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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Halcyon got to his ship, stepping inside and making a few adjustments, saying hello to Nano as he started up the foundry, not seeing Gynx anywhere, but hearing her voice somewhere nearby. Leaving the item crafting, he hurried out of the ship to look for her.

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"Well I'm here for a bit of forced R and R." Katsuki chuckles bitterly, displeasure clear in her face. "As for why I'm in this trendy bar well it was a bit of an accident. After arriving at the station I was a bit hungry so I found this place it looked more tucked away then the rest," Glancing around, "but I guess not..." she pauses for a moment while a server brings out the food. Sheepishly she says "Sorry for prying... If I get a strong burst of emotions theses things kick in," she says while tapping her implants, "And I lose myself for a bit, but I can usually catch myself after the initial kick."

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The Oberon nods, leaning back in the chair. He seems to take a little longer than normal to get comfortable without looking rude or lousy, maybe its the hooves. "No need to apologize, Ten- ..I mean, Katsuki, but I dearly appreciate your discretion." The Oberon readjusts, sitting with his back straight. "Discretion is sometimes hard to find."

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Rota's liset landed on Dojo's hangar and Damascus walked out of the ship soon as the liset allowed him to he looked around "Yeap we are at Sunset's dojo. You are on your own for a while Rota since I think you might have something to think about and get last of the anger of yours expressed on something" Damascus said quite aloud.

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(yea yea having already chosen a side i hope that steel meridian aren't just the worse lol)

(Me and a friend made this list summarizing the syndicates while horribly sleep deprived:

Red Veil: Ninjas on their Period

Steel Meridian: Grineer Hipsters

Arbiters of Hexis: Volt-Zanuka Hybrids

Cephalon Suda: Explosions are not Binary

Perrin Sequence: the Fire can be Smothered with Money

New Loka: Everyone is Jesus

Just thought I would share it while we were mentioning it.)

Edited by Braslazer
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The Oberon leans forward, elbows on the table, chin on his folded hands. "A variety of things, more restaurants. meditation gardens, dueling rooms, market place, modding stations..." He pauses in thought. "...And a hotel, for true rest." He then shrugs, leaning back. "So much to do, so little time."

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"Sounds boring...... and i'm here for a while too." frowning in in displeasure causing a spark to fire out of her implants. "Guess I'll find something to do.... Oh.." smiling mischievously, "are you going to take your helmet off or shall I duel for the rights." Katsuki smiles fresh excitement flashing through her face.

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"Trying to find an access point so I can message my friends. Haven't talked to them in a while." Gynx replied. "Oh and Abra let me in."


"Figures." Kate led Gynx past the boxes filled with scrap and a crate stuffed with red Argon Crystals into the Comms Room. "Knock yourself out, kiddo."

"Kate? Who was that?" Ruth walked in, accompanied by a huge Kubrow.

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Damascus started making calls to his contacts all over the galaxy to find out where this third Tenno on his latest mission was taken. He putted away the prime weapons and kept his human weapons. After making ten calls to Corpus. He found correct one to call. He dug out the necessary information. (Finally I was about to give up on trying to search for that poor person) Damascus thought. He went to look for Rota. His contact said that the person who was taken from Grineer base where Damascus and Rota visited.


Has had been taken to Europa Eligor sector.

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