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To Those Who Complain About 50Ish Invasion Runs For Brakk


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Easier than the current system?

By far.


Well sure, now it's up to the RNG gods.

But again. Had to run the same map and gametype over and over (and on a crap computer) and I didn't even get the weapons I was after.


And I'm still after the Detron- with the same style RNG that you guys are facing to get the Brakk.

You see what I mean?

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I wasn't even playing the game during that event. I have never 'whined' or 'cryed' for them to re-release it, ever. I am in fact glad of the chance to farm for it, I just can't see how hiding everything (not just Brakk) behind a wall of RNG is good game design - like I said the only people who will support it are those with good luck.


What I find funny is people who got it guaranteed after 100 missions saying they had to 'work' for it and how it should have been exclusive blah blah when it's in fact much harder to get now. Your elitist attitude is pretty sad tbh - new players are essential to the game and arriving in a new game and finding out that content is permanently closed off to them only serves to turn them away. DE obviously agrees otherwise they wouldn't have re-released the Brakk.


RNG still sucks a fat one, be careful not to fall off your high horse.


Like you I wasn't playing during the event, in fact i started after in Cicero Crisis Event ended so I'm happy to see something that allot of people claim to be the best weapon in game be released again for me and others to obtain.


Yes while Some people got uber lucky especially when the G3 first came out and they could drop everything at once, there are people who will take months and more then 100+ runs to get the Brakk. Yes people worked hard during the original event and people will work hard now to get it there will always be lucky people and there will always be fighting from both ends.


It has taken me 242 runs and counting just to get the receiver and I'm actually not comping at all as it is making me farm for things that i needed faster then i would have originally such as Neurodes and Morphics.

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Well sure, now it's up to the RNG gods.

But again. Had to run the same map and gametype over and over (and on a crap computer) and I didn't even get the weapons I was after.


And I'm still after the Detron- with the same style RNG that you guys are facing to get the Brakk.

You see what I mean?

I'd take that over the possibility of NEVER seeing the item I desire.

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The important word was "event":

the brakk is an event weapon, DE release it again for whiners like you, stop crying and be happy to have the luck of farm for it.

PS: 100 missions, with exactly the same map, all the time, and 3/4 players afk, is more like 500 missions than 100


Exclusive anything is almost always bad, particularly those that are time-locked or wealth-based. I've held this feeling since the TF2 halocaust (and, yes, I have a halo). Exclusives destroy communities pretty quickly - either by the have nots (including new players) souring over not having if the content is never re-released, or by the original haves raging if their exclusive content is re-released.


Exclusives are almost always a bad idea to implement. You almost always alienate someone and start rifts in your player base.


PS: Grind is bad, too. I wasn't here for the event, but it sounds like the event wasn't designed well.

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I'd take that over the possibility of NEVER seeing the item I desire.


And I didn't get the item I desired.


All I'm saying is that it sucks balls either way, and that Corpus supporters were pretty seriously shafted.

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Exclusive anything is almost always bad, particularly those that are time-locked or wealth-based. I've held this feeling since the TF2 halocaust (and, yes, I have a halo). Exclusives destroy communities pretty quickly - either by the have nots (including new players) souring over not having if the content is never re-released, or by the original haves raging if their exclusive content is re-released.


Exclusives are almost always a bad idea to implement. You almost always alienate someone and start rifts in your player base.


PS: Grind is bad, too. I wasn't here for the event, but it sounds like the event wasn't designed well.


I'm with you on the exclusive part, although the one exception would be founders package and such, in any game there's always someone complaining about items that are unobtainable(exclusive) anymore.


While I'm no fan of extreme grind fests in my opinion to have a weapon like Brakk that's OP like everyone says easily obtainable would be a downside to games for me. Maybe there are better ways to implement events to get weapons and such but there's also the fact that Warframe is Instance based maps not open world which i would assume would limit things.

