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De Needs To Be More Imaginative Re: Brakk & Detron.


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It wouldn't, not really. All that would do is make sure that even runs with a no-show do something small to help you reach your goal.

Ha. I guess it does a little bit. That didn't really occur to me suggesting it.

I think that you should do this to the Harvester and the the G3, stalker should stay random to keep him "Stalker-like". I personally had no issue getting the weapons and in actuality i got both weapons within an hour of doing 5 min invasions. It's simple if you get a dedicated group to farming them. (personal experience). Also these "valid missions" should be spread through the later planets so as not to hurt beginning players, and to keep these weapons for later game players to make em feel more like a "reward". 

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Well then that'll make your job harder. Going solo on any MMO is harder. That's the point of parties and clans, to make things easier. 


I have nothing against solo people and I even play solo alot cuz some players just bug the heck out of me, but i still get regular spawns for these "rare" spawn enemies. 


It's just RNG, if you try to get something from it, you'll never receive it. I play for fun and randomness and nice things come to you.

(i guess that's why i got bullied a lot too?) 

Edited by zebar1313
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Well then that'll make your job harder. Going solo on any MMO is harder. That's the point of parties and clans, to make things easier. 


I have nothing against solo people and I even play solo alot cuz some players just bug the heck out of me, but i still get regular spawns for these "rare" spawn enemies. 


It's just RNG, if you try to get something from it, you'll never receive it. I play for fun and randomness and nice things come to you.

(i guess that's why i got bullied a lot too?) 

Warframe is not an MMO it uses some common MMO elements like the RNG but it is a co op game and not a masivley multilayer online game.


Some good input here guys.

Do the G3 spawn more in invasion missions other than normal gameplay missions?

They are just as likely to spawn in any mission once you have the Death mark.

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 How about the chance of spawn increasing slightly every time you do a valid mission and it doesn't spawn?


Yes this...  Please DE...  I have both weapons.   I just want to know what it's like to fight the G3.  (you know...  play the content to enjoy it.)  


Blatant and Azure_Kyte have the right idea.



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Some good input here guys.

Do the G3 spawn more in invasion missions other than normal gameplay missions?


let me say his first, i was/ still i am against Brakk being re released after gradivus.


with that out of the way, and the Brakk being released again, was curious about how the three stooges looked, so i found a party with all marked player (even myself) to try to lure them.


after 20 missions, never saw them (i actually feel bad for the guys in my party, was harvester system on steroids.)


to make this short, seems more reasonable at this point to do an event with a fixed number of missions or make the new Vay Hek drop the brakk parts, even with a really low chance of dropping, than repeat the harvester flawed formula.


again, i (actually expect insults coming this way for this) desire for people who was not around gradivus to work harder to get the Brakk than the people who was there at the time, but RGN layers to get stuff is lazy design and an artificial way to add game value, thats is a no no in my book, no matter the reward.


and yes, i have Detron also, so is not whining for not getting it.


*perhaps an event with 200 misions? double than the original goal in gradivus, you will grind anyway, but you know the goal, instead of playing lottery.


*perhaps the new Vay Hek drop the parts? low chance of course


*Maybe distribute the parts between different grineer bosses drop table? make them fight together like in phobos?


dont know, there is so many better way to distribute loot than (bad executed) RNG again and again.


welp, this was longer than expected, my 2 cents anyway.

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As a player with more then 1100 hours in this game I can tell you that the last thing I still play this game for is that forsaken RNG. I've been here for quite some time and I couldn't care less about the Detron or the Brakk. What I want is new adventures, keeping those new units behind a grind wall is what makes me want to stop playing the game. If I like lotteries I'd play the lotto or bet on horse-games. DE needs to find new ways to introduce content without using that lazy RNG. I just wanna fight those guys for the fun of it, the rewards are just icing on the cake.



edit: reply to above: 200 runs ? That's just crazy, stop the madness please :D nothing is more boring then doing those exterminates over and over, I don't wish that to any-one ! Those who did the event had to do 100 runs and got a slot an a potato, how would 200 runs for a BP be fair ?

