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Void/derelict Loot Table Fubar!


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I had a very similar problem with T2 survival and Derelict Assassination. 30 minutes in survival - four Paris Prime BPs. 5 Derelict Assassinations - 5 Nekros Systems BPs. 5 out of 5. 100% drop rate on systems. It seems this all started in the same patch Prime parts became tradable. I would assume it's not a bug and it's working as intended as an "incentive" to buy plat from DE so you can buy the parts from other players, but there would be no reason to bork Lephantis' drop table, as well.

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I wouldn't be so sure about ODA, it's a 33% chance after all. with only 5 runs I would assume it's an unlucky streak.


However when people do 15 runs and 14 of them are Orthos Prime, other reports say 11/11 were orthos prime (<- wiki report) and then some more reports with less tries also all orthos prime, something is DEFINITELY wrong, especially considering it's supposed to be only 20% chance.

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Confirmed. More widespread though


T2E only orthos prime. 

S2 drops paris bp only (like 4 per 40 min run)

Captures in general drop Frost bp only (even the ones that are not supposed to drop it)

C3 - frost prime bp


Got 10+ of each, so this is rather bad... 

Edited by pittaxx
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YES, thats so frustrating....i tought it was just bad luck to get 3 orthos prime bps after doing 3 t2 exterminate, but 6 orthos prime? each time??? the odds of that are absurd! please tell me this is a bug....

*EDITED* now i see that you posted this problem 3 days ago...well...i guess thats enough warframe for me

Edited by HolySoul77
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It infurates me thinking about how loot tables were fine with 12.0 and now they're all messed up because enough crybabies whined about keys dropping.


At least it was a free "replay" button and you could get credits over and over again.


Now it's a mess and nobody knows where anything is, keys are dropping randomly all over derelict and t1 with no real structure (and being spammed at that, so you can't get any prime parts in there), and on top of that even if we do "ONLY" get primes in T2/3, the drop rates are also ridiculously skewed towards one part.



Edited by Shifted
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