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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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35 minutes ago, (PS4)Gunbuster17_6 said:

Ryoka:"At one point! I... used to... But I cant go back to the stage... It would only bring despair to those around me... Oi lets change that subject shall we! How 'bout you? I know nothing about you, except that you are a MADAO. Other than that, nothing!"

"Do you care telling me what the hell is a MADAO? What's up with kids these days and their weird abbreviations?"

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38 minutes ago, BlackerGames said:

"Do you care telling me what the hell is a MADAO? What's up with kids these days and their weird abbreviations?"

A beaming grin appeared on her face

Ryoka:"Kyahahaha!!! Oh and the fact you don't know makes it funnier Mor! From now on, you shall be known as Madao. It shall be done! Kyahahaha!

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Gunbuster17_6 said:

A beaming grin appeared on her face

Ryoka:"Kyahahaha!!! Oh and the fact you don't know makes it funnier Mor! From now on, you shall be known as Madao. It shall be done! Kyahahaha!

Morgan looked at the ceiling.
Someone send help, He thought to himself.
"Call. Me. Morgan. Not Mor, not Madao, Morgan. M O R G A N."

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6 minutes ago, BlackerGames said:

Morgan looked at the ceiling.
Someone send help, He thought to himself.
"Call. Me. Morgan. Not Mor, not Madao, Morgan. M O R G A N."

Ryoka:"Hee hee! I'm only teasing Morgan, don't take it so seriously!"

Her communicator went off, what transpired was a long call of Ryoka being... herself...

Ryoka:"Hello? Oh Ray-Ray! Where've you been! I missed your grumpy voice, so I had Morgan here fill the part.


What do you mean where am I?


I am at nun'ya business! You're concerned for me, how unusually sweet of you big bro. Ok ok fine...


I am at some dojo thingy in space something place! What do you mean too vague!? Figure it out dumb-dumb! It's not like I miss you or anything!


Don't you dare call me a damn child tsundere! There's a big difference here!


And... uh... Hello? Stupid dumb-dumb hung up on me! Meh, he'll call back.

Oh Im sorry, what were we discussing?"

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On 2016-02-24 at 11:12 AM, Sartactics said:


Necrom: Ah can it Fang, it's just another opinion on their so-called "horrible past". *said with a sarcastic voice*

Fang pretended not to hear that as he didn't want to get more annoyed than he already felt.

On 2016-02-24 at 1:12 PM, Denny2669 said:


"Thanks, mate" Polo replied, trying to use an Irish accent out of fun.

Lad, that's australian accent, but ye tried an that is better than nathin'. Me got an friend who talk in that accent. I thin' she was som' kind av sniper Jack said to Polo as he thoroughly searched around the Carrier's component and parts, even checking the main circuit.

Edited by WolfmanX9
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17 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"If it's hot, I'll eat it. Kinda vierd, I know..." Luv replied.


"Yep, I'm Icarus. Haven't we met before? Or was that Zeron? Sorry, my memory is kinda fuzzy about that..."


11 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"You will? Alright then..." Icarus replied to Zek, entering the restaurant. He noticed the the Trinity from before talking with the same Frost as before, he seemed annoyed...

*an Ash brought the burned garlic bread with flaming ice cubes on plate and brought them to Luv*

Ashimar: Let's just say that he didn't warn ya.

*Stine and Himiko (the Frost and Trinity respectively) noticed Icarus*

Both: Icarus? *both said in a surprised tone*

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18 hours ago, (PS4)Gunbuster17_6 said:

Ryoka:"Nyu... you're no fun... And what do you mean pay? I ask for things and things come usually! That's how I know it works!

Ryoka:"*gasping* You are... a very generous gentleperson who will live a long time!

She casually bows her head slightly before gleefully eating

Rey: You don't need too. I already lived longer than I should be, and no there's no such things as a free lunch 

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1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

Zek was standing behind Icarus. 'Are they friends of yours, Icarus?"

*suddenly the onyx bronzed color Loki appeared out of nowhere in front of them*

Paradoxa: Allies from the past, but that bond wasn't for long. *said it with an almost Sentient like voice*

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"Stine? Himiko? Heh, long time no see..." Icarus replied, surprised.

Luv took off her helmet and started eating her food. She wasn't kidding, it really looked like it tasted great "If this food is an accident, then I'm a catastrophe" she said with a chuckle and a full mouth.

((Are you creating connections out of thinn air? And I thought I'm the king of improvisation XD))

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7 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Stine? Himiko? Heh, long time no see..." Icarus replied, surprised.

Luv took off her helmet and started eating her food. She wasn't kidding, it really looked like it tasted great "If this food is an accident, then I'm a catastrophe" she said with a chuckle and a full mouth.

((Are you creating connections out of thinn air? And I thought I'm the king of improvisation XD))

Stine: I almost thought you were dead mate! Even though you kinda did...

Himiko: What brings you here anyway?

Ashimar: It was basically, but it happens all the time with her so no surprise here.

Flare: Wait *quickly ran to Luv after hearing the accident food was good* Did you say it was good? *said in an excited tone

(And no, I'm just putting in random things lol)

8 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

Zek slightly tilted his head when hearing the sentient like voice. "Are ya alright?'

Paradoxa: *put his finger on Zek's mouth* Shh... You do not need to know, you are still young *vanished like he wasn't even here*

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Zek stayed quiet for a while. "Errm... i wil just be going."

Zek quickly walked over to Icarus, tapping his shoulder. "Well i'm gonna go see if my clan still has something to do for me, also keep an eye out for Seerena, last time i talked to her she seemed pretty strested out so she might visit this place agains soon."

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