Edited by FunkDoctaSpock
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As a player with more then 1100 hours in this game I can tell you that the last thing I still play this game for is that forsaken RNG. I've been here for quite some time and I couldn't care less about the Detron or the Brakk. What I want is new adventures, keeping those new units behind a grind wall is what makes me want to stop playing the game. If I like lotteries I'd play the lotto or bet on horse-games. DE needs to find new ways to introduce content without using that lazy RNG. I just wanna fight those guys for the fun of it, the rewards are just icing on the cake.



edit: reply to above: 200 runs ? That's just crazy, stop the madness please :D nothing is more boring then doing those exterminates over and over, I don't wish that to any-one ! Those who did the event had to do 100 runs and got a slot an a potato, how would 200 runs for a BP be fair ?


the entire weapon with slot and potato for an stablished number of missions (more than gradivus original), not the bp only as reward, thanks for pointing that out.


even tho those who supported corpus did 100 missions and only got a bp in gradivus, but i dont want that to happen again, was BS.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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the entire weapon with slot and potato for an stablished number of missions (more than gradivus original), not the bp only as reward, thanks for pointing that out.


even tho those who supported corpus did 100 missions and only got a bp in gradivus, but i dont want that to happen again, was BS.

Still, 200 is too much. grind kills the fun ;) Just make it that you have to kill a number of enemies to deserve that weapon. Kill 10.000 Corpus/Grineer Lvl 20+ and get the BP. At least gamers can choose where and how they get those kills ;)

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Still, 200 is too much. grind kills the fun ;) Just make it that you have to kill a number of enemies to deserve that weapon. Kill 10.000 Corpus/Grineer Lvl 20+ and get the BP. At least gamers can choose where and how they get those kills ;)


sure, just was a suggestion.


as i stated i would prefer non-gradivus to work harder than original participants in the event for their brakk, but avoiding stupid RNG walls.


damn, DE could even make the G3 appear always in nightmare modes as random bosses (also zanuka), that would be a nice and defiant variant.


you got them by RNG or can go hunt them in hard to beat missions (that would open the area for "legendary" weapons in the future.)


so many ways to do it better than the lottery game we are right now.

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Well something strange just happened in a mission on Saturn.

I had a good feeling that something might happen on Saturn so I tried a random mission with 3 others.

After a while the screnn flickered a little and I thought...YESSSS...HERE WE GO!!!

Screen flickered like this three more times .....



I have no idea what is was that happened.

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sure, just was a suggestion.


as i stated i would prefer non-gradivus to work harder than original participants in the event for their brakk, but avoiding stupid RNG walls.


damn, DE could even make the G3 appear always in nightmare modes as random bosses (also zanuka), that would be a nice and defiant variant.


you got them by RNG or can go hunt them in hard to beat missions (that would open the area for "legendary" weapons in the future.)


so many ways to do it better than the lottery game we are right now.

agreed although I don't think it needs to be harder, they'll already miss out on the slot and potato :)

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Well something strange just happened in a mission on Saturn.

I had a good feeling that something might happen on Saturn so I tried a random mission with 3 others.

After a while the screnn flickered a little and I thought...YESSSS...HERE WE GO!!!

Screen flickered like this three more times .....



I have no idea what is was that happened.

I've seen this happen a lot lately, really doesn't help. I just want to fight them, I don't care about those weapons :D

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Well something strange just happened in a mission on Saturn.

I had a good feeling that something might happen on Saturn so I tried a random mission with 3 others.

After a while the screnn flickered a little and I thought...YESSSS...HERE WE GO!!!

Screen flickered like this three more times .....



I have no idea what is was that happened.


That happened to me 2 days ago or yesterday (I can't remember) ¬¬'

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Funny thing is....

The G3 spawned not once but twice for me now....guess what they dropped???

Neurodes......both times.

I could cry..


Yep, granted I already have the Detron/Brakk, but that more or less mirrors my experience; though I got a Hell's Chamber for the trouble too atleast. Considering Harvey was adjusted to always drop a Detron part, I'd like to know why they didn't have the good sense to repeat that for the G3. :-/

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You'd probably want to jump off a cliff if you played Diablo, or [goes on naming names of games for an hour]


Just because Diablo and other games do things a certain way does not mean Warframe is implimenting them near as succesfully, or that Warframe has enough other interesting mechanics to make putting up with a bad mechanic worthwhile.


Just because other games are worse in regards to grind, randomness, etc, does not make it acceptable in Warframe.


That attitude is absurd. You are basically telling players they should be happy that Warframe is just kicking them in the crotch instead of kicking them in the crotch and punching them in the nose. Most people who are not complete masochists will respond with not seeing an upside to either scenario.


And, frankly, at least some of those other games —like Diablo— that have such mechanics give you some ice cream as an apology after kicking and punching you. Warframe says it will give you ice cream, eventually, after it spins a wheel and rolls some dice, but in the mean time it will keep kicking you until it hits jackpot.



as i stated i would prefer non-gradivus to work harder than original participants in the event for their brakk, but avoiding stupid RNG walls.


