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Dear De: Warframe Aspects That I Will Not Spend Time On Anymore.............


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1)  A is for Corpus and that's good enough for me.  I'm not playing Grineer or Infested anymore.  Every time I switch factions, I have to go through the tedium of switching loadouts for 4 weapons.  I'm leaving all my weapons, warframes, and sentinels set to A, the Corpus setting.  Yes, I know, this may make it impossible for me to obtain certain mods and resources.  I'll do without.  Maybe, I'll have Grineer or Infested day every once in a while.  But, for 99% of the time, I may as well not bother.


2)  Orokin Derelicts, key grind, spamming chat for team.  Will not do.  Corrupted mods and Clan Tech be damned.


3)  Void, key grind, spamming chat for team.  Will not do.  Primes, Forma, and Clan Tech be damned.


4)  Invasions, extermination grind.  Will not do.  Detron, invasion rewards, Clan Tech, meh, damnation.


5)  Nightmare Mode, playing chicken with the RNG to get the mission and location that I want and hoping there is a team already there playing it, waste of time.  Damnation!


6)  Events, grind grind grind.  I wouldn't repeat Gravidus Dilema again even if the reward was Akbrakk based on pre-nerf Brakk.


7)  Trolls/Derailers, reported, no questions asked, no answers given.  Damn them all.


Putting a shiney behind a grind wall will not persuade me.  I just want to have fun.  Flipping through screens is not fun.  Doing a million exterminations in a row is not fun.  If I'm going to do the same mission(s) over and over again, I may as well just do my favorite one(s) and forget the rest.  Items will not entice me to do things ad nauseam. 



If you want me to do something, take the nauseum out of it.  Then, I'll gladly do it.  Otherwise, no thanks.


Someone might remark, that even without the grind content that I mention, I'll be doing the same thing over and over again.  Well, that misses the point.   The point is that I'm going to be more selective with how I spend my time in Warframe.  I'll accept ACTIVITY that I enjoy to the point that I enjoy it and reject what I do not.   The reward does not make the time spent rewarding.  Just putting a shiney behind a wall of boredom isn't going to get me to tolerate the boredom.  You can't just thoughtlessly put stuff out behind any old wall or gauntlet run and expect me to chase it.


Items will not entice me to do things ad nauseam.  The reward does not make the time spent rewarding.  I just want to have fun.  My time is worth something to me.




EDIT:  Discuss!  What are you avoiding in Warframe and why?

Edited by ThePresident777
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this post sounds like a whine to me, things are really not as bad as you make them.

If something like detron is there, it does not mean you have to immediately own it. Other games have items way more rare than that and people don't complain.

Edited by Aure7
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Sup President777.  It sounds like you're ripe for a break from this game.


It helps to step away from anything you're not having fun with anymore.  We all do it, even if it's just for a couple of days.


That's not it because no amount of break will get me to grind.  It's not specifically a Warframe thing either.  I'm not grinding any games.  I'll play them, but not grind.

Edited by ThePresident777
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A founders status and 2587 posts later, you're just realizing there's grind in this game?


There's grind, and then there's grind. We all know there's grind in this game, I mean c'mon, it's a F2P. However, I'd rather miss out on some content than do a single mission a hundred times to get what I want.

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Sounds like you're ignoring a considerable amount of content because it would require effort on your part, forums user ThePresident777.


Effort?  Really?  Effort in a game?  Effort is what I get paid money for, and quality.  Effort is what I pay money for, and quality.  You're not making sense to me.  What is this strange language you speak of?  I'm not a

.  I don't understand this intersection of effort and gaming.  I'm just in it for the fun.  Let's talk about fun.  That's the language that I understand.
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Effort?  Really?  Effort in a game?  Effort is what I get paid money for, and quality.  Effort is what I pay money for, and quality.  You're not making sense to me.  What is this strange language you speak of?  I'm not a

.  I don't understand this intersection of effort and gaming.  I'm just in it for the fun.  Let's talk about fun.  That's the language that I understand.

Listen to yourself, Listen to how lazy and elitist you sound. You need to give a little to get a little... that's the fundamental aspect of life bud. You want fun? Video games aren't a press button for fun simulator. Video games require an effort on your part. Otherwise it's a movie. Go watch a movie cuz that seems to be what you want right now.

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Effort?  Really?  Effort in a game?  Effort is what I get paid money for, and quality.  Effort is what I pay money for, and quality.  You're not making sense to me.  What is this strange language you speak of?  I'm not a

.  I don't understand this intersection of effort and gaming.  I'm just in it for the fun.  Let's talk about fun.  That's the language that I understand.

Putting effort and feeling the sense of accomplishment is something that is fun for most people, it's a common trait shared by most gamers and it has been in games for as long as we can remember. Yes things are not exactly perfect and 100% fun currently in warframe, but you shouldn't sit here thinking you know the very definition of fun and how games are meant to be, thinking of yourself as some sort of mastermind to be constantly pleased for free by everyone else. Things can't change so drastically just for you, instead you should just search for this "fun" you speak of in other games.

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Putting effort and feeling the sense of accomplishment is something that is fun for most people, it's a common trait shared by most gamers and it has been in games for as long as we can remember. Yes things are not exactly perfect and 100% fun currently in warframe, but you shouldn't sit here thinking you know the very definition of fun and how games are meant to be, thinking of yourself as some sort of mastermind to be constantly pleased for free by everyone else. Things can't change so drastically just for you, instead you should just search for this "fun" you speak of in other games.


It's just that some of us really like a lot of things in this game, but would like it if some others didn't feel like such a chore, which is why we voice our opinion in hopes that the things we don't like will change. As for fun and effort, a balance has to be struck. There are some "achievements" in WF, be they weapons, mods, frames, whatever, where the perceived effort grossly outweighs the perceived reward, at least for some players.

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Effort?  Really?  Effort in a game?  Effort is what I get paid money for, and quality.  Effort is what I pay money for, and quality


Lazy or entitled?


Why not both?


The real kicker is that if some people don't want to do something, they just don't. They don't make a big announcement of it, they don't post a ridiculous tirade, they don't parade it around like some kind of injustice.


Players like you are the worst thing about every community. They think they deserve everything without any commitment of time. Do you want everything handed to you? Then you would complain there's nothing to aim for. Do you want everything to be easier? You'll complain there's no challenge. You want there to be no grind? You'll complain there's nothing to do.


You're not a victim of anything but your own unrealistic expectations and attitude.

Edited by Ezren
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