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[Warframe Concept] The Fallen Comrade - And Dd Male Frame


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This is my first concept of an Warframe. And since we are lacking a decent male dmg dealer frame so here we go.

Side note : he is a Raziel (soul reaver) and Megaman hybrid and somewhat a Robocop. 


Name: Fallen


Brief description and history


In the last war a young Tenno acolyte when he dint even had the chance to develop his own powers, he engaged in a front line fight. He saw a one sided fight. His fellow brothers was fighting a foe he dint had a chance. He distracted the enemy to created an opening. This decision was fatal for him, he nearly payed the ultimate price but he saved his comrades. To save his life Tenno had to amputate his arms an legs, and replace his heavily damaged chin and throat.

He still wanted to fight, to be a helpful hand. His master ordered to create specifically for him a cybernetic prosthesis limbs. 



The war with the Sentients is coming to and end and they are wining. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses.

To have the strength to face them we crated a new weapons, a new Warriors. The Tenno.

We had to select only those who could withstand the hardships of war. Many died, but meany can be saved. 

Sentients saw how strong we are. They ordered to crush as. They attacked our training facilities. We saw as our 

acolytes where killed and ripped apart, one after another. Our losses where to great. We had to abandon the facility. 

We tried to stop the attack, to give our forces time as we gave them the order to retreat.

To our surprise one acolyte stood beside us. He was shaking and barely could maintain his energy shield. 

We ordered him to escape with the others. He bluntly refused. There was no time to argue. He fought with us side by side. We could believe how can a acolyte by so skillful. With great effort we withstood their attack.

But our celebrations was too soon. Another wave came. Even bigger than the last one. The young one saw it an charged as a distraction. We regret that no one could help him. 

Thank to his decision we could create a surprise counterattack. 

We saw a group of mobs tormenting they pray. We swiftly wiped them out. We discovered that their victim was our young one. We where afraid to check is he were still alive. He was . But death was behind the corner. We took his liveliness body. His last words where:

Let me fight!


That was his last words ever spoken. To save his life we had to give him a completely new body. A new weapon to fight.

Our fallen comrade joined the ranks as a new Tenno. At his first awakening we told him what happened to him and to the facility. He immediately rushed to the site. We arrived not much later. Fallen single handedly took out the battalion. When he turned to us. We saw a deep wound on his neck and chin. When he saw us he collapsed. We imminently took him to infirmary.

When he waked up he sad that it was foolish and reckless of him to take revenge like that. That would not bring back the dead and he could lose the life that was recently saved. He asked us can he keep a embarrassing reminder of his past actions. He chose that his throat and chin armor to be damaged.


We wanted to give him a new name, but he already had one. He was a Fallen that raised again.



Stats at 30 lvl


Hp                  300

Shields           250

Energy           250

Armor            100

Sprint speed  0.85

Polarity         V and -- 

Aura                V


Mastery needed 10

Difficulty 7/10




1. Energy bolt

Fallen creates a orb in his hand and throws it. It will stick to any surface and explode when something came close enough.  (a little similar in a way to Amber fire ball but slower )


2. Hexagon shield.

Fallen creates a shield on his left arm composed of hexagonal plates for a set of period of time. each plate have its own hp/shields and armor . If one plate from the center is destroyed it will be swapped with the most exterior one.


When Hexagon Shield is active and the block/parry was pressed/triggered he will block with his shield not melee weapon.


(power mods increase the number of plates and by 0.7x the hp/armor/shield stats; range mods increase the size of the plates, hp/armor/shield increase the stats of the plates by 0.3x )



3. Flight.

 First use: Back on his back and legs gently opens revealing a boosters and firing them. Any later use only fire them. after ~5/ 10s of not using them the boosters retract themselves.  Fallen can use Flight while doing maneuvers to gain additional momentum/speed.


controls :

w/s/a/d - the up/down/left/right movement

mouse roller - power output

shift - movement forward

space - movement backwards



energy use 7 points per sec. if a skill is an An on/off active.


