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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Abra sighed happily, cupping the mug in his hands. The vapour floated lazily through the still air in the Druid's "Briefing Room" that was treated as a living room, with datapads and e-books lying about.

It was with no small surprise when he saw the Warbeast sitting on the chair opposite, leafing through "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

"A good read." The warrior switched off the e-book, completely armoured in the Oberon frame, his face obscured by a blank, horned helmet.

Abra hid his surprise. "What. Are. You?"

"An imaginary, visual representation of your true self. We need to speak."

"A hallucination?"

The Warbeast's hands clenched into fists.

"I am very real."

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*The attendent examines the rifle for a moment* "A bit weathered for certain, but we can have it operational in a few hours or so. In the meanwhile I'd recommend heading to the Gardens or spa and relaxing a little bit"


"thank you and while your doing that can you outfit it with a combination of electrical and ice mods ill gladly pay extra for it, and yeah I definitely need some time to unwind and relax so ill be heading towards the bathhouse"

 Eve then hand's extra credits for the modification of her sniper to the attendant then heads off in the opposite direction, pulling up a hologram directory of where she needed to go because she has a bad sense of direction.

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"So..." Abra glared at his dark self. "Why did you kill those two Excrosion fighters? They were potential allies!"

"They were in the way. You already attended their funerals and paid for the service. Not that those trigger-happy idiots deserved it." The beast growled, looking away like a child.

"You felt their bullets too." He snapped after Abra gave a particularly venomous glare.

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Kate shrugged. "You didn't force yourself onto me, so I think you'll be okay. Then again, you gave me acidic food, so no promises."

She looked at Felix. "I... have no idea. My plan was to make out some more and move our... "activities"... to the Druid. To qualify for that activity, you'd have to be bi."

Felix was extremely flustered.  "Ummmm.... thats... uhhhh... that's rather blunt....."

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Droben chuckled. "I'm down. The more the merrier. Reminds me of that... ah never mind." Droben looked off into nothing, his mind somewhere else as he remembered that one time. Three auxilatrixes (Design council corpus unit inbound) and a techie. Good times.

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Eve found the bathhouse quickly enough and once she arrived she talked with the attendant and was given a towel and robe from there she went into the changing room and removed her waframe starting with the helmet as Eve removed her helmet her silver shoulder length hair fell over her face, she then removed the rest of her frame and placed it into a stasis locker for safekeeping.


After stripping down she walked out into the springs and sat down where she then closed her eye's and began thinking about her past assassination contract, Nef anyo the spineless corpus who sold frames who were still in cryo sleep it irritated her but soothed her mind to know that she was the tenno to have ended his profit on her comrade's she then began to just calm her mind and listen to the running water.

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((Well it depends on how you define, "Won." I mean technically, the MOA came out on top, but Droben walked away a happy, changed man.))


Miranda's ears perked up as she eavesdropped on the conversation, but continued to eat in peace with the ghost of a smile adorning her lips.





Droben turned around and squatted. "C'mon Felix, you know you can't resist." He began to twerk fervently while Mubs began to play sexy saxophone music.

Edited by Alad_VI
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All this time, Droben merely continued his twerk, gradually backing into Felix with a repressed grin on his face as he used all of his focus on not breaking down in tears laughing.






Miranda had taken to watching with squinted, confused eyes as the events unfurled.

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Realizing this had to stop, Kate used her default solution.

With great speed, her hand impacted against her boyfriend's posterior, confirming to herself that yes, it was a great &#!, and also eliminating the terrible possibility that she'd have to share.

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Halcyon stood, arguing with himself over A) Crushing the saxophone, or B) Crushing the neck of the one twerking. Deciding to do neither, he merely walked over to the bar, sitting, his hand on one of his Dex Furis in case things got, out of hand.

(You guys are a riot, seriously, but Halcyona has to be kind of a party pooper, oh well, continuing on then?)

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Droben smiled, standing up and cracking his back when he recognized the look on Kate's face. In resolution, he put his hand on Felix's shoulder and turned on his big man voice. "Son, you're a strong man."

Edited by Alad_VI
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"I don't know," Agatha said, before frowning, "Also, you try having anything intimate or sexy while 1: you're on a MILITARY ship, and 2: rooming with an Ember who would love to get some dirt on you, probably the most perverted Rhino in the system, and a Loki who would probably have a heart attack if he saw me in an undershirt." She reminisced about her time in the Rebellion, and her squadmates. 

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