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Oberon: Hallowed Ground... Make It Procc Radiation


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I played around a little bit with Oberon to come up with fun builds that are not the generic "Spam 4 because everything else is crap".


I tried to make a Hallowed Ground build because i thought "Pure Radiation damage? If it proccs it could turn Oberon into a CC Frame because Hallowed Ground doesn't do that much damage but the procc could turn Enemies against each other".


Sadly i was not surprised that Hallowed Ground does not procc.


But what if it would procc Radiation with a ~25% chance?


Not only would it increase the efficiency of Hallowed Ground in making enemies stay in the field longer when it procced, turning an Enemy over but also would work as a CC abilitiy that way, giving it more defense purpose.. and i believe as a stationary ground AE it should be concidered a defensive Ability.


What do you think?



Edited by Namacyst
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This is indeed a good proposition imho. This would make him more viable in for example defense and survival with corridor's.
But i think it should be more around 15 % chance or they should up the damage and lessen the frequency at wich the damage is dealt.

25% might be too good in the longer survival games where they dont die as fast anymore.

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I actually love playing Oberon, even though lately Zephyr has been the most fun I've had in a while, but I agree with HG needing some kind of utility. Radiation would absolutely be a worthwhile addition to the skill and would really have a positive impact on Oberon.

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have to disagree with OP, the chaos carpet as said above is too easy.


it's pretty simple to carpet the entrances and never have to fight mobs again. mobile defense with 2+ oberons could shutdown any attacking force outright


defense would be trivial as 2+ oberons could carpet the whole area and the objective would never get targeted outside of collateral damage


we need to stop making the game easier and easier and start applying abilities that require some level of interaction/skill to make them work to the full extent. more nukes and crowd controls will ruin the game

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have to disagree with OP, the chaos carpet as said above is too easy.


it's pretty simple to carpet the entrances and never have to fight mobs again. mobile defense with 2+ oberons could shutdown any attacking force outright


defense would be trivial as 2+ oberons could carpet the whole area and the objective would never get targeted outside of collateral damage


we need to stop making the game easier and easier and start applying abilities that require some level of interaction/skill to make them work to the full extent. more nukes and crowd controls will ruin the game



Please, you know as well as I do that a stretched, duration based Chaos, lets Nyx hit almost every enemy on the map in a defence game. That's not including overextend, the potential area is massive and it's guaranteed. 


Also the speed infested move at and the inherent resistance to radiation makes Oberon considerably less effective vs Infested than Grineer or Corpus. 


But I do agree that 25% proc chance is somewhat high, either lower it or allow it to increase in line with HG's rank, although keep it below 25% certainly. Either that or slow down enemies within it. It grants it greater utility as the game scales. I'd say the same with most of Oberon's powers, being radiation based should be given a low proc chance.


I'm rarely in favour of giving powers a straight up damage boost, especially frames like Oberon who is fairly well rounded, due to inevitable power creep. I'd prefer a more creative way of buffing powers which moves away from DPS spam 4 mentality.

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have to disagree with OP, the chaos carpet as said above is too easy.


it's pretty simple to carpet the entrances and never have to fight mobs again. mobile defense with 2+ oberons could shutdown any attacking force outright


defense would be trivial as 2+ oberons could carpet the whole area and the objective would never get targeted outside of collateral damage


we need to stop making the game easier and easier and start applying abilities that require some level of interaction/skill to make them work to the full extent. more nukes and crowd controls will ruin the game

This carpet is pretty pricey to put down, not to mention how thin it is. It only useful in defense maps, too. This is a suggestion to at least make it viable in one part of the game. As it is now, it's under the "Never Use" section of abilities.

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Please, you know as well as I do that a stretched, duration based Chaos, lets Nyx hit almost every enemy on the map in a defence game. That's not including overextend, the potential area is massive and it's guaranteed. 


Also the speed infested move at and the inherent resistance to radiation makes Oberon considerably less effective vs Infested than Grineer or Corpus. 


But I do agree that 25% proc chance is somewhat high, either lower it or allow it to increase in line with HG's rank, although keep it below 25% certainly. Either that or slow down enemies within it. It grants it greater utility as the game scales. I'd say the same with most of Oberon's powers, being radiation based should be given a low proc chance.


I'm rarely in favour of giving powers a straight up damage boost, especially frames like Oberon who is fairly well rounded, due to inevitable power creep. I'd prefer a more creative way of buffing powers which moves away from DPS spam 4 mentality.

a duration based nyx is crowd controlling the room once every 30+ seconds or until they die. a duration minimised nyx is crowd controlling the room every 10 seconds half of which is stun animation. the minimised nyx is spamming 20 energy every 10 seconds which is not sustainable. the maximised is spamming huge energy periodically but not adding new thralls very often so has diminishing returns. nyx's crowd control is one of the few crowd controls that's fair on the enemies.


this hallowed ground mob will add new thralls everytime they walk through a portal. wise players will add stretch and streamline and put down the longest red carpets they can fit in a doorway to maximise the number of "chaos'd" enemies. anything caught in the doorway will target anything NOT caught in the doorway causing an ever increasing number of thralls.


i agree reducing the proc from 25 to 5-10 would make this much less problematic but you start heading to "it never procs, so why bother changing it?" territory.


This carpet is pretty pricey to put down, not to mention how thin it is. It only useful in defense maps, too. This is a suggestion to at least make it viable in one part of the game. As it is now, it's under the "Never Use" section of abilities.

multiple layers of hallowed ground seem to stack, and reducing enemy health even a little is still better than nothing at all. those of us against the 4 key gameplay use hallowed ground much more often than you might believe. placing multiple hallowed grounds at choke points works wonders on infested.


if you're referring to anything higher than level 30 mobs then i'll repeat that DE doesn't have any obligation to maintain your survivability past lvl 30. you went looking for that challenge.

