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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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Chaos is still inferior due to the fact that it does not provide 100% protection while using it, so it's not a good CC ability. Snow Globe, on the other hand, DOES, so long as it lasts.

You know how OP Chaos would be if it was spammable? Oh hey new guys come. Chaos

Oh noes they're attacking on the pod although chaos is still activated. No worries chaos again which triggers two second stun. Those two seconds of stun does a lot.

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If I knew how to put pics in my post Id show you my build but ill just write it out for now. I use nyx religiously, she is my go to girl! She is the queen of CC and vauban is king. But thier CC are spectral opposites.


First in my build you use the vespa helm for 15% power efficiency, you also use A full  fleeting expertise. this brings you to the 75% power eff cap.


You put in a full continuity to bring the fleeting duration penality to -30%, you want this! chaos now lasts long enough for enemies to kill or badly hurt each other, but not too long because new enemies can come running in the room or if your running through the map you can use it quicker, because you have to wait til its done.


You throw in a full overextended and a full stretch giving chaos an insane range, which works well the the length because you reach more enemies so your less likely to get unchaosed ones running in. Since neither of these powers deals damage the hit to strenth is nothing.


and the last mods I throw in are a full rush to get her in the middles of an enemy horde to chaos them, and to help get out when they go back to normal. and 3 from the top vitality and redirection. becuase chaosed enemies can still shoot you if your the closest target.


now occasionally ill remove the sretch and put in absorb, but im not looking for damage from it. im looking at it as becoming invulnerable for a short time to gain sheilds back or for my teammates to get me out of that sticky situation i got myself into, but my main build is just with the stretch in.


I dont remember if absorb knocks people down or not, but if it does it would make a alt CC especially with the maxed range.

Edited by Adamant_Pariah
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Chaos is still inferior due to the fact that it does not provide 100% protection while using it, so it's not a good CC ability. Snow Globe, on the other hand, DOES, so long as it lasts.


Snow Globe is a good CC skill? HA!

It's not a CC skill, that is for starters. It's a defensive skill. CC (Crowd Control) allows you to control, hence the name, a certain number of enemies in some way. Rhino's Stomp freezes them in the air for some seconds, Nyx makes them attack each other, Vauban can both use Bastille to stop them in the air or suck them into the Vortex... Those are CC. Do not mistake them.

Next: unless you are against a full army of range shooters and there is no Radial Loki around (Which I normally am) SG only feature is to slow down any enemy that comes inside, and in defense is not always a good idea to be in the same vital space as a group of enemies, no matter how slowed down they are. And in defense mission, to use SN on the pod is one of the worst mistakes ever, as it unables EVERYONE to defend it from a save distance with your weapons.

SG is a great Defensive skill (Though I prefer it like it was before) that can block gateways, protect allies, help during a run-for-your-life situation and much more used correctly, but it can not compare to Chaos Crowd Control capability.

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1) Chaos provides stun upon use and only becomes "random enemies shooting at each other randomly" after initial stun falls away.


2) If "Power in Use" is a problem, then obviously, you lower the duration. A lot of players have the misconception that long duration Chaos is a good thing. Well, it's often not. You want to use Max Fleeting Expertise with no duration bonus. This keeps Chaos short and sweet and also very low cost (17.5 EN if you're using the right helmet). You basically get infinite CC time with a setup like that. For added Chaos, throw in Overextended, so you CC almost everything. Losing attack power doesn't really matter because Nyx's offensive abilities are pretty garbage anyhow.

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1) Chaos provides stun upon use and only becomes "random enemies shooting at each other randomly" after initial stun falls away.


2) If "Power in Use" is a problem, then obviously, you lower the duration. A lot of players have the misconception that long duration Chaos is a good thing. Well, it's often not. You want to use Max Fleeting Expertise with no duration bonus. This keeps Chaos short and sweet and also very low cost (17.5 EN if you're using the right helmet). You basically get infinite CC time with a setup like that. For added Chaos, throw in Overextended, so you CC almost everything. Losing attack power doesn't really matter because Nyx's offensive abilities are pretty garbage anyhow.

Actually putting a Continuity for 12 seconds is still nice. How much is it without Continuity? 

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Maxed range out on Absorb, both range mods.


Barely goes past 20 in-game meters.


It's a very, very poor range for an ultimate ability. I would trade off its base damage to be weaker for a 35 meter range.

Most damage skills are penalized by using Overextended; absorb is not.


I'm pretty sure OP is using a build to make Psychic bolts less S#&$, which is gimping all his other skills. With a max range and whatever your flavor of efficiency and duration is (I use fleeting, helmet, continuity), Nyx is infinity better than some strength build.