25 points for a 50m / ~5s flight


( power increasing mods will make the flight faster )


side note: this skill is the reason why he have only 0.85 speed



4. Ion Cannon:

His right arm transform into an cannon and fire a high intensify beam. Similar to Flux Rifle but 2m wide and 75 long, with initial punch through distance. He is firing his beam for 1/ 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 s and can aim with it like a normal weapon.

this skill have 10s cooldown (retracting and cooling off the cannon)




1. Energy bolt

Fallen creates a orb in his hand and throws it. It will stick to any surface and explode when something came close enough.  (a little similar in a way to Amber fire ball but slower )


2. Flight.

First use: Back on his back and legs gently opens revealing a boosters and firing them. Any later use only fire them. after ~5/ 10s of not using them the boosters retract themselves.   

Additionally +2.5 /5 /7.5 /10 %  to r. speed


controls and energy usage:

w/s/a/d - the up/down/left/right movement

mouse roller - power output

shift - movement forward

space - movement backwards


energy use 7 points per sec. if a skill is an An on/off active.


25 points for a 50m / ~5s flight



side note: this skill is the reason why he have only 0.85 speed

3.  Ion Cannon:

While his right arm transform into an cannon and fire a high intensify beam his legs are nailed down to the floor to compensate the recoil.

Beam itself is Similar to Flux Rifle but 2m wide and 75 long, can dmg all leaving lifeforms on it range.

He is firing his beam for 1/ 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 s and can aim with it like a normal weapon. 

This skill have 7s cooldown (to retracting and cooling off the cannon)


4. Acceleration 

Fallen transform his armor to give him additional power in exchange for armor:

5% to speed  (25% at max rank) (its ANY speed)

50% to dmg (200% at max rank)

- 40% to armor

for 12s (at all ranks)


additionally Acceleration CHANGES other skills (only the fist one while acceleration is active):


            Energy bolt

            Fire a single beam from his hand - explodes on hit (similar in effect to Seer "bullet") with +120% to speed

            energy bolt can be reused up to 4 more times as beam in acceleration is active; usage of other skills will
            eliminate the buff from acceleration


            double the r. speed 

            Ion Cannon

            time extended by 0.5x and no longer roots




special syndanda - a muffler cowering his damaged throat / chin

alternate helmets - "clean" and damaged one



(picture found on google; an ss from Maverick Hunters - canceled game.
i posted it here since it fits the concept so much)


Any comment / idea / feedback is much appreciated .


Editing history:

1.0  the beginning

1.1  correcting some stuff

1.2  additional notes, added controls in Flight

1.3  Story ver. 2.0

1.4 additional info and corrections

1.5 skills v2 a little changes to the story

Edited by Cracken
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needs to have a darker lore,

its dead space+metroid kinda feel(should be)

How much darker? I'm thinking something like...

The original Fallen was to be one of the original experimental attempts at using children to recreate the original Tenno. He was believed to be able to handle his powers and the side effects of his condition. They were wrong. As it turns out, despite his immense willpower, Fallen was not able to withstand the pain of his transformation and when he was first subjected to combat, the madness of pain took over.

All enemies were destroyed. All allies were destroyed. It didn't matter, no one survived, save for Fallen who, in his state of hysterical madness, had managed to nearly destroy his own body. Upon recovery of the still living torso, we declared phase one to be a success of the highest degree.

Before the start of phase two, his last sentient words were, "My body...is ready."


EDIT: And I feel that, should our ingame avatars ever speak, Fallen should sound like Robocop. Also, very loose reference of character design concept of Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising series in which Jack's body is fully cybernetic with the exception of his spinal cord and his head minus his jaw. Not trying to change your idea, just throwing out there more material to work with and build on.

Edited by Kintsurugi
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How much darker? I'm thinking something like...

