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Why Do People Hate Nova?


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People hate nova because they hate the underlying mechanic that is press "4" receive bacon(kills) and its grossly anti fun effect it has on the player that isn't pressing "4". In a game where the main source of enjoyment comes from being able to kill enemies it isn't fun with someone comes along and pretty much takes that away from you.

Now nova is the main target of this because of her insane range of her ultimate which can literally clear maps leaving all other players with scraps for kills to fight over scraps if they're lucky...

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It's a simple case of ruining the gameplay. Molecular Prime is disgustingly powerful, and essentially removes the "game" from the game. Wallrunning? Don't need that. Aiming? Don't need that either. Support powers, or healing powers, or items? Nope. Ammunition? Unnecessary.

Kill-stealing may not exist in the game, but killing things in whatever way you find appealing is the whole point of the gameplay. So if one player is doing all of that, in the blink of an eye, without trying, then the game has nothing more to offer you. If a room-full of enemies disintegrates around you, and you receive XP for it, then what's the point of the XP? You don't need to level up, or mod your weapons/characters, because there is nothing left for you to do in any game in which a Nova is involved. End of game.

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Why People Hate Nova walkthrough:


1. One fine day on the recruiting channel:

"Hosting OSIDJOS need nova, and 2 more."

After a while...

"Hosting OSIHISO need nova last slot"


Now normally I don't join these type of people, but that day I was desperate and he couldn't find a nova for quite a while.


Psycomet: Invite

NovaFan: nova?

Psycomet: No

NovaFan: then no

Psycomet: Dude I have formaed WF and weaps I'll fill in for nova just as well.

NovaFan: No thnx


Need any more explaining?


2. So I'm doing what I always do, guarding the terminal/cryopod. For a while I see no enemies whatsoever. When I go to check I see nova booming everything at spawn point. Neither do I get exp, nor get to play.


She gives me xp tooooooooo? Awww! Why? I can't get my own XP? Please stop thinking like you need to do everyone else a favour!


If I want more kills I should have to fight hard for it not press 4.


I don't want to sound un-constructive but this has bothered me for some time. Trinity's Blessing is an OP power too but it let's me enjoy the game A LOT more by giving me GOD MODE. Nova's 4 takes away the most lucrative aspect of the gameplay experience: killing things. I eagerly wish for a balancing is all I can say.


so you think holding left click down is more skill?  the game has 4 powers and left click.  and you think there's more skills to the game when it takes you 10x longer to kill things than a nova. lol.....lol


1.  They were looking for a nova.  If they would looking for a frost then they would want a frost?

2.  Then go solo it you want your own experience.  Why even group if your gonna complain when players do more than you.

Edited by Pure
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I hate Nova simply because it doesn't let me play the game. Hit four, shoot one guy, everyone's dead, I stand there looking like an idiot while she runs on ahead to the next big batch of baddies. I don't ever forma my stuff, and I rarely ever try to go for high dps or anything. I mean, it took me until a day or two ago to max rank my strun wraith and brakk for the first time. I want to play the game and enjoy being a space ninja, not someone who tags along just for XP and leveling up. I want to feel like a space ninja wizard flying everywhere. I want to earn my XP, not have it given to me on a silver platter.

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I hate Nova simply because it doesn't let me play the game. Hit four, shoot one guy, everyone's dead, I stand there looking like an idiot while she runs on ahead to the next big batch of baddies. I don't ever forma my stuff, and I rarely ever try to go for high dps or anything. I mean, it took me until a day or two ago to max rank my strun wraith and brakk for the first time. I want to play the game and enjoy being a space ninja, not someone who tags along just for XP and leveling up. I want to feel like a space ninja wizard flying everywhere. I want to earn my XP, not have it given to me on a silver platter.

This is why Novahaters and Novalovers won't ever be agree. Lemme do an akward statement on how I understand this problem.


The first part of the population want a calmer pace in the game and are not running for hardcore content. I always see in the complaints "And you are just standing there watching everything dying" or "get to a corner and sit with pop-corn" and stuff like that. This population obviously want some more "strategic" gameplay and don't want to bother on trying hard, they want to enjoy their time as any stealthy badass respectable space ninja would.


