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[Improvements And Additions] - Building Modes | New Rooms And Objects | The Dojo Visuals


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Nice! Well it's nice to see some of the items on this thread are being implemented regardless of whether this thread actually had anything to do with it which is doubtful but still, you never know :D


I will be interested to see what the dojo looks like. My clan might have ALL forgotten about Warframe now but i'm not ditching my dojo, it's a labour of love. 


Hopefully the colour changes aren't limited. What if you wanted to change the decoration in a room and the colour you select does not suit or maybe you just want a new colour for the sake of it. That'd be highly possible. Maybe we'll see an update on that. I'm pretty sure limiting us to 1 change won't be a popular ideal so I'm sure it'll change eventually.


Any other further ideas are welcome obviously :)

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Well it appears even more from this thread seems to be being put in place! 




That should show you what they're thinking about and there seem to be some very close similarities. I know the community have been pushing hard for pretty much everything on that list. I consolidated them and added some of my own and some new ones of yours into 1 thread :) Efficiency!

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