckled a bit "You are wrong on that. Tenno think differently. My mind has merged with your kinds own. Reason how I have had been able to keep my own mind together with the new Tenno mind was because of my past with all its darkness, pain, fear, death and misery what you wouldn't able to stand against. Never. Feel. Fear. Again. I have said many times" Damascus said.


"Member of your kin named by Nitaname choose... That it was my time to change. She uses Nyx and we had met each other once already. She infected me with Tenno Technocyte and it took a while that I had become what I am now. User of Loki Prime predecessor's who were known as Damascus. I were known as Pyefa 'Pilot' Genda. One who were counted to be dead but yet still remained alive. I and my comrades were the greatest snipers in the galaxy but we started to corrupt" Damascus finished as thought about his past.

Edited by Revel72
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"Hunger" Damascus said "As you know. Humanity was and still is eager to get stronger, be better. I and my girl friend where the last ones who stood in light in the darkness what Infestation, Corpus and Grineer brought. My team as last member of best snipers in the galaxy. Team was called Long Alone Shot. Nobody remembers us except me. I left wounds on Grineer and Corpus. Because they took away what I valued most. My girl friend died to Grineer. Butcher blade on her back" Damascus explain as pulled out the card deck.


"She had fallen to darkness... Soon so did I but it wasn't death. It was relentless murdering spree what even you wouldn't want to see. These cards used to be different back then. *Shows the card deck and starts to make tricks with it* Never approach a man who has nothing to loose. Were you having a gun... Or blade. First darkness was revenge, then pain, after it despair and lastly fear... Until you and me Tenno. When I saw you first time fighting against the Grineer, Corpus and Infestation. I knew. Your days needs to be brighter" Damascus continued.


"Story of change of these cards. Is when I first time draw violently blood of a Stalker on the ground. Took his despair knives as my trophy and changed *Throws the card on wall and it was stuck on it* Them in to another form of a weapon what on correct hands. Kills anything" Damascus said and took the card off from wall putted it back to deck, pocketed the deck and looked on Abra. "What you have now heard. Was my past" Damascus finished.

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Droben re-dealt the freshly shuffled cards. "Well I guess you'll be finding out when you lose then, won't you?" After bending over to reach into a pocket of his frame, he withdrew a small cube with two slits on opposite sides. As he placed it on the bed, chips of varying colours were spat out of the slits - some to Droben and some to Kate.


"The way that gambling works in this is that you have three options. When I bet on my hand, you can either bet the same amount; call, you can raise the bet, or you can fold and not have to bet at all, but you put your cards down and I take the chips that you've already put down. Minimum bet is, say, ten. The red chips are worth five, the green are worth ten, and the blue are worth twenty, just for all intents and purposes of this game. Each of us has," Droben examined his pile, "150 I believe."






Miranda ignored the heard splashing in the pool and chose to simply place her head on the ledge of the spring and keep herself upright with occasional kicks.

Edited by Alad_VI
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"You sure?" Damascus asked as his eyes turned green and Abra was able to feel a touch on his right shoulder. "After a bit of harnessing that all what I have went through. I found myself having some tricks up on my sleeve. And what comes on these cards. They just digs in then they are thrown by me you know" Damascus said.

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Kate took the stack of chips uneasily, her witty banter gone.

*Several months ago...*

"Godsh, Ai luv you," She drunkenly kissed the dealer. "And you," Kate kissed her credit chips. "And EVERYWUN!" She randomly kissed whoever was watching the drunk Mirage.

Abra, after facepalming, parted the crowd and picked her up bridal style.

"Ooo.. mai PALADEEN!" Kate tried to kiss him. With a face set in stone, Abra hissed one word that Kate remembered forever.



Kate suppressed the memory.

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Reading the message, Miranda chuckled. Then she started to laugh with some real weight. Then she broke down laughing, almost drowning herself. The reply was simple and cold. "lol"




Droben examined his cards, and a faint smile escaped came from his lips. In actuality, his hand was terrible, but he was going to do what he'd always done - bluff his way to the top. Well, bottom in this case.

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Took her cards. Mentally, she swore, but she smiled anyway, then giggled and looked Droben in the eye. "Ready to lose?"

Abra silently walked away, brushing away the invisible hand on his shoulder.

"Why," He whispered to himself, "is everyone here insane?"

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