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What Brought You To Warframe?


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A friend told me about the sign ups for the closed beta a few days after you could reserve them, but I didn't bother to sign up cause it was a TPS, and I hate TPS games. Didn't even look at the trailer haha.

A few months later, I saw TB's WTF is for Warframe the day it went up and I instantly remembered everything. I went to MMOBomb, got a beta key and signed up.

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Random AD , and somehow managed to play during closed beta without a key , i just registered and could play already... weird

there was a weekend of supar sekrit open beta, so it was probably that weekend, all those people got into close beta after it closed :)

My friends bugged me to try it because I really enjoyed me3 multiplayer.

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an article on MMOSITE gave me just the name.

but didn't really look it up further/not really keen on it until i saw a video on niconicodouga.

yeah, bit surprised to see they already have a japanese localized client, at first i thought the devs were japanese (especially with the ninja stuff and taiko soundtracks).

so i signed up, and a beta key later i tried it.

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me and my fiance were looking for a game to play (we live apart ) and googling games for top ten games (after playing 1 run down mmorpg for 8 years) i noticed this game in a row of games advertised down the left side of the site. i said to her look at this. I looked at the trailer and thought ok this looks like it might be ok, downloaded and tried and I was wrong! it wasnt ok it was really great.

we both as stealthclown sais "we are the update 5 kids" though at my age im not a kid but in game i spose we are lol.

if by chance any one comes across me or my fiance (cakie) say hello.



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I dunno. I was searching something and ended up on some obscure site for MMO beta keys. I opened the page of every game that looked kinda neat based on it's initial picture. I later dragged about 30 people over here.

I don't remember, it wasn't even intentional.

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