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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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*A Frost with green armor, some black shades with yellow golden energy came in then saw the Wukong, he put his arms against each other*

Stine: *sigh* Meditating again are we?

(No I have not but from the previous RPs I saw I would like to RP with you)

He simply grunted in response before actually turning his head "when you lose friends, you create ice capsules to remember them. When I lose friends, I meditate on their energy and use it as fuel to keep myself from not giving up." He then turned back around and sighed, shortly after he stood up. "Shall we go to the bar?"

Stine: *puts his arm down* Yes.

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Zek quickly led Mag to the restuarant and tossed a small box to Luv once they got there.

"There you go, also i brought along a new friend." He said waving to the mag behind him.

"H-hi." Blossom shyly said.



[bTW anyone remember Hephaestus? The Atlas frame, yeah hi its me again Arbiter_of_Death, im on xb1 now]

((Its so good to see you again Arbiter.))

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The box started to project the map of a fragment of the void, it was filled with plenty of voidtowers, there also was an audiolog attached to it which started playing.

"Hey Luv, Since our clan is so busy with the Wartowers, Aaron wanted me to share to coordinats of all these void towers, hope you find some good stuff out there, hope to see you soon."

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((Its so good to see you again Arbiter.))

((Nice to see you again as well friend))

As they walked off to the bar, Senshi's Wyrm started sqeaking excitedly and flew off towards a restaurant. "What the- Kiba! Get back here! *sigh* alright then...guess we're following the little guy." senshi said with a playful sigh

Edited by (XB1)WeaponizedTitan
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"Yep, vierd name I know. But it suits me though"

Another sip from her coffee, it now was half full.

"What's your name? And do you work here? Cause I don't want a scammer to ruin my day..."

Himiko: Himiko. And yes I do work here so no worries about scammers Luv

Luv caughed the box and stared at it curiously "Oh, sweet! What's inside it?" she asked, slowly opening it.

She'd get to the mag later...

Himiko: *sees Luv slowy trying to open the gift* Wha-Hey!

((Nice to see you again as well friend))

As they walked off to the bar, Senshi's Wyrm started sqeaking excitedly and flew off towards a restaurant. "What the- Kiba! Get back here! *sigh* alright then...guess we're following the little guy." senshi said with a playful sigh

Stine: *shurgs* He's a playful guy so *follow the Wyrm*
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"(sigh) Alright, but don't blame me if we're just wasting time..."  Polo replied, hidden annoyance was in his tone.

"And... thanks"

Thanks for what? Arthas asked someone surprised, sincerely wondering why Polo thanked him.


An onyx colored Rhino with green trim lumbers into the dojo tiredly. With a slight grumble he tries to find a garden to sit down.

A black and red coloured ((I know, edgy lord :3)) Nekros was leaning to a wall with his hands crossed as he saw the newcomer Rhino walking around, looking somewhat tired.

Long day huh? Looks like it Fang asked the Rhino with a small chuckle escaping from his mouth.

Edited by WolfmanX9
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A black and red coloured ((I know, edgy lord :3)) Nekros was leaning to a wall with his hands crossed as he saw the newcomer Rhino walking around, looking somewhat tired.

Long day huh? Looks like it Fang asked the Rhino with a small chuckle escaping from his mouth.

He stopped and sighed, rubbing the top of his helmet before turning.

...Yeah. Its always "Go protect this"  or "go save that". Cant seem to catch a break, even for today.

Giving a small laugh, he shook his head.

They call me Maximus, or Max sometimes.

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He stopped and sighed, rubbing the top of his helmet before turning.

...Yeah. Its always "Go protect this"  or "go save that". Cant seem to catch a break, even for today.

Giving a small laugh, he shook his head.

They call me Maximus, or Max sometimes.

Maximus you say...quite an interesting name you got Fang said as he approached Max.

I'm Fang, probably your somewhat everyday necromancer and by somewhat, I mean that I have an "odd" hobby of mine Fang said as he somewhat mentioned a little bit about his hobby.

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Himiko: Himiko. And yes I do work here so no worries about scammers LuvHimiko: *sees Luv slowy trying to open the gift* Wha-Hey!

Stine: *shurgs* He's a playful guy so *follow the Wyrm*

As they follow into the restaurant, Senshi suddenly gets a strange feeling that he knows the place and quickly spots out a few people, though he does not approach as he cannot think of the names. "I feel as though I know this place, hmm perhaps one of my fallen friends have been here? Have you been to this restaurant Stine?" He asks as he scans the place curiously. Edited by (XB1)WeaponizedTitan
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As they follow into the restaurant, Senshi suddenly gets a strange feeling that he knows the place and quickly spots out a few people, though he does not approach as he cannot think of the names. "I feel as though I know this place, hmm perhaps one of my fallen friends have been here? Have you been to this restaurant Stine?" He asks as he scans the place curiously.

*Before Stine can even answer the question a Nekros with white armor, black shadings and green energy came behind and answered the question*

Necrom: You both have, and all of your friends have been here.

Stine: And who are you supposed to be? *asked with a suspicious voice*

Necrom: No matter, just call me Necrom *ignores both Seshin and Stine and just go to the restaurant*

"Phew, what a relief!" Luv replied to Himiko.

((I meant the box Zek gave her, not Himikos present))

(My bad)

Himiko: *mistaken her gift with Zek's so she just ignore it*

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"Hi! I'm Luv. Mag you say? Heh, looks like you're one of those new tenno who don't remember their true name, and think the frame they wear is their true skin... Oh sorry, did I say that out loud? I was told to say it slowly so you woudn't go crazy or anything like that... So um, sorry?"
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the mag said

"oh no, no worries, i think i remember, yes aurora, cos the earth has a magnetic field which protects it,  ya know?"


(i sometimes love using technical words, so except sometimes these outbusts :D)


(am i doing ok?, rolling female Oc's isnt my forte at all)

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Senshi directs his attention to a mag talking with another frame he cant quite see, he approaches almost on instinct. "Excuse me, Luv was it? Im Senshi and I can't help but feel like i know you" he said with a nervous chuckle as he scratched his head and soon after, Kiba shoots right up to Luv and wraps around her arm nuzzling and sqeaking.

((I forgot what frame you are T_T))

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Luv chuckled at the adorable sentinel, and tried to pet it "I get that a lot. Seemes like I knew alot of people before the cryosleep... if you don't know what I mean, we probably knew eachother before we lost our memories" she looked back at Kiba "Isn't he just cute? Reminds my of my friends sentinel"


((She's a cyan/orange Ember Prime with the original non-primed Ember helmet))

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