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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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It's mostly the title you picked that makes people instantly assume you are trolling. All warframes have their uses. You can argue that some are more useful or easier to play then others, but pointing out any warframe as being the worst in the game won't really help you getting your message across.


With that said, I don't think Nyx is bad at all. In fact, she was the only warframe I used that was capable of soloing both missions on the Tethra event.


I did that so that people would look at it.


I don't think she's bad either and I believe I said that in my post. I think she is useless, though, considering that every other 'Frame that has a CC ability outclasses her own CC.

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What a JOKE Post!

this guy has GOT to be trolling, first off EMBER PRIME calling one of the best frames in the game useless...thats a hilarious start!

2nd amazing joke is that 'Psychic Daggers are her best ability'  LOLOLOL

NYX is my second favourite/second most used Frame

With the right build she is AMAZING and is easily one of the most elite high end Frames in the game.. she is a masters frame.

No other WF can single handedly and consistently save the entire team from certain defeat like Nyx can

 My build is Mind Control and Chaos only and i have long since formaed her other two ability slots, i wont go into how i feel about Psy daggers and Absorb here..

OP has obviously NEVER used Nyx, nor has a clue about this game in general,

thanks for the hilarious post!  Laughable HA!


Rudeness doesn't get you far.

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You just replied to my post within ONE MINUTE???!!!

Do You just sit here ALL DAY clicking refresh waiting to see who else shoots down your trolling, pathetic, clueless post?


Oh and Congrats for the WORST post ive ever seen on these forums!

The only reason this post hasn't been locked is that DE like to sit around at the end of a hard days work and LAUGH at it the same as the rest of us!


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Wave 25 had level 50 enemies I believe; I was still 1-shotting them with my Snipetron if I got a headshot. I did use Absorb more and more near the end, only for knockbacks on enemies so I could shoot them while they were down.


I still didn't need to use Chaos, though, so I'm making a point. With the right team/weapons, Chaos is very easily rendered useless. Other 'Frames have better CCs that you can use that do permanent effects that stop enemies from attacking you, 100% of the time.

You're ignoring map... erm layout (for lack of a better word), though I can assume my guess was right.


You didn't need chaos cause that map is garbage for chaos, that's hardly a defensible point. Since you were on that particular map chaos was also just a knockdown mechanic, because you didn't get enough enemies focusing you down. Other frame's are also situational if you use the right map/ team/ aura combo. 


 She's not bad, she just doesn't sound like your type of frame to your play style. You really should change the title though, it may help lessen the troll comments, like Mr. Ash.

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You're ignoring map... erm layout (for lack of a better word), though I can assume my guess was right.


You didn't need chaos cause that map is garbage for chaos, that's hardly a defensible point. Since you were on that particular map chaos was also just a knockdown mechanic, because you didn't get enough enemies focusing you down. Other frame's are also situational if you use the right map/ team/ aura combo. 


 She's not bad, she just doesn't sound like your type of frame to your play style. You really should change the title though, it may help lessen the troll comments, like Mr. Ash.


Missed the map comment. I can't really describe how it was.


Either way, though, I don't think she's a bad 'Frame in a sense; she's just useless. Outclassed a LOT by many, many other things. A comparison could be Nova's M-Prime against World on Fire for damage-dealing/mob clearing.


I've been playing as her lately again to see if I could find some enjoyment in it. I do, yes, but only in Absorb and Psychic Bolts. I absolutely HATE Chaos.

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The one great thing about Chaos versus other CC abilities, is that it doesn't just affect enemies in it's range. Enemies not hit by Chaos almost always focus their attention on chaos'd enemies thus making whole roomfuls of enemies fight each other and not you. Other frame's CC abilities, even with maxed power range cannot affect that many enemies at a time. The only two that would come close, that I can think of, would be Vauban's Bastille/Vortex, and Loki's Radial Disarm, and that's only if you run through the room and cast it multiple times.