Chaos is one of the longest range CCs in the game, takes no penalty from Overextended and has no target limit. It may not be a hard CC like Bastille or Vortex, but it can hit everything that's a danger to you. In addition, the targets will damage each other with their scaling damage, making this act as a scaling damage ability. You're also overstating how many enemies will still be attacking the pod. The Chaos targets generally attack whatever is closest, so as long as there's a dangerous number of enemies around, they'll probably all target eachother.


Absorb is one of the only scaling damage abilities in the game, and again suffers no penalty from Overextended (if you're hitting the damage minimum, you're doing it wrong). It may not have the range of some other abilities, but is has the power and you can build it's range up. With a 25m base radius on Absorb, you could get a massive XXm raduis on it with Overextend, which is room-clearing radius. That'd be OP as hell.


In addition, both of these abilities have a short hard CC built in; Chaos stuns for 2 seconds and Absorb knockdowns/ragdolls with it's explosion.

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I love my Nyx, by far my favorate frame and my go to for anything 'hard'.


Even PB is ok if you have the spare energy to burn. You have two good CC spells, MC for actually turning a mob and making it work for you, and Chaos for aoe CC madness. You have the best panic button ever in absorb - and that is all that is - a panic button that gives you a moment to think about your next move - the damage that comes out of absorbe is secondary really to the zen calm that ult gives you.  In all honesty Nyx feels almost a bit OP to me - and I will drop the 150 bucks or whatever for that prime when it comes.


Build range - range is king.  Duration, who cares, strength, who cares.  The base duration is plenty.


If you want a frame to say is worst - look at Banshee. . . you have a pretty bad DD spell, Sonar is good but situational, silence is total crap - should be something more like her namesake, a shriek that causes an aoe CC effect (like temporary disorientation).or something that lets her put distance between her and whatever she targets.  The ult is the only thing that is fine about her.

Edited by existentialvoid
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I love my Nyx, by far my favorate frame and my go to for anything 'hard'.


Even PB is ok if you have the spare energy to burn. You have two good CC spells, MC for actually turning a mob and making it work for you, and Chaos for aoe CC madness. You have the best panic button ever in absorb - and that is all that is - a panic button that gives you a moment to think about your next move - the damage that comes out of absorbe is secondary really to the zen calm that ult gives you.  In all honesty Nyx feels almost a bit OP to me - and I will drop the 150 bucks or whatever for that prime when it comes.


Build range - range is king.  Duration, who cares, strength, who cares.  The base duration is plenty.


If you want a frame to say is worst - look at Banshee. . . you have a pretty bad DD spell, Sonar is good but situational, silence is total crap - should be something more like her namesake, a shriek that causes an aoe CC effect (like temporary disorientation).or something that lets her put distance between her and whatever she targets.  The ult is the only thing that is fine about her.

I actually like using Absorb in ODD :3 if I'm not using Penta absorb's going. I pretty much just spammed it near the pod and I literally bombed the whole area and nothing lived. Most of the times... But when it comes to using Penta chaos is the more logical thing in any sitaution especially when you're taking heat.
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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.




When a feedback piece begins with its conclusion, one that seems written by an angsty twelve year old throwing a hissy fit, don't expect anyone to take you seriously. That right there is evidence enough you are incapable of a constructive and objective assessment.


I couldn't find the patience to sort through that wall of text of angry ranting to see if there is whether you eventually backup your opinions. Something tells me I did not miss anything.


That said, it is safe to assume that the opposite of your conclusion is true. Allow me to paraphrase you. Nyx is God's gift to Warframe.


Also, be sure to remember these sage words, if you do not like a particular warframe, don't play it!

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Of course she isn´t the best warframe in warframe (:D), but she isn´t that bad.

Chaos or Absorb may rescue you, but you have to be lucky.

But she has some potential.


I understand when people say that a warframe is not perfect, but my opinion is that NO warframe is useless.

Each has its own purpose.

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After doing a Outer Terminus mission for 25 waves, using Nyx, I did not ONCE have to use Chaos in order to win. Pod never reached below 30k HP throughout the entire mission. Absorb only knocked back enemies by wave 10, barely used it before that, maybe twice. Only used a Snipetron Vandal.

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After doing a Outer Terminus mission for 25 waves, using Nyx, I did not ONCE have to use Chaos in order to win. Pod never reached below 30k HP throughout the entire mission. Absorb only knocked back enemies by wave 10, barely used it before that, maybe twice. Only used a Snipetron Vandal.

You know you never did post your build that that gent asked, may haps we can see it?


Maybe you can prove that to to everyone? Under that, doesn't that make every frame "terrible" if you can snipe 'em before the enemy get's close enough to use a power? 


I went with a random team in a t2 went to wave 30 and absorb was still killing enemies, teammates popped a few shots into me rarely. We tried to go to 35 but at that point it was 2 am and everyone kinda flopped at 32.

