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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Halcyon, walking aimlessly now, going quickly through the lotus' bounty board, dismissing most of the bounties as trivial, only one catching his eye. He shut off the bounty hologram, finding himself in the same winter garden as earlier, he chuckled, lifting a hand and watching with slight awe as manipulations that seemed impossible just two days ago came easily to him now. The snow flurried around him, an explosion of white, a whirling pillar of blizzard. He made shapes from it, solidifying and disintegrating things quickly, the snow glowing green with his energy as he let it rest, all of it going back to how it had been before. The cold used to bite at him, but it now soothed him, and his previous worries came to the surface, Phorid had left him hobbled, did the grineer yet remember to fear his name? Did the corpus still send each other messages about a vicious haggler, somehow always possessing a bargaining chip over their fellows? These paled in comparison to something evidently much more important, why hadn't Kuranaii woken up by then? He quickly headed back for the room, stepping inside to check on her.

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The Oberon looks around for a table, just to get a general direction of where they would go. Only having a general direction, and missing the table number the cashier gave, he turns to her. "After you."

"Of course." Upon arriving to the table Katsuki chose to sit in the seat facing the door after a moments pause. She then proceeded to take off her helmet revealing a Petite youthful face crowned with short, black hair and deep blue in blue eyes. However her face bares scaring radiating out from three hexagonal implants on the right temple from which her energy pulses through. "Are you sure you won't eat anything?" Edited by BiriBiri
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Halcyon, walking aimlessly now, going quickly through the lotus' bounty board, dismissing most of the bounties as trivial, only one catching his eye. He shut off the bounty hologram, finding himself in the same winter garden as earlier, he chuckled, lifting a hand and watching with slight awe as manipulations that seemed impossible just two days ago came easily to him now. The snow flurried around him, an explosion of white, a whirling pillar of blizzard. He made shapes from it, solidifying and disintegrating things quickly, the snow glowing green with his energy as he let it rest, all of it going back to how it had been before. The cold used to bite at him, but it now soothed him, and his previous worries came to the surface, Phorid had left him hobbled, did the grineer yet remember to fear his name? Did the corpus still send each other messages about a vicious haggler, somehow always possessing a bargaining chip over their fellows? These paled in comparison to something evidently much more important, why hadn't Kuranaii woken up by then? He quickly headed back for the room, stepping inside to check on her.


Kuranaii was already up it seemed. This was evident due to her absence in the bed.

Albeit, she wasn't visible from the doorway.

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The Oberon follows after her, taking the seat opposite her. He takes a moment to examine her facial features, rhythmically drumming his fingers on the table and stopping, before shaking his head. "I prefer to eat aboard the privacy of my ship." He pauses, albit longer than usual. "I feel uncomfortable outside of my Warframe, atleast in public."


((The hexagonal implant on her temple kind of sounds like a cleverly sneaked in Deus Ex: HR reference :3))

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 "Wow you're almost as anti-social as me." Katsuki smiles, "Don't like to be outside your warframe in public eh... I mean you can't look more worse for ware then me." She says while tapping the implants.


(wow you got it exactly, that was what i was thinking about lol)

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Kuranaii was already up it seemed. This was evident due to her absence in the bed.

Albeit, she wasn't visible from the doorway.

"Kuranaii? You in here? I was just coming to check on you." Halcyon called, looking through the small appartment for her.

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"Kuranaii? You in here? I was just coming to check on you." Halcyon called, looking through the small appartment for her.


At that moment, Kuranaii poked her helmeted head out of the dressing room doorway. "Hey." She strolled out of the room, trotting up to him, "Where did you go? When I woke you left..."

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At that moment, Kuranaii poked her helmeted head out of the dressing room doorway. "Hey." She strolled out of the room, trotting up to him, "Where did you go? When I woke you left..."

"Sorry," Halcyon said meekly, "I had some stuff to take care of, and apparently something of a niece, I hoped to leave you some time to relax, traveling can be a bother, but my niece is roaming, and I might check on her. What are you up to?" He responded, his helmet deactivating to reveal his smile.

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"Sorry," Halcyon said meekly, "I had some stuff to take care of, and apparently something of a niece, I hoped to leave you some time to relax, traveling can be a bother, but my niece is roaming, and I might check on her. What are you up to?" He responded, his helmet deactivating to reveal his smile.


That's when Kuranaii showed a slight hint of unease. She looked inside the dressing room then looked back.

Carefully, she began stepping forward until she was in a suitable range to whisper.

"Someone's in here..."

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Halcyon's helmet activated, his shields rippling to a slightly blue tinged life as he nodded, stepping past her with the Dual Zorens in his hands.

"Where?" He whispered, looking back as Omega arrived. Ready to polarize the room as a form of radar.

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Halcyon's helmet activated, his shields rippling to a slightly blue tinged life as he nodded, stepping past her with the Dual Zorens in his hands.

"Where?" He whispered, looking back as Omega arrived. Ready to polarize the room as a form of radar.


The Zephyr slowly strolled by Hal, light as a feather on her feet as she tippy-toed to the dressing room.

Kuranaii gestured him over as she slithered inside, gazing at a particular area. She pointed to a small, opened vent in the corner of the room. The vent seemed to of been pushed or shoved open from the inside.


Rummaging noises came quietly and deep from within.

"There." Kuranaii whispered.

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Rolling his eyes, Halcyon stepped forward, frost appearing on nearby pieces of furniture as he approached the vent, he touched the metal of the vent, chilling it to absolute zero temperatures.



"Who's there?" He growled, hoping it wasn't who he thought it could be.

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Rolling his eyes, Halcyon stepped forward, frost appearing on nearby pieces of furniture as he approached the vent, he touched the metal of the vent, chilling it to absolute zero temperatures.



"Who's there?" He growled, hoping it wasn't who he thought it could be.


The Zephyr knelt down next to Hal, shivering only slightly despite the cold temperatures.


Silence was heard in the vents; whoever was there had stopped rummaging. Soon really faint, shuddery, masked breaths were heard for a few moments.

Then the individual inside began hurrying along in the vents quicker.

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