Why? What good reason besides, "I am upset they released the Brakk after the event" do you have for people to have to work harder for an item that is exactly the same as what you got, except it is not automatically equipped with a catalyst and coming with a free weapon slot for the supporters of Grineer. That is pants-on-head $&*&*#(%&. That attitude is one of the things that is holding Warframe back, the attitude of, "I had to walk uphill both ways, in the snow, barefoot, so everyone else better have to do the same or worse."


No wonder DE is afraid to try to change anything in this game for the better, a ton of childish, irrational players clearly don't care about the state of the game, they only care about what effort the game required they put in, and want to ensure everyone else does the same (or more), and who cares if it drives people out of the community. Can't have the unwashed masses making the exclusive club of "I put up with crappy game mechanics in a boring event to get this set of pixels," pointless, apparently.


Change for change's sake is rarely good, but sometimes change is necessary. Warframe needs some change, and atittudes of, "No, I am upset my precious toy will be in the hands of the filthy peasantry! Make them suffer to attain it!" is going to keep Warframe from getting that change. Instead we are going to be doomed to ever more absurd power creep, boring weapon releases, uninspired mission types, and huge gaps in player power potential because some people are too busy whinging that their trials and tribulations will be made meaningless if DE changes mechanics for the better.


Instead of wanting people to work harder you should be wanting them to be enjoying the content, while being able to meet their goals —the only goals the game provides— for gear in a reasonable time frame. Clearly you would rather they not enjoy the content, because then it would make what you had to go through with the Gravidus event pointless. Except, here is the thing, what you went through with the Gravidus event was not pointless; our feedback is what is necessary to keep DE from doing such crappy events again. This is ostensibly a beta, after all.

Edited by Psroij
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Just because Diablo and other games do things a certain way does not mean Warframe is implimenting them near as succesfully, or that Warframe has enough other interesting mechanics to make putting up with a bad mechanic worthwhile.


Just because other games are worse in regards to grind, randomness, etc, does not make it acceptable in Warframe.


That attitude is absurd. You are basically telling players they should be happy that Warframe is just kicking them in the crotch instead of kicking them in the crotch and punching them in the nose. Most people who are not complete masochists will respond with not seeing an upside to either scenario.


And, frankly, at least some of those other games —like Diablo— that have such mechanics give you some ice cream as an apology after kicking and punching you. Warframe says it will give you ice cream, eventually, after it spins a wheel and rolls some dice, but in the mean time it will keep kicking you until it hits jackpot.


Why? What good reason besides, "I am upset they released the Brakk after the event" do you have for people to have to work harder for an item that is exactly the same as what you got, except it is not automatically equipped with a catalyst and coming with a free weapon slot for the supporters of Grineer. That is pants-on-head $&*&*#(%&. That attitude is one of the things that is holding Warframe back, the attitude of, "I had to walk uphill both ways, in the snow, barefoot, so everyone else better have to do the same or worse."


No wonder DE is afraid to try to change anything in this game for the better, a ton of childish, irrational players clearly don't care about the state of the game, they only care about what effort the game required they put in and want to ensure everyone else does the same, and who cares if it drives people out of the community.


Change for change's sake is rarely good, but sometimes change is necessary. Warframe needs some change, and atittudes of, "No, I am upset my precious toy will be in the hands of the filthy peasantry! Make them suffer to attain it!" is going to keep Warframe from getting that change. Instead we are going to be doomed to ever more absurd power creep, boring weapon releases, uninspired mission types, and huge gaps in player power potential because some people are too busy whinging that their trials and tribulations will be made meaningless if DE changes mechanics for the better.


Instead of wanting people to work harder you should be wanting them to be enjoying the content, while being able to meet their goals —the only goals the game provides— for gear in a reasonable time frame. Clearly you would rather they not enjoy the content, because then it would make what you had to go through with the Gravidus event pointless. Except, here is the thing, what you went through with the Gravidus event was not pointless; our feedback is what is necessary to keep DE from doing such crappy events again. This is ostensibly a beta, after all.

Well said good sir !

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atittudes of, "No, I am upset my precious toy will be in the hands of the filthy peasantry! Make them suffer to attain it!" is going to keep Warframe from getting that change. Instead we are going to be doomed to ever more absurd power creep, boring weapon releases, uninspired mission types, and huge gaps in player power potential because some people are too busy whinging that their trials and tribulations will be made meaningless if DE changes mechanics for the better.


Oh God, this so much.

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