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Your correct. This whining is far superior...not a hint of seeming pathetic at all this is noble whining at its best... PLEASE allow me to sidestep the champagne falling from the sky....what was I thinking.. btw you really should have played those missions compared to the invasions you guys have now...DE has really stepped their game up..hush up and grind or better yet...play the game and just get it when you get it?


You kidding me? Its way easier to whine about RNG while farming for a side mission.

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I have 300+ and nothing but a BP to show for it...and the BP actually magically appeared in my inventory...like seriously it did...so technically if it wasn't for that magic, I'd have 300+ runs and nothing to show for it.

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Remember how the people who got the Brakk had to run 100?


The only advantage we had was the guarantee of getting it after those 100.


to those of you who got all the parts before duplicates, congratulations.


To those of you who have done over 100 runs without getting them, I feel for you.


But just a friendly reminder.


+1. Had to do 100 runs to get mine in the event, why should everyone else get it quicker/easier?

and i ran bout 150 runs total or so in GD event :P yummy reward

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Stop just running invasions, people. Do you just run bosses over and over to farm the stalker? No. You kill a boss and then wait for him to come. This is the same thing, run the invasion to get the mark, and then just play any missions against grineer. If the G3 don't show up within 6 or so minute, they likely won't. I've had the G3 spawn 4 times so far, and have one brakk part. But this is supposed to happen over time, it's not meant to go farm it for a few days and win a brakk.

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Dont care about Brakk its a sidearm, When I get one Im going to make a video of myself selling all the parts for 3000 credits or whatever and post it on this forum in every Brakk post I see.


That said I still think your attitude sucks for wanting to make the game worse for other people.



InB4 next topic - "Grustrag 3 should drop Event Badges and Wraith Machete and not Brakk because Brakk is the only thing that mattered in that event".


Personally I'd rather have a nice shiny badge on my arm than a stupid sidearm that I'd only use when downed.

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I'm with you on the exclusive part, although the one exception would be founders package and such, in any game there's always someone complaining about items that are unobtainable(exclusive) anymore.


While I'm no fan of extreme grind fests in my opinion to have a weapon like Brakk that's OP like everyone says easily obtainable would be a downside to games for me. Maybe there are better ways to implement events to get weapons and such but there's also the fact that Warframe is Instance based maps not open world which i would assume would limit things.


I think offering the exclusives to Founders was a bad idea. That said, DE did say there were exclusives, and have said they won't re-release them - so they shouldn't re-release them; but I don't think DE should do anything like that again.


I think the problem with weapons like Brakk is that its clearly OP. If you design OP weapons, people will use them more than other weapons - and expect to see them on others in high level and/or end game equivalent content. This is a design problem with OP weapons. Adding grind to try to limit there availability won't help - it will only lead to people grinding to get the OP weapon and being miserable, or skipping grinding and feeling upset about their inability to have access to certain parts of the game without turning their hobby into a chore.


Stop just running invasions, people. Do you just run bosses over and over to farm the stalker? No. You kill a boss and then wait for him to come. This is the same thing, run the invasion to get the mark, and then just play any missions against grineer. If the G3 don't show up within 6 or so minute, they likely won't. I've had the G3 spawn 4 times so far, and have one brakk part. But this is supposed to happen over time, it's not meant to go farm it for a few days and win a brakk.


Have you seen the recruit channel? Normally someone is gathering marked players for the Stalker (and Harvester and Three too). So, yes, plenty of people run bosses over and over to farm the Stalker.

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50 runs? lol I'm at 139 and only have the BP.


Gradivus players had it pathetically easy. Seeing them whining about 100 runs for a definite prize makes me laugh.


In a perfect world you would have read the title with the slightest bit of attention and realized OP wasn't referring to you.

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Easy? You're kidding me right?

You think grinding out 100 mission of the SAME MAP was easy?

Oh my god it was such a drag, I almost got completely sick of Warframe for a while.

Best part? That was when my computer first went out of commission so I had to borrow a crappy one and grind to 100 with a glorious 10-15fps


(Also I was a friggen Corpus supporter so I didn't even get the free slot/potato)

This is a fairly similar situation, and there are plenty more.