But again, opinions are just that, opinions, and we are each entitled to our own.

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I did that so that people would look at it.


I don't think she's bad either and I believe I said that in my post. I think she is useless, though, considering that every other 'Frame that has a CC ability outclasses her own CC.


Yes, I know why you used those words. But I still think it's better to have less views and better quality on the feedback then to have more views and also more... you know.


But back to the topic, I have a few things to add and to ask.


First, Mind Control: From my experience, it is not so different from what you have described. It is not a power that can be used at any given situation and it's often better to simply use Chaos instead. There is only one detail that I have recently discovered. Mind Control has way more range then Chaos. In fact, I don't even know if there is a limit to it's range. So if you are in a really big area and there's a dangerous enemy (such as a leader with that nasty shield) on the other side of the room, you'll be forced to use Mind Control if you want to stop it from attacking you. But aside from range limitations, I agree that Chaos works better.


I won't talk about Psychic Bolts because I rarely use it.


About Chaos: Which power would you say works better then Chaos as far as CC goes?


Finally, about Absorb: Again I agree that it is not the best area damage power out there. I mostly use Chaos instead of Absorb. However, the way I see it, Absorb (and most of the other powers Nyx has) works tremendously better if you are playing solo. When you're on solo, all enemies will be attacking you and that will boost the damage on Absorb. You dislike the long time the power takes to work, but that can be an advantage because it allows you to recharge your shields. Still, I think the power can be made much better then it currently is.


Anyway, my point is that whether or not a warframe is useful or useless depends a lot on how you play the game. I have found uses for powers that are useless to you. But that is probably because we play the game in different ways. Nyx suits my play style, but maybe she doesn't suit yours. I don't see that as a problem. I have a Rhino that I never managed to get to rank 30 simply because I don't have fun using him. It's a damn good warframe but it doesn't really suit me, so I don't use it.

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Yes, I know why you used those words. But I still think it's better to have less views and better quality on the feedback then to have more views and also more... you know.


But back to the topic, I have a few things to add and to ask.


First, Mind Control: From my experience, it is not so different from what you have described. It is not a power that can be used at any given situation and it's often better to simply use Chaos instead. There is only one detail that I have recently discovered. Mind Control has way more range then Chaos. In fact, I don't even know if there is a limit to it's range. So if you are in a really big area and there's a dangerous enemy (such as a leader with that nasty shield) on the other side of the room, you'll be forced to use Mind Control if you want to stop it from attacking you. But aside from range limitations, I agree that Chaos works better.


I won't talk about Psychic Bolts because I rarely use it.


About Chaos: Which power would you say works better then Chaos as far as CC goes?


Finally, about Absorb: Again I agree that it is not the best area damage power out there. I mostly use Chaos instead of Absorb. However, the way I see it, Absorb (and most of the other powers Nyx has) works tremendously better if you are playing solo. When you're on solo, all enemies will be attacking you and that will boost the damage on Absorb. You dislike the long time the power takes to work, but that can be an advantage because it allows you to recharge your shields. Still, I think the power can be made much better then it currently is.


Anyway, my point is that whether or not a warframe is useful or useless depends a lot on how you play the game. I have found uses for powers that are useless to you. But that is probably because we play the game in different ways. Nyx suits my play style, but maybe she doesn't suit yours. I don't see that as a problem. I have a Rhino that I never managed to get to rank 30 simply because I don't have fun using him. It's a damn good warframe but it doesn't really suit me, so I don't use it.


Mind Control : I believe there is a 50 meter range cap in the game, so nothing could go past 50 meters.


Chaos : Any of the other CC's, really. Bastille completely stops enemies, so does Vortex ( ableit a much shorter range on both, though with Bastille you can max the range for a huge, huge area that works on any Defense/Survival mission ), or even Stomp. Stomp I would consider a CC due to it levitating enemies, and it's a CC that does damage, too. It has a cooldown time period just like Chaos, but it deals DAMAGE, preventing all enemies from attacking you that are afflicted by it, too, as long as they don't die ( they won't die at higher levels ).


