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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Abra patted the Oracle on it's head, his own metallic hand clanking on the Sentinel's chassis.

"It means silence." He answered, unconsciously glancing at Agatha's retreating backside.

Dayum... wait, what? MIND READING, Abra! Ok, mind protection protocols...

What a thrill...

With darkness and silence through the night...

What a thrill...

I'm searching and I'll melt into you...

What a fear in my heart...

But you're so supreme!

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Halcyon, repelled from his conversation as he was, once again drifted through the dojo, eventually finding two Tenno, One, a Zephyr, the other, he didn't pay attention to, the Frost Prime stepped forward, his Daedalus armor gleaming as he walked, a yamako syandana on his back, an Arcane Squall helm on his head. Mostly black, his warframe was accentuated with pure white and a luxurious green. He waved hello to the vibrantly colored Zephyr, then to the other of his race nearby.


The Zephyr kept up the warm smile behind the Tengu helmet, her gaze now drifting between the pure white and luxurious green, gold-trimmed Frost Prime and the other, female Tenno who had formerly greeted her. She had lowered her torso down horrizontally and with pleasant flexibility, her arms outstretching on both sides as she performed a rather royal bow to the both of them. Her features wavered beautifully and gracefully as she presented the gesture to the two.

She soon stood back upright, the summery (yet artificial) light of the open park reflecting off of her glittering, exotic and brightly colored appearance. The Zephyr's hands went to lock with one another again, placed in a hover before her abdomen; she had looked between both before ushering out through parted lips. "How fares both of your days?" She had spoken with enthusiasm still existent.

Edited by Y0she
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The Zephyr kept up the warm smile behind the Tengu helmet, her gaze now drifting between the pure white and luxurious green, gold-trimmed Frost Prime and the other, female Tenno who had formerly greeted her. She had lowered her torso down horrizontally and with pleasant flexibility, her arms outstretching on both sides as she performed a rather royal bow to the both of them. Her features wavered beautifully and gracefully as she presented the gesture to the two.

She soon stood back upright, the summery (yet artificial) light of the open park reflecting off of her glittering, exotic and brightly colored appearance. The Zephyr's hands went to lock with one another again, placed in a hover before her abdomen; she had looked between both before ushering out through parted lips. "How fares both of your days?" She had spoken with enthusiasm still existent.

Halcyon shrugged, not used to such formal greetings,

"Pretty okay, I guess, earlier I was talking to someone though and, get this, some snooty frost was just crazy possessive of her, Weird huh? Either way, not one of the worst days I've had," He said, responding to the Zephyr's question,

"So who might you be? Surely you have a name?"

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The warframe's head jerked softly upwards, towards the voice. The exotic Zephyr had stood up from the well-wall and had now leant on it with her left forearm; she had offered the individual a enthusiastic wave with her right hand.


"Hey there." She said in a chirpy voice; like of a bird's. "Yeah, I'm pretty new to all this -- woke up from my pod but eight Earth-nights ago!" Her right hand went to scratch at the back of her neck, and she had soon stood up properly before the person she spoke to. She had offered a smile through the faceplate of her Tengu helmet, and her hands went to meet with one another, locking together before her waist.


(( Can I inquire your appearance in your next response? ^^ Thanks ))

((just a sayrn ill probs post a picture later))

((also im home sick today without much today so ill be pretty active on this thread for a bit))

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The vibrantly colored Zephyr nodded her head and gleefully chuckled at the Frost's interesting tale, her attention diverting more towards him now rather than the other, quieter Tenno. The Iliac appendage along her back swayed left and right similarly like that of a tail as she adjusted her standing position to a leaner one.

She had perked her head up a little at the request of her name that she gladly nodded and announced; "Kuranaii vas Avadora, but you can call me Kuranaii if you want. I'm supposedly new to the stuff going on in the Origin System, 'cause of waking up an Earth-week or so ago an' all." Kuranaii spoke with enthusiasm /still/ persistent.

She took a step closer as her palms cupped one another at chest-height, standing on graceful tip-toes to become level with the Prime frame with bird-like balance. Kuranaii ushered out; "What about yourself? Your frame is rather unique; unlike any I have seen before." She said this while looking him up and down intriguingly.

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"I've gone by many names over the course of my life, I actually never went to sleep in fact, so I'm actually quite a few millennia old," He said, "I have now adopted the name Halcyon, of which I would like to see in myself soon." He added, surprised by her rising to meet his height.

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"I've gone by many names over the course of my life, I actually never went to sleep in fact, so I'm actually quite a few millennia old," He said, "I have now adopted the name Halcyon, of which I would like to see in myself soon." He added, surprised by her rising to meet his height.


Kuranaii had nodded her head gracefully, her heels soon lowering back to the floor. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Halcyon." She ushered out through parted lips.

The exotic Zephyr strode to her right a little, away from the well and span a full circle on her heels rather slowly, examining the surroundings. Stopping beside a pond she took a seat beside it, crossing her legs as she got comfy onto the turf. She brought her left hand behind her back and pulled the Illiac syandana onto her lap, casually stroking it with both palms.

She hung her head to look at the pond for a few moments before looking over her left shoulder and calling out. "Come, sit down. The ponds are beautiful." Kuranaii smiled warmly at him behind the Tengu helmet.