Then we have the second part of the playerbase that loves Warframe for its crazy fast pace content, and the hardcore grinding rewarded by humungous power from your weapon and skills. They are hardcore gamers that want to blow tons and tons of mobs and they are aiming for the top tier damage from their stuff, not for their e-peen but because it's their way to enjoy this game. I'm one of these, if that sounds pejorative blame my poor english skills.


Then of course when you mix those two kind of people you end up with people rushing mowing the mobs like they were flies, and the others slowly walking behind, parkouring to reach the hidden crates or trying to set traps with Castanas. Some are bringing their 5 formaed frame made for the artificial end-game, the others just took their beloved tool to have some fun using its kit (those switch teleporting Lokis or Silencing Banshees).



What does it have to do with Nova ? Well as I said countless times, Nova is the top of the iceberg only, shining in the dazzling sunlight. And she is powerful, this powerful that she doesn't actually need huge work to be able to wipe out anything when you compare to an Oberon for example that requires four or five formas to become usefull.

So when using Nova whether you are hardcore or casual gamer you will destroy much, and much more than the casual trying stylish john woo kills and doing backflips on every pillar.


The nerf isn't the solution for this, it will only make Nova weaker and move the problem to another frame because suddenly people will consider that WoF is too much of a P4W for example, rinse and repeat the story until no AoE is left.

I don't even think there is a solution that can be implemented in the game in fact, it's just the eternal gap between hardcore and casual gamers.


And for those that would tell me something like : "I am hardcore gamer and very skilled and Novas still take my kills" I would just answer : "Try harder."

Parkouring, coptering, twinking your stuff to the max, those are keys to compete with anything. By trying harder you will find yourself outdamaging lazy Novas with your Trinity. And don't stop to watch and rage about Nova roflpwning her way, you should be miles ahead of her by the time she primes and shoot.


But please go ahead arguing about the game balance, I'm not saying that I put the finger on the only source of the problem, but I'm pretty sure that the unbuffable/unnerfable (wow.much barbarism.such credibility) variable that is sitting between the chair and the keyboard has a lot to do with this.

Edited by Cyrionn
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I'll make this easy.


Most of warframe's gameplay is killing things with a few parkour tricks between. When a frame is blowing up everything/spamming nukes in general I don't enjoy the game. I could just as easily join them in the nuking fest, but I find it to be rather asinine. If someone finds boundless entertainment in pressing 4 to make everything die that is their prerogative, but it is honestly annoying to the others.


Also I don't want to hear this nonsense about, Nova is good for leveling your stuff. I call BS, if nova kills it I get 1/4 of the exp ( before any idiot tells me I do get all the exp I do not, it is divided across my gear. unless all of my gear is levelling at once I am not getting all of the exp) and if I kill it I get all of it. 100% > 25% I.E Nova/anyone spamming will never get you more exp than killing them by yourself.


So Novas spamming M.Prime are robbing me of fun, by killing all of the enemies and robbing me of exp because I'd get more by killing the enemies myself. What is there not to hate? Did I forget to mention that she is the 2nd fastest frame? So yea, bring Loki, Ash or Rhino if you plan on keeping up with the death train.

Edited by Nox-Lamina
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This is why Novahaters and Novalovers won't ever be agree. Lemme do an akward statement on how I understand this problem.


The first part of the population want a calmer pace in the game and are not running for hardcore content. I always see in the complaints "And you are just standing there watching everything dying" or "get to a corner and sit with pop-corn" and stuff like that. This population obviously want some more "strategic" gameplay and don't want to bother on trying hard, they want to enjoy their time as any stealthy badass respectable space ninja would.


Then we have the second part of the playerbase that loves Warframe for its crazy fast pace content, and the hardcore grinding rewarded by humungous power from your weapon and skills. They are hardcore gamers that want to blow tons and tons of mobs and they are aiming for the top tier damage from their stuff, not for their e-peen but because it's their way to enjoy this game. I'm one of these, if that sounds pejorative blame my poor english skills.


