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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Vaperton looks up to Oracle, "I don't think I have ever seen a talking sentinel before."  Looking around he notices the commotion that has been stirred by the charred ship in the hangar.  "I take it this is the first time a Liset has been this severely damaged?  What does this mean?"

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Kate began to circle the ship in reverence. "Liset. The first was built by Hayden Tenno, and the design was refined by his lineage until the age of the Orokin, when the Sentient War led to the creation of the Tenno."

"But the Tenno needed loyal steeds to carry them across the galaxy. The Liset design was given a revolutionary makeover with the Void-based power source."

She took a tiny break from her history lecture. "But they're useless for combat. Only stealth and infiltration, so they've got sh!t shields. Never saw one get this beat up and survive."

Kate patted Vaperton's shoulder. "Trust me. It'd be an honor to get my hands dirty with this babe."

A beat.

"Okay, that metaphor went somewhere horrible."

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((Huh. Rael abandoned a dying Tenno in the middle of the hallway, then calls Kate disrespectful. At least read the dying a book, hold his hand or something.))

(( oh hes not dying just wounded, he needs to continue his story to a zephyr about his missing wife who coincidentally controls a giant infested ship and disguises herself as a littl-- ill stop o-o ))

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(I explained that Rael brought him directly to Elith, the dojo's medical officer simply because

A) It's her job to do so,

B) Tapedeck needs to get hisself back here lol

((I'll get right on that.))

Also, Rael didn't call her disrespectful, just an as*hole. :3

For the sake that he already made the post though, I'll handle it.)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Rael waved over a human worker and spoke.

"Take this wounded Tenno to the infirmary. He's injured."

The Ember looked back over her shoulder at him as he lay on the floor, a hand clasping his and pulling him up with ease, the worker support him to walk him off.

"You're in pain now, but trust me - Elith does wonders as a doc. Sorry to wave you off, but I have matters to attend to."

"If you want to be helpful, make sure he gets to Elith alright, Sentinel."

Rael's attention turned back to the newcomer.

"Now then, you escaped from... Vor? And he attached... Something... To your..."

Her gaze slowly fixed on the Ascaris upon his leg.

"Ah hell. You need to get going with them. There's no easy way to remove that... I'll come by the infirmary to check on you and the Limbo when all's done down here, yeah?"

A look was tossed to Kate, now, Rael's cold, red eyes locked with Kate's.

"And as for you, we have Engineers to fix these kinds of things. You want to help? Get some damn clearance."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

The Human worker summoned to help quickly adjusted himself to hold up the Limbo.

"Aie, thank the Orokin you're light... Hold in there Tenno, infirmary's not far."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Wait - how many of those do you even have under there? . . . It's all... Corpus, you said, right...?"

Lusith looked curiously towards the inside of his jacket at the vials. Her sight subtly went to wander about his body as she sized him up.

"Have you ever tried to cure it or something? Even find, or research one...?"

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Vaperton quickly looks down to his leg, noticing the Ascaris.  "Well crap, I thought I got out in time before that thing was attached.  This would be the second time he has managed to get that thing on me."  He looks up past Rael's shoulder, noticing the human holding up the Limbo.


"Well I will head towards the infirmary then, I thank you all for your hospitality.  Also Kate was it?  Thanks for the offer to help but I won't be doing any dance for payment."  He waves to Kate and walks over to the limbo helping the human worker to hold him up and head towards the infirmary.  "Looks like I'm not the only one with a close call today."


((added some stuff to my profile as well as some pictures of my frame, will post small links here as well for those interested

http://vzstudios.deviantart.com/art/Screenshot-of-Volt-Warframe-499932481 a link to a screenshot of my character chilling in my dojo.

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Volt-Inked-483590514  a link to a picture made by FastWinger that closely resembled what I imagined Vaperton's face too look like.))

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Vaperton tries to think about any active alerts, "I don't remember seeing any alerts but then again I was flying blind for a while.  I will check that for you once you recover for now we should focus on getting you patched up."


