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Mmobomb.com F2P Showdown Megathread (Vote For Warframe!)


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And Wtf would League Get Rewarded with? Their community didn't give a flying fish from the get-go.

I don't even think there's a reward to begin with.. just to see who gets the most votes; which is why I'm saying this poll isn't even respectable. Even if there is a reward.. what, a banner on MMOBomb? A site that contains bad reviews about games and hasn't been updated in years [or since the last time I ventured onto it].

Edited by Absolute_ITI
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I mean, when someone comes and helps you, even when you did not ask for it.

Will the person ever say,"Why you helping? Go away i dont need your help."

A simple "Thank you" to show that you at least appreciate their help, even if you don't need it, is what we all call "manners"

Just because DE expressed their gratitude for Airmech's assistance, they did it because they appreciate their help, even when they did not ask for it.

It is not that DE asked for any help, gave Airmech any incentives to warrant their help, never asked them for their help. Instead, they offered to help us of their own accord. Offered incentives to whatever small community they have to rally up people, but why? Why did Airmech help?

Have anyone thought about why Airmech decided to vote for us?

It is because they LIKE Warframe. Feel that Warframe is the game that is the BETTER Mmo (Not that Warframe is a mmo of course.)

An outsider coming to vote for Warframe is entirely JUSTIFIED.

Mabinogi, ruled by Nexon, of course has the superior community. They rallied their entire force, offered incentives over many Nexon games, in an attempt to crush us once and for all.

We have no hard feelings. It just shows that Warframe and its community are RESPECTED by outsiders. There is no wrong in that. Its common sense.

Technically speaking, if we view this from another perspective, its DE vs Nexon. DE only told their community to vote, and bam, so many votes.(Not counting Airmech)

Nexon had to offer incentives over so many games just to get that many votes.

So, who is the better game?


cheers mate :')

Edited by Senketsu_
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You know what, I give up on this vote; instead I take heart in one fact.


The fact that in a few years, guess what game will still be around and supported by a great


company, and a great community?


Warframe, made by DE, made possible by players.


Win or lose in this poll, victory goes to DE.




DE didn't cheat their way to a winning vote,


DE is not a failure as a company,


DE listens to, and is thus supported by its community.


Tenno, We fight not for material gain! instead we fight for  


the honor of our clan's,Our friends and allies!


While we may lose this battle, in a few years time;


Warframe will be the last true game standing!

cheers mate its an honor to fight beside such amazing Tenno. :')

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i swear no one listens or at least thinks to read to post anything related the MMObomb F2P tournament IN THE MEGATHREAD

Well, from how I see it from someone who would want to build up awareness:

That person would not care about the people who complain about content spilling out from the megathread and forming their own thread.  Just as long as it achieves its purpose by building awareness of it.

It's a very well-known tactic for programmers to use when it comes to asking for help.  Posting Sharepoint problems on Stack Overflow before it get moved to its appropriate section insures more attention because it was in the more popular section.  Same logic applies to offers made in the recruiting channel.

Despite that, I don't think OP's going to get a response at all with the way he worded his post.

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What part of Western Based didn't you get...? You're hoping a WESTERN based company has a low pop of WESTERN players....



Australia has full access to NA Nexon from what I know. That's a Whole continent and its player-base. (Surprisingly from what my mabi friends told me a lot of Aussies play)


Not to mention after Nexon EU was forced to shut down Mabi EU...They have the EU population too on NA.



I talked to some of my Vindictus friends, it seems the West server is pretty empty and East server is the one with the higher population and that just because the game is located in the West doesn't matter, since their dungeons are player hosted so East server for the Eastern part of NA for latency/lag.


So literally only thing we have to worry about is East server's huge population. "West server is nothing nor is AU" from a vindy friend of mine.

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Thought I'd share what I'm thinking about sending to MMObomb- or at least part of it.

"I am willing to recognize the fact that there is little you can do now as Nexon's votes continue to rise without use of bots, but for future years I would like to propose a rule change-  Titles within the tournament should not be allowed to offer events in other titles if they share a publisher(in this case, Nexon).  Its an unfair move, and nearly guarantees that an Aeria games, Nexon, or PWE title will find its way to the top of the leaderboards."

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actualy no becasue even without the votes from AM warframe would have been neck and neck, and that was before the Nexon wide bribe spree, you game may have alot of registered players, but not enough active ones to be able to out step warframe by a large margin. 

We were 2k votes behind


Thats just the airmech votes from the link


Another 1-3k couldve been beside that


nexon never talks to the players only if it's for a update

there support never help it's all computer made crap

Theyve improved greatly over the past years


Theyre a host and not a developer

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I talked to some of my Vindictus friends, it seems the West server is pretty empty and East server is the one with the higher population and that just because the game is located in the West doesn't matter, since their dungeons are player hosted so East server for the Eastern part of NA for latency/lag.


So literally only thing we have to worry about is East server's huge population. "West server is nothing nor is AU" from a vindy friend of mine.



Here we go.

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nexon doesn't deserve to win. They screw up my chance to play DFO with a friend with their ip block policies and their xenophobic players, when i asked about if i can play the game in their forums back during the CB do you know what answers their players said on the post? go home lagger, i hope you get banned, and other horrendous things all because im living in latin america region ( in dominican republic) and i've found similar things on the mabi and combat arms forums but most of the post are erased so no one will know about that and they disguise their community as kind and helpful i had even said that on other mmo communities as mmosite and no one cared about that.


And now DFO is dead anyway because they prefere to let the game dying before accept foreigners players and they keep saying that they  deserve to win? is that fair? i dont know guys but thats not fair to me.

Edited by underverse
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How often do i have to repeat i dont like the way this happened?


And again to be fair


Without airmech ......


Weak excuse...

There's no rule stating that you have to be playing the game to vote for it. Nor that the Devs can't offer goodies for winning.

I'm not even going to call Nexon wrong for pulling this stunt.

I get that feathers were ruffled from the RO debacle... That's why Mabi did this.

But you all know Warframe had nothing to do with that.



Nexon may well get the victory tomorrow.

It will be a hollow one though...

Hi-rez has a few games in it's stable.

Nexon has refined the rules of engagement.

I'll be over there Thursday to let them all know how Nexon chose to conduct themselves.


Warframe players will be pissed off about the way Nexon handled it, which means many will be voting in the last match.

Airmech will probably be voting since Mabi guys keep bringing them up as an excuse.

Smite will vote since that will probably be their opponent.

Global Agenda...

Tribes Ascend...


Needless to say, Nexon might beat us this round.... but I don't see them winning this competition.


I don't see that happening at all.

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