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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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She nodded her head and relaxed her arms by her sides, "Well, let's just say I got my hands on a dozen or so boomy-bang-bang weapons." She chuckled and exchanged a glance between Halcyon and Krelon. "It's all on my Liset though, so..."

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Halcyon shrugged, looking at Gynx, his helmet sealing closed as he drew his Zorens faster than sight, whirling them show them to Krelon,

"Afraid tenno fatalities are not something I would permit." He chuckled, "I'm not gonna say I'm the better tenno, would you rather settle it with a duel? It would take your mind off her." He offered, gesturing at Kate with one of the Zorens.

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Halcyon shrugged, looking at Gynx, his helmet sealing closed as he drew his Zorens faster than sight, whirling them show them to Krelon,

"Afraid tenno fatalities are not something I would permit." He chuckled, "I'm not gonna say I'm the better tenno, would you rather settle it with a duel? It would take your mind off her." He offered, gesturing at Kate with one of the Zorens.


Kuranaii glanced between Krelon and Halcyon and she flashed a smirk behind the helmet, "Alright, a duel!"

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The Oberon shifts from side to side, eyes wandering around the room. He notices nothing to take advantage of, or to be used against him. He turns back towards the door, waiting.


(Wasn't sure if your post meant that you entered or not)


(sorry was rushed out during that so i just threw words down lol)


Katsuki enters the room the Oberon sent coordinates to "Sorry to keep you waiting went to go change a couple things," She said adjusting her Dakra's sheath on her hip, sitting down across form the Oberon. "Let's do this?" 

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The Zorens sheathed, Halcyon headed to the nearest Duel Room, turning and kneeling to await his opponent. Marking his location with a waypoint.


Following Halcyon into the Dueling Room, she took a seat on the sidelines and crossed her right leg over the left, her syandana flopping onto her lap and her palms stroking it casually. She gazed at the knelt Halcyon and squirmed in anticipation.

Edited by Y0she
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The Oberon stands himself, he takes a few steps back, bows, and pulls the Magistar off his back and slaps the grip into his other hand. He holds it near his waist as his Warframe begins to glow a sickly green color, his Magistar glowing orange, noticeably at the flanged part of the gigantic mace. He takes a hand off the mace, hovering a few inches above it, palm up. He curls his fingers towards him in a "Come over here and fight me" manner.

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As she lunges, with the hand still holding the magistar, he would fling it back, but its at this point that Katsuki makes contact, her Dakra would slash into his arm. The Oberon would noticeably shudder in pain as his shields would glow, taking the brunt of the damage, but the droplets of blood show the Dakra had made its mark. As this is happening, with the combined strength of his Warframe and gravity, he would be bringing his Magistar back down to strike the ground, which would send out a rippling, 5 meter, poison-and-energy-laced shockwave. But since he had been hit, his Magistar strikes slightly left of where he had originally planned to send out the shockwave, perhaps being the difference needed to avoid a possibly fatal knockdown.

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Katsuki fully invested in her strike was unable to fully block Oberon's shockwave. His shockwave sends her flying until her back slams into the glass of the spectator area cracking it. Rebounding from the wall Katsuki rolls into melee range pushing off the ground with her hands still holding her Dakra aiming a kick into Oberon's chest.

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The Oberon at this point is still recovering from her previous strike. The arm that was cut is still dripping with blood. As she comes into melee range, the Oberon would take a step back, swinging his magistar in an arch, but since she's more or less on the ground, the Magistar misses entirely. Her foot lands solidly into his chest, propelling him onto his back. Sparks fly as his warframe skids across the metallic floor, before the Oberon would fling his legs back, his body following before he would plant his hooves on the ground, skidding to a stop. The Oberon is on his knees, one hand planted on the floor while the other is held back, gripping the Magistar. He glances upward, panting heavily as his Magistar arm tenses in preparation to block a strike, rather then counter it.

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(I picked Steel Meridian and Red Vail. Anybody enjoying Archwings so far?

Also, two notes,

A) What have I missed so far?

B) I'm pulling Nylocke and Nyrvynai from the RP.)

Nylocke's hand guided Nyrvynai softly to her Liset, the Riot Moa walking slowly alongside them.

Nyrvynai looked back to the dojo then to her sister.

"Will we be coming back, sis?"

Nylocke nodded with a chuckle.

"Don't worry Nyrvana. We'll be back sometime. Now then, we have training to do."

The sisters and Moa enter the Liset before undocking and taking off.

It wasn't long, however, before one certain Black and White frame with an alien shade of green energy had phased into the dojo.

With a tip of his hat he sighed with a grin.

"Oh, sweet, sweet bliss."

He held the hat to his chest, it was an odd thing, but the shape of a top-hat nonetheless.

"It's good to be home."

He held out his hand as a black and white cane had phased into his hand in brilliant green light.

"And it's good to have you with me, old friend."

With the placement of his hat back on his head, the frame set off until he eventually reached what seems like the main hub of the dojo, and with that, he wandered, exploring his surroundings.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Rebounding from the kick into Oberon Katsuki again pushes off the ground flipping up then charging at Oberon again aiming an over head strike at his arm.


(@winged crusade I also aligned Steel meridian and my archwing finishes in like 3-4 hours T_T)

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(I'm gonna pull a move here and just say my new 'friend' wandered into the arena as they were fighting.)

Having picked up on an elevated concentration of void energy, the Tenno finds his way to the arena out of curiosity, to find the gathering of Tenno within, his body phased through the door before crossing back from the void.

This classy Limbo simply stood, hands on his cane as he watched the Tenno fight.

He spoke beneath his breath.

"My, if this isn't interesting..."

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Rebounding from the kick into Oberon Katsuki again pushes off the ground flipping up then charging at Oberon again aiming an over head strike at his arm.

(@winged crusade I also aligned Steel meridian and my archwing finishes in like 3-4 hours T_T)

(Gah! Finish it faster! Lol

Technically, you can align with more than one group by the way.)

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The Oberon anticipated this movement, and swung his Magistar, again, in an arch, but instead placed his other hand on the grip of his Magistar, near the actual mace part. He would keep his Magistar up above his head, tensing his legs as he prepares to block the strike that could slam into his weapon.

He can only hope he's lucky enough to keep his fingers.


((Steel Meridian, too. Mostly for the Smite mutator))

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