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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Well if that guy isn't the textbook definition of "f*cking classy"." Kate commented, snatching Abra's hip flask.

"How did you- give it back!"

"Ask nicely... Mr. Warbeast."

Sudden silence, then a quiet answer. "If you call me by that name again, I will end you without a second thought." He opened his hand palm up.

Kate deposited the flask on it with a huff. "Why are you so... well, not-Abra these days?"

"Phobos. MCES. My brother and his wife dying from blood loss. The... other me showing up." He sat down on the ramp that lead to the Druid's doors. "I never asked for this."

A quiet moment as the two Tenno - Oberon and Mirage, siblings in bond but not blood, and above all, companions to each other - looked at the vastness of space framed by the Hangar doors.

"So... is a MCES a Gundam?"

Abra put his hands in the air. "At this point, that wouldn't suprise me."

"After a while, you stop asking those questions." Kate agreed.

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The Oberon gets swiftly knocked onto his back, now only holding onto the Magistar with his single hand. He quickly begins to start getting to his feet, his Warframe appearing to have stopped the bleeding. The Oberon, despite getting to his feet, is doing so barely, and slowly, well, a Tenno's version of slow. 

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Katsuki continues her attack with even more vigor her pyra syandana turning into a trailing inferno of blue flame. Lowering her stance she closes the distance and swings her leg into Oberon trying to sweep his legs out from under him. While laughing and screaming "This.. is.. alot of fun!" energy cascading from her warframe.

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The Oberon isn't even standing before his legs are sweeped out from under him. He slams down onto the ground, on his back. He lies there for a moment, before grabbing his Magistar with both hands, swinging it back. It hits the ground a foot or two above his head, he then flings it forward, using the momentum to bring himself into a sitting position. He's not quite sure how close Katsuki is, but his original intention is to slam the flanged mace into her, the shockwave, in theory, hitting her square on. This is assuming she's close enough, otherwise, the Magistar would slam into the ground in front of him, sending out a slightly weaker, three meter shockwave. 

Edited by Darkshifter98
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Seeing Oberon slam into the ground Katsuki pushes forward preparing to deliver a finishing blow. However Oberon's mace catches her square in the chest sending her flying into the other Observation window this time managing to break it, her Dakra flying from her hand and embedding it's self into the wall behind her. Katsuki collapses to the ground after her back slams into the wall behind the window. She rolls over slamming her fist into the ground a blue energy bellowing out from her. Screaming she gets, up her warframe cracked in several places from the impacts, tearing her Dakra from the wall and throwing it at Oberon she sprints into the arena following its trajectory.

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((Dayum gurl))


The Oberon watches her slam into the glass, getting quickly to his feet, his body pumping full of adrenaline. He stands there, placing the hand not holding his Magistar on the chin of his helmet. Has he gone too far? He sees her stand, he relaxes, but then hears her scream, stand. He prepares for a charge, turning slightly as to prepare to strike her with his Magistar. When he sees her fling the Dakra, however, he isn't fast enough. It embeds itself into his shoulder guard, causing him to visibly stumble back in pain as blood gushes from his shoulder. The grip on his Magistar tightens as he sees her sprint closer and closer, his HUD warning him that the Dakra actually did a fair amount of damage. With difficulty and blood infused with a sickly-green energy running down his arm, he starts to swing his Magistar back, looking as if he's hoping to catch her with a wide, arching swing.


The Oberon felt deep within himself that the next move, made by either of them, would end this duel. He steeled himself for the worse.

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(Idk enough momentum to get yourself into sitting position with a huge @$$ mace seemed like it'd do that damage lol)


Sprinting in, trailing both blood and blue energy, Katsuki ducks under the Oberon's swing (going to guess that your still using one hand if not correct me) and uses her momentum to grab his shoulders then slam her head into the his.

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The Oberon swings the mace, dread coursing through him as he feels no impact. Suddenly Katsuki's helmet fills his vision, a sudden "Crack!" as her helmet connects with his. The Oberon stumbles, the hit disorienting him. The Dakra, his arm, and the Valkyrie-like headbutt send him over the edge, he looses balance, collapses to the floor. His Magistar symbolically leaves his fingers as he lays on the ground. He breathes heavily as the dakra sticks out of his shoulder. 


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Folowing Oberon all the way to the ground Katsuki is flung when he hits the ground. Shakily she gets to her feet then collapses onto one knee blood dripping into a puddle under her. Screaming a stronger pulse of energy erupts from her and the blood flowing out from the cracks in her warframe stops. Her vision blurs as her helms sensors go hay wire. "and i just fixed this..." she says ruefully as she takes off and throws her cracked Kara helm to the sidelines. Katsuki's face filled with excitement is washed over by the energy fulsing from her three temple implants. "Lets go for round two?" she says smiling.

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"Yes!" Katsuki says laughing but her laughing quickly turns into a hacking cough. The energy flowing from her dying down the Pyra syandana deactivating. "I guess thats good I'd hate to fight with broken ribs." She pulls her hand up to her chest pain flashing through her face. "hey can i have my Dakra back?" She says while smiling.

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The Zorens sheathed, Halcyon headed to the nearest Duel Room, turning and kneeling to await his opponent. Marking his location with a waypoint.


((Blegh, I'm aligned with Steel Meridian, Cephalon Suda, Red Veil, and Arbiters of Hexis. Going on a vaca though, and my tower comp is the only thing I have that's good enough to run warframe easily.))

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(( Dang, you took my idea to be the first Limbo warframe to be speshul. Altho it was prolly alot of people's ideas. ))



The vibrant Zephyr, Kuranaii, glanced up from observing a knelt Halcyon and arched her gaze to see the Limbo warframe. Her head tilted along with a deep gaze, but she had remained her enthusiastic demeanor.

"Oh erh, what do you mean by 'antsy'?" She chirped, her right palm stroking the Iliac Syandana on her lap.

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"I mean, it feels like there's just as if there's an absolute feeling of irritation in the air about them.

I could feel it you know. It's how I found here, of course."

The Limbo frame raised his head

"Now, forgive my manners, I haven't introduced myself yet."

The Tenno got up and gave a formal bow towards Kuranaii, his hat to his chest and his cane outwards.

"Malvo, at your service, ma'am, and you are?"

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"I mean, it feels like there's just as if there's an absolute feeling of irritation in the air about them.

I could feel it you know. It's how I found here, of course."

The Limbo frame raised his head

"Now, forgive my manners, I haven't introduced myself yet."

The Tenno got up and gave a formal bow towards Kuranaii, his hat to his chest and his cane outwards.

"Malvo, at your service, ma'am, and you are?"


Kuranaii nodded in understanding at his definition of 'antsy'. "Mhmm." She had smiled behind the helmet and adjusted the syandana which remained on her lap.

She followed his rise and flushed red at the bow, thinking she may aswell do similiar. Kuranaii simply bowed her upper torso while still sat down, her features wavering;

"Ooh... it's a pleasure to meet you, Malvo. I'm Kuranaii." She said in a polite manner.


(( You want a picture of the character? ^^ ))

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