Edited by SonicDoragon
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You know you never did post your build that that gent asked, may haps we can see it?


Maybe you can prove that to to everyone? Under that, doesn't that make every frame "terrible" if you can snipe 'em before the enemy get's close enough to use a power? 


I went with a random team in a t2 went to wave 30 and absorb was still killing enemies, teammates popped a few shots into me rarely. We tried to go to 35 but at that point it was 2 am and everyone kinda flopped at 32.


Even if I do post it people are still going to say I'm a troll and that I need to L2P.


In the mission I played we had a Volt and Trinity. They had Somas. The Trinity didn't use Blessing until wave 20 - 25, and the Volt only used his shield. I'm not the best sniper in the world, either, but Chaos was not needed throughout that entire mission.


T2 isn't Outer Terminus. T2 what, Defense? Survival?

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Even if I do post it people are still going to say I'm a troll and that I need to L2P.


In the mission I played we had a Volt and Trinity. They had Somas. The Trinity didn't use Blessing until wave 20 - 25, and the Volt only used his shield. I'm not the best sniper in the world, either, but Chaos was not needed throughout that entire mission.


T2 isn't Outer Terminus. T2 what, Defense? Survival?

Sounds like you got that one map designed with distance funneling, not a big surprise powers were useless.


Defense, it still starts lower but that only detracts so much when i'm still killing level 50+ ish guys.

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Even if I do post it people are still going to say I'm a troll and that I need to L2P.


In the mission I played we had a Volt and Trinity. They had Somas. The Trinity didn't use Blessing until wave 20 - 25, and the Volt only used his shield. I'm not the best sniper in the world, either, but Chaos was not needed throughout that entire mission.


T2 isn't Outer Terminus. T2 what, Defense? Survival?

"I didn't need to use my abilities, thus they're S#&$"

Great argument.

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Sounds like you got that one map designed with distance funneling, not a big surprise powers were useless.


Defense, it still starts lower but that only detracts so much when i'm still killing level 50+ ish guys.


Wave 25 had level 50 enemies I believe; I was still 1-shotting them with my Snipetron if I got a headshot. I did use Absorb more and more near the end, only for knockbacks on enemies so I could shoot them while they were down.


I still didn't need to use Chaos, though, so I'm making a point. With the right team/weapons, Chaos is very easily rendered useless. Other 'Frames have better CCs that you can use that do permanent effects that stop enemies from attacking you, 100% of the time.

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Just sell her already you just do not like her, saying she is bad is just your dislike as she does not do what you want her too.


I have had Nyx for a long time,T3 defense no problem.


She is a frame for people who actually like to kill with guns and melee, she is great for leveling your active weapon.


The one skill I would get rid of is that useless psychic bolts which like most of the basic damage skills is not worth the effort to cast when your gun does the job many times better.


Absorb could do with some modification which has been well discussed, being able to choose when to trigger is the main one, the second would be a mobile absorb.


I do not play her a lot now as like I say I have had her for a while, I do not play nova either for the same reason. But nyx is one of the few frames who scales to infinity.


I also love playing in a group with a nyx particularly if I am in loki as chaos stops them running away while I am smacking them with my melee while invisible, no messing around with decoy needed.


only thing really wrong with nyx is her female Excalibur body

Edited by Kyphe
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Since Frost gets utterly murdered now in Void T3 Mobile Defense, Nyx is my only go to frame for that mission type when I'm soloing it. Distract everyone with Chaos and just Mind Control corrupted ancients if you need to heal. It makes level 40+ enemy spawns and 50+ Leaders seem like a walk through the park. Come face to face with 3-4 corrupted heavy gunners and 1 heavy gunner ice leader to back them up, and you'll be happy when they are killing each other and not you. But, everyone has their own opinion.

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This is not a troll thread.


It's mostly the title you picked that makes people instantly assume you are trolling. All warframes have their uses. You can argue that some are more useful or easier to play then others, but pointing out any warframe as being the worst in the game won't really help you getting your message across.


With that said, I don't think Nyx is bad at all. In fact, she was the only warframe I used that was capable of soloing both missions on the Tethra event.

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What a JOKE Post!

this guy has GOT to be trolling, first off EMBER PRIME calling one of the best frames in the game useless...thats a hilarious start!

2nd amazing joke is that 'Psychic Daggers are her best ability'  LOLOLOL

NYX is my second favourite/second most used Frame

With the right build she is AMAZING and is easily one of the most elite high end Frames in the game.. she is a masters frame.

No other WF can single handedly and consistently save the entire team from certain defeat like Nyx can

 My build is Mind Control and Chaos only and i have long since formaed her other two ability slots, i wont go into how i feel about Psy daggers and Absorb here..

OP has obviously NEVER used Nyx, nor has a clue about this game in general,

thanks for the hilarious post!  Laughable HA!

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