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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Will do." Halcyon chuckled, offering a hand to the Limbo,

"'Fraid not Krelon, you're up next." He called looking at the other Frost.


Kuranaii arched her head over at Halcyon and called out, "Me and Krel just had a duel. I broke his rib!" She grinned behind the helmet and looked back to Krelon.

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The Oberon wouldn't answer, as he lay there, propping himself up on his good arm. After a moment, he would push off his good arm so that he would sit up, before leaning forward and collapsing back on his knees. He would reach for his Magistar, and begin to stand, slowly. "Sometimes maintaining the balance means worrying more about the wellbeing of yourself and others then the wellbeing of your enemies." He says as he clasps the Magistar in both hands. "Sometimes a renewal of life is needed." He steps back, shoving the Magistar into the air, visibly cringing as he puts strain on his bad arm, before thrusting the staff end of it down. The Oberon's warframe is surrounded by a flurry of sickly green particles, the flurry of particles would crescendo and reach their climax as the Magistar makes contact with the ground, a ringing sound resonating throughout the dueling room, the particles exploding outwards. The Oberon would begin to be covered from head to toe in a pulsating green, not like his energy color. Another ball would gravitate towards Katsuki, a rolled up ball of the healing particles the Oberon just released. The Oberon lowers his Magistar, holding it in his right hand, letting the mace rest on the floor. "But a renewal of ones body may be only temporary." The Oberon nods. "Perhaps finding someone more versed in the medical field would help." He gestures toward the door. "Lead on."

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"Wow that was pretty awesome haven't seen many Oberons in action." Katsuki says smiling while her hands check her set ribs. "Usually fix my self by jamming my Dakra into enemies, but this is just as good. So near by people..."

Katsuki grabs her broken helmet and exits the dueling room entering the dueling room near theirs. She and the Oberon enter faced with the scene of two frosts getting ready to square off.


"hey speaking of medics we could probably use one and someone to talk about the damage in the dueling room we were just in." Katsuki says to the people in the room.

Edited by BiriBiri
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"Well that's a good thing," Halcyon said with a shrug, gesturing toward the dueling arena,

"Ready when you are frosty, or did Kuranaii hurt you too badly? We could call a medic." He offered, checking himself for sounding superior again.


Kuranaii looked over her shoulder at Krelon again and shrugged, looking back to Halcyon. "Why don't we do something together, Halcyon?" She tilted her head while speaking, hands still on her hips.

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Halcyon regarded her intently, his expression softening,

"Sure, You have anything you want to do?" He asked lightly, stopping before her as the ice covering him faded.

((I didn't explain it very well but In-Game you can still damage enemies with abilities even while Banished.))

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Halcyon regarded her intently, his expression softening,

"Sure, You have anything you want to do?" He asked lightly, stopping before her as the ice covering him faded.

((I didn't explain it very well but In-Game you can still damage enemies with abilities even while Banished.))


Kuranaii shrugged her shoulders,

"Maybe retire to our apartment, go to the gardens, go to a restaurant..." She said as she went through the choices, her right hand lifting to tap her chin.

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The Gentleman Limbo had walked up to the group after getting a grip on his twitching muscles.

"Well it's been quaint, but unless you'd like to keep me around, I shall be leaving now."

He topped off his hat to Kuranaii and Halcyon.

"Ma'am. Sir. It's been a pleasure."

Malvo walked to the door.

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"What do you think?" Kuranaii finally asked and looked at Halcyon for a verdict.

"Let's head to get something to eat, I haven't hand much more than my patented food bricks for a while now, and I wouldn't exactly call that cuisine," he said with a chuckle.

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Krelon then led them to a restaurant which was sushi themed. "This place seems nice..." He said and smiled.



Halcyon looked at Krelon, puzzling out his behavior quickly and saying,

"Lead the way."

Staying by Kuranaii's side, as he knew of no restuarants whatsoever.


Kuranaii strolled along Halcyon's side aswell and followed on Krelon's lead. She glanced at the shop from the outside and shrugged,

"Good enough, I suppose." She chirped, rising and sinking on her tip-toes.

Kuranaii took the honour of heading into the resteraunt first, stretching out her forearms as she glanced about.

"I'll find us a seat." She said to Krel and Halcyon.

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