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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Well, Beta needs some time for software, and I don't think you'll want to be running around the dojo like that, so do you want to just chill here?" He asked, minding the pun.


Kuranaii nodded her head softly,

"Yeah, let's stay here." She said, slowly going over and sitting down on the end of the bed.

Smiling, she placed her arms behind her back on the mattress and looked over Halcyon.

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Halcyon stood, stretching slightly and sitting next to her, letting loose a yawn and laying back.


Kuranaii soon let herself lay back aswell to be beside him. Glancing to her left at him, she shared a blue-lipped smile.

"So..." She said, trying to break the awkward silence.

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The Oberon clenched his fists, feeling the Mirage practically breathing down his neck. It was just the open expanse of space between him and the ship, star dust whipping past his face.

"Everything you do, I can do bet-" The Elytron sputtered and slowed, it's power source severely damaged. "Aww sh!t."

She heard something snap, but ignored the sound...

Now she was paying for it dearly.

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((My bad, just got back home, incidentally locked like 4 characters with my absence.))



Halcyon woke and looked at Kuranaii,



"Hello." he said quietly, not quite remembering when he'd fallen asleep.


Kuranaii sat up, glancing at Halcyon aswell. "Hey."

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"Everything you do, I can do bet-" The Elytron sputtered and slowed, it's power source severely damaged. "Aww sh!t."She heard something snap, but ignored the sound...

Now she was paying for it dearly.

The Oberon closed as much of the gap as possible before he righted himself and began to slow his velocity. But as his engines attempted to bring him to a stop, the Oberon was still being carried at frightening speeds towards the New Loka ship. He whipped his body to the side, doing as wide a barrel as he could, hoping to at least avoid a head-on collision. His engines still applied reverse thrust as he crossed his arms over his face. Edited by Darkshifter98
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Grand Leader Arthos Galadri was speechless.

Two beings - Tenno! - had been flying at his ship Excrabliu at breakneck speeds on wings of light, and now one of them, the one with antlers and strange feet, had done a perfectly executed barrel roll while the other in red cruised by leisurely.

"Sir! Permission to fire?"

Arthos glared at the overeager private. "You do that, and I'll personally kick you into the Sun!" With a grand posture, he pointed at the Tenno. "Those... those are the epitome of legend itself!"


The epitome of legend - one of them, at least - was beginning to like this Oberon. Of course, that was not the predominant thought in her mind.

The predominant thought was simple.

He just did a barrel roll at motherf*cking terminal velocity... AND he has his arms crossed like a motherf*cking pharaoh... while flying a motherf*cking Odonata.

That... is f*cking metal!

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(( ^^ That was probably the greatest motherf*cking post of all time)


The Oberon would just barely streak past the ship after executing the barrel roll, a comet of green spearheaded by antlers. His barrel roll would leave his torso parallel to the ship as he stopped spinning. However as he was micro-managing his Odonata to slow the hell down, he would miss the fact that as he reached the midsection of the ship, it would widen out to the sides slightly, just enough for the Oberon to scrap along the hull for a second or two. His shields visibly fluctuated as he made contact, and after separating himself, he would once again right himself, aim the engines forwards, and apply thrust, with afterburn, forward. With more room to negotiate with, the Oberon would coast to a stop, his Warframe coated in blue as his shields recharged after going critical. Turning himself around, he keeps an eye out for the Mirage that he was just racing. He lowers his head down slightly as he assesses the situation, alone in his thoughts. We must of scared the wits out of the crew on that ship. The Oberon smiled underneath his helmet, shaking his head at the thought as he slowly began to float forward, his Archwing humming to life.

Edited by Darkshifter98
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Another ship lands in the hangar. An Excalibur steps out slowly and looks around, once again taking in the familiar sight of the Dojo. He took everything in as if he was looking at it with new eyes. After having the Corpus implants removed, he was finally able to focus. He took in every detail as he walks toward the medical bay. 

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