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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Cmooon, don't act like ye dunno what I mean..." Kitty said playfully, elegantly walking/circling around Arthas with her tail on his shoulders. Her cat senses allowed her to pay attention on both Arthas and Fang in the fight.

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Just now, Denny2669 said:

"Cmooon, don't act like ye dunno what I mean..." Kitty said playfully, elegantly walking/circling around Arthas with her tail on his shoulders. Her cat senses allowed her to pay attention on both Arthas and Fang in the fight.

And that's what I didn't think you meant, but since you really mean "that", then I suppose I can go along Arthas said to Kitty.

*outside of the booth*

The Sphinx tried to tailwhip Fang and it somewhat worked as Fang got pushed back a couple meters, although he was still standing despite that clever move from the Sphinx.

My turn... Fang said as he sprinted toward the Sphinx and once near the sphinx, the cat tried to claw him, but he blocked the swipes with his scythe. Fang even went so far that he sliced off the sphinx's cat claws. Another roar came from the sphinx as it became furious and in pure rage, tried to bite Fang with great speed. 

Fang dodge and blocked the attacks before he countered one bite attack and swung his scythe to the sphinx's eye. Blood gushed out from the wound Fang caused as the sphinx sat down and tried to stop the bleeding with its front pawns.

Bad kitty, bad! Fang said in a negative tone to the Sphinx. It seemed to somewhat work as the sphinx moved slightly away from him out of a small shred of fear. Although that wouldn't last long until the sphinx managed to stop the bleeding.

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"So, how about we lock the door so we won't be... interrupted?" she asked, smiling. Fangs fight made her chuckle a bit.

((Time skip, or will Arthas refuse? Or do you have something else in mind? Also, sorry Kitty is like that, but that's just how she is XD))

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((I think we will just do a time skip to keep it "civil" :3))

Lets get it over with Arthas said as the screen slowly turned to black ((The wall has been breached :P))


After several dodges, cuts and several bad cat puns later, the sphinx felt too tired to fight on. Fang could end it right now if he really wanted to, but when he saw how terrified the oversized cat was, he had a second thought about it.

Fang had made his decision; he sheathed his reaper prime, walked over to the sphinx and used the spare energy he had to heal the most serious wound on the sphinx. The sphinx look at Fang with a confused look.

Even though you tried to kill me, unlike some other creatures; you are not internally evil within. If I killed you, then I wouldn't be better than those creatures Fang said to the sphinx, receiving one wet lick from the sphinx as a "thank you for sparing me". 

 Really?.... Fang said unamused as he wiped off the cat spit from his warframe.

Edited by WolfmanX9
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((Finally someone managed to seduce one of your OCs :3. Why do I feel accomplished?))

After quite some time, the screen slowly went back on, showing Kitty in her warframe just as she was just putting her helmet back on.
"Well, I have to say, that was great! Ye were pretty good, for an Excalibur" she chuckled. She didn't pay that much attention to the fight, obviously.

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8 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

((Finally someone managed to seduce one of your OCs :3. Why do I feel accomplished?))

After quite some time, the screen slowly went back on, showing Kitty in her warframe just as she was just putting her helmet back on.
"Well, I have to say, that was great! Ye were pretty good, for an Excalibur" she chuckled. She didn't pay that much attention to the fight, obviously.

((Lets just say that "event" isn't really "canon". More like "sub-canon" :P and I don't know, because you thought I would refuse it? ;P))

What can I say, I'm good with all kind of weapons Arthas responded quite quirky.


Fang was meditating in the meantime as he was waiting for Arthas and Jet kitty to come out of the booth. The Sphinx was sleeping softly like a cat near Fang ((No *bleep* Sherlock :3)).

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((Well, either you keep this canon, or Arthas will stay a virgin XD. Your choice, althoug the right one is obvious XD))

"You're right about dat. Ye got me into Hysteria, if ye know what I mean" she chuckled, and walked over to the door, unlocking it. This room was supposed to be soundproof, so lets see if it really was.

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8 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

((Well, either you keep this canon, or Arthas will stay a virgin XD. Your choice, althoug the right one is obvious XD))

"You're right about dat. Ye got me into Hysteria, if ye know what I mean" she chuckled, and walked over to the door, unlocking it. This room was supposed to be soundproof, so lets see if it really was.

((I think I will let my OC stay a virgin for now, maybe pick Jet kitty as "backup girlfriend" if nothing else :P))

I see what you did there *chuckled* Anyway, should we check how Fang is doing? Arthas asked Kitty.

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((You wanna keep him a virgin? Dang, that must suck for Arthy...well, eitherway, Kitty's not gonna stay his GF for long if he doesn't keep her satisfied, if you know what I mean))

"Let's have a look" Kitty said, pointing at the window and laughing after she saw Fang meditate with the big cat. 

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4 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

((You wanna keep him a virgin? Dang, that must suck for Arthy...well, eitherway, Kitty's not gonna stay his GF for long if he doesn't keep her satisfied, if you know what I mean))

"Let's have a look" Kitty said, pointing at the window and laughing after she saw Fang meditate with the big cat. 

