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Why Do I Even Bother?


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Why does anyone here even bother going into a public Defense or Survival mission? There's always one person ( now I'm seeing two ) who goes around being completely uncooperative, spamming their ultis to kill everything in a room in one go and just moving on to the next. That, and spawn camping in Defense missions before anyone has a chance to even get within shared XP range and/or get XP for their weapons.


Why bother playing either mission types now?


Why bother trying to ask people to be considerate?


Why bother trying to teach lower levels a good playstyle?


I just want everyone's thoughts on it.




Adding in Mobile Defenses to the list, and Pull / Chaos.

Edited by Etsoree
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Because these people grew up without a single friend and their only method of getting some attention is being hated by being annoying.

Try playing with people you know. This is pretty much the only method of dealing with it for now.

You can add them to your ignore list as well. It's true that it will still allow them to join your games, but I'm really hoping that this simple option to prevent ignored players from joining will be implemented soon. In addition, if you have them ignored, they won't be able to /w you for an invite if you're looking for players on the recruiting chat.

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Sometimes, when I'm in a good mood, I go to Apollodorus just to teach new players how to play Survival propely. So yeah, you could say I ran out of things to do in Warframe.


Sometimes I don't even bother asking people to do certain things ( like hitting the capsule at a certain percent, ect. ) because they just yell at me or go off and start activating them all as they spawn.


"lol dunt tell m3 how 2 plai u n00b"


Stuff like that.

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Sometimes, when I'm in a good mood, I go to Apollodorus just to teach new players how to play Survival propely. So yeah, you could say I ran out of things to do in Warframe.

They never listen and keep activating capsules at 99%.

Plus, why does it keep sending me to games with rank 0-2 players? Shouldn't there be a system to prevent it?

Edited by DMan128
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Sometimes I don't even bother asking people to do certain things ( like hitting the capsule at a certain percent, ect. ) because they just yell at me or go off and start activating them all as they spawn.


"lol dunt tell m3 how 2 plai u n00b"


Stuff like that.

Yep, that happens too. There's people like that in every game.


They never listen and keep activating capsules at 99%.

Plus, why does it keep sending me to games with rank 0-2 players? Shouldn't there be a system to prevent it?

Yep, that happens too, and again, there's people like that everywhere. And I somewhat agree there should be a system to prevent it, but not completely. One way of learning is by doing what the other does. I'm pretty sure that quite a lot of people here learned that sliding every now and then is faster than regular running, because they saw someone else do it. 


My suggestion to resolve the matter is to add a prefered MR setting in the options menu (same way as how it currently happens with ping). That way people who don't really care are unaffected, and people who want to play with more skilled people can do that.

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Sometimes I don't even bother asking people to do certain things ( like hitting the capsule at a certain percent, ect. ) because they just yell at me or go off and start activating them all as they spawn.


"lol dunt tell m3 how 2 plai u n00b"


Stuff like that.

I'm goin to try to start saying things along the lines of " not telling you how to play I'm telling you how to succeed" probably won't help but you never know.

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Maybe I'm someone you complain about? Granted, I'm not a hallway hero, but I normally play casters and spam clear rooms. I tend to burn everything in my path to the defense objective or life support pod, then wait for enemies to accumulate in one spot, then spam abilities until everything is dead.

I'm sure I piss people off by running around looting and not being effectual, only to suddenly clear everything anyone can currently see (leading people to wander into hallways to feel effective), but how else are you going to play some one like Ember.

On the otherside, once people wander off, I'm normally the only person guarding the objective or rushing to life support pillars.

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Because these people grew up without a single friend and their only method of getting some attention is being hated by being annoying.

Try playing with people you know. This is pretty much the only method of dealing with it for now.

You can add them to your ignore list as well. It's true that it will still allow them to join your games, but I'm really hoping that this simple option to prevent ignored players from joining will be implemented soon. In addition, if you have them ignored, they won't be able to /w you for an invite if you're looking for players on the recruiting chat.

Or, ya know? The new player experience of warframe basically consists of "DO LEVEL FAST GET REWARD" It's not always the newbies fault that the game does not teach them how the oxygen supplies work, or how to properly defend a pod in defense. I certainly agree there are players that do this for the lols but some of them simply don't know better and actually do listen when someone tries to teach them how to play.

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It's not always their fault. They just don't understand mechanics. Often when I play with my friends(who play considerably less then me), I will repeat myself many times trying to explain that a tile setup is good and if they run into all the adjacent rooms, they're just preventing creeps from spawning, and they do it anyway. Or how affinity is only shared in a small radius and you have to be roughly in the same room to get it, and they just run off into other corners of the map, or make playing in the same area as them insufferable(spamming ults, trying their hardest to kill everything before anyone else has a chance, etc). Or how I explain before every mission that I play trinity and that they should shoot the flashing/glowing blue people suspended in the air because they give out free energy, but they still forget and shoot it for like an extra minute anyway. Is it their fault for not knowing as much as I do? No. They just want to run around and kill stuff and have a good time. Sometimes people don't have the same priorities.

Edited by Ourobor
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I suppose you can be that way about it, but not everyone has had the ability to play the game for hours and hours and learn up on mechanics. Not everyone even have the time to do that ever. If you're pubbing, you have to understand that you are playing with random people, some of which will probably play the game considerably less then you and care much less as well. To expect them to be as good as you is unrealistic.

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I suppose you can be that way about it, but not everyone has had the ability to play the game for hours and hours and learn up on mechanics.

are you kidding me? it took 5 mins for me to explain how spawning system works to members of my clan. and now with less than 100h in this game they play better than mr10 or even mr15 in most of the cases.


Ignorance is a fault and flaw. and no there is no excuses for that.


as for pubs. pubs are braindead. and this forum and even wiki provide zero information about how game is working. and draw conclusions is too hard of a task for majority of player base.

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Or, ya know? The new player experience of warframe basically consists of "DO LEVEL FAST GET REWARD" It's not always the newbies fault that the game does not teach them how the oxygen supplies work, or how to properly defend a pod in defense. I certainly agree there are players that do this for the lols but some of them simply don't know better and actually do listen when someone tries to teach them how to play.

I don't think that you need to be Einstein to understand that you need to protect this "thing" that has a marker on it, that has health and that your slave-master-lotus tells you to defend. If someone joins a defense mission and the first thing that he does is to get the furthest away possible from the defense area he's simply an idiot / jerk / poop-on-a-stick / all combined.

Regarding survivals: When the team screams at someone at the chat to stop activating capsules, and yet he keeps activating them at 99% and waiting for capsules to spawn (near the capsule hologram) to activate them the second they do. He should receive the same title as the above.

Some people think that they simply do not understand English which is completely wrong. The majority of them do (and I'm playing on the European region), because when the team lets them die (cruel, but highly necessary to prevent extracting at 5 minutes), they start spamming the chat with "EXTRACT!", "WHEN DO WE EXIT?!!?!ONE!", "#@$% !@#%$^ Y U NO REVIVE?" etc...

And assuming that they really do not understand English: It's not hard to realize that if the other players in your team are spamming the chat with you nickname, and the loki repeatedly keeps switch-teleporting you out of the capsule (I'm always doing so), then you must be doing something wrong.

Edited by DMan128
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