Absorb : My build for her made Absorb last for 4 seconds. I remember seeing somewhere, someone said that you can tap it again to auto-detonate. I will agree with you though in saying that it's good for soloers, and a breathing period, but an ultimate power shouldn't be JUST for that.


I can easily find uses for them as well, but there's just too few situations that actually make them more useful to me. That's pretty much some of my opinion on her, though; your Rhino vs Nyx statement. I think that her powers DO need to be reworked, even if just a bit.


MC : Make targeted enemy friendly and cannot be targeted/hurt by allies.

Bolts : Better tracking.

Chaos : Allow XP to be gotten from enemies and make them attack their former allies more than you ( unsure how to actually change Chaos up other than that, considering it would make it completely OP if nothing attacked you while under that effect, given its range ).

Absorb : Larger range of detonation, possibly tradeoff for a bit lower base damage.

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Chaos : Any of the other CC's, really. Bastille completely stops enemies, so does Vortex ( ableit a much shorter range on both, though with Bastille you can max the range for a huge, huge area that works on any Defense/Survival mission ), or even Stomp. Stomp I would consider a CC due to it levitating enemies, and it's a CC that does damage, too. It has a cooldown time period just like Chaos, but it deals DAMAGE, preventing all enemies from attacking you that are afflicted by it, too, as long as they don't die ( they won't die at higher levels ).


The problem I see with the way you're comparing Chaos to those other three powers is that you're ignoring the fact that Chaos does indeed deal damage. And while I can't say if the damage is high or low (depends on the enemies affected by it), I also don't think it should be simply left out of the equation.


All the three powers you mentioned are instant powers. You press the button and they instantly give you their full effect. Chaos does not work like that. Chaos will only give you it's full effect when it expires. So if you really want to compare them, you need to take that into account.


Now, I can understand it if you don't like powers that take time to become fully effective. Not everyone likes to have to wait for enemies to die. But that is mostly what makes Nyx different from other warframes. If you take that away from her you could end up making her too similar to another warframe, like Vauban for example. And that would be bad to the people who are (mostly) happy with the way Nyx functions. I'm not saying she should not be tweaked. I'm just saying that I don't think she should become a warframe with instant CC powers because that role has already been taken by another warframe.


MC : Make targeted enemy friendly and cannot be targeted/hurt by allies.

Bolts : Better tracking.

Chaos : Allow XP to be gotten from enemies and make them attack their former allies more than you ( unsure how to actually change Chaos up other than that, considering it would make it completely OP if nothing attacked you while under that effect, given its range ).

Absorb : Larger range of detonation, possibly tradeoff for a bit lower base damage.


I thought about that exact same thing for Mind Control, but there is a problem. This can be used to troll others on exterminate missions. Simply spam Mind Control on the last enemy and the mission won't end. DE could make it so that the enemy becomes friendly permanently (dies). But for a first power that might be too much. Perhaps they could make Mind Control "jump" to another target if the one being affected by it gets killed?


I have never noticed that XP problem on Chaos, but I think it's probably just a bug that will be fixed. About the targeting thing, I have also not noticed enemies prioritizing me instead of other targets. They always seem to attack each other first and only aim at me if there are no other targets around. However, I think they will target you if you get too close to them.


The suggestion for Absorb seems good. I would like something a bit more fancy then just adding range but I don't have any better ideas.

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To solve the problem of mind control abuse for trolling exterminates, you just have to make it so that there is a vulnerable period as the effect wears off. Generally the affected enemy is killed in the first few seconds after the cast, so making it immune to friendly fire for the first 70% of the duration would be fine. You can not cast on an enemy that is already under control so no one could prevent the bot being killed.


Right now I mostly use it for stunning heavies that are not in a mob.