The original Fallen was to be one of the original experimental attempts at using children to recreate the original Tenno. He was believed to be able to handle his powers and the side effects of his condition. They were wrong. As it turns out, despite his immense willpower, Fallen was not able to withstand the pain of his transformation and when he was first subjected to combat, the madness of pain took over.

All enemies were destroyed. All allies were destroyed. It didn't matter, no one survived, save for Fallen who, in his state of hysterical madness, had managed to nearly destroy his own body. Upon recovery of the still living torso, we declared phase one to be a success of the highest degree.

Before the start of phase two, his last sentient words were, "My body...is ready."


this is a big NO


i wanted him to be courageous, ambitious and reckless, not a madman ... 

btw - Fallen (the name) was chosen not because of his dark side but because he had once "died".

Edited by Cracken
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This concept is pretty interesting, but... You're saying Fallen is a damage dealer yet I see the interest of the hexagonal shield, thhe flight system doesn't sound really feeting the purpose of this Frame. Obviously high mobility is a key in this game but for a damage dealer like Fallen (as I think he might be).

That's why here is an idea of what this 3 could be changed to (conserving the thrusters idea) :

Tower of vengeance : Fallen's boots reveal his thrusters, propelling him on set high where he floats and activates a special automatic riffle.

In low ceiling places Fallen grabs the ceiling and unleash waves of energy throught it, making chunks fall on his ennemies.

To me the second aspect is not really complete but, I'd say the two fit the character. On his hight position Fallen is exposed but can do terrible amounts of damage, his ennemies won't be able to hide in many places.

What do you think of it ?

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Nice skills, but i dun think flight will be implemented since Zephyr was just released. 

As for the ion cannon, only 2.5 seconds at max? :( 
I know there's duration and power strength mods.. but wouldn't it be better to let him enter a 'Hysteria mode' and having the cannon in his hand without any time limit and shooting for like 5 times (2.5s each) of something before the cannon disappears?

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thx for the feedback.


This concept is pretty interesting, but... You're saying Fallen is a damage dealer yet I see the interest of the hexagonal shield, thhe flight system doesn't sound really feeting the purpose of this Frame. Obviously high mobility is a key in this game but for a damage dealer like Fallen (as I think he might be).

That's why here is an idea of what this 3 could be changed to (conserving the thrusters idea) :
Tower of vengeance : Fallen's boots reveal his thrusters, propelling him on set high where he floats and activates a special automatic riffle.
In low ceiling places Fallen grabs the ceiling and unleash waves of energy throught it, making chunks fall on his ennemies.

To me the second aspect is not really complete but, I'd say the two fit the character. On his hight position Fallen is exposed but can do terrible amounts of damage, his ennemies won't be able to hide in many places.

What do you think of it ?

you could say that i "copy - pasta" the volt (dmg, def, support, dmg skill build char );

as i dint want to re-engineer the wheel, i wanted that each skill have a purpose, to be used. if i put a three dmg-ing skills (not counting the ultimate skill)- at least 2 of them wont be used by us player. 


the concept would be whole if i dint had to stick to only 4 skills.


but i have an idea- i will "overhaul" his skill in the evening if i have the chance


Nice skills, but i dun think flight will be implemented since Zephyr was just released. 

As for the ion cannon, only 2.5 seconds at max? :( 
I know there's duration and power strength mods.. but wouldn't it be better to let him enter a 'Hysteria mode' and having the cannon in his hand without any time limit and shooting for like 5 times (2.5s each) of something before the cannon disappears?

i can only dream about him being implemented


back on topic: I dint want Ion cannon to be another panic button. like pointed it similar to flux rifle, its meant to be a continuous dmg "weapon"- but it can dmg ALL enemies that are in the field of fire range (a megamanish kamehameha - words of a friend of my)


and also - it is my intention that usage of any corrupted mods used on this frame would have heavier consequences.

Edited by Cracken
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