Then of course when you mix those two kind of people you end up with people rushing mowing the mobs like they were flies, and the others slowly walking behind, parkouring to reach the hidden crates or trying to set traps with Castanas. Some are bringing their 5 formaed frame made for the artificial end-game, the others just took their beloved tool to have some fun using its kit (those switch teleporting Lokis or Silencing Banshees).



What does it have to do with Nova ? Well as I said countless times, Nova is the top of the iceberg only, shining in the dazzling sunlight. And she is powerful, this powerful that she doesn't actually need huge work to be able to wipe out anything when you compare to an Oberon for example that requires four or five formas to become usefull.

So when using Nova whether you are hardcore or casual gamer you will destroy much, and much more than the casual trying stylish john woo kills and doing backflips on every pillar.


The nerf isn't the solution for this, it will only make Nova weaker and move the problem to another frame because suddenly people will consider that WoF is too much of a P4W for example, rinse and repeat the story until no AoE is left.

I don't even think there is a solution that can be implemented in the game in fact, it's just the eternal gap between hardcore and casual gamers.


And for those that would tell me something like : "I am hardcore gamer and very skilled and Novas still take my kills" I would just answer : "Try harder."

Parkouring, coptering, twinking your stuff to the max, those are keys to compete with anything. By trying harder you will find yourself outdamaging lazy Novas with your Trinity. And don't stop to watch and rage about Nova roflpwning her way, you should be miles ahead of her by the time she primes and shoot.


But please go ahead arguing about the game balance, I'm not saying that I put the finger on the only source of the problem, but I'm pretty sure that the unbuffable/unnerfable (wow.much barbarism.such credibility) variable that is sitting between the chair and the keyboard has a lot to do with this.

That actually summed it up pretty well.


However, I don't mind all of Nova's kit. It's not Antimatter drop or Null star or her stats or anything, it's honestly just Mprime that I dislike, to the point where I just don't like Nova. If I'm doing a t3 def or ODD or some other "endgame" content thing, I'll take her if no one else will, but I won't be enjoying myself. The problem is that "earning my kills" bit. Shooting one guy and watching everything explode around me doesn't feel rewarding. It doesn't feel fun. It feels like I'm exploiting something, like I found the secret developers debug console and input "explode all." I know it's not the case, and I know that's how she's intended, but it just doesn't feel right. Killing a few people with a blast from Shock, that's fine. Stomping everyone out with Rhino stomp, that's okay, but nuking what is effectively the entire tower def room with a single push of a button and a few bullets is just too much. I mean, with the first two examples, it's people around you. It's a small patrol in a hallway, or a fireteam surrounding you, not an entire wave.


I know 'endgame' is a big thing for people, and I know going 50+ waves into a t3 def will start rendering MPrime fairly weak nuke wise, but still. 15-25 is around when I would get something worth leaving for, so I never see when it gets weak, and honestly, up that high, everything gets weak, so it's not a fair comparison.

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it's honestly just Mprime that I dislike

The fact it clears a map and force all the NPC to re-spawn is probably what causes the boredom, and irritation.


Other WF are just not that effective at clearing the map of all living things. Rhino stomp is a close 2nd, but it takes blind rage and focus to come close to M-prime's cleansing fire. Most of the warframes simply lack range so they can't clear a map.


Zephyr is lucky if the tornados find NPC after they are launched, and it is likely a built-in safeguard to keep it from being OP. I wonder if DE did that on purpose to add an RNG layer.

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If you've had your &#! handed to you in T3Def without nova then I suggest you go back to mercury.


Are you completely oblivious to the other posts on this topic or did you just come to $#*(@ in the forums because your older sibling didn't give you the remote at home??


Though I might've sounded whiny I made some valid points that a lot of others here have made already.


Cyrionn may be right. But when I play really high levels one of my friends brings a nova and then its not bad. Because she is as effective as any other at those levels. But the problem IS here, that one of my friends 'feels' we NEED a nova. We should not nEED any frame at any level. This is a clear indication of lack of balance. T3 Def without Frost was always possible but nobody realised it until they nerfed snowglobe to the ground.