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Missed the map comment. I can't really describe how it was.


Either way, though, I don't think she's a bad 'Frame in a sense; she's just useless. Outclassed a LOT by many, many other things. A comparison could be Nova's M-Prime against World on Fire for damage-dealing/mob clearing.


I've been playing as her lately again to see if I could find some enjoyment in it. I do, yes, but only in Absorb and Psychic Bolts. I absolutely HATE Chaos.

You're comparing apples to oranges again.


WoF is still broken to all hell(as far as I can tell it still only target's one guy, and use/ suppose to hit three, but it's been buggy/broken for so long I've lost hope it'll actually get fixed), It also doesn't scale infinity. While Mprime has both damage in low levels, while still maintaining slow+ bonus damage for all in high levels, the infinite portion is(obviously) the slow being useful for even the insane levels.


I think the problem is you keep comparing Chaos to Cc's that work completely different for a still similar-ish effect.


-Bastille doesn't stop moving bullets aimed at you from outside it's range and even has it's enemy capture limit.

-Vortex has terrible range(only good for choke points, it's easy to point out how bad it is in open spaces/ against ranged enemies) and also doesn't stop bullets from pelting you when the enemy is out of it's range. (again pointing out map layout, can make or break some abilitys)

-Stomp though both damaging and a good forced time stop is limited by it's "in-use"(just like chaos) if even just one enemy stays alive for the whole duration. It's damage, as you pointed out, doesn't scale. The Cc ability to it doesn't stop fresh enemies from pelting you while other's are still frozen.

-Radial blind has both a stun and a blind duration. After the stun though, enemies can still kill you with a lucky 'nade or straight up melee attack connect's upon the infinite scaling issue.


Chaos has a 2-ish second stun at the beginning, obviously. Even though it does have that irritating thing where if your close enough you still get targeted, it still affects even fresh enemies by them targeting the still chaos'ed ones if your far enough away comparatively (it did use to insta-force enemies to attack only other enemies but that was nerfed. Basically the Mprime, before Mprime). Given the damage chaos can inflict over time from one enemy to other's allows it to scale to infinity (it's just unmarked damage, unless you're watching enemies health specifically). I do agree Chaos needs to allow exp for kills enemies gain, which for some god awful reason still isn't a thing.


You'll have to forgive me for not responding for a while after this one, I'll be away for the weekend.

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Comparing Chaos to Stomp, Vortex, and M-Prime? You are aware they are "better" because they are Ultimates, and Chaos is not. Bastille has a cap on how many enemies it can effect at once so that makes it just about on par with each other. Also Chaos > Radial Blind.


Mind Control is situational, but it scales better then most first power. I've used it many times in T3 Defense on Heavy Gunners and the occasional Fusion Moa/Healer.


I don't really use absorb much I mostly use the two former mentioned, but it is probably one of the few Ultimate that scales better in terms of damage where as others are fixed.


She maybe your favorite frame but that doesn't mean she must be better then every other frame out there. Only ability that I considered garbage is ironically the only ability you seem to like the most, Psychic Bolts.

Edited by Rafarix
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You're comparing apples to oranges again.


WoF is still broken to all hell(as far as I can tell it still only target's one guy, and use/ suppose to hit three, but it's been buggy/broken for so long I've lost hope it'll actually get fixed), It also doesn't scale infinity. While Mprime has both damage in low levels, while still maintaining slow+ bonus damage for all in high levels, the infinite portion is(obviously) the slow being useful for even the insane levels.


I think the problem is you keep comparing Chaos to Cc's that work completely different for a still similar-ish effect.


-Bastille doesn't stop moving bullets aimed at you from outside it's range and even has it's enemy capture limit.