((Well...he have to deal with it and I know what you mean *wink wink*))

Well...that's something you never see everyday Arthas commented on the strange sight of Fang meditating near the sphinx who seemed to be asleep.

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18 hours ago, WolfmanX9 said:

((Well...he have to deal with it and I know what you mean *wink wink*))

Well...that's something you never see everyday Arthas commented on the strange sight of Fang meditating near the sphinx who seemed to be asleep.

"Wow, I'm starting to think I should have rewarded him instead of ye" she grinned.

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"ok aurora lets try this, i know it's dificult, but i'm sure you can do it"

"and that is?"

"take my shields off with your second ability"

*tic toc tic toc*

in the end everyone heard the so called ironical joke and inaros was laghuing his sands of (gettit?, dont worry there's more to come"

"you leave me dry with your comments Samuel Hunt"

"you're being to possitevly atractive to me mag, but it repells me to think if such thoughts"

"fine fine you win"

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4 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"Wow, I'm starting to think I should have rewarded him instead of ye" she grinned.

Good luck I would say if you tried doing what you just did with me. He really and I mean it; REALLY hate the concept of love. It's impossible to seduce him, even if you gave your A game Arthas explained to Kitty.

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"Well, love and pleasure are two different things Arthas. And unless he's... disabled, he shouldn't be able to resist his natural instincts. Especialy not around me" Kitty grinned "But then again, not gonna do him as lon' as you keep me entertained" her tail layed on the Excaliburs shoulder.

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3 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Well, love and pleasure are two different things Arthas. And unless he's... disabled, he shouldn't be able to resist his natural instincts. Especialy not around me" Kitty grinned "But then again, not gonna do him as long as you keep me entertained" her tail layed on the Excaliburs shoulder.

Just saying, you shouldn't really anger someone who can literally punch your soul out of your body. Anyway...Maybe we should congratulate Fang on his victory, we can't keep him waiting after all Arthas said as a friendly reminder that Fang was still in the same room as they are.

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16 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

"Sure, why not? I especialy wanna meet the big kitty" she replied.

Arthas nodded back as he and Jet kitty went to see Fang.

I see that you won the fight? Arthas asked

Fang stopped to meditate before he answered back to Arthas.

Did you two watch the fight from the booth? Fang asked somewhat surprised at Arthas question.

Let's just say that we didn't. Don't ask why Arthas said with a slight chuckle.

Right...anyway, I did in fact beat the sphinx, but in the end I spared its life Fang said.

Why? Arthas asked again.

Because it was not fully evil, the big cat was only trying to defend itself Fang explained.

Wow....that's quite noble of you Arthas said with a chuckle.

Shut it Fang said somewhat annoyed back at Arthas comment.


The sphinx woke up from it's peaceful slumber, noticing that there were new people that it haven't seen before.

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Bhata walks out of the shooting range, past the simulation room, to the room across from it, a little lounge area, empty. The Dojo is shadowed by the planets, and the soothing shine of the lights casts soft illumination upon the room.

She takes her helmet off, and loosens the Warframe around the neck. Bhata sets the helmet on the table next to a comfortable-looking couch, with extra back support. She sits down, and gazes solemnly out the window into the serene view of the stars. Troubled, slightly, but hidden.

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18 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:

Bhata walks out of the shooting range, past the simulation room, to the room across from it, a little lounge area, empty. The Dojo is shadowed by the planets, and the soothing shine of the lights casts soft illumination upon the room.

She takes her helmet off, and loosens the Warframe around the neck. Bhata sets the helmet on the table next to a comfortable-looking couch, with extra back support. She sits down, and gazes solemnly out the window into the serene view of the stars. Troubled, slightly, but hidden.

Takumi, a young Loki with no helmet, walks into the lounge area and stands in a corner, seemingly lost in thought. "...damn..."

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5 hours ago, KuraioNokami said:

Takumi, a young Loki with no helmet, walks into the lounge area and stands in a corner, seemingly lost in thought. "...damn..."

Bhata sighs. She looks down to her knees, trying to respectfully keep to herself in fear of interruption.

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1 minute ago, TheMetrocop said:

Bhata sighs. She looks down to her knees, trying to respectfully keep to herself in fear of interruption.

Takumi overhears the sigh and jumps. "Whoa! Others? Sorry to intrude..." He said, scratching the back of his head.

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1 minute ago, KuraioNokami said:

Takumi overhears the sigh and jumps. "Whoa! Others? Sorry to intrude..." He said, scratching the back of his head.

Bhata whirls around, nervously looking up from her seat.

"Oh.. did I.. interrupt you? Oh god, I'm so sorry."


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6 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Takumi shakes his head. "No harm done. I don't believe we've met?"

"Not as far as I can remember.."

Bhata straightens out the technocyte running along the length of her spine, and back of her bald, nastily scarred head. Her brows furrow in suspicion as she feels a little spot of active infestation by her neck.

"Bhata.. Bhata Nirmanaska."

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