I don't see how that's a problem with the frame itself. If people have some misconception that they need a specific frame in their group to get the job done, that sounds a lot like a personal problem. I may only enjoy doing maps with a Nyx in my squad. That doesn't mean I'm going to go and blame Nyx for causing me to feel like I need that frame in my squad when I do higher level missions.


Also, why can't we just keep this civil? "Are you completely oblivious to the other posts on this topic or did you just come to $#*(@ in the forums because your older sibling didn't give you the remote at home??" I understand you might be confused, but there's no need to start getting pissy at others just because you can't understand where they're coming from. Just seems childish.



I'll make this easy.


Most of warframe's gameplay is killing things with a few parkour tricks between. When a frame is blowing up everything/spamming nukes in general I don't enjoy the game. I could just as easily join them in the nuking fest, but I find it to be rather asinine. If someone finds boundless entertainment in pressing 4 to make everything die that is their prerogative, but it is honestly annoying to the others.


Also I don't want to hear this nonsense about, Nova is good for leveling your stuff. I call BS, if nova kills it I get 1/4 of the exp ( before any idiot tells me I do get all the exp I do not, it is divided across my gear. unless all of my gear is levelling at once I am not getting all of the exp) and if I kill it I get all of it. 100% > 25% I.E Nova/anyone spamming will never get you more exp than killing them by yourself.


So Novas spamming M.Prime are robbing me of fun, by killing all of the enemies and robbing me of exp because I'd get more by killing the enemies myself. What is there not to hate? Did I forget to mention that she is the 2nd fastest frame? So yea, bring Loki, Ash or Rhino if you plan on keeping up with the death train.

If you go in with an unranked frame, an unranked secondary, and an unranked melee weapon, it's going to be really easy to rank up those three when your xp is being split between the three. That's actually kind of beneficial. If you're max rank on everything, who cares? If you're max rank on everything but one item, well, invest in a few more items or just play the game without complaining. There are a lot of ults that are just as ridiculous as this skill. I believe Mag's crush skill was mentioned earlier. That skill can target just about every enemy in the solar system and kill it. Why isn't that a problem. Nyx's skill can kill large mobs of level 60+ monsters without any effort, and grants invincibility during the duration of the attack. Trinity can grant invincibility to the entire team for the duration of the map, effectively removing any potential challenge from the mission. And without mentioning just ults, Rhino's stomp can raise people into the air long enough to kill anything you want at any given time. Not only that, but you have rhino skin which allows you to be essentially invincible for the majority of lower level games. Vauban can vortex everyone into a single area and slaughter all of them with a bow or some explosive weapon. Where is it that we got off and decided this ONE skill is somehow any better than any other frame's "kill everything" button. It's better than slash dash, but so are a LOT of skills. Besides, this is a coop game. The point of the game is to allow your teammates to survive as long as possible, and to benefit your teammates as much as possible. The 2x damage buff from mprime GREATLY benefits every teammate moreso than many of the other support skills in a lot of other classes. The slow that it places on the enemies also increases the survivability of the ENTIRE TEAM.


You guys are greatly exaggerating the number of kills that a single Nova can get in a given time. Unless you guys are playing mercury or nothing but low level missions (which might actually be the case), Nova won't necessarily be able to one shot everyone with the explosion from MPrime. Once you get to higher levels, MPrime actually won't kill anyone. At all. It will just slow them down and allow them to be killed faster by everyone in your squad. (On the other hand, Nyx's kill everything button continues to murder everything in the room, and Trinity continues to supply invulnerability until the end of time).


If you really want to avoid playing with Nova, just play Corpus missions. The explosions, last I played (which was a while back, so it may have changed now) only target the helmet, meaning nothing is going to die from MPrime. Even the robots somehow seem to survive the explosions for the most part.


I just don't understand how this is really any different from any other frame. I've seen and used a lot of frames, and I've not really seen many cases where Nova is really anywhere above many of the other frames. It's as effective as many, and maybe slightly more effective than some (like Nekros or Excalibur).

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Heh it's simple why... The most wanted warframe for basically any mission in the game while you can just run around and press 4, nothing else. You don't even have to bother shooting enemies as someone will do it for you. I won't say I really really hate Nova's, nor I want them nerfed, but I dislike playing with any of them.

