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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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I would be fine if they are doing some events where people are able to get stuff they missed out on because they weren't around at that time or didn't even have the chance like PS4 players for example. It would only be fair to do so. At least that stuff shouldn't be given out for free because that's not good for obvious reasons.

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I'm of the view that event weapons should be prestige equipment. Things that let you say "yeah, I was there." Beta gifts like the Brandal are the same. It's a symbol of dedication. That's how I see this equipment. I'm not a completionist like some are, so I'm not bothered by the fact that I missed the Vandaltron. I know this bugs some people, but the way I see it is just envy. You feel that others have it so you must too. You must be "complete." I find that perspective selfish. That said, I understand there is contention on this and tolerate it (though I am certainly opposed). I will not however tolerate the reintroduction of that which was officially called exclusive.


Now, I can understand why some might see this as I want people to have a virtual ego booster.  I do not.  What I do want though is for those who have invested time (and possibly money) to be distinguished.  If you spent a ton of time on one of the first events, shouldn't you have something to distinguish yourself from those who came later?


For the record, I wish exclusive weapons were never a thing in the first place.  They should have been cosmetics from the get go.  I'll always use my Master Founder badge, but I'll never use my Brandal because it's weak.  Giving out weapons is, IMO, a very stupid decision on DE's part.  Game content should never be locked behind event walls.  Cosmetic content?  Sure!  Cosmetics can be locked behind pay walls, grind walls, or anything!  They don't matter to gameplay.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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The Brakk, Detron, Wraith Twin Vipers...


Point being, the Lato Prime doesn't suck.


While I wouldn't say the Lato Prime sucks,


it definitely isn't as good as I think it should be, (it's out DPS'd by the Aklato, a very easy to acquire credit weapon)


I'm not saying DPS is everything, it's just kinda sad that Aklato beat it.

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I think it would be okay if others are able to obtain the Brakk too if it was a similar event to Gradivus Dilemma.


But not if it's like handed out for free so everyone gets seconds, that annihalates the point of doing any future Events as you're sure to have that stuff even if you don't participate - just wait a couple of months and you'll get it as a present.


So if this thread is about the Grineer Deathsquad resembling a decent counterpart to the Harvester... Then I think they should drop another "new" weapon but not the Brakk.

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I'm of the view that event weapons should be prestige equipment. Things that let you say "yeah, I was there." Beta gifts like the Brandal are the same. It's a symbol of dedication. That's how I see this equipment. I'm not a completionist like some are, so I'm not bothered by the fact that I missed the Vandaltron. I know this bugs some people, but the way I see it is just envy. You feel that others have it so you must too. You must be "complete." I find that perspective selfish. That said, I understand there is contention on this and tolerate it. I will not however tolerate the reintroduction of that which was officially called exclusive.


The only sure exclusives are our founders gear. They've already said that. Events will add things back in and then they'll go back into the vault to show up for some other event again at some later date. The real prestige item to me from the events is the badge. Want to show "you've been there" wear the badge of the event you're most proud of.

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The only sure exclusives are our founders gear. They've already said that. Events will add things back in and then they'll go back into the vault to show up for some other event again at some later date. The real prestige item to me from the events is the badge. Want to show "you've been there" wear the badge of the event you're most proud of.

that would mean not wearing my founder badge. Also, badges do not reflect effort in an event, only participation.
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that would mean not wearing my founder badge. Also, badges do not reflect effort in an event, only participation.


Hahaha I just imagined how it would be if we could clutter our Warframes with all the Event badges like becoming an overdecorated general.






Edited by MeduSalem
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Then you're most proud of being a founder. Do you play a PUG equipped with your badge and just event items to show others that you've been around? If you don't then what do you lose, and if you do why? Does what someone else thinks about a digital avatar mean that much when these items do have a bigger weight to them then a players ego now? When the focus system rolls around mastery rank will matter much more than it does now and keeping so many items locked away forever will mean that plenty of people will never be able to reach the highest mastery they can. Aside from this in truth I'm of the mind that a real prestige item should not have stats at all. Perhaps in future events they add in a cosmetic item as well, a special skin or something to wear on the back of the frame (then again they already do this with the badges).

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they should have a separate mode that you are able to play story related events and quests once the game is out of beta, this will help catch up new players, and give them a chance for old items locked away. these events should be the same as they were when intially put out for players so no one feels like they were ripped off, or like they "worked" too hard.

(its a game, so its not really working, its a hobby that people are doing because they are afraid of real life and sharks).


if this happens it will be a good chance for the developers to get a good story and timeline established, and hopefully some characterization.

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Then you're most proud of being a founder. Do you play a PUG equipped with your badge and just event items to show others that you've been around? If you don't then what do you lose, and if you do why? Does what someone else thinks about a digital avatar mean that much when these items do have a bigger weight to them then a players ego now? When the focus system rolls around mastery rank will matter much more than it does now and keeping so many items locked away forever will mean that plenty of people will never be able to reach the highest mastery they can. Aside from this in truth I'm of the mind that a real prestige item should not have stats at all. Perhaps in future events they add in a cosmetic item as well, a special skin or something to wear on the back of the frame (then again they already do this with the badges).

I would use the Vandals if they weren't garbage. Also, your argument for mastery is poor. The only people it will matter to are the .0001% that have mastered everything else. Even then, wait a week and you'll have a new gun to bump up as well.

For the record, I wish that these things were skins rather than weapons.

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And maybe that one won't be. In the end it's really up to DE but from recent dev streams to them the only ones they are 100% sure will never ever come back are founders gear.

well I'm fine if they release the brakk and the wraith weapons since I believe they never said it was one time exclusive but the snipetrons yeah I swear they said that it was one time only but again like you said its their decision
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I have the Brakk and I don't feel like a special snowflake because others do not have the Brakk.  It would not bother me if everybody had the Brakk.  The fact that I had to grind an insane amount of missions does not make me feel like I deserve some exclusivity because I don't think we should have to grind like that anyway.  So, expecting the Braak to stay exclusive because of the grind it took to get it only promotes more grind.


By the same token, if they released it as the Grineer Detron, that would promote insane grind too so I would not support that decision.  As a matter of fact, I'm not pursuing the Detron and I don't care if I never have it even if it's the most powerful awesometastic weapon in the universe.  I'm just not wasting my time.  I'll gladly play warframe, until DE nerfs the fun out of it.  But, I'm not going to bother with grind any more.  It's too boring.

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People seem to forget that you also had to make sure the Grineer won.

That required more than the minimum requirements for obtaining the weapon.


You seem to forget that the big clans already decided that they were going to pump all their missions into Grineer, so they could win the golden statue. Your average player only had to play 100 missions, since the big clans made sure Grineer won.


Since this has nothing to do with the statues, we can focus the discussion on the minimum 100 missions required. The 100 missions that each took only a few minutes each.

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