-Vortex has terrible range(only good for choke points, it's easy to point out how bad it is in open spaces/ against ranged enemies) and also doesn't stop bullets from pelting you when the enemy is out of it's range. (again pointing out map layout, can make or break some abilitys)

-Stomp though both damaging and a good forced time stop is limited by it's "in-use"(just like chaos) if even just one enemy stays alive for the whole duration. It's damage, as you pointed out, doesn't scale. The Cc ability to it doesn't stop fresh enemies from pelting you while other's are still frozen.

-Radial blind has both a stun and a blind duration. After the stun though, enemies can still kill you with a lucky 'nade or straight up melee attack connect's upon the infinite scaling issue.


Chaos has a 2-ish second stun at the beginning, obviously. Even though it does have that irritating thing where if your close enough you still get targeted, it still affects even fresh enemies by them targeting the still chaos'ed ones if your far enough away comparatively (it did use to insta-force enemies to attack only other enemies but that was nerfed. Basically the Mprime, before Mprime). Given the damage chaos can inflict over time from one enemy to other's allows it to scale to infinity (it's just unmarked damage, unless you're watching enemies health specifically). I do agree Chaos needs to allow exp for kills enemies gain, which for some god awful reason still isn't a thing.


You'll have to forgive me for not responding for a while after this one, I'll be away for the weekend.


I meant along the lines of where as M-Prime can instant-pop anything at a certain level, WoF can only hit a max target limit each time it tries to deal damage.


Chaos CC VS Stomp CC, in this case. Effectiveness against each other where they're still the closest two CC powers compared to all of the other ones. I still don't believe Chaos does damage ( even had to double check the wiki on that ), but basically Stomp is a Chaos that does damage for a bit more energy used. Yes, Chaos lasts longer, but still the enemies are not STOPPED from hitting you.


I'm probably slapping myself for saying this, but each power has its pros and cons. Chaos just I still think has to be reworked so it's more effective.


Bastille : True, but it can also be used at any time so long as you have energy; there's no cooldown to it. You can also easily hide behind objects to prevent from getting shot at.


Vortex : Terrible range, yes, but same with Bastille; spamming and hiding behind things. You can hide behind objects against Chaos as well, but since enemies can still move about, it's "less effective" in a sense.


Stomp : One enemy can stay alive for Chaos' duration as well, and it lasts a LOT longer, which could be a bad thing very, very easily. Stomp is not affected by power duration, so the full 8 second duration is both a pro and a con.


Radial Blind : After comparing this to Chaos, I would prefer the Radial Blind, honestly. It seems like it would make enemies completely stop in their tracks more often than Chaos would, especially for the 5-second stun, you can recast it right after that. Same range, though, but the 5-second stun, to spam that portion at least, would use up a lot more energy than Chaos would. I don't use Excalibur much.


I don't think M-Prime was ever touched.


Ah, I see what you mean by Chaos deals damage now: enemies attacking each other. So it really doesn't deal damage, but it's scaleable in a sense of enemy level. Enemies don't necessarily always hurt each other or kill each other, though. I still see it as inferior to other CC powers, though, but as I keep saying, I do see its uses. It just needs to be tweaked slightly.


Eh it's fine. I'm still actually liking the debate on it rather than the stupid troll comments.

Edited by Etsoree
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Ah, I see what you mean by Chaos deals damage now: enemies attacking each other. So it really doesn't deal damage, but it's scaleable in a sense of enemy level. Enemies don't necessarily always hurt each other or kill each other, though. I still see it as inferior to other CC powers, though, but as I keep saying, I do see its uses. It just needs to be tweaked slightly.


Eh it's fine. I'm still actually liking the debate on it rather than the stupid troll comments.

Chaos' CC has infinite scaling potential and no target limit per cast, making it the most energy efficient ability of its type in the game. What's inferior about it?

Any Nyx player will tell you that if you can't solo something with her, it's for one of two reasons:


a) The enemies are too high of a level for one person's weapons to kill them all in a reasonable time.




b) You're simply doing it wrong.