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I don't see how that's a problem with the frame itself. If people have some misconception that they need a specific frame in their group to get the job done, that sounds a lot like a personal problem. I may only enjoy doing maps with a Nyx in my squad. That doesn't mean I'm going to go and blame Nyx for causing me to feel like I need that frame in my squad when I do higher level missions.


Also, why can't we just keep this civil? "Are you completely oblivious to the other posts on this topic or did you just come to $#*(@ in the forums because your older sibling didn't give you the remote at home??" I understand you might be confused, but there's no need to start getting &!$$y at others just because you can't understand where they're coming from. Just seems childish.



If you go in with an unranked frame, an unranked secondary, and an unranked melee weapon, it's going to be really easy to rank up those three when your xp is being split between the three. That's actually kind of beneficial. If you're max rank on everything, who cares? If you're max rank on everything but one item, well, invest in a few more items or just play the game without complaining. There are a lot of ults that are just as ridiculous as this skill. I believe Mag's crush skill was mentioned earlier. That skill can target just about every enemy in the solar system and kill it. Why isn't that a problem. Nyx's skill can kill large mobs of level 60+ monsters without any effort, and grants invincibility during the duration of the attack. Trinity can grant invincibility to the entire team for the duration of the map, effectively removing any potential challenge from the mission. And without mentioning just ults, Rhino's stomp can raise people into the air long enough to kill anything you want at any given time. Not only that, but you have rhino skin which allows you to be essentially invincible for the majority of lower level games. Vauban can vortex everyone into a single area and slaughter all of them with a bow or some explosive weapon. Where is it that we got off and decided this ONE skill is somehow any better than any other frame's "kill everything" button. It's better than slash dash, but so are a LOT of skills. Besides, this is a coop game. The point of the game is to allow your teammates to survive as long as possible, and to benefit your teammates as much as possible. The 2x damage buff from mprime GREATLY benefits every teammate moreso than many of the other support skills in a lot of other classes. The slow that it places on the enemies also increases the survivability of the ENTIRE TEAM.


You guys are greatly exaggerating the number of kills that a single Nova can get in a given time. Unless you guys are playing mercury or nothing but low level missions (which might actually be the case), Nova won't necessarily be able to one shot everyone with the explosion from MPrime. Once you get to higher levels, MPrime actually won't kill anyone. At all. It will just slow them down and allow them to be killed faster by everyone in your squad. (On the other hand, Nyx's kill everything button continues to murder everything in the room, and Trinity continues to supply invulnerability until the end of time).


If you really want to avoid playing with Nova, just play Corpus missions. The explosions, last I played (which was a while back, so it may have changed now) only target the helmet, meaning nothing is going to die from MPrime. Even the robots somehow seem to survive the explosions for the most part.


I just don't understand how this is really any different from any other frame. I've seen and used a lot of frames, and I've not really seen many cases where Nova is really anywhere above many of the other frames. It's as effective as many, and maybe slightly more effective than some (like Nekros or Excalibur).

I realise that my post was too offensive and as such I saw it fit to remove it. Though if you go back to the post of the person who replied to mine, you will see that he really did nothing to add to the discussion but personally attacked me.


As for your opinion, I would add that though a lot of points can be raised for nova, this isn't about that. Of course there are good arguments to both sides of the coin, but if so many people complain then I think it deserves to be at least looked at. A few things in the game are out of balance and we want to change them for the better so that every moment playing this game will be a worthwhile experience.

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If I could run everything without ever seeing a Nova, I'd be quite fine - T3D and T3S included.  As many have said, I like to play the game, not watch meters go up while doing nothing - I'd play some crap mobile game if that was my interest.  M Prime doesn't contribute to my game play. I don't care if I almost always outkill and outdamage Novas - she takes the fun out of things. I enjoy killing things in Warframe, that's why I play, not to max stuff and get more loot. I like the gameplay that separates it from every other game.  A map-wide chain detonation skill is a fun-killer.

Will DE do anything about it? It may be as they want, because these threads have been going on since Nova's deployment.  They don't answer a lot of hot issues from the community well, and given their general timeframes to make major adjustments to frames as opposed to cranking new ones out, we can't really be too optimistic.


