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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"And what would you say I am?"

Malvo gave a quick fake-out with his sword before he removed his hat and threw it to Halcyon as a distraction, before quickly lunging the butt of his Catana, and if it were to connect, a quick slash with the flat surface of his blade would come to Halcyon's knee.

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Kuranaii shook her head from a daydream and slowly got up, stretching out her limbs.

"Well, this fight got boring." She chirped with a smile behind the helmet,


"Need something to do..." Her right hand lifted to her chin and her eyes gazed at the wind barrier she had created before her, Krelon and Gynx that was made to redirect possible projectiles from the duel.

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The Oberon nods, propping himself up on his good arm, and then holding himself there through the use of his abdominals. He would reach over where the Dakra would lay sticking out of his shoulder, and place his hand palm-open on top of the hilt, pushing up. He lowers his head slightly as he pushes, the sword pushing its way out of his shoulder slowly. He pauses, reaches up with his other hand, grabbing the sword by the flat ends, and starts pushing again. He finally pulls the sword out of his shoulder, letting out a sudden grunt mixed with relief and pain. Holding the sword by the flat end of the blade, he extends it to her, hilt first. The blood has stopped oozing out of his shoulder due to his Warframe manually repairing the under-layer of his armor, but the exterior armor would have to be repaired later.

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((YO winged srry for late response but Vale is awaiting response))


GYNX watched quietly as Halcyon fought, holding a pair of fang primes in her hands, her small stature making the daggers feel like kitchen cleavers.

((Fixed it))

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((Frost Prime, but incredibly old, he's given it a couple upgrades, nothing too overpowered, just be glad you aren't facing him with Omega and Iota activated,(his AI), he's restricted to armor lock and some other tricks, along with the mastery of a warframe of using it exclusively for eons))

The iridium plates slid back, releasing him, and he stood,

"I've got a couple of them, you gonna fight? Or continue having a laugh at my expense?" He asked with a laugh.

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Halcyon fell to a knee, the castanas destroying his shields, hurting his armor as he twitched slightly from it.

"So that's how it'll be?" He asked, standing with a slight twitch, electricity arcing around him. He slashed forward with the Dual Zorens, slingshotting himself to Malvo's side, sheathing the Dual Zorens as he traveled, grasping Malvo's shoulder as another arc of electricity damaged him, conducting it through the other warframe. "Misery loves company, and ice conducts electricity." He chuckled with a slight snarl, gritting his teeth at the discomfort.

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Krelon shrugged aswell. "Go to a garden?" He suggested.


"I'd do that but part of me wants to go with Halcyon." She chirped and glanced back at the two dueling. "Although that doesn't look like an option at the moment."

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