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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Hm, sounds like my clan meetings. I'd ask you what it was about, but it's none of my bussiness"

She took a sip of her coffee, deam it was good.

Reyas: Eh, it wasn't anything special so no need to ask

Himiko: Reyas, open the box at the counter.

Reyas: Uh, okay? *goes to the box at the counter and opens it*

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Polo chuckled "Nah, the accent is ok. I know a Mesa with a similar accent. Anyway, here's the problem. My carrier camera has been recording footage for my show, and then broadcast it around the system. The problem is that it hasn't been doing that for the last three months and my career is shattered. Can you help?"

Me will see what I can do for ye. Might be a broken component or somethin'. Let me just borrow ya carrier and me will do me best to fix it for ye lad Jack said as he put down his tool box and searched for the tools for the examination of the most likely malfunction sentinel.

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What I'm going to tell you might disturbed and disguise you, but If you feel tough enough to hear it, then I suppose I could tell you: My hobby is to collect heads from the enemies I have slain, clean away all of flesh and stuff from the skull with my hands, to then finally paint them to whatever I feel like. That is the hobby I have Fang said as his answer to Max's curiosity.


Huh... He paused, clearly not expecting the answer he got. I suppose there are worse hobbies out there. In any case, Is there anything relaxing around here that's going on? I might not have a..'Valentine' but at least i could use the time off.

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Huh... He paused, clearly not expecting the answer he got. I suppose there are worse hobbies out there. In any case, Is there anything relaxing around here that's going on? I might not have a..'Valentine' but at least i could use the time off.

Necrom: There's a place called Memory Den in the West wing of the place, you could relive some memories there if you like.
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On 2016-02-18 at 4:44 AM, LordNevin said:

Huh... He paused, clearly not expecting the answer he got. I suppose there are worse hobbies out there. In any case, Is there anything relaxing around here that's going on? I might not have a..'Valentine' but at least i could use the time off.

Fang thought for a minute before answering Maxi's question.

There is the lounge room, which is the "relaxation room" you could say. Otherwise I would suggest the garden if you prefer to be "closer" to nature Fang suggested.

Edited by WolfmanX9
Minor grammar error
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1 hour ago, WolfmanX9 said:

Fang thought for a minute before answering Maxi's question.

There is the lounge room, which is the "relaxation room" you could say. Otherwise I would suggest the garden if you prefer to be "closer" to nature Fang suggested.

I am not too particular either way on being "closer" to nature. Max said simply with a shrug. The lounge would be perfectly fine. You are more than welcome to join if you wish to.

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On 2/17/2016 at 9:31 AM, BlackerGames said:

"Thank you." Morgan said.

He landed the ship, and turned around to Ryoka.

"Here we are, uh, girl."

He turned his liset off and left it.

"Hmm... What now..."

Morgan started walking around, hoping to find something to do.

In a playful tone

Ryoka:"Hmm... Hey Mor! Question! Where can we find any food and stuff?"


Ryoka:"I hope they have lots of sweets! Ray-Ray never like giving me sweets too often... nyu... Said it makes me hyper hee hee."

Edited by (PS4) Gunbuster17_6
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9 minutes ago, (PS4) Gunbuster17_6 said:

In a playful tone

Ryoka:"Hmm... Hey Mor! Question! Where can we find any food and stuff?"


Ryoka:"I hope they have lots of sweets! Ray-Ray never like giving me sweets too often... nyu... Said it makes me hyper hee hee."

"First of all, kid, don't call me Mor. I have no idea where we can find something. Try to ask someone or whatever." He says to Ryoka, and keeps wandering around, looking for something interesting.

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2 minutes ago, BlackerGames said:

"First of all, kid, don't call me Mor. I have no idea where we can find something. Try to ask someone or whatever." He says to Ryoka, and keeps wandering around, looking for something interesting.

Still responding in playful tones

Ryoka:"Aww c'mon! Don't be so glum Mor! I mean, is it that bad? Don't be a scrooge!"

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13 minutes ago, (PS4) Gunbuster17_6 said:

Still responding in playful tones

Ryoka:"Aww c'mon! Don't be so glum Mor! I mean, is it that bad? Don't be a scrooge!"

Morgan stares at Ryoka for a few seconds.
"Don't call me Mor, or scrooge, or whatever. Just call me Morgan." His tone is slightly annoyed.

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26 minutes ago, BlackerGames said:

Morgan stares at Ryoka for a few seconds.
"Don't call me Mor, or scrooge, or whatever. Just call me Morgan." His tone is slightly annoyed.

Ryoka:"C'mon, chill out! You need to take a break or something, really, loosen up why dont'cha? Say, why don't we scrounge around for food? That should help lift your mod Morgan.

While she may be mischievous and hyper at times, she was sincere to others.

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"What is it? I wanna see" Luv said as she watched Rheyas open the box.


Meanwhile, Icarus (the golden proto-excalibur) was wandering around the dojo while Ellie was still with Shay and Berlev. Kinda borred and having no clue where his girlfried went, he noticed a Trinity Prime. He didn't really have a chance to talk with a Trinity prime, and since Saryn prime was already discovered, this was pretty embaresing in his clan.

"Greetings, sorry for just barging in, but are you using a Trinity Prime?" he asked the Trinity politely.


"Yeah, of course. Carrier, engage repair mode" Polo said, after which the Carrier approached Jack and slowly deactivated it's thrusters, softly landing infront of the Vauban.

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15 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Meanwhile, Icarus (the golden proto-excalibur) was wandering around the dojo while Ellie was still with Shay and Berlev. Kinda borred and having no clue where his girlfried went, he noticed a Trinity Prime. He didn't really have a chance to talk with a Trinity prime, and since Saryn prime was already discovered, this was pretty embaresing in his clan.

"Greetings, sorry for just barging in, but are you using a Trinity Prime?" he asked the Trinity politely.


Speaking in a moderately fast tone 

Ryoka:"Using? Nope. Wearing, yes!I like the frills on Trinity Prime's model so I had it made for me, I think it's cute! Oh wait, who're you again!?

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18 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Meanwhile, Icarus (the golden proto-excalibur) was wandering around the dojo while Ellie was still with Shay and Berlev. Kinda borred and having no clue where his girlfried went, he noticed a Trinity Prime. He didn't really have a chance to talk with a Trinity prime, and since Saryn prime was already discovered, this was pretty embaresing in his clan.

"Greetings, sorry for just barging in, but are you using a Trinity Prime?" he asked the Trinity politely.


"Uh, hey there, Excalibur. Do you know where can I eat? Or do anything other than wandering around here?" he asks in a grumpy tone.
He was annoyed enough by that Trinity, now he just wants to eat.

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"Using, wearing, kinda the same thing when it comes to warframes. It is cute though... I'm Icarus, pleasure to meet you" the golden Excalibur replied.

He turnes his head to look at Morgan "I think a restaurant is... Ellie? Where's the closest... oh right, you're not here right now... Hm... try folowing the signs?" Icarus wasn't usualy without his Cephalon companion, this was a pretty awkward moment.

Edited by Denny2669
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