600 Oxium for Zephyr.......after however the heck many it was to get it rolling in the Clan Tech.  One map that has a reasonably viable drop rate for it.


Detron/Brakk from invasions only, which are exterminate only, which have roughly three maps, reversed per side(that said, I do love the dozens of Grineer funelling into the hallway after taking the Corpus portal into their base).


We won't be seeing slots or potatoes for any of these either(not saying we should, just that we won't).


Right now I've got a grand total of 98 Oxium and all three Zephyr blueprints.  I can't bring myself to run Kappa at all, knowing I'll have to do it ad-nauseum.


I've got all the Detron parts save one, literally hundreds of Grineer sided invasion missions under my belt.


This weekend, I've done sixty invasion missions, all sided with Corpus, had the mark since the second mission(at least I think I do, I got the second mail anyway), plus a handful of random Grineer maps in an effort to get the three stooges to spawn.  I've never even seen them yet.


I'm not sure how many times I've killed the bosses and done the T3 content that should drop Split Chamber, but I've never seen it.  Steam says I've logged 490 hours at this.  Sure, I could trade for this one, but I'm stubborn---the damn thing is supposed to be a drop.


And yet, RNG goes the other way too.  I've got Equilibrium and all three Nekros pieces in three kills(no stabilizer yet).  I had Frost prime in a dozen relevant runs, maybe less.  After a dozen or so runs on the twin bosses, I'm one piece shy of a Miter, have Trinity plus many parts, and no secondary(and no stalker encounter after all but the first kill, I might add).


In my opinion, this is horribly broken in that every run does not bring you closer to success.  To be sure, if a game is designed to force repetition in order to garner drops, some amount of it should really be expected.  However, every unsuccessful attempt really should draw a person closer to a successful one.


Percentage chances of success really must be cumulative, else we wind up posting in forums like this instead of grinding out even more repetition.

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Does the system now work? That's the only relevant question.


If the system now works and Gradivus worked, then it's fair.

If the system now works and Gradivus didn't work, then the system has improved.

If the system now doesn't work then it needs to be improved, whether Gradivus worked or not.


Nostalgia for brokenness is a really stupid reason to make decisions for a game.

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Sounds like it worked then but not now. A hundred Invasion victories might be too few to warrant a weapon as a reward, but at least there was always a sense of progression regardless of how long it took you. I can't bring myself to use a frame other than Trinity or do the final polarisation on her I want to do, because I know that if I do either, that'll be when they start spawning and wreck my groups without me capable of countering their insane damage output.

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Sounds like it worked then but not now. A hundred Invasion victories might be too few to warrant a weapon as a reward, but at least there was always a sense of progression regardless of how long it took you. I can't bring myself to use a frame other than Trinity or do the final polarisation on her I want to do, because I know that if I do either, that'll be when they start spawning and wreck my groups without me capable of countering their insane damage output.


Please tell me you're joking. 100 is way too many.

I understand that with RNG there's a possibility of more than 100 runs, but my point still stands. It's too much.


Way back when I spent two months desperately trying to get the Frost Prime BP (this was sometime before damage 2.0), going through hundreds of keys and constantly in the recruiting channel. Apparently the drop chance was somewhere around 1-2%

RNG is a bit more hopeless than flat out just doing 100 runs, but 100 runs is still terrible. (And again, Gradivus was on the same goddamn map over and over... be glad there's more variety now)


How I think rewards should really given? Award players that don't take damage, successfully finish an entire mission in stealth, hold out for crazy long periods of time in defense/survival missions, etc. Things like that. Something that takes some degree of skill and dedication, but not something as mindless and just a flat out drag that excessive hours on end that grinding is. The amount of grinding in this game is exactly what ruined this game for so many people.


But don't get me wrong, grind can be good, but in moderation. Not for every god damn thing in the game.

DE doesn't need to remove RNG/grind, just tone it back so it's not so ridiculous.

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