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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Morgan Marks and a guest, requesting premission to land."

The old frost sat inside his Liset, outside the Dojo.

He turned around to the Trinity prime behind him.

"Kids these days and their prime frames... I remember when everyone were normal." He muttres to himself.

"So, what did you say your name was again? Ryook? Rayok?"

Maybe he was getting too old to be operational?

Nah. He can't stop working.

"Get ready, Rayak."

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"Morgan Marks and a guest, requesting premission to land."
The old frost sat inside his Liset, outside the Dojo.
He turned around to the Trinity prime behind him.
"Kids these days and their prime frames... I remember when everyone were normal." He muttres to himself.
"So, what did you say your name was again? Ryook? Rayok?"
Maybe he was getting too old to be operational?
Nah. He can't stop working.
"Get ready, Rayak."



The young girl responds to Morgan


"It's Ryoka! Darn it Morgan-san, at least try to remember y'know? Ahh but its ok, I still appreciate the lift!"




"Wait... What's the matter with this Prime frame? I dont have it because of stupid Orokin techy stuff or whatever, I just thing the frills look cute!"

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(oh sorry about that. I live in spain, so maybe my grammar is slightly worse,) 


"Sure, I'd love to have one of those ancient recepies that they still do! Aparently they're called sandwiches, and a guy from whatever island it was invented it"

Himiko: *served a sandwich to the Mag*

THe Mag came up to them, of course politley and excusing her other companions for a moment.


"is that a sentienel by any chance?happe to have one, it's a carrier, but i haven't thought of a name yet"

Himiko: It is, it's a Wyrm
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Himiko: *served a sandwich to the Mag*

Himiko: It is, it's a Wyrm

"Well Wyrm Prime but its gold is black cause me and my buddy gotta match!" Senshi said as he did a sexy pose before chuckling "his name's Kiba, you can pet him if you want aurora, he doesn't bite"

"But yeah you're probably right about the cryo sleep, although I do remember my childhood in a monastery somewhere in China, but before I seem rude, Greetings my name is Senshi, it's a pleasure to meet you" he bows politely towards Luv.

((Ah right, i can picture her again, tank you~))

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I get that sometimes. It seems to fit me so I cant complain. Max shugged, before tilting his head.

Oh? what sort of hobby is that?

What I'm going to tell you might disturbed and disguise you, but If you feel tough enough to hear it, then I suppose I could tell you: My hobby is to collect heads from the enemies I have slain, clean away all of flesh and stuff from the skull with my hands, to then finally paint them to whatever I feel like. That is the hobby I have Fang said as his answer to Max's curiosity.


"I meant thanks for trying to help" Polo explained.



No problem, it's kinda my thing to help other tennos...he he.. Arthas said with a small laugher.

Anyway...I have sent a signal to my friend, so he should be here with his tools any moment now..I think.



"Morgan Marks and a guest, requesting premission to land."
The old frost sat inside his Liset, outside the Dojo.
He turned around to the Trinity prime behind him.
"Kids these days and their prime frames... I remember when everyone were normal." He muttres to himself.
"So, what did you say your name was again? Ryook? Rayok?"
Maybe he was getting too old to be operational?
Nah. He can't stop working.
"Get ready, Rayak."


They picked up a signal as the tenno in the control room answered their request.


"Roger that. Give us a moment to scan your ship and if you don't have anything that could mean a threat to the dojo, then you are free to land. Please stand by" The tenno said as he or she pressed a button on the control panel and a small swarm of droids started to scan the ship for anything that could be considered "out of place" or "threat".

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"Well Wyrm Prime but its gold is black cause me and my buddy gotta match!" Senshi said as he did a sexy pose before chuckling "his name's Kiba, you can pet him if you want aurora, he doesn't bite"

"But yeah you're probably right about the cryo sleep, although I do remember my childhood in a monastery somewhere in China, but before I seem rude, Greetings my name is Senshi, it's a pleasure to meet you" he bows politely towards Luv.

((Ah right, i can picture her again, tank you~))

Himiko: *heard the name Senshi which made her remember something*. Wait...Senshi? I think I heard that name before *said in a low tone voice*
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Polo just waited, wondering how an engineer could help him... he does not like wasting other peoples time, especialy his own.


Since Luv was sitting, she only did a light bow with her head to Senshi.

"I think Kiba here remembers more, considering how much he seems to like me..." she scratched his head.

