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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(The Dojo thread is meant to take place in *The Dojo* and to be relaxed. Not Phobos, not anywhere else, and isn't meant to be a violent mission. Start a new thread and take this mission somewhere else, please.))

Edit; (Also, if anyone is currently waiting on a response from me, please let me know.)

Edited by WingedCrusade
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((OK lets just fast forward and put the entire Phobian thing behind us.))


Agatha sat down on the hanger floor in the dojo, back from their latest excursion. She heard Ariel step down from the Druid before plunking herself down beside her friend. "I guess it's over." Ariel mumbled, "The admiral's taking all the blame on himself."


"*sigh* guess so." Agatha replied, her rapidly growing hair now reaching her ankles. "I guess the Rebellion's gonna split up, dissipate. It was fun while it lasted."


"Yeah," Ariel replied, "I guess I'll go back to Deimos, see what I can scavenge of my family there. How 'bout you?"


"Me?" Agatha snorted, "I got nothing. My family is dead, my home is destroyed. I guess I'll hang here for a little bit, see where the stars take me."


"Awww that's nice," Ariel said, smirking, "you and lover boy can go ride into the sunset together."


"W-what?! ARIEL! Shut up!" Agatha flushed red. 


Ariel snickered at her friend. "Come on, lets go get him."

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Abra worked on his bonsai.

His little tree was flourishing, nourished by the hydroponic system and bright lamps.

He was... unsure. The battle of Phobos ((continued here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/302397-attack-on-phobos-final-fight-for-freedom-open-rp/?p=3432820)) had saddened him, but he was also glad.

Ruth herself, poor thing, demanded to go with her Tro Abra. And now...

"What is that, Uncle?" The purple-eyed girl asked, poking the miniature leaves.

"Careful there." He began his storytelling, picking the nine year old girl up and putting her on his lap."In this tree lives a happy princess and her knight. You won't catch them easily, though: they know when we're watching."

"A long time ago, they lost their home to a bad wizard who made them small so he could squash them."

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"So you essentially picked the laziest possible method for making a piece of meat suitable for consumption?" Miranda inquired with sass in her voice.


"But of course!" Droben replied.


With her hand on her forehead, Miranda chuckled as she returned to her table.






Droben faced Kate. "Good?"

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"... Sure." He nodded at Joe, and the Sentinel bobbed its head in return. "Ruth? Joe'll take care of you while we're gone, okay? Joe, be a sport and put on some of the good Cowboy Bebop episodes for her."

He ruffled his niece's hair a bit. "You be good."

"Okay!" She chirped.


"So..." Abra said, raising an eyebrow at Ariel's giggles. "I'll have to find Kate - my old copilot - and let her know about these changes. But that can wait. What is it?"

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