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Define End Game


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I was just wondering what people really wanted to see in warframe's end game


be as specific as possible if you can too, i really want to know what you really want to see in warframe when anyone reaches end game



do you want like, an exclusive end game faction of super powerful monsters?


raid-like missions that can host more than the standard 4 man group?


some kind of interactive clan vs clan dojo raid/defence pvp thing?


more mods that are exclusive to level 30/mastery rank X players?


mini games in the dojo even?

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End game faction (sentients)


and high mastery weapons and cosmetics. The cosmetic would jut have to look super cool and the weapons would need to be around synapse tier, but most just really unique.


Edit: possibly endgame frame that is just awesome looking, not necessarily good.

Edited by immolator1001
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It shouldn't be something that we just grind for or grind - we already do that now.  Endgame should be ongoing, dynamic, and player controlled. 

this sounds really interesting actually, did you have anything in mind for this?


when i read your post i was kind of reminded of GW2's dynamic events but warframe style

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I believe there are two types of endgame: single-player and multiplayer.


Singleplayer/Minor endgame is a challenge that you can only survive finishing after you're properly equipped. Bosses or wallrun intensive levels fall under this.


Multiplayer/Major endgame is a choice the player can take once they have reached their power limit or have unlocked all areas/content. Forma/COD Prestige and PVP falls under this.


The difference is that one is impossible until you reach the requirement and the other can be accomplished anytime. The minor is always accomplished first though.

Edited by sewens
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This is what I call end game, warframe is a circle, there is no beginning and there is no end, once you have thought that you have built everything, you find that there is a billion more new wepons and a lot more frames, maybe even a few new bosses and planets, and a hell of alot more mods

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I hope it's like The Secret World with raids and such. And cool bosses with cut scenes and stuff.

People would dismiss this idea and call it "grind", because everything that you do in a game that is repeatable is a "grind". 

But i agree, we need ways to test out weapons and have some challenge. Epic boss fights (The ones that are not segment based - shoot - wait - shoot... that's worse than spongy enemies. ) 


Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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Warframe was considered to be a sandbox-like game to Steve. Mainly we just need more things to do. We already got a lot of content to grind for, so we need challenges that will help us utilize them, and each other (teamwork).


The focus system is interesting, though I hope it's something they can continue to expand upon and not just leave it as is.


I don't want to fight bullet sponges. I want some kind of system where I can fight the smartest of A.I. that they can offer, but not necessarily with overpowered weapons/armor. I want to feel like I got through with not just my equipment, but my wits and will, and hopefully teamwork. I can't think of how to introduce it to the game, and how it should run, but I want that for the vets.

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I thought about this long and I think after you reach rank 10 or so you get a message from Darvo and he tells you about a new ship you can build. You go to a special portal and there is a planet with 4 or 5 bosses of a special magnetic/ junkyard race. Defeating these bosses gives you parts to a special ship. With each boss you defeat before they die it does a cut scene and they warn you that something is coming, something huge. Darvo then instructs you to take you to a 3 special planets or satellites where the leader of the Grineer, the Corpus, and the Infested (the other people thought to be leaders are actually just figureheads) you go to these 3 places and try to talk with them, each does something different and has different reactions to the idea of banning together to fight this higher force. For example maybe the Grineer leader makes you a deal and says if you can best him in a fight he will, (I can’t think of anything for the others sorry)  after gathering them together the invasions begins and the magnetic/junk yard race starts an attack but with new weapons and stronger foot soldiers you have to do missions the leaders of the fractions instruct you to do so you can keep them in piece they also may give you rewards, for example (in this example lets call the magnetic/junkyard race Bojevs) the Grineer leader “ the Bojevs have started drilling on earth and will reach the core in soon we need you to stop these drills by stealing their fuel cells. If you do this for us the Grineer will reward you.” You keep the fuel cells from the Grineer. Then the infested leader sends you a message, it says “Tenno they are attacking our ships and stealing our children stop them and you will be rewarded with information we have gathered.” You defeat them and you get a blueprint for bombs that can be placed on your ship. (oh look you need those fuel cells to build them XD) then the corpus leader messages you “Tenno we need your help they are poisoning our planet and you need to stop them, blow up their machines. If you help us I’m sure we can pay you back with our technical experience.” After completion you call a meeting and all the fractions help you build the bombs and the end game boss comes and attacks you load up your ships and fight alongside the Grineer and corpus and infested bosses. You place bombs all along its ship and fight and if defeat the boss and blow up the ship, but the boss and the ship are powered by an unknown super powerful and dangerous power source, you fly away and blow it up and it creates a dimensional rift that sucks up the portal to the Bojevs planet and creates a new one, where you and other Tenno start to build a world all Tenno where you can place a GVG and such ^-^ and after completion you can go back and forth from the GVG universe and the normal one ^-^ what do you think?