Her team synergy is second to none with the ability to augment her allies based on the faction being fought, as well as redirect/completely prevent the vast majority of damage.

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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.


Her health and shields, while yes, may be higher than some of the other "caster" 'Frames ( Vauban, Nova ), her armor is completely lacking. Yes, I know that there has to be some falloff in a Warframe's abilities, but giving her higher health and shields while lower base armor, a HUGE amount of a difference, is just depressing. She even moves slower than some of them while having a slimmer physical appearance.


Her powers? I do see the uses in them but I hate them, except for Psychic Bolts, the only actual fun one I think she has.


MIND CONTROL : Worthless. It targets one enemy and is a weaker/stronger form of Chaos. Weaker in the sense of being limited to one target out of every single enemy out there, and stronger in a sense of where the enemy shouldn't attack you ( bugs may cause it to attack you ). Targets die too fast to make this even worth using, and on higher level missions ( 40+ ) you may as well just use Chaos.


PSYCHIC BOLTS : You can make these potentially very powerful but at the cost of using up a ton of energy per cast, which makes this her only power even worth using for direct damage-dealing due to that concept being balanced. Yet, still, even if you try to make it a full-on damage build for these only, you lack completely in every other department if you plan on using any of her other powers. The targeting on them is very limited: tracking, but still, the game is a beta, so that can be forgiven, even though they still don't track all too well at all.


CHAOS : God... this power, it causes me stress to no end. I can see its uses. It makes enemies attack their allies/their enemies at random. It prevents the team from being attacked more. It causes enemies to react to their former allies as now enemies, causing them to run about and take cover, causing even more stress being pulled off the players.


I personally think this is one of the two worst abilities in this game, the other being Absorb.


It was very badly done. It has strengths and weaknesses, balanced, but not something Warframe should use. The ability itself does not give anyone XP if killed while under the status effect ( possible bug ), and the ability itself cannot be used again until the effect wears off or if all enemies under the effect dies, being a "balance" in on itself. The ability is only useful at higher levels, much like Mind Control ( 50+ ), and is pretty much a stronger version of Mind Control, though you can compare many abilities to one another easily. No matter what you try to completely max out on the ability, it suffers somehow ( duration against range against efficiency ). If you try to max range as well it takes away from being able to physically see where enemies are at, easily losing potential drops, and still losing XP.


ABSORB : The worst ability in this game, even worse than Chaos. It has no use at all, unless the person playing as Nyx is about to get downed. The meditation state where you're actually absorbing damage either lasts far, far too long, or far too short. I would assume that players would max their power cards out for a Warframe on abilities they want to use, but even so, a 10 second long duration just with the power itself maxed out and no other effects against duration is way too long. By that time other enemies are killed very, very easily. You cannot use the argument of it's only good at higher levels here due to other far more useful powers being able to be used instead, INCLUDING Chaos ( Bastille, Vortex, Radial Disarm, Stomp, ect. ). 


Duration, high or low aside, if maxed, causes the ability a lot more harm than good. Its max base damage, modded correctly, is high I would say, but the strength it has against that base range ( maxed power card range ) if you ignore everything else is awful. Even the max range the ability has, modded correctly, is horrible, and makes the base damage it has almost as low as Psychic Bolts. An ultimate ability should not be that weak, even though it reflects damage back at enemies. 


I've probably forgot to list some of my key points here but I think that my statement has been made: Nyx is the worst Warframe in this game and needs a complete overhaul.




People seem to be missing my point of that her powers are outclassed, far outclassed in what they're supposed to do, by other 'Frames.


This is not a troll thread.




I HAVE played as her and I HAVE leveled her to 30. I have tried many different builds on her, and no matter what, it seems underpowered and not really useful in many situations at all. Underclassed, underpowered. I do not need to "L2P" her.


