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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Yep," She replied.


Ignoring Krelon and centering her attention on Gynx, Kuranaii smiled brightly towards her despite the Tengu helmet concealing her expression. "My name's Kuranaii, it's nice to meet you Gynx," She said fluently;

"I'm a friend of Halcyon, as you might've guessed." Her right palm went to pet Halcyon's head gently.

Edited by Y0she
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Halcyon took advantage of her movements, sitting straight,

"Anything I can help you with?" Halcyon asked.


Kuranaii allowed Halcyon to sit up but still remained slumped in the booth with legs propped up. She glanced at all three individuals, then peered out the window.

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((Perrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrteeeeeeeeed thooooouuughts))


(( Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeervveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeertttttttttttttttssssssssssssss arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee))

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"Ok lets go then and it'll give me a place to execute my right as victor." Katsuki smiles mischievously while she walks past Oberon and out towards the hanger.

The Oberon and Valkyr would find the Limbo, Malvo, wandering the Dojo as he walked past them, accidently bumping into the Valkyr.

"My apologies, ma'am."

He gave a tip of his hat and continued.

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The Oberon and Valkyr would find the Limbo, Malvo, wandering the Dojo as he walked past them, accidently bumping into the Valkyr.

"My apologies, ma'am."

He gave a tip of his hat and continued.


"No problems as long as it was an accident." Says Katsuki as she rubs her shoulder and continues on.


"And here we are lets get inside." Katsuki waves the Oberon in while entering the ship

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Katsuki leads the way into the living area of her Liset the size of a small room consisting of a twin sized bed, foundry/work area and an outfitting station. 


"Its not too big but it gets the job done and its meant for one person." Katsuki says while sweeping her arms. "Eir prepare for suit maintenance and first aid."


"Right away Operator and the food you mentioned is in storage to be accessed at your convenience." responds Eir


"Thanks Eir." turning to the Oberon "You did a real number on my suit gimme a second while i change out of it." Katsuki smiles and disappears into the outfitting station.

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Katsuki returns wearing shorts and a tank top revealing a multitude of implants like the ones on her head spanning down both arms. She walks to the foundry to deposit her Dakra and says "So the station here and Eir will be able to repair you and your suit if you'd like. And as the victor when do I get to see your face?"

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"Yay!" Katsuki says excitedly sparks flying from her implants.


The doors closes infront of Oberon. "Please hold still Operator, this will only hurt a little" Eir says. Nano bots pour out of ports in the side repairing both the suit and flesh. After a few moments "Ok operator your lucky you didn't sustain more damage or I would have had to take your suit to repair it." Eir says while opening the doors.

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The Oberon brings his hand up to his face, clenching and unclenching his fist before lowering it back down to his side. "I would of liked to have seen you try, Cephalon." The Oberon says as he steps out of the chamber, face to face with Katsuki, towering atleast half a head taller than her.


He sighs slightly. "A deals a deal..."


Without further hesitation, the front of Oberon's helmet hisses, steam shooting out from the cracks as the front of the helmet disengages. The front then begins to fold back, not unlike the way it did for the first Tenno, although more mechanical in appearance, the front part sticks out and slides back, resting over the sides of his helmet. The Oberon visibly cringes as the helmet is pulled back, pulling his head back slightly, eyes shut tightly as they readjust to the drastic change in lighting. He opens his eyes, the iris being colored a sickly green, not unlike his energy color, however, the edges of the iris farthest away from the pupil hint shades of brown. The Oberon transcends a thin line between aged and young, his skin is left unhampered by old age, but he has overall stern facial features, like that of a wise elder. He arches an eyebrow


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