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I thought about this long and I think after you reach rank 10 or so you get a message from Darvo and he tells you about a new ship you can build. You go to a special portal and there is a planet with 4 or 5 bosses of a special magnetic/ junkyard race. Defeating these bosses gives you parts to a special ship. With each boss you defeat before they die it does a cut scene and they warn you that something is coming, something huge. Darvo then instructs you to take you to a 3 special planets or satellites where the leader of the Grineer, the Corpus, and the Infested (the other people thought to be leaders are actually just figureheads) you go to these 3 places and try to talk with them, each does something different and has different reactions to the idea of banning together to fight this higher force. For example maybe the Grineer leader makes you a deal and says if you can best him in a fight he will, (I can’t think of anything for the others sorry)  after gathering them together the invasions begins and the magnetic/junk yard race starts an attack but with new weapons and stronger foot soldiers you have to do missions the leaders of the fractions instruct you to do so you can keep them in piece they also may give you rewards, for example (in this example lets call the magnetic/junkyard race Bojevs) the Grineer leader “ the Bojevs have started drilling on earth and will reach the core in soon we need you to stop these drills by stealing their fuel cells. If you do this for us the Grineer will reward you.” You keep the fuel cells from the Grineer. Then the infested leader sends you a message, it says “Tenno they are attacking our ships and stealing our children stop them and you will be rewarded with information we have gathered.” You defeat them and you get a blueprint for bombs that can be placed on your ship. (oh look you need those fuel cells to build them XD) then the corpus leader messages you “Tenno we need your help they are poisoning our planet and you need to stop them, blow up their machines. If you help us I’m sure we can pay you back with our technical experience.” After completion you call a meeting and all the fractions help you build the bombs and the end game boss comes and attacks you load up your ships and fight alongside the Grineer and corpus and infested bosses. You place bombs all along its ship and fight and if defeat the boss and blow up the ship, but the boss and the ship are powered by an unknown super powerful and dangerous power source, you fly away and blow it up and it creates a dimensional rift that sucks up the portal to the Bojevs planet and creates a new one, where you and other Tenno start to build a world all Tenno where you can place a GVG and such ^-^ and after completion you can go back and forth from the GVG universe and the normal one ^-^ what do you think?



I'd work on the execution, but the concept is badass.

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Just a suggestion. Maybe something like in Borderlands 2. The invincible bosses. Almost unbeatable endgame bosses that require perfect synergy to take down. (Instead of just using the most OP weap against them) Giving them some sort of phases in which they can't be dmged, making them resist stuns and what not.


An endgame faction would be nice.


And ofc, endgame weapons that aren't the best in raw dps but just unique guns that say.. Hey.. You made it you amazing son of a *@##$. Some exclusive aesthetics and what not.


And the last thing that comes to mind is some kind of challenge mode in which you have to do certain things under certain rules. An elaborate rank up quest as to say. 


That's pretty much endgame for me if I think about it.

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The #1 simplest and best answer I can give, without injecting my own particular ideas, is simply a state of balance.


The absolute BEST GEAR in the WHOLE GAME completely and FULLY MODDED with absolutely NOTHING left to improve them... should be challenged offensively and defensively, so the player must make up the difference through use of cover, tactics, utility frame abilities, restore packs and actual co-op like people targeting different enemy types and supporting each other.


If we get 'end game' and then a month later we get another round of buffs so people can press 4 and vaporize everything or mow everything down with Soma, then it's a failure. Plain and simple.

Edited by VKhaun
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I like the sound of clan vs clan and dojo mini-games but that wouldn't be classified as "end game" in my opinion. I myself would like some bosses that are a challenge to fight but definitely not sponges. The Souls series does this very nicely where most bosses are killed within a minute or two but being hit yourself a few times means death. One thing many game developers don't realize is that there's a fine line between challenging and cheap. I hope DE knows this line when designing their endgame.

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People would dismiss this idea and call it "grind", because everything that you do in a game that is repeatable is a "grind". 

But i agree, we need ways to test out weapons and have some challenge. Epic boss fights (The ones that are not segment based - shoot - wait - shoot... that's worse than spongy enemies. ) 


Warframe is an rpg. I expected grind when I saw this....

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The only endgame that's future proof(and therefor considered 'good') are mechanics that don't allow players to reach an end to progression.


I don't want horrible grind that lasts for months or years before stopping. That doesn't feel like endgame because you can extrapolate how much you'd have to grind to reach your character's maximum potential. That's why I stopped playing typical MMORPGs.


Focus isn't endgame, because once you unlock the abilities, you're sitting there rightfully wanting "meaningful endgame" like we do now.

Proxy wars won't be endgame either, as there will be a max rank you will most likely keep once you reached it. No "get x faction points per week to keep rank" requirement, and since the rewards for that mechanic are also based on rewards you can only get once(skins, tech, etc.), you'll run out of motivation once you're at the top. There won't be faction specific councils allowing players to vote on which tactic to sabotage or conquer enemy nodes. Just rank grinding.


The only mechanic  that'll be interesting enough to play day after day is the Badlands, even though it's based on indirect PvP.

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Just something that's actually worth grinding for.. but in the long run..

Something that does not bore us after x runs..

An unique mind blowing thing... maybe cosmetics? super weapons.. badass fights.


I don't even know what I want anymore.

Bad &amp;#&#33; fights maybe more ppl in squad (raid) hight Risk Hard gameplay but rewarding- RISK < REWARD 


cuz bro lets be real you can do survival go for 400 hours and get nothing in return 

also can we get more competitive content (yes i know its PvE game dont flame me abaut it ) 

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