As we head towards the infirmary a familiar voice fills Vaperton's head, the voice of Captain Vor doing his usual rant about trying to uncover the secrets of the Lotus.  He laughs some before realizing that his laughter is a bit misplaced, he quickly tries to make himself seem less crazy.  "Sorry for the laughter, it wasn't directed towards anyone.  Just hearing Vor in my head doing his typical rant, the Ascaris and all you know.  Amazing how he continues to try using this thing on us Tenno.  Do you think he recognizes any Tenno in particular or all we all just warframes to him?"

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"Do your engineers have any experience above removing dents? I've repurposed a Corpus ship into a goddamn bomb once with nothing but my hands and some nicotine gum, and it was still spaceworthy. Damn f*ckers never expect a catastrophic implosion in their Gas Cities..."

"Ok, maybe that didn't increase your opinion of me. Nope, it certainly didn't. However, I'm willing to fix her up gratis, unlike your Engineers." She leaned towards Vaperton again, eyes narrowing mischievously. "Make no mistake, I'll get that boogie someday. Cheerio!"

And without another word, she began to work.

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((so i take it that would mean oracle is now following reedfish and I now?))


Vaperton looked to Oracle.  "Oracle?  Is that a type of AI like the Liset?"  He curiously tries to get a better look at exactly what Oracle might be, but has a hard time noticing anything past the bright light.

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As we continue to walk down the hall, Vaperton looks towards Oracle still helping to carry the injured limbo.  "I have never heard of the Hybrarian Council or the Freedom Hand before."  Vaperton struggles to keep focus on the conversation at hand while tuning out Vor's insistent ramblings.

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Calm. This was a tone of voice that was difficult for Rael towards others that she didn't know.

She walked over to Kate and quietly spoke in a much calmer, more polite tone of voice.

"Please, leave this work for our Engineers. They aren't as unskilled as you think, and you have no form of anything that allows you to work on someone else's Liset. You want to work on it? Then you have to become an Engineer, yeah? So please go away."

She said this nicely, although in her head, she was thinking of ringing Kate's neck.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Well that's... Uhm... Yeah... *Ahem* Sorry for asking."

A hand was placed on the table as Lusith stood.

"I'm going to go fix up my hair, okay? I'm not leaving, honest."

She probably shouldn't have said that.

She smiled to Vale and began to walk towards a restroom, fondling with her hair as she walked.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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"Could it be?" Kate gasped in mock suprise, her eyes rolling as she stepped into the Liset and began to gather the debris inside. "I thought I heard a certain word there. Was it "lease"?"

Kate took her e-cig from her pocket, replaced the nicotine cartridge, and took a long drag before puffing out the fake "smoke" into Rael's face. "Oh no! It was "please". Now, something tells me you're used to getting everything you want. You growl at someone, and they move. Not out of respect, but because your growls are scary."

"There's a difference here. You don't scare me, 'cause the Human Torch can't f*ck with me, and neither can Johnny Blaze."

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Vale leaned back, sighed, and ran his hand through his hair. "I knew I shouldn't have." he mumbled.


Hey, your problem now.


"You're not helping."


I know I'm not.


"Why do I even talk to you again?"


'cuz I'm the only one who understands you and is available most of the time?


Vale rolled his eyes. "Smartass." 

Edited by nooshroomerplus
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Kate looked at the Ember with narrowed eyes that widened. "Oh. You're actually serious."

She lifted a chunk of the rubble, hefting it onto her shoulder with relative ease while walking out of the ship. "However, consider the legal aspect. This is Sparky's property and he freely admitted that he'd appreciate my repairs, thus giving me permission to work on this Liset. You, on the other hand, have no legal authority over his ship since he did not give you or your Engineers permission."

She dropped the chunk with a resounding thud on the floor, next to her Elytron, and turned around with crossed arms. "In other words, you have no power here. My sister, God bless her soul, would be f*cking proud of my legal prowess."

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