((I actualy have a screenshot of Luv on my profile page, along with her character sheet if you're interested))

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The young girl responds to Morgan


"It's Ryoka! Darn it Morgan-san, at least try to remember y'know? Ahh but its ok, I still appreciate the lift!"




"Wait... What's the matter with this Prime frame? I dont have it because of stupid Orokin techy stuff or whatever, I just thing the frills look cute!"

"That's even worse..." he muttres to himself.

They picked up a signal as the tenno in the control room answered their request.


"Roger that. Give us a moment to scan your ship and if you don't have anything that could mean a threat to the dojo, then you are free to land. Please stand by" The tenno said as he or she pressed a button on the control panel and a small swarm of droids started to scan the ship for anything that could be considered "out of place" or "threat".


Morgan looks again at Ryoka.

"You don't have anything illegal on you, right, Rakay?"

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The Mag said:


"cute thing it is, i agree on that, ah i'm sure that my companion would love to know it"


*takes out some sort of reciever*


"carrier, would you mind coming here. If ordis complains, tell him that i'll have a "talk" with him afterwards"


Then, a sentienel appeared, it was white and blue, just like aurora, it also had a long curve bar that attached the upper part with the lower end of the compaion. And from it's movements, it seemed very excited



"wow, you seem excited, don't ya? here i present to you kiba, and no, you cant take the gold

 bits from it. you do get greedy somtimes"

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Kiba wiggles with excited and flies in circles around the carrier sqeaking.

"Geez Haven't seen him this excited since...wait a sec...Hephaestus, that's how I know you guys! He was my brother! And he left Kiba to me before he left system, although he's been gone several months. When Kiba and I synced together I got a look at his memories and I think I faintly remember seeing this place." Senshi stands there thinking for a moment before jumping up and balancing on his tail for a seat.

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Kiba wiggles with excited and flies in circles around the carrier sqeaking.

"Geez Haven't seen him this excited since...wait a sec...Hephaestus, that's how I know you guys! He was my brother! And he left Kiba to me before he left system, although he's been gone several months. When Kiba and I synced together I got a look at his memories and I think I faintly remember seeing this place." Senshi stands there thinking for a moment before jumping up and balancing on his tail for a seat.

Stine: Well nice to know that you finally remembered Seshin *said in a joyful tone while smiling a bit*
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Polo just waited, wondering how an engineer could help him... he does not like wasting other peoples time, especialy his own.



Several minutes later, a bright green coloured Vauban approached them with a toolbox in one hand. He bowed to Arthas and Polo.

Top o the mornin to ya lad, me name is Jack and it is a nice to met ya. What seem to be troublin' ya Jack said as he greeted Polo.

Oh yeah...Forgot to tell you that Jack has an Irish accent, hope you don't mind it Arthas said to Polo.





Morgan looks again at Ryoka.

"You don't have anything illegal on you, right, Rakay?"



Gives a tern look at Morgan


"Why oh why do you think that! Pause. Nope, nothing wrong here! Hee hee."


Responding with a playful tone.

"Everything seems to be in order. Welcome to the dojo" The tenno said as he/she open the hangar door so that the ship could land at the ship hangar.


The drones that was previously scanning the ship had flown back to their recharging station near the hangar.

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"Everything seems to be in order. Welcome to the dojo" The tenno said as he/she open the hangar door so that the ship could land at the ship hangar.


The drones that was previously scanning the ship had flown back to their recharging station near the hangar.

"Thank you." Morgan said.

He landed the ship, and turned around to Ryoka.

"Here we are, uh, girl."

He turned his liset off and left it.

"Hmm... What now..."

Morgan started walking around, hoping to find something to do.

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Luv was about to sip more of her coffee when she noticed it was empty. Well, would another one hurt?

"Another coffee please"


Polo chuckled "Nah, the accent is ok. I know a Mesa with a similar accent. Anyway, here's the problem. My carrier camera has been recording footage for my show, and then broadcast it around the system. The problem is that it hasn't been doing that for the last three months and my career is shattered. Can you help?"

Edited by Denny2669
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Luv was about to sip more of her coffee when she noticed it was empty. Well, would another one hurt?

"Another coffee please"


Polo chuckled "Nah, the accent is ok. I know a Mesa with a similar accent. Anyway, here's the problem. My carrier camera has been recording footage for my show, and then broadcast it around the system. The problem is that it hasn't been doing that for the last three months and my career is shattered. Can you help?"

Himiko: Just give me a minute Luv *brings Aurora the rebina*

*suddenly Reyas appeared behind Luv and give her a cup of coffee*

Reyas: There. No need to wait.

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