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[Deus Ex Tempus] Recruiting All Players For A Laid Back Clan Experience (2400+ Members)


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News: The main clan has a new Mastery Rank 5 requirement for joining. You must put down your Mastery Rank if you want to join the main clan.


Depending on our needs you maybe invited to either of the clans regardless of which you apply for. Do not worry, all three clans are identical. The only difference is the leaders and the emblem.


[Main Clan] Deus Ex Tempus [Led by: YouHaveShamedYoFamory] (900+ MEMBERS) all people who apply at night (eastern time) will have to wait for me to wake up and send the invites. (MUST BE MASTERY RANK 5 TO JOIN, ANY APPLICANT WANTING TO JOIN THE MAIN CLAN MUST PUT DOWN THEIR MASTERY RANK)


Click here if you wanna join the main clan :D




clan emblem:161mjnq.png

We're a laid back clan that lets its members do anything they want basically.

All players can:

1. Host the dojo

2. Contribute to dojo structures ( not required :) )

3. Queue research

4. Recruit more members

5. ETC

Clan Ranks:

Fearless Leader

Fearless General



DeT Death Squad

Decorated Member


Famory Member

Our current member count is 970 ( as of 08/03/2015 ) members and I'd really like for us to grow even more :D

How do you join? Just put your name down as a reply to this and I will invite you :D Make sure you are active because inactive members will bring shame to their famory and be purged

We have all labs and everything is researched.

We don't require our members to do anything for the clan. For example: You don't have to contribute to the dojo.

As of right now everyone is equal.

Join now and you can have a chance at receiving the coveted 33ud2sx.gif

I make sure everyone is being nice to each other so you don't have to worry about meeting jerks or anything

Here's some screenshots from our dojo. It is constantly growing and my hopes are that people will eventually get lost in it.












need an active, helpful, and laid back and Semi-Competitive clan? join Deus Ex Tempus (Moon Clan) we got all labs and Research :D pm me for info or invite. (970+ members MR 5+ required)


need an active, helpful, and laid back and clan? join Deus Ex Tempus (Moon Clan) we got all labs and no requirements to join :D pm me for info or invite. (970+ members)

Make sure you are out of any clan before you put your name down.

I'm the only one sending invites for forum recruits so give me some time to send invites (I have to go to school and work =/).48629945.jpg


[sister Clan] Deus Ex Tempus: Flame [Led by: TheBrsrkr and Kiniz] (900+ MEMBERS)


Click here if you wanna join the sister clan :D

Hey everyone this is the recruit section for Deus Ex Tempus: Flame :D

Like the eternal hellfire of creation our passion to grow will never die. All who stand in our way will be incinerated.

Our main clan Deus Ex Tempus was so successful we've decided to create a sister clan that will also reach for the moon clan status!

What will you be offered here in the sister clan? You will receive the exact same treatment and honors as the main clan :D

FaintestAura will be leading our sister clan so he will ultimately have the final decision on how things run.

Heres the link to his recruit page :D



[sister Clan] Deus Ex Tempus: Lightning [Led by: RX--78, cog777, VyralVanKill] (500+ members)


Click here if you want to join the second sister clan

 se8xhe.pngPost ur IGN and Lightning to get an invite there

or you can reply at https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/288315-deus-ex-tempus-lightning-recruiting/

either way works


[sister Clan] Deus Ex Tempus: Sky [Led by: Snowman486, Titan-Uranis, Pbrandon1, Catteni]


Early man looked to the sky in wonder. It showed us the endless possibilities that our universe held. Man tried to enter the skies countless times but failed. When man finally conquered it, they knew what was next. The Heavens. DeT Sky represents our undying need to conquer and spread our empire.




Raidcall channel is now up: Search for channel 9568145

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Hey guys I would like to join the clan , could use the help and will gladly help others if needed to.




I am Mastery rank 5

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Alias: NinjaWorkz

Mastery Rank: 13 (About to rank up to 14)

-I am very active and I've been thinking about joining a moon clan for a while. Finally made up my mind. I'd like you to take me in to your famory. I shall not shame it.

Edited by NinjaWorkz
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Hey I'm a returning player after about a year or so and wanted to find a clan that can help me get up to date. Think I can get an Invite? Mastery Rank 6.



Hi everyone! This laid back clan is just what I need. If you would be so kind as to send an invite, much thanks will be given.


IGN: melodicuprising


MR: 11

leave ur clan


Used to be a member but RL issues came up and had to take time off to take care of that. If possible i'd like to rejoin. 


IGN Korias and MR 13



Alias: NinjaWorkz

Mastery Rank: 13 (About to rank up to 14)

-I am very active and I've been thinking about joining a moon clan for a while. Finally made up my mind. I'd like you to take me in to your famory. I shall not shame it.



Gamer Tag: spartanrobber


Notice me senpai. Bring me into the family 



ign: Tribeca

MR: 8 almost 9


I have been looking for an active clan since I started playing again a few weeks ago. I hope I can join the crew.

leave ur clan




all other invites sent

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