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YES, I think so, too. This is good idea.

But i worry a little whether this is not too strong.


Now, Hallowed Ground make damege in 5sec is 1000dmg, for each enemy in the area. This damege is equivalent to Radial Javelin, and this is continuous. And this Hallowed Ground use only 50 energy.


Probrem is how to attract enemy and keep in area. Today, one of answer is use Decoy power of loki. If suppoted by teammate (or use for support teammate), when Hallowed Ground is not weak power already.


I think like that, but this is maybe controversial. Because I think this is a good idea, but worry a little.


HallowdGround have proc(Confusion) it mean, make this effect by alone. Is it not too stronger in only 50Energy use?  I worry it is.


Anyway, I understand to many player think HallowedGround is not strong power, and my thought is maybe minority. Hallowed Ground need something reinforcement. This is a good idea for it.

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So the big problem with Hallowed Ground is that Radiation has a really weird proc- Confusion- which only affects enemies with guns. Makes it totally unfit against, oh, Infested, but I'm sure that's not relevant at all to a paladin. More importantly to this conversation however, the proc chance does nothing to keep enemies inside Hallowed Ground while it's active.


Personally, I don't think a proc chance boost is what it needs. What it needs is a buff to allies standing in it, to feed into Oberon's theoretically defensive role. Something stackable (to fit the effect), like a flat armor boost increased by Focus.


Alternately, if each tick had a stagger chance, we'd be seeing very different sayings about the ability as a form of CC, maybe even some praise for its damage output- but I don't really think Oberon is cut out to be a CC frame (plus it'd probably be a better addition to Fire Blast, what with Ember's skillset).

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+1 for Op.


Oberon actually has less utility than Rhino and Nova...

The moment reckoning doesn't 1 shot targets, he can't be relied on to spam health globes anymore, and there goes his utility (since renewal now isn't worth the effort anymore).

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+1 for Op.


Oberon actually has less utility than Rhino and Nova...

The moment reckoning doesn't 1 shot targets, he can't be relied on to spam health globes anymore, and there goes his utility (since renewal now isn't worth the effort anymore).


Everything has less utility that Nova and Rhino, that's not surprising. But there are issues with renewal and HG. 


(With the exception of Vauban, Nyx and Trinity, who stand apart from the others when it comes to CC and healing)

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I think Hallowed Ground needs something else, but I also thing that it does the wrong dmg type: I think it should do Fire dmg. In the description, it says "Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire, inflicting damage to any enemy that stands in the flames."  It references fire twice, so I think Fire dmg would be more suiting, and less restrictive.


Another thing ia that Hallowed Ground should probably affect allies in some way.

Here's some ideas.


1) Hallowed Ground boosts the rate of your shield recharge, and shortens the time it takes for them to start recharging.


2) Hallowed Ground increases your Stamina recharge rate. I think in Melee 2.0, this would be the better option.


What do you guys think?



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1) Hallowed Ground boosts the rate of your shield recharge, and shortens the time it takes for them to start recharging.


Either that or some kind of straight-mitigation boost to pair better with his "healing".

The easy answer is "flat amount of armor per HG", but we all know how unreliable armor's scaling is. Maybe something like a mini Iron Skin, shave X amount of damage off of every hit you receive while standing in HG? Would certainly take the edge off of automatic weapons. 


I just like the idea of Oberon standing his ground like a true paladin- "The righteous do not fall on Hallowed Ground."

You know, rather than being squishy.

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 i'd rather see it use fire over radiation though,


Or they could just rework Damage 2.0 again to have Radiation make sense, ie bearing potency against Infested and weakness to Robots.


If it did fire, it'd be cheaper Fire Blast with a different shape (and thus, more useful).

Edited by Archwizard
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robotics are actually heavily effected by radiation IRL. thats why your electronic anythings have all those symbols on them.


they wont spontaneously explode, but they will go crazy, or stop working. the symbols do nothing but indicate the device wont spam it's own radiation and that it will accept any it receives harmlessly. usually suicidally.


that fire blast is less practical than it could be, it just convinces enemies to find someplace else to attack. it's hardly worth it doing damage at all. hallowed ground is not afflicted with that issue which would indeed make it better than fireblast.


i'm hesitant to even agree fire makes sense since ember is the fire frame, but it would be more useful than radiation, make more sense per the description (since when is radiation "holy fire"?) and it would look less creepy, that radiation fire looks like worms crawling out of the ground.


that said i have no issues with the whole ability going. i thought oberon was meant to be the earth frame? why doesn't he have anything that would indicate that? hallowed ground seems to be the closest to an attack from underneath he got. i guess spaceships precluded doing stone spears from the ground and a meteor attack as his ultimate.

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that said i have no issues with the whole ability going. i thought oberon was meant to be the earth frame? why doesn't he have anything that would indicate that? hallowed ground seems to be the closest to an attack from underneath he got. i guess spaceships precluded doing stone spears from the ground and a meteor attack as his ultimate.


There's nothing to say whether or not Oberon is the Earth frame. Officially, he's the Paladruid, more "holy" influenced than stone or plants. Earth was the final option in the DC poll, which at the going rate would put it behind Zephyr in the production line, not before. His only remotely "Earth-y" skill is Hallowed Ground, and look where we stand on that.


The only statement we have to indicate he might be is Scott claiming he "has a bit of earth in him" on Twitter, which isn't much.

(Sure, he drops from Earth. Valkyr drops from Jupiter, named after a sky god - no elemental correlation.)

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