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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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If only it really worked like that. DE's going with tiered weaponry.

While a sidegrade arsenal with different specializations would have been more interesting, DE already decided on tiered weaponry. The problem is that they don't seem to be able to sort the weapons into tiers very well.

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Well people who wanted to get the Detron in the Gradvius Dilema had to do that and more but they still didn't get it until a few months later with the harvester miniboss. DE slapped Corpus supporters in the face by not giving the Detron to Corpus supporters at the end of Gradvius Dilema and then a few months past before they did the Harvestor miniboss with really terrible rng only to drop a crappy version of the brakk besides you had the Brakk for a few months already. 

corpus supporters with more than 100 missions gets the Brakk BP while Grineer supporter with more than 100 mission gets the weapon+ slot and potatoed get your facts right before dissing people

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If only it really worked like that. DE's going with tiered weaponry.

I think it's more an issue of usability.  Admittedly some weapons are just crud and need buffs, but mostly all weapons will be the best for the job in certain conditions.  Weapons like the Brakk and Soma are basically good for any situation so they are praised as superior weapons, but they have their limitations.  I guess a lot of weapons, in my view, fill in the for the niche roles for which these weapons are unsuited.


To demonstrate this just imagine a whole squad just  using Somas and Brakks.  They'd do far better as a group with a wider variety of weaponry.

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To all those that say don't give the brakk to the people couse i was there. Last year there was a fusion moa event  with a BP for frost prime, now if you have the brakk but you joined after the fusion moa event be objective as in : you keep the brakk take it and hide it somewhere but you give away the frost prime you have and the mastery points you earned while leveling it, if you whinge about the brakk i'll whinge about frost prime, either you have the balls to be fair and square or go cry in a corner.

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Why would I go waste hours of my life completing an event if I can get the reward for it, sooner, via an easier way?

I mean, if there are easier ways to get an exclusive event item in a few months after the event, why would I still tire myself doing the event for hours? I'd rather wait.

Exclusive rewards kinda forces us to play the repetitive event for hours even after we lose the fun of playing it. If we can do get the same exclusive rewards in easier and less repetitive ways (like simply getting a deathmark), I see no point in killing myself grinding like crazy. I'm not a masochist for nothing.


You contradict yourself. You open by saying why should you do an event if you can get it easier and sooner but that is not the case. The event was 6 months ago. Doing the event got you the weapon sooner.


We've no idea how these weapons will be brought back. Who's to say it won't be in an even harder event? You're just assuming that it'll be practically given away with no evidence to back it up.


This thread is just about people whining their special toy might at some undisclosed point sometime in the future that might be many months or years away be available to be earned again.


Please stop this. If it's return gets announced and it turns out we're all being given it for free with bells and whistles on then you might have an argument. Right now you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.

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How to make your post look like childish ranting? Use the phrase "slap in the face".


28 hours? I took you over 15 minutes to run each of your 100 missions? I think not. If it did then that's your own fault, not DE's or the playerbase.


All that being said, I missed out on the Brakk as I went on holiday during the event so I have no problem not having it. What I do have a problem with is the best pistol in the game (is it now, it certainly was once) being an event exclusive. That shouldn't be the case. It can be unique and exclusive but it doesn't need to be the best.


You seem to forgot that not every player have high level equipment. As he mention, he's working unlike some people, meaning no 6 forma build like some or high level mod. You also seem to forgot that is 100 game if you don't fail any!

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I got my Brakk in the event, and I'm absolutely happy with others getting an opportunity to get it. I don't understand people defining their accomplishments in terms of what other people don't have, seem like they just want to be upset, boggles my mind.

Edited by SilentMobius
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You seem to forgot that not every player have high level equipment. As he mention, he's working unlike some people, meaning no 6 forma build like some or high level mod. You also seem to forgot that is 100 game if you don't fail any!


I have no forma in any of my equipment. I work 12 hours a day including the commute. So I repeat, you do not need high level equipment (weapons or frames) to complete these missions in under 15 minutes. Using his 15 minute mission time as a basis for how "hard" it was to get the Brakk is fundamentally flawed as it isn't the fault of DE or the playerbase that he and his friends were staggeringly slow.

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I got my Brakk in the event, and I'm absolutely happy with others getting an opportunity to get it. I don't understand people defining their accomplishments in terms of what other people don't have, seem like they just want to be upset, boggles my mind.

Selfishness and Greed is what makes the world go round my friend

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While I would be happy if I got another shot at acquiring Founder gear (since somebody said "why not re-release Founder stuff too then?"), there is a reason why it is not possible to do so. On the other hand there's no problem if Brakk became available again - after all, neither the Detron was supposed to be, but it eventually came out as a reward for defeating the Harvester. The Founder gear is PREMIUM ONLY stuff, event weapons are not.

Hell, I wouldn't even get mad if they released the Vandal stuff again.

Edited by Vintovka
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While I would be happy if I got another shot at acquiring Founder gear (since somebody said "why not re-release Founder stuff too then?"), there is a reason why it is not possible to do so. On the other hand there's no problem if Brakk became available again - after all, neither the Detron was supposed to be, but it eventually came out as a reward for defeating the Harvester. The Founder gear is PREMIUM ONLY stuff, event weapons are not.

Hell, I wouldn't even get mad if they released the Vandal stuff again.

plot twist : Vandals will be reintroduced some where some time again :T since it's not exclusive, not sure about lato vandal but the braton vandal it will be back since it's sorta an event exclusive, will likely be back in another event

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If they're going to re-release such weapons, at least make players put the same effort as the others did to get it or give the first ones a unique skin or something.


In all fairness, I'm for things being exclusive; like Braton Vandal, I wasn't here when you could get it, but I accept that fact, I don't cry for it with every chance.


It's funny how other weapons are and will forever be unavailable, but people only care for Brakk. I'm sure they'll forget about that with the next event weapon too.

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To me, exclusive weapons are memories. Every time I look at those weapons,It makes me remember the good old days of warframe. 

It is also a identity, exclusive weapons shows how long have you played warframe. If you have a lato vandal it means you have been playing this game since U7.

Exclusive weapons are not only mastery points or Op weapons, it have a special meaning to the players who own it.

I hope DE can think carefully when the want to bring back some exclusive weapons.

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Exclusive weapons are not only mastery points or Op weapons,


Except that the Brakk is best in class which should not be the case.


Bringing back the founder gear is not possible since at the time people bought it (yeah we paid real money, not gametime at an imaginary pay rate), DE stated this would be the only way it was ever to be available.

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Brakk actually sucks if you compare it to range... I know whoa dps whoa such dps. But honestly though, I don't have a brakk and I coulnd't give **** if they revive it. Which they won't. Its like everyone asking to make a excaliber prime availible to everyone... I spent 100$ for exclusives. I got exclusives. Im very happy with it. Yet they are stil giving out free exclusives. Think on your greed. Think on your sins.

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I got my Brakk in the event, and I'm absolutely happy with others getting an opportunity to get it. I don't understand people defining their accomplishments in terms of what other people don't have, seem like they just want to be upset, boggles my mind.

Internet Penis.


This is the Cornerstone of every "Exclusive" item thread.


Waah, Other people have this item, It's no longer special and my life is meaningless!!!!




Besides, DE already Said Event weapons are making a return, and yes, That means Brakk.

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