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I was thinking about nerfing molecular prime's slow down duration or just take it out entirely. that way its not as easy to set off, but still damaging.(they can maybe take it a step forward and give half the kills to whoever set if off.) and maybe giving that slowing down effect to someone like frost. take out his soap globe in trade for  a "blizzard"  it would make him more of a passive cc and it would give room for a future defense warframe. everyone's happy?

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If you go in with an unranked frame, an unranked secondary, and an unranked melee weapon, it's going to be really easy to rank up those three when your xp is being split between the three. That's actually kind of beneficial. If you're max rank on everything, who cares? If you're max rank on everything but one item, well, invest in a few more items or just play the game without complaining. There are a lot of ults that are just as ridiculous as this skill. I believe Mag's crush skill was mentioned earlier. That skill can target just about every enemy in the solar system and kill it. Why isn't that a problem. Nyx's skill can kill large mobs of level 60+ monsters without any effort, and grants invincibility during the duration of the attack. Trinity can grant invincibility to the entire team for the duration of the map, effectively removing any potential challenge from the mission. And without mentioning just ults, Rhino's stomp can raise people into the air long enough to kill anything you want at any given time. Not only that, but you have rhino skin which allows you to be essentially invincible for the majority of lower level games. Vauban can vortex everyone into a single area and slaughter all of them with a bow or some explosive weapon. Where is it that we got off and decided this ONE skill is somehow any better than any other frame's "kill everything" button. It's better than slash dash, but so are a LOT of skills. Besides, this is a coop game. The point of the game is to allow your teammates to survive as long as possible, and to benefit your teammates as much as possible. The 2x damage buff from mprime GREATLY benefits every teammate moreso than many of the other support skills in a lot of other classes. The slow that it places on the enemies also increases the survivability of the ENTIRE TEAM.


You guys are greatly exaggerating the number of kills that a single Nova can get in a given time. Unless you guys are playing mercury or nothing but low level missions (which might actually be the case), Nova won't necessarily be able to one shot everyone with the explosion from MPrime. Once you get to higher levels, MPrime actually won't kill anyone. At all. It will just slow them down and allow them to be killed faster by everyone in your squad. (On the other hand, Nyx's kill everything button continues to murder everything in the room, and Trinity continues to supply invulnerability until the end of time).


If you really want to avoid playing with Nova, just play Corpus missions. The explosions, last I played (which was a while back, so it may have changed now) only target the helmet, meaning nothing is going to die from MPrime. Even the robots somehow seem to survive the explosions for the most part.


I just don't understand how this is really any different from any other frame. I've seen and used a lot of frames, and I've not really seen many cases where Nova is really anywhere above many of the other frames. It's as effective as many, and maybe slightly more effective than some (like Nekros or Excalibur).


If I go in with an unranked frame secondary and melee weapon I should not be playing warframe because I obviously took one too many hits to the head at some point. . Here is a simple concept, train with 1 thing unranked, everything else maxed so that in case of something going poorly you aren't a fish out of water. 4 words I am your reckoning.


Chaos causes confusion and doesn't directly damage the enemies, I.E it does not cause them all to explode. If you mean absorb, then it is just spitting greatly increasing numbers back out at greatly increasing numbers. The enemies have to be attacking you, and must dish out enough damage to collectively kill themselves. That isn't necessary for M. Prime

Crush can kill everything in the solar system so long as everything is defined as corpus and everything is defined as how many ever mobs are caught in it. In other words, in your dreams. Alloy grineer take significantly less damage from magnetic damage, so no.

Stomp's CC is not a problem, if anything it is a good thing.

Vauban can vortex everyone into a single area. And where does the killing come in? Ohwait it doesn't.

Blessing = godmode, another problem, but the topic is Nova

Are you feeling silly yet?


I do not play higher levels (to the point that content becomes unbalanced), because I haven't deluded myself into thinking that more HP/Shields = bigger challenge. So even though M. Prime tapers off, ten billion is a speck compared to infinity does that mean ten billion is a small sum?.