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Halcyon, intrigued by the Zephyr's, interesting, characteristics, decided she was better to talk to than wander around the dojo, and complied, sitting down beside Kuranaii.

"So what brings you to the dojo?" He questioned lightly, casually doing what he normally did when Idle, generating snowflakes in his hand to toss them around the room.

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Halcyon, intrigued by the Zephyr's, interesting, characteristics, decided she was better to talk to than wander around the dojo, and complied, sitting down beside Kuranaii.

"So what brings you to the dojo?" He questioned lightly, casually doing what he normally did when Idle, generating snowflakes in his hand to toss them around the room.


Her mind wavered at the sight of the snow-flakes falling before them and she watched them drift downwards ever-so slowly. Kuranaii had departed her palms from the syandana to catch a few which soon settled on the palms. She sighed happily at the sight then slowly opened up her palms again, her hands retreating back to the syandana. The snow-flakes drifted to the pond's bank and finally settled. Kuranaii hands resumed the caressing of her syandana soon after that.

Her gaze watched the settled snow-flakes for a few long moments, albeit suddenly snapping back to reality; she flinched and looked over to the Frost hurriedly to respond, "Oh-... I was brought here by other Tenno on the day of my awakening. I've done a dozen or so Operations in my week here and I come here to relax and meditate; so I guess I call it home." She had offered a warm smile to the Frost through the helmet and eventually she averted her gaze back to the still pond.

Kuranaii soon inquired, "Surely you come here for the same reasons? I mean, someone who has lived for a millennia surely needs relaxation!" She let out a hearty chuckle through the Tengu helmet as she went on stroking the syandana, her gaze fixing back onto the idle Frost in the process.

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Halcyon sighed, discontented with his everlasting existence,

"That was the plan when I came here, but alas, old Kubrows can't learn new tricks, and my trick of getting along with others has apparently been stolen by mischievous centuries, I fear I no longer have the talent to befriend others, my heart ripped from me not long ago relative to my age, but in actuality, it has been a few months since it happened. I'd never considered loving anyone I would out last, but when you are all but immortal, not many arise to be your equal in years." He said, the snow flakes gently fading as he stopped idling,

"But these are the problems of an old body, and mine is yet young, so is there anything I can help you with doing?" He asked, looking at the Zephyr nearby, retreating from losing himself in painful memories.

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Halcyon sighed, discontented with his everlasting existence,

"That was the plan when I came here, but alas, old Kubrows can't learn new tricks, and my trick of getting along with others has apparently been stolen by mischievous centuries, I fear I no longer have the talent to befriend others, my heart ripped from me not long ago relative to my age, but in actuality, it has been a few months since it happened. I'd never considered loving anyone I would out last, but when you are all but immortal, not many arise to be your equal in years." He said, the snow flakes gently fading as he stopped idling,

"But these are the problems of an old body, and mine is yet young, so is there anything I can help you with doing?" He asked, looking at the Zephyr nearby, retreating from losing himself in painful memories.


Kuranaii had stared at Halcyon for a few moments, her gaze fixed. She slowly looked back to the pond and frowned considerably at his sad story.

A deep sigh was heard through the Tengu helmet and she slowly ushered out, "I-.. I'm sorry. I didn't intend to bring on sombre emotions." She looked back to him at this point, turning to fully face him and sit on her calves now. Her palms placed on her knees as she spoke out. "I mean.. you've done a great job at befriending me, and-..."

Kuranaii thought they would both be happier if they put the tale aside. She finally spoke out, changing the conversation with a smile forming on her lips. "Perhaps you could show me to the resting area or perhaps a hotel? You know this place a lot better than I do." Her palms returned to her syandana and stroked it while facing him, knelt down on her calves still.

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Rodney slowed down slightly as well, so as to match Nylocke's pace.  "That's quite the head scratcher, huh?  I don't find myself having that problem, since I work mainly in the Void.  With the Corrupted, they've already lost whatever lives they had as Corpus or Grineer or, Hek, even Infested.  That was taken away from them by the Orokin Neural Sentry.  It's sounds awful, but it's almost... mercy killing, I guess."

". . . Yeah. . . Mercy killing. . ."

Nylocke's tone was low, almost in a penitent tone, her guilt shows in her face, but nevertheless, she shakes it off.

"I don't know what's harder, taking the lives of our enemies, or dealing with the fact that we took the lives of our enemies. . ."


*He shrugs* "Yes well the Grineer are certainly getting better"

Rael bought two alcoholic drinks for her and Enderius with a simple wave to the tender.

"I haven't ran a contract in some time now. Rather interested to see how the Grineer and Corpus have been faring without me blowing up some of their vessels."


Lisa got a call and sighed angrily as she got up. "I need to go..." She muttered and walked out the room.


Krelon looked at Lisa walking out and then back at Nyr. He kicked a bit of water at her. "So... I'm a little bored.

"G'Ack! Hey! Watch where you're splashin'!"

Nyrvynai cupped up a handful of water and splashed it at Krelon in response.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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"Woah woah woah, hey what're you- OUCH!"

As the bathing suit comes off her skin, the sounds of it unsticking is heard, and her skin red in most places from it unsticking to her semi-frozen body.

"H-hey!! What the hell?!"

She quickly covers herself with her hands and arms as best she could.

"Ahh! Don't look at me, I'm naked...!"

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