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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Before Shyla could respond, Rodney noticed a Moa walking by. With his curiosity aroused, he excused himself to check it out. He found himself in a room full of Tenno, including a Saryn who appeared to be installing a chip into the Moa. "Excuse me, but may I ask what your doing with that Moa? In fact, could you also tell me what a Moa is doing here in the first place?"

(Shoehorning my character into the group)

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"The moa's for my sister."

Nylocke puts her hand on her hip once she finishes, looking at the Rhino.

"I installed her Sentinel's personality chip into it."

(The riot moa is a real enemy in planning. For those that have access to the Design council, you know what I'm talking about.)

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"The moa's for my sister."

Nylocke puts her hand on her hip once she finishes, looking at the Rhino.

"I installed her Sentinel's personality chip into it."

(The riot moa is a real enemy in planning. For those that have access to the Design council, you know what I'm talking about.)

"Your sister? And who might that b- Oh Hek!" Before Rodney could finish the question, his Kubrow ran past him, under his legs, knocking him to the ground. The Kubrow stopped at Nyr's feet, happily wagging it's stub of a tail.
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"Hey, so far it seems well worth the 250 grand spent. Dresden, how ya doin' in there?"

Nylocke knocks on the Moa's head as it screeches out its own language in squeaks and blips and a few moa noises. It apparently isn't used to the moa noises however as it rears its head in surprise, before toppling over from the shift in weight.

"Heh, don't worry Dresden. You'll get used to the legs."

Nyrvynai giggles and pets the Kubrow.

"Hiya Lauren!"

Edited by WingedCrusade
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"Hey, so far it seems well worth the 250 grand spent. Dresden, how ya doin' in there?"

Nylocke knocks on the Moa's head as it screeches out its own language in squeaks and blips and a few moa noises. It apparently isn't used to the moa noises however as it rears its head in surprise, before toppling over from the shift in weight.

"Heh, don't worry Dresden. You'll get used to the legs."

Nyrvynai giggles and pets the Kubrow.

"Hiya Lauren!"

(Unless I'm mistaken, Rodney's Kubrow is a male)
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"You happen to know who is on the lead over Dojo?" Damascus asked "And do you mind if I take same pool?" Damascus continued sounding like that could use something to relax. He still stared at Miranda's eyes. His blue eyes just scanned her face to find out has he seen Miranda anywhere else than in here Dojo.

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(And? I have a friend named Lawrence I call Lauren. XD)

"I'm 15!"

(Okay, Never knew it was unisex)

Rodney got up, laughing. "Looks like "Lauren" here answered my question. 15, huh? You don't see many teenage Tenno around these days, most of the ones who went into cryosleep were already adults."

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Miranda continued to float on the edge of the water, head resting on the edge. "I don't know who's in charge, that would be a question for Enderius. And sure, you can have a swim if you want. I certainly won't stop you." Miranda's eyes were still closed as she focused on the temperature of the water, the lapping of small waves against her skin.

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Krelon raised an eyebrow. "You don't? Hmm... Ok. Well don't worry it is really easy when you learn. I just use my powers to do... horrible things. Involving Tenno... sometimes." He said nervously.

Rodney couldn't help but overhear the Frost's comment to the young Nyx. "What nonsense are you speaking to the young lady, Snow-meiser?"

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Krelon turned to Rodney. "Things." Krelon replied in a cold voice before turning to Nylocke. "I guess we will be going now?" He asked.

"Now hold on, Mr. White Christmas, when you say you've done "horrible things" involving Tenno, and then refuse to say what those things are, that makes me question how much us fellow Tenno can trust you."

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Krelon glared at Rodney. "It is merely Tenno that betrayed me and my fellow comrades... nothing else... I suggest you shut your mouth before I paint this room red." He said as he slightly pulled out his Nikana showing the top of the blade.

"All I'm doing here is asking questions, and you're threatening me."

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Agatha quietly ordered a small Caesar Salad and whiskey, still mulling over getting the cheapest thing on the menu(a heafty 3505 credits for smoked salmon with lemon) or getting something more extravagant. She squinted again at the menu, her eyes still not adjusted to the dim light, hoping to find something relatively cheap in the vegetarian section.  

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