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Boltor Prime Build Suggestions Please?
















I can not place a rifle mutation mod for some weird reason even though I was able to use it until the 4th forma then all of a sudden it just dissapeared. I made a video about it on my YouTube channel.



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This is just added stuff I wanted to do for my Carrier since his so amazing and awesome I went and spoiled him by actually forma'ing his weapon which actually does some crazy damage, but &!$$es me off at the same time. The Little #@*&$@ does'nt let me melee ANYTHING because he one shots every enemy that are levels 35 and below.




both of the elemental mods can be swapped out depending on enemy faction.

Edited by Crucia
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Now... This might just be me... But it seems like the toughest infested enemies are the Ancients - specifically the Disruptors and Toxics - both of those enemies have a huge weakness to Corrosive damage.


Why don't more players run corrosive vs infested?

I will most likely switch to corrosive once Infested return as a permanent enemy in the game. I don't really do Derelicts too often.

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the boltor prime is already inaccurate at medium to long ranges. with maxed out heavy cal i cant even begin to imagine how inaccurate it is now for you to be able to shoot close to point blank.

and 6 formas dude? really? you have locked yourself in to not be able to do much of anything else with your gun. even though viral is like the top tier element in the game, playing with blast, or maybe even playing with gas can be quite enjoyable.

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the boltor prime is already inaccurate at medium to long ranges. with maxed out heavy cal i cant even begin to imagine how inaccurate it is now for you to be able to shoot close to point blank.

and 6 formas dude? really? you have locked yourself in to not be able to do much of anything else with your gun. even though viral is like the top tier element in the game, playing with blast, or maybe even playing with gas can be quite enjoyable.

What are you even talking about. 5 Vs 1 dash make it versitale to use all types of Mod combination and always have spare energy  :D Also I'm using heavy caliber because the accuracy does'nt suffer too much meeh? Obviously if the accuracy was that bad :] Then I would of known not to use it.



-- Let's so make it clear, where in this game do you EVER need to shoot enemies from huge amounts of distance? Point to me which mission and game mode. Also Please point to me which mission have you played where enemies are'nt in your face every 3 seconds if not but a couple of feet away?

Edited by Crucia
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Strictly speaking DPS wise, the +60% fire rate mod would provide a much greater effect than any of the "Bane of" mods, although to be fair I would probably swap that heavy caliber out for it instead, boltor isn't exactly accurate as it is, it'd probably have a smaller effective range than the synapse >.>

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i am completely sorry, i did not realize that boltor prime have 50% accuracy... used to the old one where it pretty much had no accuracy... good to note. i will be using heavy cal on my boltor prime now.

but i really feel like it would benefit well from fast hands, 2.4 reload speed really hurts. atleast to me, the faster i can get back to firing the less im being hit.

Edited by Doommarine654
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i am completely sorry, i did not realize that boltor prime have 50% accuracy... used to the old one where it pretty much had no accuracy... good to note. i will be using heavy cal on my boltor prime now.




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Congrats! You have locked your Prime into one specific build!


Would have been more impressive if it wasn't for that affinity booster

:P You do know that polaritie combo accepts ALL types of combination types right? you DO KNOW that only a SMALL hand ful of Dash polaritiy mods are'nt even WORTH looking at and the only other off hand polarity is D which is the Ice mod which only has a low energy cost maxed at 9? 

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waste of forma lmao and  lack of  knowledge of elemental combos.

So you're saying that even without the plat, none of us just happen to have crazy amounts of forma blueprints? and lack of knowledge? You're joking right? Because I decided to go Viral for infested which can be easily swapped?

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So you're saying that even without the plat, none of us just happen to have crazy amounts of forma blueprints? and lack of knowledge? You're joking right? Because I decided to go Viral for infested which can be easily swapped?



your elemental combos are off and wrong by all 3 factions lol.

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This is my build; the only difference is I don't like faction mods and preffer to have 2 elements, also lv 8 caliber feels more preferable to me than lv10 one.

Grinner: radiation/viral


infested corrosive/blast

Corrupted/infested corrosive/blast




Oh man I actually like that :]

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Should be in PhP.


How did you get to rank 12 without understanding elemental combos?














Corrupted use Corrosive/Cold. Infested use Corrosive/Bane. Grineer use Rad/Viral or Rad/Bane. Corpus use Toxin/Bane, or toxin/mag.


I totally agree with you about annoying sentinel killstealing. Personally I ditch the attack precept for Coolant Leak once I've fully leveled the sent/wep/myframe.


Edit: Not sure on the value of Shred, does Boltor Prime do the 'veer off at wierd angles past a certain range' thing the Boltor does?

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magnetic for corpus, Magnetic, Magnetic Magnetic. Man... This.. this sure showed me. *Even though he already has magnetic combo on this weapon*

Please note although weapon has innate magnetic it is still good idea to add more magnetic as it will drastically increase damage against shields.

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