This is still not a troll thread.

i do understand that this is your opinion, but nyx's abilities are the only ones that will be great at level 1 and a thousand, and her stats are so low because she needs some balance, the only skil that isn't really for endgame would be psychic bolts, if you don't like any of her abilities and stats, the only suggestion i can give is play anoter frame, because everyone else really loves her and she is really strong,
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i do understand that this is your opinion, but nyx's abilities are the only ones that will be great at level 1 and a thousand, and her stats are so low because she needs some balance, the only skil that isn't really for endgame would be psychic bolts, if you don't like any of her abilities and stats, the only suggestion i can give is play anoter frame, because everyone else really loves her and she is really strong,


Many other 'Frames powers are exceedingly overpowered at any level as well.


I would suggest not stating "everyone else really loves her" like it's a fact: not EVERYONE ELSE loves her and I have seen several people saying before that they do not like her. She is not strong, I think.. She is flimsy via her stats and her powers are weak CC abilities with an ultimate that just saves her from going down.

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Chaos' CC has infinite scaling potential and no target limit per cast, making it the most energy efficient ability of its type in the game. What's inferior about it?

Any Nyx player will tell you that if you can't solo something with her, it's for one of two reasons:


a) The enemies are too high of a level for one person's weapons to kill them all in a reasonable time.




b) You're simply doing it wrong.


Her team synergy is second to none with the ability to augment her allies based on the faction being fought, as well as redirect/completely prevent the vast majority of damage.


Chaos' inferiority is its recast and the fact that it still doesn't make enemies not attack their former allies. Yes, powers need some offset, but the offset is too big. The other CC's have infinite scaling potential as well, not their damage, but their CC ability.


I can very, very easily solo with her, and any other 'Frame.


Augment how, exactly? She doesn't provide any buffs. You can't say Absorb is an augment power due to its range and damage ( I do not know how the mechanics of the redirection damage work, if each enemy takes the damage you absorb or if it's split across all targets within its range ).


I'd say around 6 or 7 other 'Frames can do her job just as easily, if not better, to redirect/prevent damage, not including Trinity since that's obvious as to why.

Edited by Etsoree
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Many other 'Frames powers are exceedingly overpowered at any level as well.


I would suggest not stating "everyone else really loves her" like it's a fact: not EVERYONE ELSE loves her and I have seen several people saying before that they do not like her. She is not strong, I think.. She is flimsy via her stats and her powers are weak CC abilities with an ultimate that just saves her from going down.

Urhhmm I use Absorb in ODD at the pod not because I wanna save my arse. You know I could use a one shot Penta but Absorb makes it much easier. You can bomb a whole place if you wanted to. I cast it when the first charger comes and then they'll all come and boom. You underestimate her.
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I'd say around 6 or 7 other 'Frames can do her job just as easily, if not better, to redirect/prevent damage, not including Trinity since that's obvious as to why.


If that is how you look at Nyx, then nothing I say will likely make you change your mind. I am also aware that there are some frames that do better in certain aspects, but in other aspects Nyx simply works better. No way I would have been able to finish the last event alone using Rhino or Vauban, no matter how many Stomps or Bastilles I used (which would have been very few due to lack of energy and constantly being shot at).


If you were to say something like "she is only really superior on some very specific situations", then I would probably agree. But I also don't see that as a bad thing. I think it is actually good, because it helps keeping warframes different and unique. The way I see it, if all warframes are the same in all situations, then it boils down to a matter of choosing which 3D model you like the most.


I'm not saying we should have warframes that don't function and have absolutely no role within the game. I'm just saying different warframes should be mechanically different, in order to please different kinds of players.


To be honest, I still don't understand why you care about posting all this if you really hate Nyx as much as you make it seem. You've criticized everything Nyx is, except for her appearance. You've compared her and her powers to several other warframes that you apparently consider superior to her. So if you really think she is that terrible, wouldn't it be easier to simply play with another warframe? One that has mechanics that you actually enjoy? From you said you probably have at least 6 or 7 options. Is that not enough?

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