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>Be a co-op game
>Reading people whine about not killing enough

Seriously? I've never heard PS4 players [i'm (PS4)warezIbanez, by the way, (no wai)] complain about Nova getting a bunch of kills. Hell, we're GLAD we can complete a session successfully!

Most of the arguments I hear against Nova's Molecular Prime are incredibly fallacious and come off as though the speaker is a brat not getting their way.

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Because Nova is a frame that makes everything in the game boring. The only possible time you'll ever be able to have fun is after her M prime stops killing enemies (wave 25+ in T3 defense), and even then they're taking double damage and slowed, so it's not like any challenge can ever exist.



Nova isn't "bad", it's just nobody is allowed to have fun, not even the person playing her. It was around when Nova came out htat everyone I know started to quit the game. And I came back to it, stopped playing Nova, and now I'm having so much fun.

Edited by WhiteCopain
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because mol prime is the strongest single ability in the game, 200% damage bonus...  = same as having 8 players there, that alone would be an amazing ultimate.

then add in the slow...


and as a cherry on the top the 1400+ damage per mob death.  resulting in packs of 20 mobs (defense has waves of 40+) hitting the 21st mob for 28,000.


Nova can.... run 40 min void surv, with unranked weapons, solo using sentinel to start the boom..

no other frame can.

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We don't play the same game, it seems.... At low level (noob level) MPrime is the destroyer of the world, but after a while IT'S NOT !! It's only another CC and utility power. A well modded/played Ember outmatch (for the kill count, but not for utilities or CC) frequently my Nova in ODD and survival.


You dream when you say that with only the sentinel you can survive and start the chain, this is not true, and if it's true it's a real badass player behind that frame, and certainly not the usual common player around...


Maybe LTP your class and don't compare your Loki/Nyx with a nuker in term of kill count ?

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Because she makes all content irrelevant. I mean all of it. 

Highest base dmg, good range, good debuff, can reach a higher cap of dmg because more enemies=more dmg, short chat name, can be recasted, ect. 

The ulti is too good and has 0 inconveniences. Excal has LOS problems, nekros has huge cast time, saryn and ember depend on duration, thus less burst. So yeah, her M prime can take on everything from mercury to T3, and more often than not it can take on heavies too because they're surrounded by normal units, so yes, everything. 

People are aware that this is PVE but broken stuff just make PVE less enjoyable. Here content is too easy but in other games parties would only take people from one class and if you were not that class, then sucks for you. 

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In fact I'm asking myself if the Nova haters aren't just those who don't want to try harder.

I mean, it's a fact that our weapons are dealing way more damage than any of our abilities, MPrime included. We have parkouring and coptering to make even a slow frame running as fast as nearly everything (I'll come on the exception later). With a good weapon and good modding, an overall 40% accuracy, a good use of punchthrough mecanics and a good parkouring mastery abilities are really an optionnal use for 75% of the content, basically anything that is not defense and survival (and even there we could debate).


The only exception there is the Vanguard Rhino, because he is just too damn fast. A good Vanguard Rhino player (which involves being a good marskman first) can easily outrun you by far, Stomp and clean, rinse/repeat. Haven't met many of those, but when you do the only thing you'll be doing in the mission is parkouring.


How is it possible that you can't kill anything because a frame is spamming an ability ? I've met very few rare case of guys roflpwning everything before I could do anything, but they were just amazingly good players with godlike accuracy and reflexes and it gave me just some more motivation to get better.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want to discredit the nerf commity and call them a bunch of noobs. It's just that since I've made my experience in this game I haven't been bothered by the Novas, nor been tempted to run with her for speed rushes, and the same goes for my friends in game and a whole bunch of people I guess.

I feel that in these threads the real core of the gameplay is missed, it's third person shooter so relying on abilities to do the damage is missing a lot of what the gameplay has to offer you. And nerfing MPrime, and then the next AoE ability that will get focus (Reckoning, Crush, WoF, Miasma ?), won't resolve anything until none is left.

That might be DE's choice if you guys keep on asking for it, I'd personally have no problem with that, but I can already hear the complaints about the difficulty being too high.

Edited by Cyrionn
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