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2 Fatal Crashes And Lost About 15+ Mods And Xp


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Since new update, there has been frequent crashes...

In 2-3 hour period, I had several crashes... and lost 15+ mods

I had Fury in them as well...

What gives DE? Do you guys have QA process that verifies your hotfixes?

One more thing... you guys should add the mods to User Inventory when Picked up... not at the end of the match...

It would prevent us from losing the mods due to severe crashes...

Service call that adds instance of game items (mod) to the user guid... it really isn't that hard...

Edited by Jinpu
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I've been calling for more frequent saves forever too.

The thing is, at least in the case of Solo play, the game is run completely offline (so if a potato alert pops at a bad time, I can enter it, pause, run an arrend for one hour or FOUR, then come back and finish the alert), with no internet connection check. So saving in that instance is near impossible.

For Online and Private play, a relatively steady connection is required, and any disconnect would result in progress loss.

However, they can probably institute some sort of "press to save" feature that can blanket repair the progress loss problems of both co-op disconnects and co-op/solo crashes. It can be an additional option under the pause menu that reads something like "Quick Save" and when pressed, it uploads your correct exp/inventory progress to the servers, much like what happens at the end of a mission.

The only problem is that this will for sure take a few seconds (5~15?) and that can interrupt the flow of the game. But having an option like that can be invaluable when you just got a particularly good mod or a warframe blueprint you were farming from a boss, and would like to make sure you don't lose it.

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I am experiencing random crashes throughout the missions as well.

Usually me and someone else are running around shooting stuff, when suddenly the game freezes. The process turns to "Not responding" in windows task bar. In case I am the host/initiator of the mission my buddies get "Host migration in process" and they get to continue their mission from the spot in the map where I crashed.

It is irritating, because I am trying to progress the planets/maps.. but some of them keep crashing all the time at different points in time.

The crashes were not happening before the update on 25/26th.

Is there any a crashdump or something that i could upload for you guys to investigate?

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